Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, January 21, 1898, Image 6

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THE &MERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-BECORDER: FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1893. EBICUS TO BEND DELEGATES if Convention of Badnui Hen in Atlanta Deb. 11th. America* trill be represented in the n vention of bnelncss men of the state i held in Atlanta on Feb. ltth, (or the purpose of foateriog minor indns trie* and discussing the question of tax reduction. The meeting ia a moat important one, and every city in Geor gia will be represented by a delegation «f bnaineas men. Mayor Hixon has not yet appointed delegates to represent Americas, but this will be done in ample time to in sure a good representation for tbc gate city of southwest Georgia. In this connection a rather amusing incident occurred yesterday. Mayor Hixon received official notice from the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, re questing the appointment of delegates from this city. By the same mail President G. W. Glover, of tho Amer icas Board of Trade, received a simi lar notice, and was likewise requested to see to it that Amerions was repre- . seated in the convention. Mayor Hixon immediately appointed President Glover a delegate, with an thority to select two others, while that gentleman in the meantime had con ferred a similar honor upon Mayor Hixon, neither knowing that the other had been invested with authority to Sot. But Americas will send up a delega tion, and every effort will be mado to secure the legislation desired. To re more the exisiting tax on newly estab lished industries means much for Georgia, and will secure the location of many enterprises which, in a few years, wonld prove a source of vast wealth for; the Empire State of the Sonth. WHAT IT INDICATES. Nothing so Interferes with one’s plsns or ambition like elekoeea or poor heeUb. Have you ever thought that your kidreye may be the ceuse of your sleknassf Von can easily And out by setting aalde your urine for twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling Indicates an unhealthy Condi tlou of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it Is evldenesof kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to ntlnsta or pain in the baek, la alio convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order It Is a aonree of comfort to know that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is the great remedy for all kidney and bladder c-un- plaints. It relieves pain, slltob or d ll •oblng In the back, difficult or painful urination, frequent desire to nrinate, scalding or pain In paailng it, and quick ly overoomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times daring tb# night. Tbs mild and eatrn- ordmary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. Its action ■■ gentle yet Imme diate, the relief speedy and the oures permanent. At druggists fifty cents ana one dollar. You may have a sample bot tle and pamphlet, bo'h sent free by mall- Mention the Americui Timss-Rrcohiiek sod send your addre-a to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bloghsmpton, N. T. Tbe propri etors of this paper guarantee the genu ineness of this offer. CALLED TO CALVABY CHUBCH. Vestry Call* Bev. W. H. Wottcn, SWAIN BACES FOB A IBID HAMLIN HELD BY A WABBANT. Snspeoted Firebug to Await Aetion of Grand Jury. A warrant, charging Wilkes Hamlin with anon was iaaned'liy Judge May nard, of the eonnty court, yesterday, and Hamlin, who ia now in jail, will be held to await the aetion of the grand jnry which convenes again on the Slat inst. As stated in yesterday’s Tiuxs- Bbcobdkb, Hamlin is believed to be the inoendiary who bnrned the barn and stockade on the Walker plantation on Wednesday morning, and parties here yeelerday from the soenc of the fire say that some strong evidence against the negro will be presented. Hamlin waa raised np on the planta tion, and only revenge for some fan cied wrong, it is thought, prompted him to apply the torch to his employ er’s property. CHECKS COME FOB VETEBAN8. Sumter’s Soldiers to Receive the Annual Stipend. The first installment of checks for the Confederate veterans of Snmter who are entitled to pensions from the state are now in the hands of Jndge A. C. Speer lor distribution. These are for indigent soldiers, end represent the round snm of $1,800 or $80 each. The pensioners in this oonnty receive annually about $3,800 from tbe state. The checks for widows of veterans are due next, land following these will be ths check* for disabled veterans, each receiving an amount in proportion to the injury sustained. The twenty or more widows in this county receive $00 each, annually. BLOOD POISON CUBED. There ia no doubt, according to the many remarkable oases performed by Botsnio Blood Balm (“B. B. B”) that it is far tbe beattonio and blood purifi er ever manufactured. All others pale into insignificance when oompared with it. It cures pimples, ulcers, akin dis eases, and all manner of blood and akin ailmeuta. Buy