Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, January 07, 1898, Image 6

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HP' THE 4MER1C0S EftKOT^SeS-REC^RDER: FRIDAY, JANUARY 7. lelH* GEORGIA & ALABAMA OFFICES thieves make another raid. ,*• ~—*— ! Stealing Pantaloons, Shoes and Fatal- TEE PETITION FOR INJUNCTION MR- PRESENTED ■Nefore Judge littlrjohn Friday.— ; w , ir k suer | v * Caeei* Ably Argued on Either r _ 8ide And Great Interest Mail- Big; ihsted In Reault. ly Groceries. The “old reliable” burglar came along with the new year and got in his PRETTY TOKEN OP ESTEEM. | Telephone Subscribers Evidence Their Appreciation. Miss Moutitie Smith, the very e ffi cient day operator ut the telephone MUNYONS It cun ■ * in Lull The long pending petition for in- jnnetion brought by Col. 8 H. Hanli- ’ins and other citiz-ns of Americas against the Georgia & A luhaiua Rail way, was argued before Judge Z. A. Littlejohn Fti ley, the lengthy pro ceedings coiDMinung the en ire day It il generally believed the plaintiff* made ont a very good case. Judge Littlejohn reserved bis decision. The p tition was against the rcilroad company and city council jointly, though in the evidence submitted the previous obargea of cullnsion upon the part of council with the railroad com pany was not pnt in. However, City Attorney Tsylor made formal denial of these obargea upon beha.f of th ■ mayor ami coancil. Col. Harrison, of connael for peti- tionera, confined himself almost en tirely to the plea of violation of charter by the railroad company, anil the Hawkins contract relative to the ►fully. This time hotried j exchange, will long remember with Mima’store, corner of Lee and Church i mnoh plem-ure this new year's day. street!., and breaking ill a side dopr I Never since the establishment of the proceeded to help himself. The recent'exchange here has the service been change in the weather remlerecka new better Ithnu now,•and the subscribers outfit of clothing very desirable, and the midnight caller fitted himself out in the best Mims had and then carried awuy u dozen pairs of pantaloons . ud a lot of shues as new year’s gifts for his friends. Being undisturbed on his visit he feasted hesrtily upon cukea, sardines, bananas, etc., and then swip ed a whole bnuoh of the yellow fruit for future reference. Mr. Mima only hope's the burglar hold will find the shoes and pantaloons satisfactory and recommend them to his friends. FRED LEBEN IS ALL EIGHT. Didn’t Drown Himtelf At Many Had Supposed. Fred Leben waa on deck again early yesterday morning instead of being ut the bottom of Mnckaleu creek, as many of hi* friend* had supposed. It was sail) tbat Leben wandered away from the spot where hi* pistol, handkerchief ! and knife were fonnd on tbo banka of manent location of the shops and ofliceH the creek, and becoming lost in the in Americne. The evidence therein enhmitted w j swamp <1 id not find hia way ont until | next day. At all events be is very much stronger than many believed ex-; much in evidence upon earth, and not dated, and the petitioners are very well like MuGinty. satisfied with tbeii side of the case and the manner in which it was handled. Col E. A. HawkiuR, division counsel for the G A A. r ailway, looked after the company’s interests in hia nanal able manner. Jndga Littlejohn will probably ren der a deoision some time next week. MANY VICTIMS ARE ENSNARED, Record Shows Many Marriages In Fast Year. The year ending yesterday waa record breaker from a matrimonial standpoint, the books in the ordinary’s office showing tbat a larger nnmtier of people than usual fell victims to the epidemic which prevailed in thia end of the moral vineyard. Daring the year Judge Speer issued 285 marriage licenses, an increase of forty over the preccedi' g year. Of this number spout 114 werewhi e and the balance— 171- ?fctor^d conplea. Considering the low price of cetton and the prospect of w ar in I ho east the ihowiug is not a bad one for Sumten HALF INTEREST IN GEORGIA Now Owned by Louisville & Nash* ville Railroad. AnrasTA, Ga, Deo. 81.