Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, February 04, 1898, Image 1

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Mf* ^ • ** • " ^ ^ ^ ^sr: ^sr: I Stock- ; ! Hi '♦> * Taking S I house met today in joiut convention to I elect a United State* senator. Hon. I Thomas B. Turley, Democrat, was ill ih \h \li ih ill ih Hi f \h ih I Hi Sale! frin a week or ten days we will take our Annual Inventory of Stock. Before doing so we will offer anything and everything in the way of , . , if? Winter Goods at Astonishingly Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Low Prices 1 Hi Hi Heavy Woolen Dress Goods. Flannels, Blankets, Clothing of All Kinds* Underwear* Etc, * Hi ih ih ill Hi Hi ih Hi \t/ \li ih w ih Hi ill will be sold regardless of value for Cash. Call on us for Stock-Taking Bargains. Vert Respectfully, flrLLEJN & SHEFFIELD •is ^ ^ ^ SENATOR TTOIX7, lelectod, receiving 01 votes. The Be* I publicans voted (or Hon. J. & Balter of ] Kuoxriile. Hr. Torley was nominated by the | Democratic canon* Tuesday night after deadlock lasting over two weeka I Immediately previou* to the assent* I bdug of the legislature it looked like I Congressman Beutnu HcMillin ban won I the race, bat Governor Taylor entered I the race ami took enough votes to ranee I a deidlock. Air. Mc.Miilin led on every I ballot and once came within three votes | of it nomination. The impossibility of making a nomi* I nation to long as three oaudidares re* I maiued in the field became apparent I and it was necessary for some one to I withdraw or have a permanent dead* I look. So Governor Taylor, fulling in I bli effort to have Senator Taney with* I draw, after he drooped iuto third place, I aavieed liis friends to vote for Tarley, I and touigiit when the roll was called I enough Taylor men voted for Tarley to I give him the nomination, tne ballot re* I tailing: Turley, 40; MaMilUu, 43; Tay- | lor, L Tne nomination was made unsnimoue I and the three candidate! were invited l to the hall to address the caucus. Governor Taylor was the first speaker, I and while be eaid he bad thrown him* I self into tne breooli to save Tarley, be I thanked those of hie supporters who had I voted for him aud represented their con* I stiiueuts and told those who had Voted I against him that they must answer to I their constituents, wno would tell them I whether or uot they had miirepreeeuied I them. He annunnoed himself a oaudi* date for the ioug term against Senator | Bute in 1890. Senator Turley (poke briefly, express* I ing his high appreciation of tne support „ OKB IWJOY® Both tho method and results wl Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovers and cures habitiud constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its notion and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy ana ogrodhbfo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all aud havo mode it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for salo in 60 cent bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept an; substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. sm ntAScisco, cal LOUISVILLE, a. SEW YOU, H.T. ** iser Will Visit the Smaller Ports In Cuba. BEE MISSION NOT AT ALL HOSTILE CRUISER MONTOOHEKY. termlned to send another warship upon • frieudlr visit to tbs Cuban porta The vessel eeleoted it the cruller Mont- gomery, which is now taking on board of his friends who had won the fight '» .apply of coal at Key West, for him, at he entered the race com* Ik Is tleilaved by traalilegtoe Anthnrltl.a Tbs* lb. nsasfloi-1 «f tbs llmln-'s Trip will Its Inoreased If s tVsr V....I Ul,,l.p th. Am.rlo.n Slag a* Olh.r faint, an till. Is'laed. New York, Feb, 8.