Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, January 28, 1898, Image 2

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/ THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES--RECORDER: FRIDAY, JANUARY 28. 1898. HE TALES OF HAWAII President Dole Discusses the Treaty Now Pending. ARGUMENTS FOB ANNEXATION ri.Icf EZ'Mtlvt of th« tilaad lUpahllc VmOlmrmt Proposed Union Would K.eult In Oronk Good to Hath HI* and ltil< ' Oonntry— Will Ur *ho Mnttor Itofor* i Official* at Waililactuu. Chicago, Jan. ai—A special to The Record from Green River, Wy., says At toe nettbonoii Union Pacific limited ' nu crossing the Utah-Wyoming boumi ary a reporter had an opporiouity o r f Hi i Pbesix>s:;t pole. meeting President Sanford B Do! the Hawaiian republic. and for an hoar or 10 rode with him on hi.« journey to ward (he capital, where the fate of the new republic is being decided. Presi dent Dole said: *'I hare sroriioaslj refrained from ac cording interviews to tiie press on an nexation or upon matters bearing upon it since reaching tne United btates. The question is now before the senate #f the United States aud I do not deem it poi*fio to express mj views at this timu'' 'Asked what power* had been dele- (rated him for hie present mixtion, Mr. Dole said: '‘No special power, have been granted me. My visit to the United State. «« deemed advieable by the conned of etate and strongly urged by many of oar in- flumitinl citizen, ont.ide of the govern ment. I donbt if any powers conld be delegated to me ntt’oM by onr legisla ture. which doesn’t meet until Feb. 16. If the treaty with Hawaii is ratified by the United States senate without amend- ment, no further legislative action is necessary. If amended it would have to be ratified by our senate and myself as president” As to the Itaeo. .tm.adme.t- President Dole’s attention was oalled to the Bacon amendment to relegate the matter to a vote of the Hawaiian citi- tons, and he was asked whether or not sun-xatiou woald be indorsed at the Hawaiian polls. That is a question I would not oare to answer, but I think friends of annex- the islands are certain it would be-Adopted by a larga majority of the citizens,” answered the president. ’■ Wual legislation is iu view by your people in the event of annexation?” was asked. JIo special legislation is in view. Cha treaty provides for the appointment V the pieildent of theUmted States of union authorized to formulate mi recommend to emigre's the nd forma of government for Ha waii. "Wbjf effect would the failure to sh i he annexation treaty have upon mr goTi-rummil?” was asked. •‘No parUcuUr effect,” wae his an- wi-r. "All that baz been done by our wople in tne form and establishment of cr government has been In view of lolntaiutng a permanent republic. In ^Jfriit that the government of the lulled States fails to annex the ooun- out government is in good financial dniou aud wonld bo maintained, allure, however, of the annexation njeot wonld seriously prejudioe aud lay the growth and prosperity of the ands. Annexation would stimulate teatly and make permanent onr pres et commercial relations with the lotted States We would have abeo- ue, instead of approximate, free trade rith the pevgle of the United States, kioh would stimulate aud etreugtheu pth countries! commercially. Asked if (ho competition of cheap would not effectually bar from the island, Mr. |ily Vor American*. Mind white men are work- forum and oiber KtatHg (or e pay Asiatic labor in liaw- txgerald, labor commissioner iu» Bays Hawaii nffonls a t opening for American labor.” How will (he subjects of Great Brit- cceive aunexatrou?” They ore divided on the question; me favor annexation, others are hit- |yopposed to it.” 'Hoe the Japauese government any hUnation to secure control of the and* in case they should not be an ted ?’ ’ That I do not know. We are not in jeh with Japanese diplomacy;and I mot elL" liked if ho believed annexation would ■■the United States in difficulties tinny other nation, Mr. Dole said: 'So far us I bave thought of that of the question I bare not looked raid to nny trouble and I do uut it there would beany." ik»d k hat the raonarckial party was iK in tlm iihiticr of annexation at nt time, Mr. Dole said: K, >1 all reports they aro actively «i,g a :iiexatlou at Washington, ex-queen is thore and the prase re- i state that a delegation of anti- uatiouist* with ample means is iked what his plans were for hi. the United State., Mr. Doio.aio: ava no specific plans outlined ,nt movements at Washington. At mt »«' auttcipato returning to Ha- hr the steamer Gaelic, which will ijji Francisco Feb. *!i In Wash m I will coufer with the Hawaiian ttion aud. if thought desirable, the president ami other officers of ministration, and will then be i to give ail the information at mand regarding the status of u nffaire bearing upon annex- Corn responds readily to proper fer tilization. Larger crops, fuller ears and larger grain are sure to result from a liberal use of fertilizers containing at least y% actual Potash Our books are free to farmers. GERMAN KALI WORKS, si Nian Si., New York. ■ FURNITURE OF ALL uatio lal in lii l'e I; -OIIE- MINUTE COUCH CURE cures quickly. That 1* what It was made for. Prompt, safe, sure, quick relief, quick cure. Pleasant to take. Children like It and adnlts like It. Mothers buy It for their children. ■PARKER’S HAIR BAL8AM M* and. beautifies the bffJ ■Mluuhsnt growth. tasgs&fsifi • ft hair talk |W>nj££Ut^ SEN T KIlLK to honselt capers- Liebig COMPANY’S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK- telling how to prepare many deli- oate gud delleioue dishes. Address, LlcUg Co., P.O. IIox 2718, New York WE SHO W LINES n r it mu Not to Be Found Elsewhere. Hndling the products of all the leading factories, and it will be to your advantage to look oyer onr immense stock before pur chasing.