Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, October 07, 1892, Image 1

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I US TIMES-RECOKDER ■VMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1802. NUMBER 24. MONEY to lend | a sums of S200 to <10,000,011 Sumter Co. Kc3 ] Estate, city or country. Loans run from two to five years, but may be paid oft at jnV time. Our terms the most liberal to be found anywhere. GA. LOAN AND TRUST C0„*. Thompson & Anderson, Hotel Windsor Jewelers, Headquarte for everything in their line. Sovirxmc mvv in « ~ | “Only n Faded Flower" sounds very well when played by tin* l.ntj.l, but you ilou’i want your appear ance to KU"K«tt tbo tune to the musicians. It is in especially buil taste to have anythin!; in the nature of a back numlier about your head wear. When it eoines to Hats your brain-holder is entitled to the latest thine out Without your feet, you couldn't move; without your head, you couldn't think; treat both in the kindest manner, and la-tween the two von will thrive You eould'ut put your . head under a lx tter cover than one I of my stylish Knox Dorliys; they | urn us lmudsome, durable and i seasonable as an icicle in January. ! You couldn't incase your feet in a lietter or more comfortable ar- | tide of Footwear than my cele- ' brated Stacy. Adams A* Co.'s I Shoes; they lit the feet without I giving tho feet fits. I If you are interested in Shirts I I invito your attention to the Mun- linttun Shirts, I keep ali the dif- ! fere lit sleeve lengths, and can lit a 1 largo or small man iu the size of I body as well as neck. All you who I wear Shirts know that an ill-titting ' shirt is an aggravation. Como to W. D. BAILEY'S Popular Haberdashery and supply yourself in Men’s Wear that will give yon a stylish appearance and comfortable feeling. Campaign Plug Hats for tbo Democratic Itally at $1.00 each. II FALL AND WINTER» Who shows the latest stlycs ami largest stock of Dry Goods iCarpDts, Clothing, Men's Furnishings Shoos and Hats in Americas, Ga ? GEO. D. WJTEflTLEY, Cor. LAMAR ST. and COTTON AVE. Our new Stock tor tho current season, now ready in every de partment, will bo found especially complete and attractive to I iLk.. jesiriug first-class goods at moderate prices. A month spent iu Now Y’ork and Ksntern Markets, at pains-taking I we in tho personal selection of our magnificent stock now affords r«n a grand opportunity of selecting the boat and latest style? of everything «t tho lowest prices imaginable. We an enormous variety of Pretty Prints, Beautiful Ginghams, Fijarcd Satinet, Surah Cloths and other medium-priced New Fabrics suit- for early fall dresses. N line of Imported Noveltiea iu FINE DRESS GOODS v ■■'■■•Ii:g of SERPENTINE IRISH l’Ol'LINS, JACQUARD BRO- ' '-I'IS. WIRE STORM SERGES, CHEYUONXK DIAGONALS, "H-K MIXED CORDS, Ere. J LlJ' t « ,,i rat a ;i. Our XS-iurh nll.wixd STOLL I •Wail; JSifa to Suits. SERGE at .Me, in Navy, Black, j o.uruot, Mode, and Tan-proper material ami generally ml- —“v.l i ‘| ml to any 7ae. storm serge iu tin- market. . . , ^ i t (l ur line of BLACK DRESS GOO OS and SILVER GRLl t 11 INtiS is simply endless in variety ami style.^ •be are ready and waiting to show you tho Newest and . E * sr T ' , i | Oross Gooils. Come and see us as soon as you c.tti. j 11 miss seeiug our racy ISO vote, amt the tliiul parly only six. Not a negro in thin district cast a rd party ticket. Democracy .afc in Cl atiatiooi li.H-. critic. Ttie third partyiles I av« already begun to look sick over I lie situation. VICTORY! From Mountain to Seashore Somes Joyous Tidings. DEMOCRATS RILEIN GEORGIA • himtr County. Watkins vii.i.l, Oct. 5.