Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, December 25, 1891, Image 7

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDEK: FRIDAY, DECEMBER A I "in. HAVE you an for business? id thi^ column, ami see what •oncernlng gexts* Hi; In tliis branch iff uiir business we show .in immense variety in all departments. >eckwear. A CHICKEN CHOKER. A DOG WHOSE INSTINCTS WERE WARPED AND WICKED. Il« W»- Trained to Mteal Chicken*-The t Locked Coop Door No t Being Tampere U With, Mr. Htepheu*. Waiting With HI* Dun. Wu* Mvitlfled. Mr. K S. Stephens U aprospercus far mer living in Sumter county about twelve miles from Americus, who, for Horn* time, lias been missing chickens from his hen house. When twenty-two of his plumpest chickens disappeared in one nif;ht, about three days since, he put a burglar alarm on the door of the chicken house and so arranged that it anything moved inside of the place the alarm would ring. Then lie armed him self with a revolver and waited for the thief. One bright moonlight night the alarm HON. R. T. NESBITT Will Addrr** the Citizen* of Suuiter Coun ty on .l:in nary 1.1. Hon. R. T. Xesbitt. commissioner of agriculture, will address the citizens of Sumter county“in the court house at Americus at 11 .*00 a. m. on Wednesday. January 1:5, 18!>2 He will visit several counties in this section on this trip. The object of these visits i* to bring the agri* cultural department of the state govern ment into closer relations with the fann ers of the state. Mr. Xesbitt wants to advise the farmers as to what the de partment is doing, and 5y mixing and mingling aitli the farmers learn what, tlh it* needs that can he sup- |dit«d by tliis depaitment are. We are glad that he is coining to our comity. His addresses are plain and practical and we hope to see as many farmers of the county as possible pres ent to hear him. The following ;rre liis In the Toll*. Editor R. Don McLeod of the Macon County Citizen who Ided himself to the clime where the orauge and banana grows, on “an important business trip,” returned Tuesday. He did not briug back deeds to whole counties of rich phosphate lands or records of big news paper deals, as was expected, not at all. Our iuformant who saw him pass through Americus says “he wore a smile that was discernible behind his eats and looked happy as a king, while beside him perfectly contented sat a fair daugeter of the ‘Flower Land* whom he introduced as Mrs. McLeod “ Accept our best wishes Hro. McLeod. May you be as successful in all your business trips.—Schley County Xews. The Tiuks-Rrcohdku joins you in extending eougratulatious and wishing Mr. and Mrs. McLeod the brightest of futures. went off a* though to arouse the neigh- a ‘ , ' min,mt '" u f,,r *° v ' !ra *'■>«•>«•» »nd borhood. Mr. Stephens grabbed his gun and jumped to the window prepared to till the chicken thief with lead. Before the alarm stopped ringing Mr. i Stephens was in a position to rake tlm I chicken house door and I lie premises | around it. The l>r*glit inoon lit up the place like > an electric light, hut there was no one in j sight. The locked door had not been tampered with. A chicken, however,, had been stolen. This rather staggered Mr. Stephens, ; hut when the alarm went oil' again the ■ I same night in the same way, and another 1 uv llukt . i, a point to lend the trade cllicl<cn disappeared ho began to think j things that might have shocked a pirate, j n tlii> Hue, and he the lirst to show all ^ HOOn (r;l nie about that he had only one , uov -Rapes and designs. Our stock em- chicken left in the coop, and even this , . . . | lonesome fowl went the way of the i , u c«. a complete assortment of the new. 1 , others. -t and best, fresh from the leading! Mr. Stephens then borrowed some j Km fine Xeckwear and cI,icke, is and stocked the hennery again, j He lost a score or more of them