^ Our stock oi 1121Deqorated Dimer Sets are without!! ques tion the handsomest andlcheap&st that has ever been brought! to this market. ForlLamp Goods, Brie-a-Erac, Wedge wood Ware, Fancy Center Tables, Bedroom Suite, Chiffoniers we Dare headquarters. -A_. W. SnVETTH. Haver lands Decorated Dinner Sets- Q k u si Is J91 laredhot y Hires Rootbeer stands be tween you and the dis tressing ef fects of the heat. HIRES Rootbeer *0’10MU« A fleet Inn Nothl at but a local remedy orchange ot climate will cirelL Get a well known pharmaceutical remedy, Ely's I’rcao Balm It la quickly Absorb ed. Ulve* re’lef at oner, Opens and cleanses tbe Nasal PiiMKftgc*. Allays In (tarnation, Heal* and Protects the Mel _ Reuse* of Taste and Smell No Cocaine, No Mercury. No Injur'ou* d ug. Pull SHr.e&'c; Trial 10c. at UruMgstsor »»y raa'i. KLV UKOrilKRN, M Warren St . New York COLD <n HEAD emurauc. Kcsiorcft the WJSLSW* 1 Btutng jure* when all oUm* l ftrery mother *nd Invalid should have it "PARRUFi BALSA hcaotiftaTthafria isuriant growth. vaMaasag 11 tilftSSBSSS!Steft: ■or* Cure for DR. La RUE’S VIGOR OF LIFE. Is a new discorcry, the result of clinical experi ment* iu the wards of the nervous de bility hospitals of Paris. It cures .a .7^ “ Power, Fallinr Memory, Warning Diseases, and sfl effects of aelf-abuso o r Indiscretion, which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It not aurSPEOAUsrSSS . grnkaerve toalc and Mood builder, brinj-lng buck tlu< pink flow to the pair cheeks and re- .-'ortng the vlxor of yaatfe. a words oir insan ity oud coosumptloa. Iu curative cITccu begin at once, thus Insuring restored vitality tnd n 1 - newed vtfor sad conltdence, which always lot- low lu iisj. Wc warrant caret. Insl.t ou La RUE'S VISOR OF LIFE and take no other. It con be carried in ve»t pocket. Sl .oo per box, or oil for IS.01. Hook let free. AddrcM: La RUX csroacAL a. agoRrato co.. ctadaaati.a sl»A o GAGE TRANSFER. lieu Wooten n«ut tb«* only reliable trans fer agency la tbe city- All orders for trunks aded Co promptly if left at Windsor Ho- Hours from 6a.m., to 10 p m. AH or dtnfor night trains must be left before 10 P ’^Bf Up.’phonf8? eClf STl:VE WOOTEN. MtoWtoi m $ 4>‘ ... .f SOUTHERN PHOSPHATE WORKS, ; MACON, GEORGIA ft J TAYLOR. President GEO B JEWETT, Vice* President. E N JELKS, Treasurer. Casli Capital and Surplus. 8145,000 IllFniHi SP H SUE FB8TIUZEBS 11 ACID, Tte largest and most complete fertilizer factory in the South, The machinery is all new aud of the latest pattern, which equips us for the largest output. We take plcasme in showing.customers through our immense plant, where they can satisfy themselves as to the honesty of the goods we m p nufacture. - '' We use nothing but the highest and best grade of materials in the manufacture of our goods, Onr fertilizers will im prove the soil as well as produce good crops. We ask that you give some of our following leading brands a trial. Monarch Guano, Extra Strong Potash Acid Phosphate. Rescue Guano. Acme Dis solved ■ BoneZwith Ammonia and Potash. Black Diamond Acid Phosphate. Please see us and get prices before placing orders elsewhere. JOHN T. ARGO, Salesman, For Sumter, Schley,Taylor, Cha’tohoochee,Webster, Stewart, Terrell and Lee Counties gmmimiimmmfflmiiinimHimmmmmmminffliimii | New Fail Suitings. £ Gentlemen:—I’ve got ’em and they are beau- EEties, and am not asking the earth for them either. Sin fact I can everlastingly knock the spots out of the £ prices of the sample tailors and give you fits at the £ same time, in cheap suits, high-class business suits £: and dress suits that are elegantly made; beautifully g~trimmed; the acme of perfection in style. Call and t see the only recognized fashion plates in the city. Windsor Block. JOHN KAY. UitlUUUlUtUUUUUUUUUU D B WELLS, Salesman. ) J Buena Vista, Ga. J W. & FUR LOW FURLOW & JONES, Fire, Liie and Accident 'Insurance. We have recently added to onr already extensive baotneoo that of thejate R. T. BYRD, retaining all companies represented dv him, and aa la the part canklvethe beitlnjarance at lowest rates. We represent some of the oldest and strongest ialslCaW and ENGLISH COMPANIES. Consult ns before placing your Insurance. |9-ainaouiea:and.ConDtry.Property l Insurvd at-tho.Lowest Bites tor circular. MOTTS OH „ I For sale by the Davenport Drag Company, Americas, Q % ■ The only safe, atm end reliable Female FILL ever offered to Ladies, _ especially recommend* t ed to married Ladles. (XX, • Cleveland, Ohio.