—Everything f ThvMnih mii.1 T**»«tli. ! in quiet lu re. Two ,»r three districts A ti.anta, Oct. 5 — Upturns revived j have hern heard tr»»ro, and the democrats so far, :iu<l istioiuU-d, In<licat« a | are ahead ho fur. Wntkinsvilir and High del&ociatic tnujotlty «»f about AO,000. | Shoals districts two to one. Tttere aie 1 irjje dcmociatic gniu* all over J thf state. IodicAtlon* show good dem^v Harlow County , erotic majorities ia both ninth and tenth | Caiatkhsvili.k, tNct. A.—A Urge vote district.*. , is beiog |H»lled in su orderly way, F.v I 11:10 p. ni.-ICoTurr** coming in Urythlng point** to a democratic majority {ln»Uoa.te mere a* - of tltst cMima'e end in Hi® county of 500. show state dent ••'ratic I v !»e*i •?. t it .Vt.nm! iandPO.OOO. t I.cuvy ".1-r.k.n. Cual,. deihocratie gab . throu„h *ut. !, Oct. 3-A large vote I A. «o far ft.'.m the mountain '* l * iD ' t » M,llrd - •* Northen Keeps the Mansion Whilo Peok Is in the Soup. <%n 0«rrMti«>|iiilng V ictory for IBrtuorrary. Tlir Mlntf* hafr l*yr ret I rail .**0.000 Ma- Jwrlty—Ttilnl Party Ism Wi|inl Out of fiilafoirr, | counties are coming iu with heavy dent- j oolitic gains. ' Tenth district coming in slow. Vote clo4e. Richmond goes democratic by j ahdat :'s,500 Columbia gives Peek iVM) raster ity. • Mel Btancb is elected to the house. Ar«a>TA, Oct. Richmond's major* ity la about :i,«i00. Democratic majority in tenth district is about 1,500 or 2,000. Jefferson's majority six, Hancock's 400, ' Wilkinson 150 democratic; other coun j ties go third party. Itibt* (ureal y. j M.\«on, Oct. 5 — Bibb gives 2,850dem* i ocrttic maj .rily. Harris County. STILL FOR DEMOCRACY. FLORIDA FALLS INTO LINE WITH A ROU8INO MAJORITY. The Itoiiiorratlr mate Ticket Will Be V:irrtr<| hy 10,000 Mnjnrlty-I^inuerats l/al In Kirryr <'mmty~Tti* Korr# Bill I'artyr Are Not In It. safe ob democracy. Everything In quiet. Haitian County. Cai.IIOI X, Oat 5 —The election quiet, pollioit m go«»d vole; the county democratic live to one. The oegtoc* ate voting democratic Sugar Valley a strong third party ptrclnct. Is going demo cratie. reek’s l(r|mdlat«a Mini. Atlanta, Oi *» -Ulascock, M* Duf fle, Warren ami V\ .«-Mt.***ou vouutle* lr • the Truth dlsfrirt t“o 1'eek 111*1 m’j n ity Jetfrrstiu is «*rmocratic byelt'Ct, majority. McDui * , :i00 for 1'eek. Nothing yol he ttd fmm tho lest of the district Rockdale, i*oek*s county, ia ICuiiltov. «et. —Th« dtmoci atlc ! deMucralla h l »" r -’ <M majority is alxml 500 in this county. u ar t cuunty. ^ ..T. 7..J... * IIaktwm.i., Oct. 5—The democratic Swlltl iuoid Ullrot. , majority Is estimated at three to one, Oct.d not to . . a . . | , * ... 1 1 here, i >ne country precinct heard from bo over seventy five third party men in , , . ... ... and four to one. Ailcox couufy. Rut one at Abbeville | Tliomms County. Camilla, Oct. 5.—Tho democratic ticket is about four to one. This county is safe. All is quiet. Taylor County. BlTLKK, OcL 5.—At 12 o'clock 2*10 Wayne Count*. .lasic, Oct, o.—Wayne three to one democratic, with |»erhaps 1.100 vn,es. Tali*o4 County. TALiiorro.N, Octoliei 5.—A full will be polled. The democrats will carry , . . tho county liy a largo tr.njoiity for all votes were cast, the democrats leading jj ie A»f|j«<«-M two to one. Reynolds, this county, dum , oc rata three to one. Much Interest is! Ribert Coanty nuniTested, and no disturbance. Ki.iikuton, Oct. .*».