—The Washing ton correspondent of The Herald tele graphs: Encotlruged by the excellent effectof the visit of the battleship Maine to Havana, the administration hoe do* Washington, Jan. 31. —There was a great deal cf activity among the leaden on both bides before the houae met to* day ih anticipation of a very exoitin* debate over the Teller resolution, de- olariug the bonds of the United State! payable in gold or kilter at the option of the government, whioh those in con trol had deoided to defeat before sun down. The atruggle opened immediately ah ter the reading of the Journal when Hr. Dingley (Rap, He.), chairman of the ways aud means committee, reported back the resolution with the recom mendation that "it do uot pass,” Ur. Heudcraon, (Rep., Ia.) oue of the leaders of the majority, followed this by presenting a special order agreed upon by the committee ou rules pro viding for the immediate oonelderatiun of the resolution aud a vote without hi' terveulug motion at ti o'clock. Hr. Heuderaon yielded a moment to Hr. Bailey, the Demooratio leader, who eaid that while the minority etreuuonsiy opposed the uudue limitation of the de bate proposed by the rule, still as hit side desired as much time aa possible for debate they would not consume auy of the time allowed on a rollcull. Ur. Wbeoter (Bern., Ala) and Ur. De Armoud (Dem H Mo.) protested vig orously, however, and the latter said if be had hod an opportunity he wonlil have proposed a Caban belligerency Haled Oat by Read. To thia suggestion Speaker Bead re torted curtly that it would not be lu qrder aud when Ur. De Armoud ap pealed to him not to decide the question hastily, the epeaker exclaimed: -Thus It is uot in order is too plain for argu- meet. ” Daring this colloquy there were evi dences of disturbance and excitement ou the Bepnblican side of which Air. Johnson (Hep,, Iud.) wits tho cemro. At lost Ur. Johnson insisted on asking aqnestiou of Ur. Henderson. He wanted to Know witli much emphasis whether it was Irno that oil the time woe to be &AKlN^ Absolutely Pure aovAt sahmc powers eo., *r» vow. BAD FOR THE BULGARIANS. — Am Hapurtmt Turtnred to Oo.lh. *V,,m.n .ml Girl.* Constantinople, Feb. 3.—The Bui- garlau agent has presented a note to th Turkish government pomtiug one the seriousness of the occurrences in the vilayet of Usknb, where 69) Bulgarin have been arrested on the charge of strong arms. The agent further alleges that many of the Bulgarians had been toriurmi to death and that women and girls bad been outraged ami as a result with dying. Therefore the agent orgemlv demanded nn immediate cess.iiiou of the oppression, the withdrawal of the military surrounding the Inna i'y. tlie transfer of nil prisoners to U-aub fur trial aud the dismissal of a number of officials. Tho note has caused n. conn dernb'e sensation among the Turkisu miSlsiei s and at the palace. ERROR OF. AN ENGINEER. WAsniNOTON, Feb. 2.—Tho nppnUin loss of lifo by floods in the Y.izoo i try last year, tho destruei lull of per- Consumed by the inemberiTof tho ways j sonal property valued at mure and means comnyttoo. j $13,000,000 and tho Ificalcniab.o lo ,V T m!" a^'Inpeucuas ougu” ! purativeiy unknown. In addition to this the armored cruiser Mr. UuUdliu (aid if the governor Brooklyn, now at the Brooklyn mtvy I was satisfied, he was; aud while lie bore yard, will leave in a few daye for a I a baid apot out of the contest, he did . cruise in the West Indies. She will not | uot bear a tor* one I touch Cuba Her itinerary requires for — I the ve-sel to visit SC. Thomas, then go It is hard for a man to pass money to BenU Oruu Ouracne. La (Sayre end bet be sees lying on the eidewalk-ee* •noisily if it £ counterfeit £ ,b" u!d£d I Ports In Ooba will form only a fea ture in the Utueraiy of the Montgom ery, as it is propnet-d to have her cull at short while several other ptduts in the West lumen. X ago a baby was bom in jail, lu mother waa be ing tried for murder. Every womanly heart gives a throb of sympathy at thought of the blight upon the poor little baby's life. But a baby need not be bom in jail to be unfortu nate. Any baby which ia not welcomed into thia world with loving hernia and ready hands is unfortunate. Any mother who is physically weak and incapable of bcatow. Ing a healthy constitution noon her baby may darken its future with weakness ana dilCftKCi A prospective mother ought to insure her baby's welfare by every means Uwt Nature and science afford to keep her physical powers np to the very highest point Every expectant mother ought to know tad avail herself of the strengthening and re-enforcing properties of Dr. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription. It gives health and endurance to the delicate organs concerned in motherhood. Taken early daring the period of expectancy, it makes the coming of baby perfectly safe and comparatively easy. It makes the mother strong end cheerful, and gives health and natural vigor to the child. „ . , ,, . . . _ I It is the only medicine of its kind devised Not only attraot admiring attention | f or wea ^ and delicate women by an edo- ’ * 1 cated, experienced physician. For nearly ,p yean Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, Finb RemPAngg: but aff ird thair owners personal com' fort and satisfaction. Whan you waot a carriage you want | ' ' - piled i '."n'oUM^Crafare I M. Y. HU thonnnd-p^ illustrated book; all the modem appliances for safety, Peoplc ,, C ommb?Sense Medical Adi end comfort. That it what we claim for every ve hides that leaves our doors. ; GREEN BROS., (Successors to Thomas & Orem) riser ” contains advice and suggestions which every woman ought to read. A pa per-bound copy will be sent absolutely free on receipt of it one-ernt stamps to pay coat of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pier e, Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth-bound for j: stature. A sure and permanent cure for const! v tloa is Dr. Fierce’s Pellets. One “Pellet” la a gentle laxative, two a mild cathartic. The .Montgomery's Mission, ilko that of the .Maine at Havana, is purely friendly in character. Ooiumaddor O. A. Converse, com manding the Montgomery, baa insiru-- turns directing trim in cull on the port snihoruiee and too i-du-ul Bud to cooler with (be miter in regaM to auy mailers they uiay care to ms cuss. The Montgomery's sailors will nor be given libeity outing the stay of their vesaei in Cooan wotora In View of the peaceful aspect of the tUuatiiiu, aa reporrud by General Lea and Captain Sigshee, adiiiiuiairntiou officials say that this is tho beat time for a United Muses warship to visit the smaller Caban puna The aolborities believe that tue b-ueficial results of the Ualue’s/visit will be increased if a ember Should she American flag at other polnta of the island. Bauliagude Ooba is (he only point definitely selected for the Montgomery to touch The United gratae is repre sented thereby OonsniPolusklF. Hyatt baiinago do Cuba is on sun eontiieru coast of th* island. Before proceeding to tnat port It is expected tbas tbe de partment wlU direct Commander Con verse to touch at Oeroeiies. Uetausaa and Bereooa. Tho oturr p rs ou ibo south coast of Cuba which tho Montgomery may roach is Oieiifaegna Upon bor re turn trip to tho United Stales II It poe- Si tne mat sha may visit Bahia Hoodie. No significance is to be attached to the cruise of i he Brooklyn. In explana tion ot iier cruise is is stared mas it la the d« ire of I he. uuiuoiines to display the American flag in Veueaueia aud Cniniubiuii wuleie. hence, me Boouk- lyn’e orders. There ta considerable work yat to ba done ou tbe Brooklyn and it is not ex-' pooled that she writ get away under two or three days In tie determination to have Ameri can man-of-war visit Cuban porta, the administration ia limply potting into ferae (he policy porstwd daring the ad- minis tratioua of Presidtat Grant. oat Ur. Dalzell, (Hop., Pa.) bus Hr. Johnson did not subside nod continued to protest, declaring loudly tern iie an tagonized this rule tf snub was the in. tentiuu. He had a wordy war with Hr. Dingley, bat iu a tone so low that it ooaid uot be heard in the confnsion. Tbe speaker cat off farther incident by patting the question and tbo rule was adopted by a voto of 143 to 116, the Democrats restraining front demanding a rollcull. There followed a controversy over too division of time. Dingley (Spans Debate. To anggestiont that time should bo divided between Democrats, Popndste aud Republicans, Hr. Dingley retorted: '■I wasn't aware that there was any distinction between tbe Populists nud Democrats as at present constituted.” He said time would be equally divided between those fur and against the reso lution. Ur. Dingley then opened the debase in opposition to the resolution. Tlio pending resolution, ha eaid. wot not oue winch, if passed by both housed, wounl havo force. If adopted it would be only an expression ,of opinion of the two houses. •It’s importance, therefore,” oontin ned Mr. Dingley, "lies in the fact that If coiionrred in by the faanse, it would legitimately ami inevitably be regarded not only here bnt by me world aa au ex- pre-s oiPof tne deliberate Judgment of a majority ot the American people ae to t ieir slumlord of