the beet and don't throw your money away on substitutes. Try the long tested and old reliable B. B. B. $1.00 per large bottle. For sale by drnggists. A BAD CASE CUBED. Three years ago I contracted a blood poison. I applied to a physician at onee, and hit treatment came near killing me. I employed an old physi cian and then went toKentuoky. I then went to Hot Springs and remained two months. Nothing seemed to cure me permanently, although temporary relief waa given me. I returned home a ruined man phyaieally^with but lit tle prospect of ever getting well. I was persuaded to try Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) and to my utter as tonishment it qniokly healed every nleer. Z. T. Hallrbto.n, For sale by druggists. Macon, Go. r STOLE HARNESS (AND SADDLE. ini Dexfneu Cannot Be Cured. By local applications, ts they oanno. reach the diseased portion of the ear- Thcffe Is only one way to core deafi . and that is by constitutions tedies. Deafness ia caused by an mod condition of the mnoona lin- of the Enitacban Tube. When tube gets inflamed you have a iling sound or imperfect hearing, when it ia entirely closed deafness the result, and unless the inflama- on can be taken out and this tube sstored to its normal oondition, hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases ont of ten are earned by catarrh, which ia nothing bnt an inflamed con dition of the mneona surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by eatarrh) that cannot be cored by Hairs Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY * CO. Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. •vHail’s Family Pills are the best. Filed Suit in Large Amount. A suit against the Central railroad for damages in the snm of $10,000 was filed in tbe office of the clerk of Bumter [superior court yesterday. The suit is brought by next friend of Tom Bridges, colored, whom it isalleged|was run over end killed by a freight train of defendant company at a road cros sing below Americas on Dec. 4tli, last. Tbereeanbe no pleasure nor happi ness for persons whose liver or kidneys are unhealthy* They are weak, sick and irritable, and find It bnrdansoma to per form work of any kind. What they need Is Usoiongh treatment with Dr. J. j; McLean's IJver and Kidney Balm. This remedy Is recognized by many of the best medical a.ithnilUee as without a peer for tbe core of disease* ol tbe kidneys or liver. It rapidly drives onl diseased conditions and restores health, vigor and’ cheerful spirits. Prios 81 06 * Cottle, lor sale by Davenport Drug Ce ^^KWho (Has Accepted. Bev. W. H. Wottcn, recently of Jaucsville, Wisconsin, has accepted a call to tho rectorship of Calvary Epis copal church of this city, and will im mediately enter upon his labors here. This announcement will be gratifying alike to members of that congregation and the general public. The call was extended by the vestry men of the chnrch at a meeting on Thnrsdny night, and yesterday was accepted by Mr. Wotten. The new rector conducted services at Calvary on Sunday last, and so favor able was tbe impression made that the chnrch immediately determined to call him as rector, whioh place has been vacant since the departure of Bev. W. W. Walker some time since. Mr. Wotten will bring bio family here at once, occupying the pretty rectory on Lee atreet, and regular services may be expected at Calvary hereafter. Bnt the Damsel’s Father Beats Him By a Neck. It was a lively race fora pretty bride that was made to the office of Jndge A. C. Speer, of the oourt of ordinary, yet terday morning, bnt paterfamilias won by a neck, and a pretty girl and ardent lover are now widely separated and their plana frustrated by “popper's” cunning. Love lsnghedat locksmiths, bnt the old man fairly grinned as be thought of the proverb “he laagbs best who laughs Isst.” It was at an early hour that a gentle man, the father of one of the prettiest girls in this region, entered Jndge Speer’s office and i«M him of a contem plated runaway in which his daughter was to play a star part. She waa not of age, ami therefore the father forbade Judge Speer issuing a marriage license The old gentleman had scarcely left the building ere the groom-prospective showed up and demanded the license. It was a heart stab, bnt Judge Speer told him of the orders given by the girl's father. Borneo was dazed for a moment, never dreaming that the pro- poaed elopement had been discovered. Now ho mnst resort to stratagem.' The ardent swain left tho office. His scheme would work, dead sure. A half hour later a third party called and demanded a marriage license for a “colored couple" but w hen Jndge Speer asked for the names his surprise can be imagined when those of the yonthfnl lovers, whose marriage had been forbidden, were given him. He merely winked his off eye and put away the ready pen. The young swain is disconsolate over the unexpected turn of affairs, while “popper" doubtless wouders what he ia going to do next MB. STEVENS IN AMEEICUs! ThievesIBob. Bara* and Escape With the Loot Capt John A. Cobb and Mr. George D. Wheatley reported to the polios yesterday morning that their barns had been robbed the night previous. These gentlemen live on adjoining lota and the same thief, no doubt, did the donble act From Mr. Wheatley’* barn a fine set of harness waa stolen, while Capt Cobb is short a new sad dle. Harness stealing has been car ried on here for some time now and the polioe are warm on the trail of the miscreants. DBBADKD COtlSuMWoN BE COKED. T. A. Slocum, M. C., the Orest Obsmlst and Scientist. Will Send, Pres, Three Bottles or HIS Hewlj Ulscoreted Bemedlss to Suffisrors. Editor Times Recoiidxb.