-«KHreii county will Owing to the fact that four constitu tional amendments were voted on Wed- day in addition to the state and county tickets, the count was much delayed, and from a large number o| voting places in Georgia ofthial figures could not he obtained until too late for use this morning. Knough oflkiai and approximate re turns wero received, however, to indicate very accurately the exact result, aod just as Tiik Timkm Rkcoiibkh predicted, the elTcrtlms been to stir lip the democratic lion to oomu forth in full strength while his roar, as lie hounded Into the arenn, frightened and discouraged the timid third partyitos, so that they did little themselves aud still less towards “con trolling” the negro vote, as they ex pressed it. Taking Sumter county as a criterion, ! it appears that the democrats turned. * [tut In full strength: and tho colored | cto** in UuIma'.CohuI) .layiid away from Hip poll., the ! Tmom-on, Oct. i -Tim in-llc.tloo. ! t anrh ornwy. fow Of them that voted l« in K, fa-! !U »t Peck »ill .-airy thl», MrDnffla I Un . l(XTi „, t> m.*rat. voted In orahle to the democratic) candidate.. j c ,by a .mall majority. The dem- , MtK |, n i i'ht. t.o to one for the bib? third partyitos scent tw i ocrati are making a gnat light against j democrats. Owls. Coanty. KastHaw, Ost 5.—The elecllou I. movIne^i'-oDK nlcoly. ”'lio .lata ticket, are kcplog along with tho local. Dem- ocrata .till In It. I CoiumUluCiOM Wrong. II, Oct. "i.—K very thing la (pilot. Till, place will go two to one for tho thlrd'party. Ain afraid tho county will g»against us. give ouo tliollv.iud niiij nil)’ for the dem- oeratd, Crnwrord t-omitj. h.xoxVtl.l.K, Oat, 8.-—The detnocrntlc vote I. ten to the third party', into, old Crawford I. alnioet Milld. •faralMnCoiaelr. Vi 1.1.4 Rica, Oct. 8,—Thoro I. n heavy vote being polled at tbie precinct todny. The democratic llcket I. ahead two lo one. Jackmi*vu.t.K, Oct. • 4.—[Special.]— The rlfctloa for .tale officer, aod for metplirni of legl.latuie I. very quiet. Indication, point to an InereaMd demo cratic majority throughout th. atate. The third party la |wlfing Ita fall atreagtb, hut IU weaknew war a great aurprtae to political prop beta every where. Jackaonvllle and thl. county will give a good round democratic ma- j-vrlty. There le no doubt of tlie election of l!>0 whole atate ticket by the democrat., hut lo at leant tweoty not of the forty- lira rouotie. there will beaharpeoa- ie«U for the couaty office.. Thl. I* particularly the cbm In Put nam, aioilno, Alachua, Holme., Volneit, tic .oto and llradford counties, nod lo nearly all of lb. counties west of Ckat- isbooehe. river. I. no wrangling or dlatorbaaew of any kind reported at any point ao far. Mltcb.ll (d.mocral) will probably ite- feat lla.kln (peopl.'.) for governor, by lS,oOU majority. In this (Duval) county, tb. peopl.'. party will poll only 'ZOO or 300 vote*. There I* a big split, bow.v.r, In tha democratic party. The Indications point to the election of the full straight out ticket against that of the Mahonltee. Tai.I.Aiiamckk, Oct. 4.—The election quiet. Telegrams from various points throughout tlm atate point to a demo cratic gain. The third partyitea and the republican, havofii.rd In a great meas ure Imt ilicir (onihiin'd strength la small. «!lt (urn In a good ma jority for d-moeiaur, aod contlgioun eoimtica nan he counted on as safely d-iiniN-ratl|). Ooai.a, tier I.—The natal place of the Ocala'orn Ingoing democratic, utile., .