Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, December 25, 1891, Image 2

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2 THE AMERICLS WEEKLY T1MES-REC0KDER: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, l«9i CHRISTMAS GIFTS •»N ACUOSTIC. THAT SOCIETY'S FAVORITES GIVE AND RECEIVE. Social Happening* Preparatory Holiday*—I)o Not Let U« Forget tlio Poor During These Time*—A Merry and Happy Christina* to Ail. For the past week society lias been only moderately gay. The fact that there was n * attraction -at the opera house made the evenings •onthely devoted to private social pleas ures. The near approach of the holidays has made everybody busy. The streets have been thronged with merry shop pers and the stores and shops are all decked in holiday attire. The query •comes from the interested, what must we get for Christmas presents for our lady and gentleman friends*/ The talent of judicious selection and appropriate presentation of gifts cer tainly belongs to the tine arts. The first /principle involved, and one ever to be accepted as the proper guide is the real ization of these kindly sentiments:— •‘Remember, it if more blessed to give than to receive.” Among friends, presents ought to he made of small value; or, if valuable, their worth should be derived from the style of the workmanship; or from some accidental circumstance, rather than from the inherent and solid richness. Especially, never offer to a lady a gift •of great cost. It. is in the highest degree indelicate, and bears the evidence of a desire to place her under obligations, and, at the same time, of buying hei good will. The gifts madj by ladies to gentlemen ought to be of the most refined nature possible. They should be dainty articles not purchased but deriving a priceless value as being the fashioning* of their gentle skill. A little picture from their pencil, a gem of word painting on tinted note paper, which in after years still retains the odor of “sweet violets,” is often fat- more acceptable, and is idolized as a treasured souvenir, where costly bric-a- brac is either lost, put out of sight or forgotten. Let the donor and receiver ever consider the presents of no worth except from the manner in which they are bostowed. “The will for the deed” must be the consideration. The,fortunate possessor of this world’s goods when they are making their rounds preparing Christmas surprises for their associates equally favored, should consider the poor and unfortunate Dickens’ characters were never wanting In gratitude, and such people in real life are alike intensely grateful and appre ciative. One who has never known the sensa tions of want misses a great deal of val uable and pleasant emotion; without this knowledge the capacity of making great joy out of little blessings is en tirely denied him. Then, too, one can never fed for the people about them as they should. The very insight into the heart of human life is something lost. It was this sympathy for plain things and bis unsdtish charity for plain people about him that made the lute Ilonry Grady the most universally beloved great man who lived iu this day and genera tion. The poorest little waifs about bis of fice merited his kindly and sympathetic interest, as did the lives and ambitions of his friends and associates. And on that Christmas ove, when this great] Georgian, this sovereign of the people, grew tired and fell asleep, there was an agonizing Jcry of anguish went out from the poor unfortunates of At lanta. The heart of this great cosmopolitan city was crushed, sis was all Georgia. He had addod to the sum of humau joy, and thousands came on that bright Christmas day, to each of whom he had done some loving act, and in return gave the purest gems of their affection, mak ing the ilower-colored bier of Henry •Grady sparkle with the crystalized es sence of love’s devotion, human tears. A memorial more precious to his pos terity than the jeweled crowns of every united kingdom. Nature abhors a vacu um, sooner or later all earthly space must be filled. So others must, and will take up the good work so beautiful ly and unselfishly practiced by this good ^nan, and make a success as he did. | But his spirit will ever dwell with his -people, for it Is seldom that a nation is ‘blessed with a man who loves his state, who loves bis people better than he does himself, aud such a man was the la mented Henry W. Grady. “Give mo quinine, autipyreno and I. \V. IIaui'KU Whiskey, and I am armed against disease.” So says one of Ken- tuckey’s most celebrated practitioners, ii U J acIcuco bows to the common sense and simplicity of the great physician. The I. W. Hajipek Whiskey can be se cured iu any quantity from Ju Hi h< Since iii* liiuxirlou* ilium •toy wiiicli prove* iii* lai ■ outhermr. Iiis noble brain S' and Republican< rail;. I ram pled on. once nigh nember, but reuse toconipla I lien if now our be*t gain. lain Far from hi* birthplace aero** the deep xt-i Risen lo pow’r in this home of the free, Kuglaud (his native clime we understand ini' of gratitude from this happy lam Kteriml the life that live* for It* race. Royal in honor and glory and -trace In the nation's city he tHke*hi* proud slam Cordially welcomed,so handsome and -j, am e, sing with i Sin , let i ir brotherly i this wonderfu eply laid pi a i D. ATTENTION. HOUSEKEEPERS! We will make a special run on Goods this week at Cut Housefurnishing Prices. Ask your druggist for Cheatham's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Distinguished from the old original by the word “tasteless” printed in red on all cartoons and labels. A new departure, but the result of years of careful examination and study. “No cure no pay ” Take it and be happy. For sale by all druggists. G A St. Paul, Minn,, diimnejs clean. nmpany keeps fgjy* BLACK-DRAUQHT tea cures Constipation. A pound of phosphon 000 matches. heads 1,000,- wruSCtiiH The explosion of a homh is not more sudden or unlooked for than the attack of some malignant disease which would not occur were the blood in order. To impure blood is