Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, January 21, 1898, Image 7

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^AVllHUBWK 'ft THE AMERICCS WEEKLY TI.MES--RECORDER: FRIDAY, JANUARY 21. 1898. $50 in Gold yill be Paid to any Man or Woman. "I’ ■ '!uif lun 'y Sjict... - ■eases, such as catarrh. blood polisn. weakness I linen and women whichaffect the dollcalo oroono ud private Oloooooo ol all klnOa, rheumatism, Urichire. varicocele, rupture, Irmalo troubles,! •tin trustless, ulcers. kidney and urinary 01- mm. lire' end atooeeh .IBcnltlee. liquor, Mian and morphine habits. or any chronic dlnue. Oar traoUncnt can be token nt homo u nor otRoo for treatment, 1( am fafl to core. 1.. ten the beat of nnnndal nod profeeaional refer- (ocm and traneact oar baeineae on a strictly mitceiional beala, proanlainc notbinc but what pecan fulfill. We do not believe in any of the Mpnacrlptlone, free cure, freeeampleor C.O.D. made, not think ft £ beet In the end to behnn- I with onr paUonts. Write na to-day; don’t do. 'foe have carefully prepared Symptom Blanke 11, for men; No. 2, for women: No. s. for akin SShtJ wilUeudFmm allwho mail? ooklet which we will tend Free to all who reau/ *wro. trnthfal information about their condi* Cali oraddrew, DK. HATHAWAY ft CO BH So. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. Keotion this You Can Save Dollars. By buying wheels now from Will Dudley. For instance—A Wilhelm, second-hand, at $9.90. Three “Our Specials,” second-nand, at 12.50. Half dozen. “Crescent,” second-hand, ’ at $10.50 to $20; good wheels. Ladies wheels from $12 to $20; second-hand. ie next two weeks we will sell you a For wheel make room for our 98 models which are on the road. Don't fall to secure a bargain at once. Wneels sent by Express with privilege of examination when money 1* •rut to guarau tee Kxpress charges both way#. Correspondence solicited. WILL DUDLEY, Headquarters for Dtcvcles and Bicycle Sundries. HAGGABD'8 Specific Tablets «»»• VITAL Effect on s, Kraln Glands, Heart, Venal and Mnoons Ti»- suc«—OvorcoinioK Torpid Conditions and Invigorating tba Entire Functional Systotn. Cures all KJdney, Bladder, Uterine, Pros tattc and Urethral Affections. Impart vigor tad overcome effects of excess and lndlscre- Containing remedies that act as a heaitay action to all of the functions of the and build up the entire organism. *n other words, they help every function and impart vigor and health to the entire man On this principle th»y cure when all other remedies have fail'd. On sale at Davenport Drug Co., An ericr or bent bv mall on receipt of price by Hu card spcciaoCoe. Atlanta Ga. Weal Men Fully restored in a short tiros. One box tablets ft- Thrss boxes •*.’0. By mall. Writ* for psrtic- 'JB"l»S»teJo ftl FEARFUL NEGRO FIGHT Kentucky Still the Scene of a Wholesale Killing. REPORTS ALL REASSURING. 0ABD8 AND WHISKY THE OAU8E8 Elcht Men Alraedy D..J end Further Trouble I, Ezp.oied—Fetal I,Juries Re. Oel.ed by Four—Maoh Kzeltemeat Over the Hiaady idklr Prevails fe aud About Hlddle.bera. Middles boro, Ky„ Jan. 15.— Aipaeial from Hayden i*yi that a bloody light occurred on Sandy Fork, Leslie county. Eight men an reported killed, aa fol lows: John Williams, Tom Wilson, Bob Cole wall, Tom Shelton, Peter Dor- rongh, Hook Paine. Elias Howard and Abel Coomb*, all negroes. Sim Paine, Irhrrjr HoOamos, Sid Martin aud Lew Gossom wen leriouslj wounded. Iu- tauea excitement prevail! aud further fighting la expected. The fight oconrred over cards and a blind tiger. omelet Advle.. Kroui Shew Tba, til. Tr. ubl. Thar. I. Dear. Washington, Jan. 15.—The offioial advices from Havana received by the Spanish minister, Mr. Dnpny Detains, continue to be reassuring. A dispatch ■eut at 8 p. m. said that the city was perfectly quiet Another dispatoh, sent shortly after midnight, stated that a few people gathered in the pnblio park about 10 o’clock at night. There was no demonstration and un der ordinary circumstances no atten tion would have beau given to it as the park ii the central pnblio point of Ha vana. As u matter of precaution, how ever, the patrol of soldiers on duty aaked the pe.iple to move away, and this they did witbunt demonstration or the exer cise of any force. By 10 o’olook the troops were buck in their quarters. Up to uonii the state department had received no advices from Oonanl Gen eral Lee at Havana. Late at night General Lee seut a dispatch saying that everything was qniet and that the thea ters aud places of amusement were open. GETTING READY Every expectant mother hat ft trying ordeal to face. If she doe* not CURRY TALKS OF CUBA. Former Minister to Spain Think, tba ■aland Will rinally Ha Fraa. Atlanta, Jam 15.