Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, January 21, 1898, Image 4

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THE A.MERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1893. J TIMES-RECORDER Dally and Weekly. = ■ Baooaran Enuuntu 1878. ■ Tran ESTABIJSRBD isa). i, AFBIL, 1881. )JAH0ART188( [SUBSCEIPTIOft BATES: T.OnTlM MfiO T,OnKoani fid LY. On Yu> 1.00 LT,:Stx Mom* M ■ all letter*, and mate remittance* ,,t0 THETIMES-KECOBDKR, Amerlcu*. a a. ' MABIE LOUISE MYRICh Editor and Business Hanarer. rial Room Telephone 80 THE TISlM-KEl OSDEK 18 TRY I Organ[of the Cltjr of Amertcu*. 1*1 Organ of Sumter Count jr. I Organ of Web* ter County. 1 Organ of r« County. 1 Organ of the Railroad Commi**lon t Georgia for lhe Third Congressional AMEBICTJ3, 0A. JAN. 21, 1898. Hahra has taken the oath of office. Probable be will keep the faith once ta he was nerer known to torn loose Anything ha etef took. — ; So hr of the papers call Attorney General Terrell’s retiring from the gu lernatorial race, “a political shake Ip.” Thx Times-Recobdeb noul.l say t waa a political shake out. Editob Sid Lewis ssys: ‘iNobody can give a good reason why >. B. Stevens shonld not be made lommisoioner of agriculture, and the ery name of Pbil Cook is suggestive t the Secretaryship of State." Tub Times-Becobdeb warns our old riend, Allen Candler, against incurr- igtho fatal friendship of the Atlanta bnrnal. It ia very dangerous; lmt it rill probably be counteracted by tbe pposition of the Macon Telegraph.— Ishmaeliie. dent Berneb, of the senate, j the soft impeachment. He says: l mn not governor. "—Augusta Chron- the gentleman from Monroe light have truthfully continued the rgument by saying “and never can THE FITZGERALD EXPERIMENT. For several years the conntry, both north and south, ha* been watching with great interest the experiment at Fitzgerald. The idea of transplanting thousands of people from the latitude of Iowa, Da kota and Minnesota to that of South Georgia was something which Challeng ed attention. There were difficulties of nature to bo overcome, and the ex- pertinent of removal to such varient latitudes carried with it danger. Bat the experiment be* been made, and the resalt shows that it has been highly successful. People from the far north, thousands in number, have settled in the new colony, carrying with hulls close :: SHOT GIRL AND SUICIDED. Biff Labor Battle Is Now on at New Bedford. 8ETERIL THOUSAND MEN 8TBIEE Worker* IKefoao I® lha lUcoot duetto., fm WaffM-lluet Comploio Mhut- dowo In Kilo Hlrtorr of Maaaaelitealia. Oaljr Abnot hflf Oparatlraa K#l«« *•» Walk Ouu New Bfi*ford, Moi&, Jan. 17.—A shutdown, the most complete ia the hi?« tory of the cottou mill* of New Bedford, has began Not a spindle wu turning nor s loom iu motion in tbe factories of tbe cloth corporation! an boor after the annul time for beginning work. Be tween 40 and f*0 operatives went into them their thrift, industry and iutelli i Bristol n.ili, and 25 or 30 into the Whit-, and have mastered whatever of j man, but aside from those no mtU made difficulty there was to be overcome. of rDU,,iUK “ aJ th °* S ‘ W ° Their experience has fully dissipated , Nill „ corpo,.^,, operating 18 mill*, the idea thst sickness to any abnormal ju which upwards of 0.0JO hands arc extent existed in south Georgia, and 1ms established the fact that, with tile ordinary' care which has to be taken in any conntry in the world, there is no region in which the health record is higher than that of this state. This demonstration of health having been made, we have the farther fact that these men have found onr conntry to be responsive to their labor, and that they have made abundant crops, lived well and enjoyed the perennial sun shine of the south. It is pleasing to be able to announce these demonstrated facts, notwithstandi iug the opikisition which western rail road interests have given to the south ward movement. From now on we may expect a steady flow of the best kind of immigration from the states of the north and west. These men have bnt to ask their brethren in Fitxgerald for tbe fects in order to be assured that here there is protection to life, ’there is good health and there is abundant return for labor. Colonel Fitxgerald, the promoter of this grsat colony venture, deserves all congratulation for the work wbieh he has done.