—I have discovered a reliable cure for Con sumption and all Bronchial, Throat and Lung Disease*, General Decline, Loas'of Flesh and all Conditions of Wasting Away. By Its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless cases have been cured. Bo proof positive am I of tta power to cure, that to make Ita merits known, I will send, free, to any afflicted read er of your paper, three bottles of my Newly Discovered Remedies upon receipt of Express and Poetoffice ad* dreaaT T. A. SLOCUM, M. C„ 88 Pine Street, New York. When writing the Doctor, please mention hit paper. Tiie Dublin” Dispatch came out sqnarely this week in favor of Hon. F. G. duBignon for govornor. Thousands of persons flonnder along for mouths, yea, even years suffering from Indigestion, bowel troubles and liver disorders, with their accompany ing disagreeable symptom*, because thoy think they are obliged to do so. If they wonld takes abort eonne of Dr. J. B, HoLean'a Liver and Kidney Balm they would soon get rid of the ■nlserablo feeling and that overpower- mg sense of weariness and Incapacity I 'or work wonld gtva plaea to one of O— «“». j-fcJg; pew echool census of Georgia. Drag Co. Senator From the Eleventh Visit! Hi* Friend* Here. Senator O, B. Stevens, of Dawson, ■pent yesterday iu the city, meeting hia old friends and making new ones. Senator Stevens has announced for commissioner of agriculture, and he is going to get there. Senator Steven* goes in the race well fortified. He is well known and baa strong working friends all over the state. The gentle man from Terrell ia a man of the peo ple. He ia himself a farmer and is folly posted aa to the necdx of the tillers of the soil. He will stand for eoonomy and lower taxation, and no man deserves more this promotion than does Mr. Stevens. As senator he was a hard worker for the interests of the whole people, and there ia no blot on his record. Tut Timks-Recouder will give its hearty support to Hon. O. B. Stevens for commissioner because it knows him to be honest and trne and a man who will take care of the far mer's interest when he gets in. Senator Stevens will spend a part of today with his America* friends, re turning at noon to hi* home in Daw. son. LESLIE STOCK SOLD FRIDAY. / Alliance 8ell* a Stock of Good* Down There. CAN’T GET REST. Sleeplessness Common Among the Aged. THIN, PALE7 INACTIVE BLOOD THE CAUSE. Restful Sleep from Better Bluod Supply. Paine's Celery Compound Fills the Arteries. Red Multiplies Number of Corpuscles. There sre degrees of sleeplessness from the wide-awake state to the sleep which docs not refresh and has in it only the mockery of rest. Such sleep ia not tired nature's sweet restorer. Dreams have ;>ower to torture and to depress. Sleep, therefore, not always rest, bnt t'onble, and troubled sleep brings to the brain worker loss of power for thought and labor. It is a well known fact that for auy part to perform actively its duties, it mnst have an abundance of blood; bnt wheu tho power of loenlly regulating tbe sapply of blood in the brain is im- paired because of insufficient nerve power the tired bruin grinds the same old grist over and over till nervous prostration, paralysis or hysteria ensues. The cause of sleeplessness is so clear that the cure is equally apparent. The nerves must recover their grip. The health-wrecking laxity of the blood vessels must be corrected. The an swer to how this is to be done is: Feed the exhausted nerve tissues with I’aine's celery compound. By thus acting on the nerves Paine’s celery compound is abln to regulate the blood supply and iiermanently banish sleeplessness that shortens so many lives, especially among those beyond middle age. In addition to this indi rect control over the cireniation,Paine’s celery compound direetiy increases the amount of blood in the arteries and aronses the pnrifying organs to drive ont impurities that often lark in it un developed for years till age or a “run down” condition allow them to get the npper band. A pale, languid woman ia not more of a lady than a rosy, robust one. Women leading lives of imperfect health, with pains and aehoa running riot through their “run down” bodies, are often ignorant of the feet that it is not a specific for nervousness or rheu matism or stomach trouble that they need, bnt fundamental building np of every tissne of their bodies and thorough cleansing of their blood. Tbe strengthening of the constitution and the eradication of latent disease that Paines uelery compound