and never once saw the thief. He even lay ! alongside of the coop at night, but right | under his nose, as it were, lie heard the \ startled cry of a chicken as the intruder i caught it by the neck and made off 1 with it. j The very next day a brindled dog came sniffing and strolling around the chicken house in a suspicious manner. Mr. Stephens knew the dog as the prop erty of a man who professed to make a living by hunting rabbits and other small game in the neighboring woods. Two or three dogs ran at his lieels, and this particular suspicious looking canine was among the retinue. Here was a clew! Mr. Stephens watched the hole by the side of the lien house by which the chickens came in and out, and one night he caught the dog in the very act of chicken stealing. He fired at the dog but missed it. the papers at Fort (mines. Rlukely, Rain- bridge, Camilla, Albany, Smitliville and Ruena Vista are requested to publish them: Cuthbert, Tuesday, January 5th. Fort Haines, Wednesday, January Oth. Blakely. Thursday, January 7th. Colquitt, Friday. January Nth. Rainbridge, Saturduy, January Dili. Camilla, Monday, January 11th Leesburg, Tuesday, January 12th. Americus, Wednesday, January 13th. Buena Vista, Thursday, January 14th VICTIMS OF CATARRH Arc permanently cured by Hie use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, through its renovating cltcCw on the hlooil. (Jive it a trial. *• I suffered for years from chronic catarrh • ** My son — now fifteen years of age- was which destroyed my ap]»etitc and under- j troubled fora long time with catarrh. In Its mined my general health. None of the rein- j worst form, through Hie effects of which ids edies I took afforded lue any relief, until 1 1 blood became (toUoued. We tried various commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I medicines and almost despaired of evei began to take (Ids medicine last spring, and finding a remedy; but about a year ago he am now entirely free from this dlsgtistliig tiegan using Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, has taken disease.” -Susan I.. W. Cook, w» Albany st., seven bottles of it. and is now entirely welL” Koxbury. Mass. | —1>. P. Kerr, Big Spring. Ohio. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Made m Lovell, Mass. Sold by aU DruggieU. $1; aix bottlea, $*. Worth $S a bottla. m.inufact plenty of vill tind we till the bill U nderwear. When it come* to Vnderwear, a poor article is dear at any price. We keep those honest grades and old reliable lines that stand by you like a brother. All weights, of light, medium or heavy, all grades, all prices, cut every price cheap for the quality. Silk Handkerchiefs. You will iiml the evidence of careful buying here, the same as elsewhere. Vice line, new styles, and nothing cheaper. Also a full line of Gents’ Jewelry, Walking Canes, Silk Umbrellas, Silk Mufflers, Kid Gloves, Shirts of all Kinds. line I>res» Shirt*. Flannel Shirts and ""rkinR Shirt* In the greatest variety, *ell m ule throughout, good stock, and 11 c ' l “"‘ hgnre for a good quality. mWOBTH A GUINEA A BOX.” D®fSl5S^S PAINLESS—-EFFECTUAL. FORA DISORDERED LIVER Taken as directed these famous Pills will prove marvellous restoratives to all enfeebled by the above or kindred diseases. 25 Cents a Box, but generally recognized in England and. in fact throughout the world to be “worth a guinea a box/* for the reason that they WILL CURE a wide range of com- plaints, and that they have saved to many sufferers not merely ooe but many guineas, in doctors* bills. Of all druggists. Price SB cents a box. Had the Desired Effect! II Cabbolltok, Green Co.. 11L, Nov* SB. I highly recommend Pastor Koenig’s Nsrve Toulo to anybody that has suffered from head- ache aa my son did for 5 years, beoause twe bot tles of th* medicine cured him. M. MoTIGUX. U 0. VAN CLEAVE. All the ->hupcs tfraih-K of linen. and novelties in Hosiery ^Suspenders s,M; di items in men's wear, but " M»t them good, just tlie aame. Wo oil in quality and price. :di pi.,. W K ■ a»‘d poor patients can also obtain | It Lata this in edict no free of charge. p2£ SKS. 1 ?? is now prepared under hit direction by the KOENIG MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold brDnwrfit. at 81 i*r Bottle. 