—Atlanta Constitution. rncES-BxooRDER was awarded printing beoanse it is'the offi- gan of the county* and waa the bis" bidder for the work. Times-Becobdeb ia prepared to itanCiste this fact with a column at if anybody ia hankering at* “Toils" Stevens’ race for oommis- iner of agriculture is exciting cont ent by tho rapid wsy in whieh it is “caught on". The genuine enthus- l<m with whieh South Georgia anp iris his candidacy, and tbe pleasant tpressions made daily concerning it otlurportionsof the state, lead pret- gcnerally to tbs belief that Stevens 11 prove one of the swiftest men itercd ir. any of tho reoea.—Atlanta lurnal. It! was a strange coincidence that >gan Carlisle, the son of former oratory of the Treasury John O. onld die on the seme daughter of Senator Joe [ Kentucky, shot herself, at Mrs. Lowe, formerly Blackburn, was engaged •ied to Mr. Logan Carlisle, r between Senator Bla-k- rn and Secretary Carlisle estranged I young lovers. Miss Blackburn tried Mr. Lowe. Mr. Logan Car B never married. Editor Shaves, of the Dalton Argus, the beat weekly in Georgia, is a pro found thinker, as well ea a good writer. He saya: “Tom Felder it going to look horns with Lon Livingston in the Fifth dis- trict, end has challenged Lonny for a joint debate. When that congression al campaign clotea this fell tnerfl will be little hide, hair, far or feathers left on either of the candidates. Each of them ia somewhat of an adept at flay ing alive.” When Senator Davie saysHonoInln is to becomes “greet financial and commercial centre” be gives the “whole snap” sway. Every enquiring American mind at onco asks, why shonld we not spend the hundreds of millions necessary to build np Hono lulu in building np onr own cttiei? would be a great benefit to both rail- road eorimrationa and the general pub- lie at large if congress would pass the anti-scalping bill doing away with such a dishonest business. The next governor of Georgia will lie nominated and elected by the people. Hear that?"—Borne Argus. Guarantee this Brother Meyerbardl and Tbe Times-Becobdeb will say amen. HOW LITTLE WE KNOW OF EACH OTHER. R the 18th of November Tux Times- ioBDRB, in • strong editorial, notui- pd Hon. Phil Cook, of Lee, for of state. The Atlanta Con- copied the editorial and the nomination, and many i throughout the state are now y advocating Senator! Vok's can- toy. Tbe Times-Bscobdeb is proud s nominee from Lee. See to it, t ia bound to getjthere. EHE is to be a three-cornered fight ioncrof agriculture. Hon, i Calvin, of Bichmond.has an- his candidacy. It will now , Stevens, Nesbitt and Cal- hwest Georgia is for Stevens. [ about whatNfibittsaid when the race against Com Henderson. Nesbitt !said no fight to make on Henderson at it was time for a ne# deal; deroonbad beenin long enough. imbs-Becobdbb thinks n mission er Nesbitt TT* strange of each other bow little we know e Journey through life, through heat ami through snow— How little we know of the tolls ami the care*, little we know of the hopes anil the fear* That dally encompass each other. We rush on la haste, we pass through the town. Some we greet with a smile,others greet with a frown, Lillie seemingly caring If other* can feel That In a word or a look there Is sorrow or weal Conveyed to the heart of another. On the wings of tbe morning *wcct comfort should By; Again at high noon, for the tempest Is nigh Then at calm eventide when the xepbyrs Plow, Our friend and our'brothcr should sympathy know From the heart and Ups of each other. When we are submissive we know that 'tls well Joy and sorrow .