honor and good faith in cue discharge not only of national Out alio of private obligations. Tin. reeolation is no: presented for the pur pose of securing an expreeslon by oou- gre-s ae to tne power of tne government either as to the payment, of its obliga tions or os to what may ba declared le gal tenner. No oue denial that (hie or any other nation has the power to pay iu goid or stiver or paper or copper, according to tie pleasure. Payment cauuut be en forced against a sovereign nation. Its obligations are measured by its own Sanaa of houor and good faitu.” Mr. Bailey, in puutrol of the tima for the miuorny. yielded to several Demo crat-, Mr. Bland of • Missouri making one of tbe principal epeecnex He called attention to tho votes of prumtuent Re publicans who Toted against the bill to par bouiia in gold whan the matter came np in the last boose. Tried l* lanaa overboard. New York, Jan. 81.—Ou board the steamer Alexandria which arrived from London last night waa Lieutenant Henry Thoms- Walsh, U. 8. A , who hat been sent home lu the care nf Captain Mar shall on acconut of alcoholic mania. After arriving at Quarantine Waitli be cams vioient aim attempted to Jump overboard. He was secured before he coaid accompddi hie design and locked np in hie stateroom, where he will be kept until turned over to tho care of friends. I’rlmit n«M Vmm m t*dr«e. New Yobk, Jam 3L— Rev. Martin Gessuer, the pastor of 8k Patrick’,- church at Elizabeth, N J., who disap peared On Friday, haa uot yet returned He is known to be in a con rent in Can ada and he undoubtedly left Elizabeth to avoid his receiving a parse containing $3,600 in gold >n honor of Jlis tweuly- ftim anniversary M priest. blunder. The department of ngricaltu issued a report on the Jli-.-i-nippi 11 mbs of 1897, in winch it is pennon nut that in the attempt io save from flood mid render habitable about 3.01)0 -quars miles of laud in the St. Francis bnitmus more than 4,000 square muss of culti vated lands in tho Yazoo bottoms beiow were overflowed. The expenditure of the Miceis-ippi river commission to improve the lead iu the .St. Fruuoia bottoms woe more than $500,000. la Oppn*4Ml *•» Ii J ti notion# Covington, Iiy.. Felt 3.—Judge Tar- vlu, who was ono of tho oauuiducoa for eloctor-at-larga in Keuiaaky on the Bryan ticket iu 1800. today banded down a decision in which he refused to grant an injunction Co the gas cumpuuy against tbe oity and in which lie took occasion to stale that each injunctions should not be granted luff scriminaieiy before the merits ot the case- are heard. While tbe mbor question was up: in volved, yot the decision was interpreted by some as an uttack from file beukh oa government by injunction. Tile Jury DusOIr lu Acres, Kansas City, Feb. 3.—After br ont seven hoars tbe criminal enure j. iu the trial of J. W. Keitber, a Ubrl fan Scientist, tried lor failing to repd a ease of diphtheria iu hie family to tlil^ health department, has failed to agree and been discharged. They stood nr to six. Koither’s child died of the dise.oo. Be treated the chil(l from a Christian® Science standpoint and failed to report the case or placard the house. nival Tar the Pinkerton* Cleveland, Feh, 2.—A systom of se cret service agendas throughout tiie United State* and foreign coautries, which, it ie said, will aelipie the Pink erton agency, ie being arranged iu this dry- When arrangements have been perfected tha smallest place iu tho couu- try will be as closely in toneh with the central office as are the individual mem bers of a local detective agency. - Mali* aa a I’ablia square, Elbertom, Ga, Feb, 4—vyiil Hiller was found dead ou the pnblio square about 7 {L. m. Parker Oarituu, hie brother-in-law, claim* to ba the only eyewitness, and aaye that Miller was attack ou the head with a took by Wuis Kiunebrew witbont provocation. No inquest will bo held Kiunebrew h ie been placed in jail aud hoe employed counsel and refuses to talk. San Fbaxoisoo, Feb. 4—The Olym pic olub has eigned Peter Jackson aud Jim Jeffries for a 80-rooud ga The men will meet about Motch/20 in the Mechanics’ pavilion in thiadty. l oriNdDm t ffiiUfMN/ <Jli*rl#»r« l. Raleigh, Feh. 4—Tha state tod r chartered the IsbellCoroudnineompsity of Olayconnty. capital $100,000. The corporators are Arista H Isbell of Clay and three New Yorker*