—An impor tant railroad deal was efieoled here to day iii the purchase by the Loniaville Nuahville road of the bait interest the Georgia, owned by Thomas and Ryan. This gives the L. & N. system a complete line from the Ohio and Mis sissippi rivers to Angnita, and possibly to the Atlantic seaboard, and makes it a very strong competitor of the South ern. RESPITE GRANTED FAMBLES. He.Will Probably Ficape Hanging If Mr*. Noble* Does, i Atlanta, Ga.,Deo. 81.—Gov. Atkin- day granted another respite to I Famblef, the negro accomplice of " a, the Twiggs county mnr be respite is granted so tbat [tay hold a lease on life natil Ira Noldes ialtnally settled hot banged, the chances are .plea will never be either, • o Removed to Amorioni. “elms,- proprietor of the new • o*4he Windsor block, will remove t mily to Americas next week and < here permanently. They have d a residence on Jackson avenne yens anJ family removed here from Letahurg and will also a kson a'euue. One f (ante Cough Care cares quick ly. That’s what yen want I W. A. itttt It la easier to/ent an acquaintance than it is to carve a steak with a res taurant knife. .TOniA, Kat Heaiy «»f L* toons. From the A'bsns Banner- Watehman An experienced and h'ghl; respected physician gave a value his bint the utbio day. which *1) may find valuable. am cenviucrd,'’ said bn. “not only from pracileal p. rsnnal experience, but on the theoretical!* seieunli) grounds also, that a s<f«*u*rd against much prevalent summer Illness ilea In the free Use ot lemon Juloe." aioZLEX’* UM'ig ELIXIR. desired to trive substantia! evidence of their appreciation. When Mi*s 8mith entered the breakfast room yesterday ahe found at her plate a very beautiful gold watch, accompanied by a letter, wherein the donor* expressed their appreciation of her services and unk ing that sho accept the handsome pres ent. It was a happy surprise for Miss Montiue, and she will ever bold in grateful remembrance her many friends at the other eud.of the line. Itljiimatl'.':! nit 1 th-bUIUlfl. i!s:;i In fronu. oioi.rPT I* any part of ttio b *.;• KS'CSSItocSil". Chronic rJiotimatfcs, the h i k ore hpucdily r*' lof f *iaono to iwo.iB JS, . . . rurttfli foro o::o bot.lcl.. »be u t-td. Homedy fJon’ihiiiy r - dlmmaii A t Illl dffUrr .. - %tUi - r, pii.i.wlflplila. It !• p the weak ut.u'.;r.jvr |T|Mns :I jt_in i -t'ca. If rc-ds Hit- ntiHlI ul of r c !i Jfjroun-fd r. ft.upyf».i ( IvAAi Axt-h ftolutiily fret POLICE MAY HAVE AUCTION. A Boom Full of “Old Hoii” Goods at Headquarters. If all. of the articha in the ‘ claimed" department at police head quarters were sold a neat anni would he realized therefrom, and the officers are thinking of having au auction sale, There is a vast accumulation of stolen goods wnich have never been claimed, consisting of clothing, shoe*, hats, oloth, groceries, old pistols, knives, razors nnd, iu fact, shout everything curried in a dry good* or general store. Some of the articles have been on hand for several year* and are worth hut little, while other* would pr lialily sell for something. It would indeed be good riddanoe of bad rubbish. A CHANGE IN BUSINESS. A fhwssl L. ui..u Drink. Cures tnd'g stlon, headache, malaria, kidney disease, lever, chills, lots of ap petite, debility, nerv us prost-atlnn sod bea t failure bv regnlatl' g >he Liver, Stomach. B .vela, Kidney