Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, December 31, 1897, Image 2

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THE AMF.KICUS WEEKLY TIMES--RECORDER: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 31. I»97. TWO SENATORS TALK Harris and Tillman For Bryan Three Years Hence. BELIEVE HE HADE NO BLUNDER Expres' It m* Tlialr Opinion That **.%|| the Power of I'iutoernnf ami Hell** ( »*i* not Heat the N’ebra<k«n at the Next I'realilentlal Kl«-ctlon— Hop* to *ee Him Nomluated la Nlneteea Ifnmlrad* Washington, Dec. 24 —In comment ing on the future of William J. Bryan, Senator Benjamin R. Tillman of South Carolina said: "I think Mr. Bryan has lost nothing since the election. He bos made no mistake that I know of. "There might be some criticism of his apparent constant obtrusion oC him self upon the public, but it is very hard for so prommeut a man to hide his light under a bushel or retire to auy thiug like private life. "Unless 8omo unforscen blunder of a ▼ery serious nature should be made, I cannot now see any possibility of any other inan than Mr. Bryan being nomi nated in 1900. I think he will retain all the elements that voted for him ln«t year, and will get 1,000,000 or 2,000 000 more votes from disgusted Republicans aud repentant Democrats. In fucr ( all the power of plutocracy aud hell can not beat him.” Senator William Harris of Kansas •aid: **l do not consider that Mr. Bryan is repeating 'an echo ess appeal.’ I be lieve that most of the people today are thinking of the silver question. There ii not so much of the brass band cam paign, bat in my judgment if a vote were takou today it would show a tre mendous increase for silver over that of 1896. "Mr. Bryan has, perhaps, done some things that mar provoke a JittJe flip pant criticism, bgt his earnestness, sin cerity, good faith and ability have be come more aud more marked and ho is closer to the heart of the great masses of the people today than any mail living. Admitting the situation to be substantially as it is now, his nomina< tion in 1900 will be in response to the universal wish of all the elements op posed to Republicanism.” VICTIMS OF VACCINATION. “Rust,” 1 the dread of the cotton grower, can be prevented. Trials at Experiment Stations and the experience of leading growers prove positively that Kainit Is the only remedy. We will be glad to .end, free of charge Interesting and useful pamphlets which treat of Iho matter In detail. CERMAX KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St v New Tort.I PARKER'S FAIR BALSAM (Tlftnr-< aiwl t beautifies the^holf. itore O- > Its Vouthj'ul Color. £&±i. Never Falla to Be store Gray ^Hai ‘ “ * ~ * A FURNITURE UF ALL GRADES. WE SHOW LINES vnxYVYWV* • #////■ Pennyroyal pills I j-fi'V Or/fffnul amd OnlrOrnnlnfu A aarc, aim ■ r*U*Lle. unit* uk fll\ n lied anti Huld oetaiim' ritk bio. ribbon. Take not hen RtfHudmmftrwlMUt*- f ia Stamp# f«r particular., t'-.timonUU »ol M (teller for in Utter, by return [T Mall. J«>,O00 , Chlrhe.teMhcjnlcaH «*..Mudl»on J'lnrr. tiold Dy aa Local Lrucujtt. TIIILADA.. 1*A. HO.D-FAST CLOTHES LINE HANGER. A new and useful device whf n t-v.-ry fami ly will buy. 1h ►old on y ih» oiuh local uccnt*. Slini-le and *tr ng; . ;.n be pu securely holds rout- <>> wire: njurl- Compnlaorj lUtlimls lUvinf Vary on* Effect. In Ilia (lata City. Atlanta, Dec. 24. —So far 4,260 per sons have been vaccinated in Atlanta, according to the report of Ohief Veal of the sanitary department Compul sory vaccination is having injurious ef fects, however, in many parts of the city. The arm of a negro woman has been amputated above tho elbow, audu ungro atone masop by the name of John liur- ton exhibited an arm to the health otfl- eers, who think amputation will huve to follow to save hi. life. Dr. Bridwell, city physician of tiie First ward. ha. been applied to by the negro, who wants to know if the city will not pay him for the time he is Icing by rea.ou of hie arm being in such u condition that lie is enable to work. In a day or two. if his arm does not get better, it will have to come oCL KEYNOTE FROM CANDLER. Atlanta, Don 24 — Secretary of State Candler, in uu interview here, made u statement that he was uot a ‘'profes sional veteran.” It had been reported that he belonged to no veterans' asso ciation. Colonel Cannier stated he hal be. longed to the Hail county cainn for ten years and had made more speeches us reunions probably than any mail in North Georgia, yet "I am not a pro fessional veteran," lie added, 'fins is the keynote of his campaign for gover nor, aud is sensational iu view of Gen eral Evans' acceptance uf the prison commifSiouorship. STEIN MAY.HAVE TO SKIP. ▼IkIIbuo* Cowb'Um Will l*r«b*bly l’*y the AtlanLM 12 ill tor a Vt»iU Atlanta, Dec. 24.