-on- unforacou contingency arl.e. The »of- is light, showing Dem- ocratio gain. . Hie third party I.almost r r:r^. l oT BUTLER & BERRT opriti Af. WKATHKit itrroin The have cast almost all the Reek v«»tcs that ( |, caV y odds, were east at all. ! Following arc telegram* fu»m the va Good Xm» from tobii (uumij. rious localities, which s|«eak for them-j M .uxiktta, Oct. 5 —The vote here 1 aDI | tweoty-flv# votes polled; about equal selves and show how tho great dem«»- j will surprise ever}body. Cobb county! j,e tfreell |v«kaod Northeo. All i« quiet cratic party swept all op(H>sition out of I was thought to be a stronghold of tha ! - WufffS CttUUtjr. WaiiUKXMX, «>ct. 5,—Two bundled the field. i third party. You can put it down af In the Tenth the result, while favora- 1,000 majority for Northen. The negtoea ble to democracy, seems to leave the . are voting the democratic ticket Iu this prospective result as far as concerns the place, and the same news comes from all Block-Watson contest in November a ■ over the county. draw, with the same fight to be renewed j !• with all ita vigor as H4»on as the smoke j B«Wwl» County, of yesterday’s battle clears up. ! Mitl.Kio Kviu.K. Oct..*>.-Fivebun- The democratic majority in the state jdred and fifty polled. Two-third, nemo- will be between .*i0,000 ami 00,000. ' emtio. Can't hold that proportion. k> I. Nofc. | yu*etj I.K»|II’KI.,Oct. 5.—Following ia the. Trir.iiCO..IJ vote .d I-eecounty: Northen W. l*«-k 3,-Th. clcclion I. 110, Wooten .vil, Rickett 130third party. .k . . Kergits4in -V*l, Harris Ml republican. pasting oil quietly. A large vote is polled and is s!rao«t unanimous for I* «srhlr>. .Northen. It is conceded that Smith for KI I.AVII.I.K, Oct. 5.—The democratic rcprc^cnUUve i. elected, ticket in Schley Is elected hv over majority. Troti|i Com lit). I.aUma.xok, Occ. 3.—Tb. .lection I. quiet. No Infarct I. taken by tb. negroc. Troup will givexOOdemucratic majority. I Nkwnan, Oct. a.—Tho Indication, are that Cow.ta is democratic by from SJO to i,ooa ’s, Boys' and Children’s ClothingJf—^ Full Suita, Extra Pants. Overcoats, Etc. JRir U. rtwLlln. , ! l » in'"’ nelectiotm nro all in, nic-oly arronifetl. anJ roatlj tot' in- t: "". Sinolo iln d Doublo-BroiiNtod hack Suita, riirt-o anil I o - “ C’utuwuya, Walkinif Cooto, ami Pnneo AIIhtIh, nil the r#F« : r >-on. in Tans and Guayh—’Wk’ve cot ust-togothor with Bum k iu Tans and Grays— e Worsteds, Fancy 1'a.vim, m. . \vi,;i,> Ni*n,n„_ciotliingmich iw oiuh, is not found oUwlioro W :‘fa« it—Get the Best. Ie you want CwTiiixo-waU made. ^•‘iotiaWy cut, HtyliMli, tasteful, “Pkrtot Fithnu CtoTinso 001 1 v dluu for your montiy—thou Buy your Cu>tihso of GEQQGE D. IliPPIfll V, °';r former force of a&letuucn, coMuSing of Mej«r»- Henw Daw, ^ Shive r , Julius Stanfield, Jamce Goerry, Will rj hunmul Warfick. and our cleror acoountant, Mr. , Jotl ° ^Went and obUgii geSSemcii, wiU tak. pleMUW u» wring you “ »nd all timem Sown kalos of lUsl Muir. Notwithstanding the present poll rival excitement the Amerirus real estate market “pursues the even tenor of Its way" and occasional sales arc ncotih d Among tho latest «•( th**v} wts the ' purrbase by Mr. Arthur IS/lander of the beautiful residence lot ou Taylor street, Morgan Coauty. ! adjoining the late residence of Judge M aW-on, CK*t. 5 —All business is sus-, Crisp. Th® property was owned by Me. rm M|> peudm). The election Ls quicL Tl’om- j Bloom Brown, aud brought a prior tot. 5.—The demo- a>on . «kmocrat, for the legislature, will i highly satisfact«»ry that gcntknyao, at Irani :;im> in this . CJ ttf V«*rgan by 200. There is no oppo- Mr. Rylamler will elect a handsome res ! sitiot^ to Jenkins, democrat, for the ( idenco thrrr«»n at an early dsy. senati The balance of the ticket U| Another sale rrceutly made wos’bilt rtieiishoorlJr County. light. I of tho beautiful aud desirable rosidtner f Mirt Oct 5—Dr F M Hordy lot on Taylor street next It e residence lemurralic candidate for the legislature! , , , of Mr. .1. J Wllllfor.1. Thl. wa* pir lefeat. Dr. IV. A. Sapp. th. third party ' '«*'• "'T tvrrv.alng I. quiet. | cb««,i by Ur. (i. M. Kl.lridgo, who will I Hi votes Northeo and state ' Tbe^mocratsaro leading twelve toone, a j 10 build a pretty residence thereon , , . • hut few negr«»es *votlng. is get an overwhelming ma- V u district gave denioc- ! Irwin County. SaOAMohk, Oct. 5.