a id Kloo-t, Lemon Elixir la prepare.i from th* fresh juice of lemon*, combined with other Vegetal) e liver lonlo*, cathartics, aromatic ailmuianta and blood purifiers. W. A Junes, Bell Sta'lon, Ala. wilt, a: I have anti-red greatly from in i.ta'lon or diapepsla One bottle of L mo*i E lair done me morn good than All the mediolne I ever taken, A CARD. For nervous and sick headaches, in dig. alien. hill|on-ne*a and onnsllpa'ion (from which I have ba-n a great suffer, e ) I have neve, found a medicine iba» w-iild sit* such a pleasant, prompt and permanent relief as Dr. M..g ey’a Lem on E li'r. I h«ve used It In in* family for year.—tt hat never failed in a Mu- gleeaas. J p. pawtkil, Publisher Dtlly f-uu. U* fHi, us. Moatxvs lkmo■ nor upops. Cures nil Cougbe, Cold*, Boa a*nean, S>r« itiront, Hrouebl'l*, Hemonb*ge, and alt throat and long dlveasee. Elr- gsnr, reliable Twenty five cents at drnggtata. Pre pared only by Dr. H Mosey, Atlanta, Ga. Governor Going to Mexico. Atlanta, Ga, Deo. 80.—Governor Atkinson and a party of ten friends will leave Atlanta Saturday morning for a tonr through Mexico. The party will occupy a private car fnrniabed by the Western A AtlOntlo railroad and will be gone a month. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic Cures Fever in One Day. DEPOT SUENED IN ALBANY. Freight Warehouse and Content* Go Up in Smoke. The freight depot of the Albany, Florida aud Northern railroad in Al- bauy was destroyed by fire yesterday morning, together with all content*. The road owning the property waa formerly a part of the old Savannah, Americna and Montgomery system, extending from Cordele to Albany, 88 mile*. yesterday a keg of powder exploded, An Amorioni Firm to Handle General Supplie*. The Amerions Furniture amt Under taking Co. will shortly make an addi tion to their already extensive busi ness. The company is now disposing of certain line* of their stock of furni- tnre, and will add plantation and gemral supplies. The undertaking department will be kept up to its present high standard in future ms heretofore. A Marriage in January. Beautifully engraved iuvitations were issued yeeterdav to the marriage of Miss Charlie Louise Wheatley of this oitv, to Mr James Reed Curry, of Harrodslmrg, Ky., which will be sol emnized on Wednesday evening, Jan uary 12th, at the Presbyterian church. After the ceremony a reception from 8:30 until 12 o’clock will he held at the home of Mr. Charles McKay Wheat- ley, 808 College street. ARE YOU’ BANKRUPT^ health. constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by.disre- garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure jt>u. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills an absolute’eure. * SMALL POX 13 UNDER CONTROL. The Scourge in Atlanta Almost Stamped Out. Atlanta, Ga., D-c 80 —The health anthoriti’S now declare that the small pox sconrge, which threatened a few weeks ago to become s had epidemic, bus been o mqnered. No new ca*es were reporied today, aud the health authorities say it will bo but a short time before *be city i* entirely free from the pest. The vaccination cm- rude, wbiou was kept up for three weeks by city nhysiciaus, baa been called ofrhecan*eof au exhaust on of uuvaccinuted subjects It ib estimated that the doctors have put virus into the arms of fully 75,000 peraous since they were started out to vaccinate the town. Black and colored Silk ! Dresses ln>m 50c to $ 1.50 yd. Block and colored Woolen Dresses from In: to #1 50 yd. 100 AII-wool dress patterns at 51.69 pattern. One lot novelty suits $3 75 suit. * Fine black all-wool dress patterns 51 95 pattern. Cotton novelty dress pat terns 98c and 5 1 25 pattern. Calico dresses 48c and up