-alternate, In bosoms should dwell, Tbe Joys of tbe sprlngUrae we could not fore know. Did we not have winter's cold sleet and snow As we plod on our way with each other. So let ns In tbe future think It worth while To greet all whom we can with a kind word and smile, Try la hearts to enkindle the hopes that re- * main— samel There Is nothing to lose, twill be to our gain, Aa we Journey through Ufe together. Thebe ia no donbt bnt what the tick et scalping business is s fraud, and itkBroa, drygoods, loss complete; Taylor employed, ara involved in the strike. The entdown is uniform all over the city, 10 per cent. The total payroll of these corporations is estimated at $70,- 000 weekly. The fcO.UOO or more skilled operative-. employed in about 70 of the chief cotton mills of the New England states have come uuder the sweeping order of a new wage scale, which emails s reduction of 10 per cent or more. Thisrednouou lias brought on iu New Bedford, Mss*.. Lewiston and Biddeford, Me., labor strikes which may prove the beginning of au industrial battle greater in extent and more disastrous tu effect than any In the previona history of cotton maun- factoring in the United States Tbe battle against the corporations undoubtedly would have been fought everywhere had uot tbe voice of men and women who are ill prepared at this time 61 the year to go into idleness been heeded by the conservatives As it is the Brest majority of persons employed in nine corporations iu New Bedford and one corporation eaeh in two Maine cities have taken upon themselves the task of forcible resistsnoc to the reduc tion. In New Bedford the nine corporations represent ini mills with over 770,000 spindles or 81,000 looms giving means of livelihood to nearly lO.OuO. The strike will be directed by the la bor anion, the lead being takou by the Male Spinners’ union, the national ex ecutive committee of which has sauo- tiouod tbe strike of opposition aud promised financial aid. PLAN TO INSURE PEACE. Scheme la West V.rstala Strikes Will Bs Amicably SaltlaJ. Parkebsbceo, W. Vs, Jan. 17.—The West Virginia Miners' association is the name of an organization of miners that has taken oot a charter under the West Virginia laws Tbs object is to form a board of arbitration of three miuere and three operators, to be elected by their respective bodies aud to this board refer ail disputes on wages, etc., tor fettle- mens In esse of a tie vote tbs two boards will elect a Disinterested man who snail decide ths dispute. This pisn. ft is ex- C ted. will do away with strikes and coats and brlug about a nnion be tween the miners aud operators it is expeoted to break np 'the old fond that bss existed for. 80 years between the miners and operators, aud will insure peace between the two. A Oreat Ulss. at ctnosgo. Chicauo, Jan. 17.—Eight firms with stocks aggregating almost $300,000, sus tained heavy losses by a Are that broke out in tbe bnilding et the northwest corner of Market ahd Qoincy streets They are L O. Wacbsgmth ft On. clothing, loee mostly by water; Adams ft Parrotts, wholesale dealer* In hats lose by water; Worcester Corset Co., complete; Fred Kanfman ft Co., tailors loss complete; dminner Bros., dealer* iu woolen goods lota complete; Nickerson ft 0a, drygoods, lots coin* plate; Olneti, Coon ft Co., collars aud caffs, damaged by lire aud water. labarfeaa Han<ilc«p BaftrlM. New York. Jan. 17.—The Coney Is land Jockey club ho* received three ad ditional entries fur the suburban hand- leap, namely: L H. Frank’s Senator Bland, 6 years; A- J. dtninler ft Co’s Fleur de Lis. 4 years; U. T. Boom’ "The Roman." 4 years. The total number or entries for the suburban is 49. Adm- tional entries have also been received for the June slakes, Great Trial stakes and tbit Double event. The total num ber of entries for the 18 eventa scheduled is 983, as compared with 899 last year. alleged confession by Dryyfu., Paris, Jan. 17.—A semiofficial note relative to tbe demand that the alleged confession of Alfred Dreyfus to M. Lebrun-Benand shonld be published, •ays; • It the government conceded the demand it would bring nnder discussion and appear to place in donbt tbe an- thorlty of the Dreyfus decision. More. Lj. over, the government doee not consider it has the right to make inch a comma- nicatiou for reasone analogous to those which determined the cunrlmartial to try Dreyfna behind doted doors” Merry and 'mlth on Trial. Cbicaoo, Jan. 17.