due a great variety of ills that make life a burden. All the year round, you may rely upon Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery to purify the blood and invigorate the system. It’s not like the sarsaparilla*,' that are said to be good for the blood in March, April and May. The “Discovery” works equally well at all times, and in all cases of blood-taints, or humors, no matter what their namo or nature. It’s the cheapest blood-purifier, sold through druggists, because you only pay for the good you get. Your money is returned if it doesn’t benefit or cure you. Can you ask more? “Is life worth living?” “That depends on the liver." Dr. Pierco’s Pellets are the best Liver Pills. Cotton. Sea Island, 10 4 Sheetino Table Damask. Napkins. Doilies. Towels', W bite!Bleached Spreads, Lace Curtains, Velvet Cretonne Tap estry, Curtain Goods, and Furniture Fringe,!Blankets at cost, Cas&imeres and Jea^s at cost, Pillow Casing Chair Tidies, Mantle Scarfs, Ac. Wraps at cost. Trunks at cost We have a heavy stock in above goods and mean business. Cut prices will be the rule. We are offering Dress Goods cheaper than any nouse in A.mericus. including all the leading styles Bedford Cords, Henrietta Berbers, Plaid, Camel Hair, Storm Serge, Plaid ?erge, Plaid Flannel, Plain Flannel, etc. Dress Silks, black and colored, including beautiful eveniDg shades NOVELTY SUITS AT HALF PRICE ! 4G-i ac-li Henriettas. 40-inch Bedford. 40-inch Berbers. New Dress Trimmings. New Kid Gloves. New Line Corsets. Corsets from 50 cents to 42.00. Black Corsets $1.00 to tl.75. Christmas Goods. New line Embroidered Handkerchiefs from 25c. to $2.00. Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas, Ladies’ [Gloria Um brellas, Gents’ Silk Umbrellas,' Gents’ Gloria Umbrellas. Mantle Scarfs, Chair Tidies, Ladies’ Silk Hose. Don’t* Forget lo See Our Underwear! SHOES, CHEAP. BAB GAINS. Be sure to see our Bemnnnt Counter. Bemimnts Dress Goods. Remnants Silks less than New Yorkjcost. Remnants Trimming Silks and Surah one-lmlf price. BEALLi <& OAKLEY, 311 I^aiiitu* Street, Americus, Ga. Xmas is upon us. Hard times is the cry ev where. L realize the fact and have marked my Notions, Fancy Goods and Novelties down to meet the requirements. This is the time for quick thinks. Whe all ask ourselves the ques tion : Wlmt must I give so and so for a Christmas present? Now what would ba more appropriate than something useful as well as ornamental? So Ladies, when you are out ou your shopping ex pedition, just drop in at ALLEN’S The screw in the fourth jewel w heel of a watch is ho amall that a lady’s thimble would hold 1,000,000 of them. Use Cheatain’a Tasteless Chill Tonic, better than pie, but it breaks the chills off end no mistake. Guaranteed to cure. Wor sale by all druggists. 6 aud sue something pretty in the way of Fancy Goods, etc. No trouble tit all to show goods. You might llnd something that will till tho bill. Commencing to-morrow night my store will be open till 0.80 P. M. I Soliciting a call from yo'\ I am yours, etc., TIM ALLEN, 402 Jackson St. under Hotel Windsor. The hand f bat rocks Hie Cradle -I®- The hand that rules the World. Tiie bund that rocks the cradle has also quite often a baud in buying the Clothing, Shoes and Hats for the family. The head of tho house cannot attend to these matters and leaves them to the really superior judgment of his "frau.” She “shops” around and generally knows very quickly where she prefers to buy her shoes. And if we may bo pardoned the egotism, we may say that the larger number of housewives in Ainciieus and surrouuding country have found their way to JOHN It. SHAW’S “Eagle” Shoe Store, 119 Forsyth Street, A3IERICUS, GA. YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! The Christmas Season is now approaching, and the following yon will find profit able rending: J. W. HAEEIS Utter at greatly reduced prices: Boys’ Express Wagons, Cook and Oil Stoves, Hames, Collars, Whins, Snsli, Doors ana Blinds, Shop-worn Buggies, (sacrificed), Harnessfat less than cost), Wagons, Wood and Willow Ware, \ _ ii- 1< Corckery, Glass and China Ware, Hoes. Rakes and Agricultural Implements, Fire and Earthen Sets, Tinware, Ranges, Gnus and Ammunition, Sporting Goods, Paints, Lead aud Oils, Table Cutlery, Sausage Grinders, Meat Stuffers, Aud everything to be found in a metropolitan hardware establishment. Visitors from the country in search of useful Christmas goods cordially invited to cnll.| J. W. HARRIS, Head Cotton Ave. We Eilii’se All in quantity aud promptness and courtesy of service, etc. We Ask the Favoii of a Call. quality, lowness of price, JOHN R. SHAW, 117 and 119 Forsyth St., Americus, Ga. ‘A thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever It would be impossible for us to enumerate the many beautiful aud attractive nrticles that we have on exhibition and for sale. Our stock of Holiday Goods is now complete in all respects and the public are cordially invited to call aud inspect it. In addition to the line of articles usually carried iu an establishment of our kind, we have numerous others bought especially for the Holiday trade. Come and see them. Very Respect'ully, ALLISON & AYCOCE 40(1 Jackson t-t., under Hotel Windsor. PRIVATE SANITARIUM f DISPENSARY For thk treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN. ATLANTA, GA. e* of tht* most healthy and popular* l«ocus toil of the Kiitiltsriu iut ^ iicimitiiy biiii of Atla» ,a * . institution In the Mouth where ladle* exclusively sre treated and under chsi¥^ a competent grsduated female physician. Only a limited number of patient* ad in Earn patient receives* pr vate ro >m ami enjovs all privilege* and comforts or a my home. Hireclal attention gl veil to cases of confinement and pregnancy. Mrs. it. mod < , has praeti cd III Atlanta ten year*. Refer* by permission well-known ladle* of Atlanta ami other cllle* of the Mouth, xuitation strictly confidential. For particulars, undress MRH. ROMA F. MONNIHH. Mrs. i r. Monm»« ... number of prominent All correspondence and t decJiMri. (Physician in Charge-?