achieves leaves no fear of that treacberons partial r«' eovery that keeps one always afraid of relapse and sadden break down. Paine’s celery compound rests on the wise, modern oonolusion of the beat ANNUAL 1 .. ,, ... medical thought that the remedy that ,™.a„ m “HZ IS! invigorates the entire ayatem and pm “ ” *” rifles it, it the only safe cure for aueh localized diseases aa rheumatism, neu ralgia, sleeplessness, eczema, head ache, and blood diseases. It is a common harmful idea that health keeps paee with strength. Peo ple seem to think that one can determ- Snmter Gonnty Alliance yesterday morning, the general stock of goods oontained in the company's store at Leslie was sold to Johnson ft Wilson, merchants of that town. This closes ont the entire mercantile interests of the Snmter Connty Alliance, tbe com- ino the herith of persona by measuring their arms. Health meant absence of store in Amerions to Oliver .V Harper. The Alliance still owns some valuable realty in the eity, ineindiug the large brick warehouse on Lamar street and store adjoining. A Strong: Fortification. Fortify the Body against disease by Tutt’s Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. “The Fly-Wheel of Life” Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel oflife. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. LFairlcigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt’s Liver Pills Gov. Taylor For Senator. Nashville, Tenn. Jan. 15.—Gover nor Taylor announced tonight his can didacy (or the' United States senate, and hia election is regarded as a fore gone conclusion. Notice. TEN DOLLARS reward for infor mation leading to arrest of thief who entered my barn on Friday night, 14th inst, stealing one set of bnggy har ness, leather baiter and bnggy whip; all comparatively new. Gxo. D. Whxatlit. The penitentiary commission will hear 300 cues for pardon. pain and presence of more or less nerve intensity and enjoyment in the mere fact of living. All this implies abundantly nourish ed organs and blood unhampered by diseased humors. Paine's oelery compound ia especially valuable for reorniting the strength and spent energies of men and women advanced in years. It ia the one prep aration eonsidered worthy tbe name of a true nerve food and blood remedy by physicians throughout the country. It is prescribed by them in every state in the Union to tone up the system, regulate the nerve* and restore health and strength. Election of Lodge Officer*. At a meeting of Americas Lodge No. 13, F ft A M lut night, the following officers were elected for the current year: J. B. Dunn, worshipful master; H. W. Smithwick, senior warden; J. D. Peacock, junior warden; O. F. Gid- dings, treasurer; E. L. Guerry, secre tary; L. J. Blalock, senior deacon; J. I’. Chapman, junior deacon. Heavy Verdict For Johmon. Butler, Go, Jan. 14.—In the trial of the suit of Dr. F. G. Johnson, of Rich land, Ga. against the Central railroad for injnries sustained in an accident near this place, the jury today fonnd for the plaintiff in the aum of $16,000. Disorders In tha liver and kidneys are rseponaible for many of the atlmente of humanity, which when negteoted, de velop Into aerions and often fatal mala* diet. Prudence wonld suggest tha prompt nae of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liv er and Kidney Balm to remove the dis order u toon u possible, and raatote the diseased organs to a healthy and vigorous aetion. Prios $100 • bottle. For ml* by Davenport Drag Co. CUTHHEb • GEMS' FURNISHINGS SALE! FOR SPOT CASH ONLY Prior to our inventory we will continue our annual CASH CLEARANCE SALE of Clothing and Gents’ Furnish ings TWO OR THREE DAYS LONGER. We will cut to the quick every piece of Clothing in our house. Lots of Odd Suits, only one or two of a kind, will be sold at only a trifle over half former prices. We want to close out all odds and ends as well -as reduce the stock, / and convert every garment possible ioto the cash. Men’s and Youths’ Clothing. FOR $3 50 Our entire stock of $5.00 and $6.00 Suits, FOR $5.00 Our entire stock of Suits, formerly from 1 * ' FOR $7.50 One Hundred Suits, formerly $lo.oo to FOR $9.75 Two Hundred Suits, formerly $12:50 to All finer salts at proportionate redactions. Overcoats. FOR $3.50 Entire stock of Overcoats, formerly$5.o6 FOR $ 5.00 Entire stock of Overcoats, formerly $7.50 FOR $ 7.50 Fifty Overcoats, formerly $lo to $12.50. FOR $ 9 75 One Hundred Overcoats, formerly $15.00. Alt finer Overcoats at proportionate redactions. Odd Pants. FOR $ 3.50 Your choice of anj pair of Pants in stock FOR $ 3,90 Your choice of 200 pairs of Pants, for- CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. FOB $3.50 Your choice of any Child’s Suit in stock FOR $2.50- Fifty Children’s Suits, formerly $3.50 FOR $1.50 Fifty Children’s Suits, formerly $2.50. FOR $1.00. Fifty Children’s Suits, formerly $1.50 All Knee Pants at big Bargains. All Clothing and Furnishings not mentioned will be sold at big reductions to convert into the cash. WHEATLEY & AM. The Leaders of the Dry Goods, Clothing and- Carpet Trade.