—The trial of Chris topher Merry sod James Smith, the peddlers, charged yrith the murder of Merry’s wife, wae begun in Judge Hor ton’s court. Marshal McNutt of Eddy- villa, Ky., and Marshal Wilson of Princeton. Ky., who arrested Merry and Smith, were in court and will be among the first witnesses for the state. Old IVouioM llarnod In Death. Bellows Falls, Vl. Jen. 17.—Mrs. M. C. Prey. 71 years old. overturned s lamp ta her room and act fir* to her burning woman, and was seriously tamed. Mm Pray died ia a few boon. Pensacola, Fla., Jan. 18.—Herbert Seeley and Miss Alice Caro of Warring ton, a town anrronnding ths navy yard, left in a buggy to attend a party at Millview, about 10 miles away. They arrived safely and were smoug the gay est of all ths guests. Dancing was kept np until after mid- night aud shoot 2 am. the-young con- pi* left to return home. Mias Caro and htr escort did not appear at Warrington tha next day, bnt no alarm was felt by her family, as it waa supposed that she remained over with s relative who resides near Millview. It waa learned inter that ths eonple left Millview the night of the party and tbs yonng lady had not stopped at ths borne of her relatives A searching party was organised, and near a bridge, a law mile* from Mill- view, in a clump of trees, the bodies of the yonng people were found, both deu>r Ths yonng lady had been killed by » pistol ball which entered her head near the tar and tbs yonog man had been killed br a pistol ball which had shat tered his skull. Hls head waa lying on tha yonng lady’s lap. After viewing the bodies and anr- ronndings tha coroner’s jury was con vinced that the young man had a*- •salted the yonng lady aud then killed her and subsequently committed suicide. Miss Caro was about 20 years of age. Sepley waa about 2H years of age and for yean has been employed ou the lighthouse steamer in tliU district. It is stated they were engaged to be mar- tied and so far as known there was no opposition to their marriage. Both parties were well connected In Warrington and 1 this city. SAFE. CROOKS IN SYLVAN I A. Prolesslsoal Gang el flraeksesea Eater sad Hub lbs ro.todcs. * Stlvania, Ga, Jan. 18.—The post- office her* was entered daring the night and about $100 in money stolen. The safe was blown to pieces with tome kind of an explosive and has ths look of the professional about it. Of tbe amount stolen over $100 be longed to the government and the rest to the family of the poetmaster, Mr. J. O. Overstreet, and to hU mercantile firm. No clue has yat been obtained as to tha iobbera Tha same crowd alto broks into the Sylvanis depot, bnt for some reason did not blow open the life. The postmaster thinks it • was the work of a gang of crooks traveling tbroygh tip sooth, abont whom he re ceived notice recently from the depart- mpnt at Washington. ( qtjURT NOW AT AUGUSTA. Slab XVItasss Testifies la Tartar Casa, fiaata Damaging Statements. Augusts. Ga., Jan. 1&—Th* Carter eonrtmartial moved bare from Savau- nah to hear the testimony of Marion TWi^gt, ’who is ill and confined to hia home. Tbe eonrtmartial waa held in the room* of Twiggs’ home. The witness was assistant engineer of improvement in Cumberland sound last year nnder Oaptaiu Carter., Twiggs] testimony was regarding mattresses built nnder tbe order of Captain Oprter. Witness stated that mattresses were not in aouordauo* with tbe specifics- tiona The oonrtmartial adjourned after a abort saasion on account of th* weak- nets of th* —it"***. Grimy finger marks seem la grow on the woodwork r abont the honae. They come easily and they stick, too—unless you get rid of them with G 0L nOSTtft Tt malts all cleaning easy. THE W. K. VAIRBAHK COMPART, Dr. Il«l«lwla WmU • Pardo** Montgomery, Ala, Jan. 11.