0for8b lj.nraSiM8l.TS. a Bottle, i» so. MR. SHAW tampion Clothier, Haber dasher and Hatter, 117 Forsyth Street, AMERICUS, : GEORGIA. Washington, D. C.. March6,1891. For 8 years I bad feelings that I can hardly describe. I would feel at times that I waa aure- Mr Stephens seemed convinced that jy dying, or hare presentiments that something the animal was one of. |«nu.u.l .a- j gacity, who had been specially trained | different peraou. It Is a wonderful medicine, to rob hen roosts, and he changed his! MB8. aunes bHEA. mind about plumping him full of lead. , h»T.t«k.n i So valuable a dog should not be lost to. lep.y of Syrar,' .teudiuu, «id it worked Ukv a , , .... , , . ., , charm on me, .tier sever.1 doctor, did m. uo I tile world. Mr. Mephens needed that good. Yearmodklne Upyrtoctlom | dog and he taxed hi. Ingenuity to trap ; him Tills cliivken fancier came in due sea son for the remainder of the hens, run ning into the trap, but aprung it and got safely away. He did not catch a chicken that crack. The trap had not been placed right, hilt Mr. Stephens improved on it and calmly awaited developments. The sneak thief called again to pay his respects to a plump pullet who roosted along the skirmish line. It was Ids last call for that perverse purpose. A howl of pain indicated the capture, and now the “Artful Dodger,” as he hai been dubbed, is undergoing moral reformation In a kennel to the rear of Mr. Stephens’ home. His owner lias a know ing look when ho passes Mr. Stephens, and he is obliged to scour the fields for game much oftener in the ab sence of his canine companion, who always kept Ids larder well supplied with the choicest and tendcrest young pullets that the neighboring coops could boast. tliirkl.n'. Arnica Naive. The host salve in the World for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price L'.T cents per box. For sale by K. .1. Kldrldgo, Druggisx, Americus, Ga. inal-Vly. tin. M. T. Klam Is at home from New York, and lias just opened a new importation of late styles of liouuets, Hound Hats and Turbans, representing the choicest and most novel designs received this season. Also showing a very Urge collection of Dress j and Suit Hats. In new and exclusive] styles, from the most fashionable Im porting housts, and prices to suit all. •She invites the ladies of Sumter and sur rounding counties to call and inspect her stock. Mrs. Elam never falls to suit her cus tomers. She Is at the aame old stand, Harlow Illock, Jackson street octlo-wJin “The road to fortune is through print ers’ ink.—P. T. Bsrnutn. DUl for Wesk Inns Bancroft Brad On I have for sals 400 bushels of these oats that parties will do well to get for the next planting. Call on me at my house. Price 73c. per bushel. nor4-dlt-w2mue. J. M. Hiss. A Gold Watch and $204 Tin*’ I- wlmt every agent receive* who gel* up a dub on our $1 per week plan. Our li-karut go'd-flllcd rune*ere warrant ed for 2u yt»«m. Fine F.lgin or Wttltham movement. Htem wind mid wt. lonly’i Deal’* utze. Equal to any fib w»tch. •ecurc* agent* where we have non**, we Nell one of the Hunting ( mho Watclie* Tor the Club p Ice »-*H and •**nd C. O. D. by expre** with privilege of examination hefne paying for Name. Our agent at Heath Spring, H. C\, write*: •‘Your watclie* take at Might. The gentle man who got the ln-l watch *uld that he antHicd ami priced a Jeweler’s watclie* In LancaMte*-. t at w« re m b*tter th«n yo hut th - price wa*$4V One good reliable agent wanted for