—J. L. M. burry, United States minister to Spain nudei* Mr. Cleveland's first administration, is* in the city on business connected with educational funds under his oontrol. To a reporter be talked interestingly about Cebu. In reply to inquiries he said: “Cuba will eventually be free, think the best government for the island would be home rale with some loose al legiance to Spain. The island la not prepared for self government. The ma jority of the insurgents are negroes Autonomy would in fire years result in independence. Spain is bankrupt and there is no financial inducement to her to hold Cuba. It is all a matter of ten ttment 'Sagaetm is ashrewd, adroit politician, who might be compared to James G. Dinine. He is a mau of more liberal Views thau Cauovaa, bat not his equal 'a statesmanship. “I don’t tbiuk Cuba wonid be a desir able acquisition for this country. We hare problem enougli in the 7.000,000 negroes iu tne tonchern states without takiuj iu 7CO.OOO more.” A WEEK IN WALL STREET. Several Appearance ml the Market One ol Activity and atrnngtb. Hew York, Jan. 16.—The general ap- pearanod of the market thla week hat been one of great activity and strength, bnt a closer Intpeotion will iudiosta that tho activity has been more dis tributed than has the strength. The Industrial stocks are, on the whole, lower aud many important railroad stocks, including the granger,, are hardly aa well off as they were a week ago. The market’s appearance of strength has been dne to the largo bay ing on a rising market of the Horthern Pacific stocks, Union Pocillo and the Vanderbilts. The strength of the Union Pacific has been oommuuicated to the slocks of tl;e disintegrated portions of the old ays tern, now operated by separate compa nies The anuounoement that the Union Pacific had bongbt a controlling interest the Oregon Short Line explained this movement. Mnoh was made also of the prospect of a big Klondike holiness over these lines aud the Northern Pacific. The Ohio soft ooal roads - have been prominent and strong. There has been unprecedented activ.ty and rocord prices iu the bond divislou aud large invest ment demand for giltedged stocks aud anr increased ontaide interest iu the ■tack market. \ On the other hand there has boen in termittent realiaiiig on a very heavy acale by large professional operators, which has been n drag on the market. Sngar has been persistently weak on ac count of I'resideut Havumeyer'a recom mendation tnat tbe surplus be main tained for contingencies. The stock Is points lower. Manhattan is over 4 points higher and the Northern Pacific stocks. Union Pacific ami the leading Vanderbilts from 3 to 11 points higher. WHEAT MARKET IS WEAK. P WmiaitCMOdney Pilt^ i Has no equal in dlseoaca of tho I 1 KidueysaLd Urinary Organa. Have ( | i Jon neglected your Kidneys? Have Jon overworked your nervous sys-< 1 i 'tern and caused trouble with your > (Kidneya and Bladder? Hove yon* Pams in the loins, side, bock, groin*) I i '»nd bladder? Hove you a flabby np- . iPearance of the face, especially! ' Ulllii-r flirt rtwnrt O jartrtlionf. fl<** i I under the ' 'feP 0 ™. Ells will i of tho face, especially' e eyes? Too frequent de- ( I urine ? William's Kidney . 1 import new life to the dls-( ran*, tnnn tin the Kvstom, I , « will impart new life to tne ms* i organs, tone up the systems > f makonnew man of you. By ^ |UR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT J “ Mer the management of MR. ED. A * ,,Ws - *»o wiu ail all orders promptly. A. W, SMITH. Filler, of an c,,1.1 w.v. taShew Dp Cum t-rlc.. I. FalL Chicago, Jan. 15.—The coarse of tbe wheat market the past week has been irregularly downward. (jolts pro nounced weakness developed at tiinea. but support waa given the market at critical points aud the net decline was not heavy. The inactivity of the mar- waa as shown by the range of prices, whioh was bus 3 cents. May fluctuating between 91% and 89% oent*. Friday’s closiug price, 90(3%, shows a decline of 1%@1% for the week. The market was weakened on Satur day by a failure of a predicted cold wave to materialise, which caused consider able liquidation by those who had bought on expectation of orop damage. Weskneaa of foreign markets coupled with an almost atagnaut condition of trade reinlted Monday in a seven-eighth cent break. Part of this was recovered Tuesday on buying by the Letter crowd, which started a general covering move ment by shorts, bnt for the rest of the week tbe trend of tbe market was down ward. Extreme weakness which devel oped at Liverpool waa partly responsible for the decline. Indirectly, also, the gradually in creasing offerings of wheat from the new Argentine crop ent quite a figure, aa *hoy apparently played an important in tbe decline! in the foreign mur- The Loiter interests gave the Siaamar^ For Yukon IClvar. Stockton. Oal., Jan lj —O. M. Ham ilton and O. H. Clow, representing two Chicago companies, have let contracts to the Jarvis shipyard in this city for two steamers to he ballt for the Yukon river. The steamers are to be bunt com plete except (he upper works, aud canlked, with all machinery on board, and Hie contract calls for their being