—Appli cation has been mad* to the governor for the pardon of Dr. Snlliva Baldwin, the yonng Bollock connty physician, who is iu the penitentiary serving a sentence for the morder of Wade Ed- eon, at Fitzpatrick, two years ago. At Dr. Baldwin’s request Governor John ston paroled him during the yellow fe ver epidemio here to attend the sick and he rendered substantial service, report- iug back tu tbe prison at the doss of hit term of parole His friends will make a diligent fight for hU pardon, bnt th* friends of his victim will aa earnestly protest, it U stated. Mardar Trial al Marietta. Marietta, Ga., Jan. 1L—The oaae of tbe state against Al Mnllint aud Will Allan, charged with murdering Callie King, was called here. The killing oc- onrred s lew miles north of Bolton, in this county, shout two jests ago, Ths defendants, with other parties, were pissing King’s honae after dark one evening sud King hailed them. He was drinking and soon became engaged in • q narrel with some one In the crowd. A fight ensued sud King’s death was the result. May Kids ou ths Sld.wslks. London, Jan. 1 i. - -At the Maidenhead conntjtt-ourt, summons against Spencer Eddy, secretary of the United States ambassador, Colonel John Hay, snd J. E White, son of Henry White, secre tary of ths United State i embassy, for bicycling on sidewalks, were adjourned in consequence of the home office tele graphing to tbs magistrate thst Henry White claimed diplomatic privileges for The Travelers’ Life Insurance Co BYKONOMOUS OF RELIABILITY, STRENGTH and CONSERVATIVE METHODS. It is the pioneer of stuck rate insurance by which plan the insured pays only for what he pets. Their plan eliminates all cements of-gambling. The insured does not betonpro bable earnings of the company for a period of io, 15 or 20 years as the case may be, nor does he bet that he will outlive that period to realize the estimated profits or accumulations. Their policies have expended insurance, paid up cash sur render and loan values; are incontestable after two vears, and nonforfeitable after three years from the date of issue. All these features are guaranteed and distinctly printed in each policy. They deal not in estimates but guarantees. Their premium rate is from 2o to 35 per cent, less than the old line companies. Represented by JOHN B. FELDER & SON Accident Iunra«Mt]tolBlbl$0 rnptny, Americas, Ga. \]\)&2 you are ready to peatyer-You^esT^ „jWd3lomake •b[ew suggestions. Do You Like a Nice . f Bedroom Set In antique oak or btid’s-ere raapl ? If so, we era gl*e yon the best bedtoomset* made wbiob we are offering tbis week at low prices fo-'hose wbo are economically in clined. They arc the beat value for tbe monry we have ever sold, and will fit np a room to look nea'ly, while they are as use ful and comfortable as tbe more expensive set* O. L. DIXON. Fine Not only sttraot admiring attention bnt afford tbstrowoets personal com fort and satisfaction. When yon want a otrrlngs yoti want it to h. osar riaingsnd inoplled with all tbe modern appliances for safety, and con’ort. That is what we claim for avary ve hicles that leaves our door*. GREEN BROS, (Successors to Thomas S. Green) Legal Advertisements. Sumter Sheriff Sales. Convleu la flood Condition. Montookerv, Ala, Jan. 19.— The state board of convict inspectors htld its quarterly meeting at tbs capltoL The reports showed a most favorable coodi- tion of affairs in every department of th* convict service. Dr. Blake, th* phy sician inspector, made a phenomenal showing for th* health of tbe couviote. She health record for th* last quarter being bettet than for any quarter in th* history of tbe bnrean. Tax Exemption to R$ Toplo. Atlanta, Jan. 10.— Governor Atkin son, Patrick Wslsb, J. F. Hanson of Macon, S. G. McLendon of ThcmasviUe and Hoke Smith bavs accepted invita tions to discuss th* question of tax ex emption for manufacturing industries before the Atlanta chamber of com merce on Feb. 10. Nearly every town in Georgia has appointed delegatee to attend the convention. QKORQIA-Smim Counv WIM be sold before the courthouse door In the city of Amencus, rtuinter county. Os., on tne ttrst Tuesday In February, net, between the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed propertp to-wit: one 'arm consisting of forty one (41) acres more or lees, lying In a body on the west side of land lot No. Its lb tbe *7ib district of sum- ter county. Oa. and bounded as follows: North by tower Danville public road, east by lands ot Asa Willett, south hr lands of Lee- t> n bark Land Co., and west by lands of / merlcus Investment Co., J. \V. Harris and lie lot sold off to J. W. Jones Levied on as the property