wards. Ready made ladies wrap pers—will he sacrificed, from 75c to $ 1 50. IT IS ESAY TO TELL. Alliance May Shll Stock. It la understood tbat the Snmter County Alliauce has under consider*- tion the idea of disposing ot the stock of general merchandise, grooerira, etc in the Alliance store on Lamar street. It is said that the matter is being con sidered by the directors, though no oonolunion has yet been reached. Georgia Pins for Europe Macon, Ga., Deo. 30 —In February a Mucnu firm will ship to Europe two carloads of doors made of Georgia piue It i* a special order. One car- load will goto Rotterdam and oue to Hamburg. Save Your Lite By using “The New Great Month Amer ican Kidney Cora ” This new remedy is a great snrpri e on aoconnt of its ex ceeding promptness in relieving pain in the Kidneys, Bladder and Back in' Daring the progresa of the fire m * le or female. It reltevea retention ' of water, aud pain in passing it almost weeks' * n ^Mearn enough in six totally demolishing what remained of immediately 84ve yourselves by using infidenooore others for a life-! the building. as be e I G ' ...... The progressive Isdios o' Wssifield, .veningNea quickest to the man ] § , .. Ki „ l0 „., „ f the W-a flsd News, besilug <l-t* of I April 3, 1890 The psp»r Is filled with wafer ol Interest to women, sno wo notice th- following from a corre-pono- eu', who b me •dllois , nn'ed, realizing that it (tea's u, ep a wafer of vital id- p >1181100 In iheir sex: “The beat teme oy for cropp, colds »nd bronchi'll that I have b-en sb e to find la Cllsmberlpm's Cough brm-dy. For family use tl baa ooiqual I gladly recommeLd It." 23 and 5ll cent bo'll* lor ssi* by W. A. He mbs'l, DiugglsL ■ -I good condition. De- «*u»r, the y EUeM w ® ,,mou * . . coxiBiipation, bilioua- ber, is fast re. ^ a n t t, much and taken to Br w . A. ltemberu nnfortnnate <■ 1 of water daring sleep by Dr. E. Detcb> Cares children ’rice Si. Hold by America*, Gs, Lemonade, the best r> rents. Mins k Hudson. this marvelous cure. Its nae will pre vent fatal consequences in almost oil case b its great alterative and heal ing l OW rs. hui» oy E. J. Eldridge, druggist, Americas, Ga. A cat may look at * Kiug, bnt a man at times prefers to look at au see. Itch on baman, mange on horses dogs and all stock, cured in 80 minutes by Woolf' rd’s Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Bold by E. J. Eldridge, druggist, Americas, Ga. I Plow’s candy receive! fresh every week. Minsk Hopson. People who fad »o luck af'rr thri.- Lea th sis like its carpet*.e< -In* n*K I o*s to shsrp-n hi* nidi* P '-.pie »n- not spt le g i Htixii.ii* ab »ut ineir t e*i-ii H lidl iDlU.'h. Il )Otl "re “OOI quite well 1 ’ or ‘'half *lea" have yen ever tn light that y.d.r kidn-ys m iy be the eausemt y.*ur sleknesi ? It is easy lo i-ll by a 'ting aside youi uriue' t-ent>-four h eir,; sediment settling indtest-s an untie,1-Py c> ndl tlnn I the kl lti-y-. wbin urine h<*io* linen it i* evidence ot kidney in ubie Poo Ir.qlj>n desire to urliMtc, scanty u pi* pain ti idnll sobs in the haok ir else eonvinelng protif that the ki neys and bladder are out of oidt r T< ere ts es'lstantton In snowing tbat hs g'e*t remedy Dr Kilmer's Svantp- Ktint, fu fills * -ery wnb In relieving week o-d|.e**ed-Idnsys and all term or bladder and urinary troubles. N d wly d te* r-we.ap It en give new life sud tottvlty to the kidneys—'he rsusn ot r.