—It is reported here that an organized movement has been put afoot to force Editor Steiu to abandon the publication of his paper, The Looking Glass, and to leave town. A meetiug of some of the substantial business aud professional meu of the town ia laid to have been held in tho Equitable building for the purpose of S alting this feminism into form. Teither O’Neill or Johnson, the two men who flume in the embrogho with ' Editor Steiu, were at tho uioetiug, and so far as can be learned they hud noth- iug to do with getting it up. It wai at- teuded, however, by a number of others, who have been aggrieved from time to time by publications in Stem's paper. There are two versions of tho course which is to bo pursued to rid the town of The Looking Glass and its editor. One is that a systematic boycott is to be instituted against any publishing house who publishes it, as well as advertisers in that paper. Another is that a committee is to wait upon Editor Stem and request him to make a quick settlement of his affairs aud leave the city. Those who know Steiu best say the latter course would be barren of tiie result desired, as he would never yield to threat*. Small Uivaii a Long Cutanea. Savannah, Dec. 24. — Isaac Small, who thot auil kilied bis mother, iu-law, Matilda Terrell, Oct. 22, lost, - #a. tried for mnrder iu the superior enure and fouud guilty of voluntary man.laugbter. He put up the plea of self defense, stating that she came at him with a knife, but according to the evmeuce, the shots which produced her death were in her bock. Ha explained this by saving she turne-’ whan she .aw his pistol, aud he was so excited he could not help firing. Judge Falligant evi dently thought it was a pretty bad cose of voluntary manslaughter, as he gave him SO yean, the foil limit of the law. Not to Be Found Elsewhere. Tlr.dling the products of all the leading factories, and it will be to your advantage to look over our immense stock before pur chasing. Our stock of 112 Decorated Dinner Sets are without ques tion the handsomest and cheapest that has ever been brought to this market For Lamp Goods, Bric-a-Brac. Wedgewood Ware, Fancy Center Tables, Bedroom Suits, Chiffoniers we are headquarters. A. W. SMITH. (h On a red hot ' % day Hires v Roo'.beet =z. ij stands be- ^ if?-'' ^ SJ tween you " and the dis- ’’ jlny.W'-, tressiug ef- • /», fects of the heat. ; v (jj 'hires! Rooibeer cools the blood, VJ tones the stom- *0 ach, invigorates III the body fully lit satisfies the thirst. X A delicious,spark- h) ling, temperance vtf drink of the high- III estmedicinal value. I|f Mad# only by jSJ bold everywhere. DR. La RUE'S VIGOR OF LIFE. 1 1* a new discovery, the reault of clinical expert menu iu the wants oi the nervous de bility hospitals of Paris. It cures nervousness. Lost Vitality, Im- potency, lVigtatLjr Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wusliik LMneaScu. and h'I e Sects olscl f-nbtise or Indiscretion, which until-; one for study, hiuincM ormurriHKe. it not OREATtimciALIJTSSHi a groat nerve tonic and Mood builder, iximilnK back the pink glow to the pale cheeks uml re Coring the vigor of yonth. it warns off insca- ty end consumption. Its curative etTVct* ht-gln at once, thus iiumrlog restored vitality nnd re newed viper and coutideueo. which always fol low it* use. We warrant fares. Insist on La RUE'S VIGOR OF LIFE and Uke no other, it can bo earned iu vest pocket. SI.00 per Ihjx, or si x f«*r $5.00. Hook let free. Address: La RUE CHEMICAL A IMPORTING CO., Cincinnati, 0. Haverlands Decorated Dinner Sets. SOUTHEEN PHOSPHATE WORKS, MACON. R J TAYLOR. President GEO B JEWETT, Vice President. E N JELKS, Treasurer. Cash. Capital and. Surplus. 8145.000 jUffina or ■ gmk mm,ins m KLY’S CREAM BALM Is a positive cure. Apply into the noatrils. It is quickly abtorhed. 60 cent* at Drnugist* or by mail; sample* 10c. by mall. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren 8L. New York City. r William’s Kidney Pills Has no equal in diseases of the( * (> Kidneys al.d Uriuary Organs. Have a you neglected your Kidneys? Have v you overworked your nervous sys- ( Kein and caused trouble with your a Kidneys and Bladder? Have you ('pains in the loins side, back,groins^ \ a land bladder? Have you a flabby an- ^ .peantnee of the face, especially v i 'under the ej’es? Too frequent de ll sire pass urine? William’s Kidney . ‘ Pills will impart new life to the dis-4 1 (’eased organs, tone up the system. j . )tnu\ make a new man of you. By*. \ mail f>0 cents per box. i ’ ^ f WirxrAMS Mfg. Co., Propa., Cleveland. O. For sale at Dodson's Pharmacy. No. «N3». tiik People’s National Bank or »MtP c is Capital, $30,000. SunrLcs, 810,000. I’ue largest, aud most c-miplete tertili/.-r factory in the Sou h. The machinery is all new and of the latest piitt‘r p - which equips us f >r the largest output. We tice pleume in sh iwinj; customers through our immense plan:, where th^y •an satisfy themselves as t»the honesty of th« goods we manufacture. nothing but the highest and best grade of materials in the manufacture of our go >d c . Onr fertil zers will 11U ' prove the soil as well as produce good^crop--. We ask that you give some of our following leading brands a trill. Monarch Guano. Extra Strong Potash Acid Phosphate. Rescue Guano. Acme Dis solved Bone with Ammonia and Polish. Black Diamond Acid Phosphate. Please see us and get prices before placing orders elsewhere. JOHN T. ARGO, -Salesman, For Sumter, Schley, Taylor, Chattahoochee, Webster, Stewart, Terrall and Lee Counties. D. B WELLS, Salesman. Buent Vista, Ga. The Only First-Class RESTAURANT in the City Is at the OPERA HOUSE SALOON. The McLeod Co. WHI8KIES> SPECIALTY. 3= SPECIAL. OFFERINGS* Store Property, Residence Lots (improved and unimproved), Bank Stocks. Come quick. - MERKEL CALLAWAY. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Jin XHSafDB. uoi nacoTV , i The only .ate7« ur “ *?? SLSS.W„>^ PENNYROYAL PlLLS t H^f| OhNN JR. MOTTS CHEMICAL For Sale by the Davenport Urn* Company, Americnf, GtU