of Lula Jooea of Sumter coun ty, and W. E. Giloert of Cobb county. Oa., admlnlatra'or* of Sallle L. Maxwell, deceas ed, to satisfy an execution Issued iroin the supert-r court of Sumter county Oeorsla in favor of Anna J. F. Seeley versus Lula J' nes of Sumter county and W. E. Gilbert of Cobb county, Oa., administrators of Sallle Maxwell, deceased. Property pointed out by plaintiff s attorney and tenant In poaaes- sfon notllied In terms of tbe law. This Jan- uary 3d, iMW. J. O. McAHTHUR, Sheriff. A PPLICATION. A TWELVE MONTHS SUPPORT GEORGIA. Webster County. Mrs, Georgia Barker has made application for twelve months support (or herself out of th* estate of J, 8. Barker, deceased. Ap praisers have been appointed and have made their returns. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties concerned whether kindred or creditors, to show cause on or before the February term of the court of ordinary to be held on the Bnt.Monday in February ISOs, why said petition should not be (ranted a* prayed for. Witness my hand anaofOclai signature this January Ith, ISOS. T. J. THARP*. Ordinary. A PPLICATION: LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA, Sumter County. E. L. Ouerry has made appllcaUoa for let ters of administration of w. B. Ouerry Es tate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties concerned whether kindred or creditors, to ahow cause on or before the Febuary term of the court of ordinary to be' held on the first Monday In Febuary ■see, why said petition shonld not be granted as prayed (or. Wltnei - my hand ana official signature thtaJanuary stb, ISSS. A. C. SPEER Ordinary. i DMINISTRATORS SALE. A GEORGIA—SWITCH COPNTT. By virtue of an order of the Oourt of Ordi- County, on the first Tuesday In February next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing descrloed property, uhvIi: One cer tain honae and lot la toe city of Thomasvtlie, Thomas connty, said state, located on the weet side of HanaeU street, bounded on the east by Uansell strret, south by Maeteaa arenas, west by lot sold by Mrs. KotLnsn, SsVBn&sP 8 A pplication. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA—Lee Couktt. Whereas, Mr* Roxana Raya, administra trix of the caute of OUrer Hay a, late of a aid county, deceased, haa filed her aopllcatlou for letter* of d!smU*lon from «aid excate. These are therefore to cue and admonish all persona concerned whether kindred or creditor*, to show cauae on or before the February term of the court of ordinary to be held on tbe first Monday In February 1898, wny said petition should not be granted a* prayed fo- WttneM my hand and offlcl&j signature. thi<* November Ut. U97. GEO. C. EDWARDS. Ordinary. f\ LETTERS ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA—Strum C )Vtnr C. A. Pricker baa made application for creditors, to ahow cauae on or before the February term of the court of ordinary to be held on the flr*t Monday in February 1898. why aald petition should not be granted as prayed t«<r. WttneM my hand and offleial •"‘ M * 0re HMR Ordinary. A pplication LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GF.ORGIA—KUHTZlt COUNTT. C. R Whitley has made application for let- ters of administration on saute of Henry Jones deceased. . These are therefore Ip cite and admonish ail parties concerned whether kindred or creditors, to show cans* on or before tbe February term of tbe court of ordinary to be held tbe first Monday. In February, isos, why said petition should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this January Ith 1M. _____ _ . A. dcSPEER, Ordinary. . — pen against said estate will present the same In terms ol the law. EMILY WILLIAMS, N otice to debtors and creditors- All parties ludeb'ed to estate of Hattie Harris, deceased, win please pay tame at once. .Ah ho dlig claims against said estate will please present same In terms of the UW. GEO. D. WHEATLEY. Administrator estate Battle Harris, dec. will prcttut uae In terms of the law. G. A PERRY Administrator Esute Jacob Perryldec. H. Simmons. h. c. Mitchell, President Ass't Cashier No. S839. People’s National Bank OF AMERIC US. Capital, $80,000. Subplu », $10,(0