launched by Match 15. CASTORIA For Infant* and Children. * km ewiy Truth ja stranger than fietion, be cause there is lees of it on tho market. Prosperity oomes quickset to the men whose liver is in good condition. De- Witt’s Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipation, bilious ness, indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. W. A. BemberL Itch on human, mange on horses dogs and all stock, cured in 80 minntes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. This never fails.. Sold by E. J. Eldridge, druggist, Americas, Ga. It is a long head that knows no turn- in’g when a pretty girl passes. OA«TOH I A. get ready for if, there is no telling what may happen. Child-birth ia full of uncertainties if Nature ie not given proper assistance. Mother’s Friend is the best help yon can use at this time. It is a liniment, and when regularly ap plied several months before baby comes, it makes tho advent easy and nearly pain- leas. It relieves and prevents '' morning sickness,” relaxes the overstrained mus cles. relieves the distended feeling, short ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangerous after-effects. Mother's Friend is good for only ono purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of danger and pain. One doilar per bottle at all drug stores, or sent by ex press on receipt of price. Free Hooks, containing valuable informa tion for women, will be sent to any oddrem upon application to I THE WlADPIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Go. The man with plenty of pnsh is usu ally successful, bnt be isn’t in it with the man who has a pull. A Cure for Lame Back- “My daughter when recovering from an attack uf fever, waa a great snffeier from pain In the back and hips,” writes Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After using quite a number of remedies with out any benefit she tried one bottle of Cnamberla’u’a Pain Balm, and It baa given entiie relief." Chamberlain’s Pain Balm la alto a certain core for rheumatism, S >ld by W. A. Rembert, Druggist. GENTLEMEN Will do well to look through 'our stock of Furnishing-Goods before buying. Everything new. Noth ing carried over from last season. We handle Wilson Bros Underwear. Wilson Bros Dress Shirts. Wilson BrosJHalf Hose and Gloves. Wilson Bros Suspenders, etc. The New “Columbia” Shirts in white and fancy bosoms. Also a full line of Mclntoshjcoats, Umbrellas. We can save you money in anything in Men’s wear. 0 BRITTON & DODSON- 405 Jaekaon Street,*MXt to E. J. Eldridge drugstore. ASTORIA The youth who secorei a situation as bill collector has a promising career. Some men rob themselves when they call others hard names. Save Your Lite By using “The New Great South Amer ican Kidney Core. ” This new remedy ia a great surprise on aooonnt of its ex ceeding promptness in relieving pain in the Kidneya, Bladder and Back in male or female. It relieves retention of water, and pain in passing it almost, immediately. Save yourselves by nsing this marvelous cure. It» nae will pre vent fatal consequences in almost all eases by its great alterative and heal- 5d*by E. J. Eldridge, druggist, Americas, Ga. The fr -nt door matif freqontlo eroa sed in lov e. Miss AllieHughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain waa intensely relieved by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the injury without leaving a scar. It ia tbe famous pile remedy. W. A. BemberL Many are called, but few choose to get np when the alarm clock goes off. K£ l1 market good support on Tuesday when tbe price got to 90 cents, bat on Friday there were sellers at tba low point. Low His CoaUit. Washington, Jin. 14.—The senate committee on privilege* and elections has dscldsd to make an adverse report nDon Hon. H. W. Corbett's olaim to a ■eat in the senate from Oregon. The was A to t and waa cast on partisan lines except that Senator Baraw^ BspubU- esn, who wma abseefc waa oonnted open his authority in opposition to Mn Oer- The progressiva ladle* o' Westfield rod , Issued a “Woman’s Edition’’ of the Wreiflald News, bearing dsts of April 3, 1890. Tbe paper Is fll’ed with matter of Interest to women, ana we notice tbe following from a correspond an', which tne editors , rinted, realizing that It treata upen a matter of vital Im portance to their sex: "Tbe best reme dy for oroup, colds end bronebitls that I have been able to find I* Chamberlain’* Congh Kemedy. For family use It has no equal. I gladly recommend iu" 25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by W. A. Rembert, DrnggiiL To make friends of men put money in their parse. To make friends of women show them how to become more beautiful.—Chicago News. Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa. ■"* nillio ■ays: “My child ia worth millions to me; yet I would have lost her by croup bad I not invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Core.” It cures ooughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. W. A. BemberL Poem* often oome home to roost—if accompanied by a return envelope. It ia easy to catch a cold and jnat as easy to get rid of it if yon commence early to nse One Minute Congh Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pnonmoni* and all throat and long troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to nae and sure to enre. W. A. Bem- erL Incontinence of water during sleep immediately by Dr. E. Detch- stopped . on’s Anti Diuretio. Cores children and adnlta alike. Price $1. Sold by E J Eldridge, druggist, Americas, Os. Success is the only attainable goal in ibis world, and even that is precarious. AYeg e tablePreparation for As - J slmilatlng iheToodandReguIa- liHgtheStomachsandBowelsaf imwiiwmiHimiiM Mrs. Stark. Pleasant, Bidge, O., says, "After two doctors gave up my boy to din I saved him from cronp by nsing One Minute Cough Cure.” it is the quickest and most certain remo- day for conglis, colds and all.throat id ’ - ~ and long troubles. W. A. BemberL It isn’t what a man owes bnt what he says that keeps him broke. Person* who are troubled with Indi- grs’ion will be iutereeted -In tbe experl, ence ofWm. H. Penn, chief olerk In tbe railway mail service at Dee Moines, Iowa, wbo wiites: "It gives me pleas ure to testify to the merit* of Chamber- lain’* Coke, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Bor two year* I have suffered from indigestion, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of pain In tbe stomach ami bowels. Ona or two dusea of this remed y neverfalli to givepetfect reliefs." P.loe 25 and 50 oent; for sale by W. A. Rembert, Druggist. ErtmwtesTXgesGon,Cheerful ness ,ind Rest.Con tains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nabc otic. mWBWWHHBW iW" A perfect Remedy forConsGpa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions, Feverish ness andLoss of Sleep. Tec Simile Signature of NEW YORK. exact co prey WRAPPER, SEE that the FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 31*21 -OF- fis ON 'SHE WRAPPER OF EVES Y 9 BOTTLE OF CASTORIA Outorls is pst sp la ons-alu tetthi only. It ll not told io balk. Don’t allow tnyon, to Mil job anything e!» on th« plea or promlle that It • "Jmt as good" and "will sniwer orery pnr- poio.” -Mr Bee thit yoa get 0-A-S-T-0-B-I-A. Thifu- ■hallo ■igutnoi bn •riry TTxppir. American Beauties; Millionaires are always capital fel lows. C A.BTOBXA. Honeaty may be the beat policy, bnt life inanrauce ia more satisfactory to the widow. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Baddell’a III. suffered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronio constipation and was finally cured by using DeWitt’a Little Early Bisera, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver trembles. W. A. Rembert. Kiasi: the a fashionable young lady on is one way of removing painL •’Uf* iu newer” rot Ladle*. Olivia Psterton, of Coldwater, Mtcb., write*; "I bad not been able to sit op a half day at a Uma for thirteen years nnUl I used the MysUo Ufa Benawer, It baa cored me of nervous troubles, headache and a very bad stomach. It has halped me in so many waya, and cured me of afiUotlons that the doctors said could not be oared. The blessed Life Benewer has done more for me than all tbe Patent Medlolnee, Doctors and Christian Science treatment* com bined. It I* tbe meet wonderful medi cine I ever taw." Sold by E.J, Eldridge, Americas. The. perfumer is always a man of aoents. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., waa for thirty years needlessly tortured by physicians for the core of eexema. He vnsir qnlrily cured by using DeWitt’s Hasel Salve the famous healing salve fox piles and skin disease*. W. A. BemberL It sometimes para to be good, bnt it’s always good to bo paid. One Minute Cough Cure cures quick ly. That’s what yon want 1 W. A. BemberL if 4** mV Jaf** j -**4 m i r 2 if Woman. Sunshine makes^ the Perfect Rose and P. P. P. the Perfect l llf V P. P. P. (Uppmin*. Orest Remedy.) Thousands of women are uttering needless pain and humiliation from Blood Poison, due to the absorption of Impurities from Irregubtf menstruation orother cause*. P. P. P. will put roses of health In cheeks disfigured by pimples, moth, vulgar redness or eczema. P. P. P. Is a sovereign speci fic for all forms of Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Catarrh and Dyspepsia. —n-wi, macro, uc, writes: **l hod a tired feeling and wo* rue down. I sot a battle *4 P. P.P. sed It cured me In e week's time. Belsr* th-t I could net eet anything. Now I oat at every smsL" LI Pin AN BROS.. p y,Sgff5goc«. Savannah. Ga. gi Congress is Now ‘ * In Session and Uuole Sam is nearly drlvsn Insane with business. Bnt that hara't got a thing todo with our elegant stock of Groceries and Country Produce, I don’t think. Our Liquors are firat-elaai; so la the Bealaurant. The McLeod Co Under Opsin House, T*!opheeo S*--* Cell s