e place. v% rite for particulars. Empire Watc h Co., ANSLEY'S (or good groceries. ANSLEY'S lor prompt delivery. ANSLEY'S lor fair dealing. ANSLEY'S for all that's good. ANSLEY’S lor Xmas goodies. ANSLEY'S for the latest novelties. ANSLTS for the finest quality. ANSLEY'S lor low prices. ANSLEY'S lor everything ti eat. E. D. Ansley keeps the finest stock, the largest stock, nnrl sells nt the lowest prices. See him on Xmas goods. E. D. ANSLEY, . Tim Leading Grocer. HELPING UMTS POH- Present Purchasers. GENTLEMEN! While looking around for Xmas presents don’t forget the place where you can get all kinds of Jewelry, Diamonds, Silverware, Clocks, And everything in our line. Respectfully, Hotel Windsor Jewelers. octSI i Hh REMOVAL ! A. T. ROGERS, Practical Gunsmith. Thla I* to notify the public that I have re moved my tfuu»mlth shop i.» hw For*yth *t., directly opp mite new port office bull ling (now being constructed), where I -111 In pleased to serve my cu*t>«iuer*. All kind* of gun and pUtol work done at »hort outlet and Mtf»racio gua antced "prcliil inten tion given to repulrtng floe gun*. Al«o key* fitted and locks repaired. CIVE ME A CALL. ajg21-wttino Money to Lend. We »iv prep,ml to u.iotl.t. loan. ■ n lm- pr.vt <1 isnn land. In SumtarCountv, Tarau llbcr.L CLARKE * HOOPER, Nov. ll-amo-wkly . Am.rlru., Oa. SANS S0UCI Bar and Restaurant. J. W. MIZE & SON, Proprietors. No. 307 LAMAR ST.. AMERICUS, GA. Whiskies, ni*o the famous White Uye, and many other brand* too num^rou* to mention; alNoJu*! a*common Rye and Corn A'hUkic* as you want. OUR RESTAURANT CALL AND SEE US! Mr. W. H. 8MAW, will continue In charge at our Han* Houcl Bur and Restau rant, and will be please i to *ee hi* filends. (Everything Is Hm-cla** In all detail*. Drop In a* you pamioy. We can al*o be f(»utid at the old reliable Exchange Bag, 430 Cotton Avenue. At tbf* saloon we keeo all the leading brand* of WhUkl** to be found anywhere, from the most common to the be*' In the laud. We are here to aecommods*e the peo ple, and till* i* what we expect to do. J. W. MIZE & SON. dec IS ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN.’ Cbititt Dolls. Linen “ Bisque “ Dressed “ Kid Sleeping “ Talking “ Negro “ Rag Knit “ China Te> Sets. Britauia “ ’* China Dinner “ “ Wash “ Wooden “ “ Square Pianos. Upright “ Doll Trunks. “ Folding Beds. “ Wire “ Tin Toys. “ Wagons. “ Horns. Tromh iues. “ Trains. “ Banks. “ Tops. “ Kitchens. “ Stoves. Magic Lanterns. Steam Engines. Drums. Tool Chests. Horse and Saw. Printing Press. Nine Pins. Parlor Croquet. Iron Toys. Wagons. “ Trains. “ Banks. Lock “ Combination Banks. Trick Novelty “ Wooden Animals. Fur “ Flannel “ Surprise Boses. Shell Magician's “ Work Boxes. Building Blocks. Picture “ Letter “ Cube “ All Games. Ookinole. Ouija. Parcheesi. Halm.'i. Nellie Bly. Bagatelle. Tiddledy Winks T. Wiaks Ten Pius. Fish Pond. - A. B. C. Books. Story “ Chatterboxes. Plush Goods. “ Toilet SetN. •' Manicure “ “ Shaving 1 “ “ Perfume “ “ Smoking “ “ Whisk Holders. “ Photo Frame*. “ Mirrors. Metal Goods. Horn “ Leather “ Traveling Sets. Blacking Stands. Minors. Paper Racks. Vases. Bisque Figures. Glass Baskets. Water Rets. Lemonade “ Wine “ Cracker Jars. Bose Leaves Jars. Teapot Tiles. Dessert Sets. After Dinner Coffees. Jardinieres. Fancy Plates. “ Cups and Saucers. “ Lamps. Piano '• Banquet “ & Packages Delivered. Courteous Treatment. “B. & B.” Prices. FOR A ALE. STRAY MULE FOUND. O NE black uiare mil*. U hands high, about 11 year* old, *h *d ml round, hav ing a white ap'd on the right *11* of the root of tali and collar brnlted. Pl*k»d up on flic •»th of December. LOORKlfa HON decl7-tf. . , MULE STOLEN. „ M Htoleu out of (tore ntar Central lepo'. on the 17th oi December. Huttalile reward for Infonnatlon left at this offlc*. decivdlw-wlt aNDERMON CROXTON. BUTLER & BERRY, Artesian Corner, Lee and Lamar JE.ts.