-uble, hut hy trna'iog 'be kidney* It ml* as s 'ot lo for the en*tr- conul t) t'. n I* you nead a ra-dlclne t*k- Swamp Ron'—It enrea. .Sold bv ding :• t, price fin* cents and on- dollar, oi y lending yttnr »ddr*.s sod 'tin name of this paper to D* Kilmer A 0 *, Bt> a- b imp'on. N Y.. y> n msv h*»e a -am tde bon|« of this great diet ovary sent to joa free by mail. IN LI’ENS You Will /Ind Choice bleached damasks 49c to SI 0() vd. Blenchetj linen doylies and napkins 50c. to f 2 50 dfZ. Tu r ky Rdl Damasks 25c to 50c yd. Linen Damask and Huck Towels 10c to 50c each. Linen Scarfinirsand Scarfs Linen Ten Quarter Sheet ing and Pillow casing Marseilles Quilts 75c to 53 60. IN LEATHER GOODS You Will Find Her* Very handsome line pocket hooks and purses, ranging io price’ from 15c to $4 o<f each. Thenew style shoppingand chatelain bags 5 c to $1 50 Hand hags from 50c to $2* Bill books 50c to 1 50. Ladies and gent’s large valist-s, ilub bags, telescope- and sample cases. Leather dress suit cases at popular prices. Trunks in endless variety. IN UMBRELLAS Yon Will Find Here The handsomest and most stylish line of the latest nov elties ever shown in A.meri- cus. We will make particu larly attractive prices during the holidav trade Special values at Si 00, l 25. 1 50 and $2 00 each, for ladies and men. Application For Charter. GEORGIA 8omt«r C rirrri— To the superior Court of eald conn'?: , The pe'ltUm of Hen*y Curtis,'L. C. Well, J Mil ivau' A. P. La *•, J . Ootney Ul Welch. Jr, Tcmae L. Bel, W P. Wa lls and otbeni v *i» ulre fu- tU» nise.Yee, thrir ate>* nnd *uc eM'-rv »o be incoijnrat d uo- d r t*»e n <me and ••yle of *Tiie Pro 1 'l Jewelry. Mus cal and O.itlc* 1 Co, and would Mho at the following facte: Parasriph 1. The name of Mid enmptny !« to he "The People m sewelrj, Music .1 a Optical Co “ paragraph 2 ^ ThU your pell lone s L. C Be l, A. P. Lane J- T Cotncy D. Wricb. Jr., Th mas l. ii« 1 W. P Wai ls J*re iltxeua of the couutr oi hum er aod aaidst at ,am-joilir «»f who ar**iltlzenaof A marl audJ. J **uui- .van ot th* stale o» Alabama and Henry «urtl» of 'britt le of Luul Una ’’he prin cipal oilce .ind place of bu ine®s of sat* co • p*ny «to o lu a m eric us. Sumter roun ty G.I., bni are d n roue ot iraotaainr bu».- uess anywhere with n t ie «Ute oi -.coigla. Par graphs. « The capital 8ioc4 of ■ id compand Phall be •10 uu .0’, dlvMntl to share* i 120.0 e ch, ot ibis ainoui.tS perc nt Into Unpaid in before lue oc*»nul g of business. Paragraph 4 The objects of the corporation of sild c m. any Are that of pecunUry gain and pi-’hi from the operation of the bunine * . nd the bust t-ss propos u to oe c ’miucte.1 Iri tb t f buying sel uu. rrpal- Ing or uud- uiActureot watvheH, clo ks <na jewel y of ail kind-*, lKeraudp -teu wa>e alNomus- »a! tn-irumvn » -no mu 1 at mere a id n of an kiiuir.; (»ptica- g ous. precious -tone* art If todit, bit a rao gi as ware, uraoMlit wa k ng ^ aa m and cu 1 ty. and a 1 »ibc^ ar- tl .rri Ji U e Ch4 ul-e uhuaI > Kept lu a Je elry. mu-lcul and opti a* boune and ->»o conduct <be optic >•, mu-cal and Jewel y bunt t km iii all of Itw brunch s with the pr> urge -tudau horlty of rent Intr. ea>« uc- nyor tne aoove artitlen men* t'Uuiu or efertrd t<« or - re kept in ut uiiV bedet r i in*d oy the man igen'iei.t o'* (1 cou.panv. iinddl-poneot .ml Hellas mar be to th Ins* lutere<«c of said comp* - y. liAire to ncli hold fm ’rove le ne or r ntrcti a d prop rty fcrthecor • or t p'i po-e, or trial wh cli u.av i»e »eren- s-ry to co.Unci «abl b.m e-s of s Id coin pa* nr, ai>d trdo-poi ot Much leal or ceri»oiial I»r«»p r>y a» bed bv the n^I i c-»mp;tn> for lm r coin iron the in»talira-M p'an an n ay be to the bent tnierestcf the aa.U com- p>ny. Paragraph &. D»»lre that satr co-r i any h^ye the right to boirow money for the c«>p r te purpose, wnich niuv be sectired »»y n#»te morig.igeor oilterwiH* up-n nr y of the pr pmy. We authorise tlie co** pany t» select, *p- p-ln< and employ lor t* e manarementof lb* Duunca*. saK-sine i. clerks ml o her personn rosary