—Irwin county will jxdl her biggest vote today wiili eight liundred majority for pure democracy. The third party is not in it. p THIS EXPLAINS ALL. Tho ArtMlaa Corner of Duller ami llerry of A meric u* le JniU*ci y.-ira old —It lias changed from .what [l wa. at tint—It will change atill more, for—on October tat, I Kir;, we will Inaugurate a Uoaa-llde Closing Out Mala o' ottr entire Ratal) Mock—and we will clean olt Hhelvrs, Counters and Hour of .very nr* tlclo In our retell .lock. Kv«n th. call- lag mnat let go IU Swinging lamp.— and tha window, give up lltelr wealth. (Julatly and arrlomd) wa make thl. «x- planatloa—wear, going Into Jobbing •—our Retell Mock mutt gw— wa want the room It oreupiM—we need the m»nr) It reprceente—that'* nil. Don't talk shout Hot Cs<s—but just watch the fur il)—during th. coming week, at tho \rtrriau Corner of Hl'rt.Kli ii IIKXRY <>f AMI*'* IcUS. HKHOVIN, QTtHK or R l Uetaii. Gai.e Wi IT1.KH AM* KKHY. NA Vl-IA, majority la .unit) ulidaU*. 11.0 offle within the next few weeks. Thea. two j lota are among tho moat deeirabte In Amgricus, and iheir early Improvement will ad*i much to the appearance of that j part of the city. 317 Lamar Street. I keep a good stock of fancy and family GROCERIES and will sell them at tho loweet market prices. Prompt Attention given to all orders left with me. Gcods delivered tree anywhere in the city. Telephone 125. CatooM County. Ui.vnt.oLD, Oct. .*>.—Tho county aa far as heard from la solidly democratic. Itinggold district, ninety-live democratic, three for third party and three Indepen dent. WhlUteld Cost). Daltox, Oct 5.—Votes polled at noon are 850. Tha eooeervate estimates are4tot democratic, four boxes wo heard from. Boms, Ost Sv—T la Bores district is leading Reports from xerend country praoiaeta atate that they bsi l l.l.hrr <MH. a Now Trlsh Col. U J. lilaloek, of Americus, made on yesterday a forcible apocch In pre senting the case of Fletcher versus the atate for anon, appealed from HnmUr superior court A new trial was granted. Colonel Blalock ia n candidate for so licitor general of th. aouthwwtani Judl dal drealt, and his friends who know him reprerent hire as being go. of the most eaereetie ssd (seoarefnl lawyers at the Ansrlow bar or tat Us Mottos at the state.—Attests Josraal. Wares.ew MaMHHi. Wamuxstow, Otfe 4. Bxr.rerey Sore trereys tb. treaty with B kEMOVINi; •All. EELLIKC OUT rlALE. 1'loi.lng Out hll Retail (ioods, Ibclndtng New Fall floods, Itegardleaa of l*n>tit— Value or Cost, Uerauae, Juhhing proml.o. a larger 1ju-Inc. and Amerlcu. ia -i j .hlilng centre, and we came hero to grow, and we have groan and we won't Stop Now:: Hkmkhukm, nrw good* have poured In during last two weeks and slock ia choicer than ever. Kkmkwuku, The stock is for sale and we will close out any portion and department either In whole or part. ItKUKUUKii, Tide la no Bankrupt or lie- (•elver's Male—Wo are telling out only that portion of stock that w. wish to rell. Rkmkkiiku, We are selling It Jure re cheap re we want—sad will dose It oat re quickly as ws want—without asking qaret- loaa. tamn all this wires yos said nay- thing at th. Artrelaa Oar* ■reef Bunak Berry of Amnlecs.