tor the conducting of said easi ness Paragraph 6. To mskeand enact su b co«atl*ntlon by laws, »u'eN ar d evu aiton« a may be bet es- ►arv to the best Intercut "f ni’d company, to have sod U4- ico itmon neai.tosue an*' b -ued; to pc ad an*l bv- impieade : couiract a> d be •■••n’r.tctei wit* -tnd to hire such «ther pow rs nd *utQorltj u^ual y tnedent aud otce-MA y to con -uct the bosloes* here in set forth a*.d dvsired Paragraph 7. PeMtto er* pr 7 ihn they b* Incorporated for the lull te- m of twenty years prorlded bv Uvl'i s »h ca-eo: lh.»t the »t bblty of tne tockholders r-hai be the differ- nee be tween the amount actu.i y pa d and the amount subscri^te 1 In »«ld com pa uy. Parncr iph 8. Petitioners therefore p-ay th»t they be icoroor »tcd as • er In beio— ‘ ' k ***** 1 or the rights a» d fr vl appertalnliiR Mitproed for * ‘ b CANON, alid print pray. W. P. wall h, Peiiuoners* AtUy. St«te ot Georgia, >umter C un»y 1, J. H. a I en, Itrk of the - uperlor Court otSumtsr county, Utoiga. do cert If that In* above »i d oregi.lng s a true and cornet extract (•• m the r«.c rd as provided by i.w lu PbCh C ’PeN. Give . under my hind nd official seal, this tOih day of -«c. 1W7. J. H allmm, el k. a U IN NOTIONS You Will Find Hare 1 Ladies and children Hose from 10c to 65 pair. ^ Ladies and Childrens Mit tins 15c to 3=c pair. Ladies Kid Gloves 50c to 52 0D pair. Ladies and childrens Hand kerchiefs from 5c to 5l.u0 each. Ladies Silk Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 35c to 75c each- Ladies collars,Band Bows and club Ties Ladies and childrens cor sets from 50c to $2 <,0 each. Large lot of nurse’s aprons 15c to 50c each Hose supporters from 15c to pair. Fine ~cissors and Shears 25c to ftl.00 pair. Toilet combs 10c to 35c; brushes 2‘c to Tooth Brushes 10c to 25c each. Leather Belts 25c to $1.00 each. Hair curlers 10c doz—Kid. Curling Irons 10c pair. Colgate’s Perfumery 25c to $100 bottle. Colgate’s Toilet Soaps 60c dozen and upwards. Feather B >as and collar 50c to $6.50 each. Childrens Undervests land Drawers l°c to 50 Ladies Undervests 21c to $100. N'W POTTERY V We h»ve to closeout cheip a be -utiful 1 >t- of Jardinieres, umbrella st-nds, cuspid rs, fl >wer p >ts, etc; also sm 11 1 't/of after dinner cups and saucer at half price, In Household Necessities and C'lratorts You Will Find Here Blankets and bed comfort ables, sheets and Pillow ca«es, bleachings, sea islands, and cant n flannels, domes tics and flannels of all kinds] and at all prices, IN MENS CLOTH IN'» You Will Find Her® Splendid woolsuits at 4 50, 5 « o and $6 ooa Special 10 00 suits this week 7 6 >. $12 5 • and i3 50 suits this week 1 o 00. t5ooand i7 5o suits this week 12 fto. Magnificently tailored and swell suits 15 00 Our 1.00 Overcoats this week 7 60. Our 12 5o Overcoats this week to 00. Our 15 00 Overcoats this week 12 50. Our 2 • 00 Overcoats this week 15 < o. Plenty of cheap Overcoats fr >m I so to 5 00. Machintoshes from 2 5o to 750 each. IN CHILDRENS CLOTHING You Will Find Here Boys good Knee Pants suits 1 25, 1 50, 1 75, 2 00. Bovs bet ter suits and spec ial values at 2 5o to 5 00. Roys Overcoats from I 5o to 7 5o Roys Knee Pants 25c to I 00 pair. IN CLOAKS You Will Find Here Handsome line ladies and misses Jacnets 3 5i> to Ii 00, Cloth capes 1 2j to lo on, Lot of fine plush Capes at greatly reduced prices as we are out of cheap plushes, Children and infants long and short wraps, Grea 1, reductions will 1 be made throughout our entire wrap department, IN JEWELRY You Will Find Hero Ladies cdltar and cuff but tons ict« 50c Shirt Waist Sets 25c to $1 25. / Stick Pins 5c to 25c each. Fancy Hair Pins 5c to 50c each. variety white meta novelties at 25c. MTLE! & ISLE!,