Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, July 21, 1899, Image 7

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THE AMEKICL’S WEEKLY TIMES-RECURDEK: FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1E99 HELP icst treatment and a speedy cure to Dl« HAT II WAY & CO., whose utation is a sufficient guarantee of ,ry results. \-,iiii'»eele, Hydrocele, Gonorrhea, Gleet, < icture. Syphilis, Lost Manhood, and all S nercai diseases and VVeakcegs of Men. )leart j <un g, Liver, Stomach. Kikney, Blad* * a[J( | rrinary Troubles, Citarrh, Rup ,' re |>tK-uinatism, Piles, Fistula, Blood and pj^ases and Female Weakness, sclen- Uficall v treated and permanently cured. Mail"treatment highly successful. Write t . |)r {rer book and symptom blank if you can- .'it (.U!. Call on or address - DR. HATHAWAY & CO., SOUTH BROAD ST ATLANTA, GA SALESMEN WANTED 'i-ivertidng thrrxnometer and calendar n lve 1 *U - lor tnt* season of ’‘JO and 19C0 is cow v send us 10c in stamps for sample and termJ. Taylor Bios. C? , VIRGINIA COLLEGE. For Young Ladies,Roanoke,Va, Si pt. 12th, 1HI9. One of the leading t• >r Young Ladies in the iioutti M - •.•!!! building, all modern improve- ,,,1; .. iumpus ten acres. Grand mountain ... n -rvin Valley of Va., famed for hea i i a , and American teachers. V Superior advantages in Art u v Students from 2/states. For ca or a-! !ri'v-» 1 tie Presi lent, M \TY1F. V. HARRIS, Roanoke. Va ROBBERS SHOT TO PIECES MEN FOLLOWED FROM AMERICUS .THURSDAY. * Frp'.U'.\ Ittci At ENHYRQYAL FILLS nljrGenuine* ^ A aad Cold I Jp in Strinni for pr.r!Icniars, le-timoniaie aud m a Local U:u.’j’.i5». jcuxlcstl Ctu.?d a din PI11LAIIA.. IM i;hvtih.\ rur Thirsty Times." Hires Rootbeer time Is here 1HI CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Philadelphia. Pc. Mnfurs of Hires Condensed Milk, ►>jo ":<rn ... •- HA3 it CAL SAM |■* a, .Tf *% !< *~ •■} Cleanse* and tn*iitifVj V.e ha I a.-> A l* luxuriant V » Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Naturo in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or* Bass. It is the latest discovered dlgest- snt and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. ci'kHiadache.Gastralgla,Cramps, and all ottier results of Imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWItt A Co.. Cb.caso. l or sale by w, A. REMBERT. Diacovered in Clump Bushes -Sheriff Martin Notified and Goes With Posse to Effect Arrest.-One Killed, the Other May Die. Pile white ineu who attempted to assassinate Judge Henry H. Singleta ry at La Crosse last Tuesday uight have just paid the penalty of that most utrocionB crime with their lives. Both were shot to pieces near Lees burg shortly after noon Thursday. Their crime was a most atrocious one and, uo doubt, the circumstances fully warranted the snmmary shooting of both yesterday by an armed posso which was trying to effect the arrest of the desperadoes. The posse was headed by Sheriff Martin, of Lee county, a bruve and in trepid officer, and was made up of men equally fearless. Chief of Police \Vheeler and City Murshal Feagiu, of Americus, were there. These two officers were in Leesburg, having trailed tbu robbers from this city whence they came after robbing Siugletary's sto-e and attempting to kill him on Tue.-day night last. The posse found the furgitives near the corporate limits of Leesburg. When order, d to surrender the rob bers, it is said, lined up to tight and each side lired about the same time. At the crack of the guns both robbers fell to the ground, each pierced by a load of buckshot. One was instantly killed and the other mortally wounded. The whole affair was ended in live minutes, and two lawless, would-be murderers thus put out of the way for all time. The robbers were game, and each carried a big Colt’s revolver,44 calibre. Very naturally the affair caused much excitement at Leesburg, where the dead and wounded robbers were carried as quickly as possible, a great crowd having gathered. The news of the killing created some excitement here as well. The wounded robber, it is said, con fessed to the robbery of Singletary's store and the attempt made upon his life. About §140 of the stolen money was recovered, by tho posse yesterday. The man also claimed that the two osided near Houston, Texas. At a late hour last night the fellow was still breathing, though, tho end was a mattor of a short time only ns he was shot almost to pieces. It was in deed a tragic fluale to a dastardly aud cowardly crime. BRANCH BANK AT ELLAVILLE. THAT THRIFTY TOWN TO HAVE FACILITIES For Banking—The Bank of Southwes tern Georgia to Establish a Branch Institution There Under Man agement of A. J. Walters. Americas’ thrifty little neighbor, Ellavillc, is going to have a bank right awnj\ For a long wbi | e the need of such an institution there has been felt, and the merchants aud citizens of the town are doubtless highly gratified at the fact that this great convenience is to be afforded them and at an early date The Bank of Southwestern Georgia is behind the movement to give Ella- ville a hank. This is one of the largest and most solid financial institutions in this part of the state, and its very liberal charter authorizes the establishment of branch banks in other cities, as well as to do business in Amoricus. The question has been carefully con sidered with the result as herein stated A day or two ago President J. W. Wheatley, Cashier Smith and Mr. R. J. Perry, of the board of directors went over to Ellaville for tho purpose of con ferring with merchants there upon this subject. This proposition met with favor; a well equipped building was secured and necessary details of the business perfected. The affairs of the branch bank will be directed by tho board of directors of tho Bank of Southwestern Georgia here, uud a liberal though conserva tive policy will be pursued in negotiat ing leans aud otherwise managing its affairs. Mr. A. J. Walters, of Ellaville, who was connected with tho old Planter^ Bank there, will be the local manager of the branch institution Besides being of assistance to mer chants aud business men of Ellaville, the Bank of Southwestern Georgia will derive great benefit in thus extendin its business in that direction where a desirable class of customers will be secured. ELLIS KILLED NEAR BRINSON RESIDENT OF AMERICUS MEETS .TRAGIC DEATH. BANKS CANNOT FIX STAMPS NEW CIRCULAR , BY REVENUE DEPARTMENT. Body of J. S. Ellis of This City Found Beneath Railway Trestle at Brin son. Ga.— Supposed to Have Been Killed by Train. Free of Charge. Any adult suffering from a cold setted on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will call at Davenport Drug Co. will bo pre sented with a sample bottle of Uosehoe’s German Syrup, free of charge. Only ore bottlo to ono person, and none to children without order from pare ;ts. Iso thmat or lung remertlay ever had such a sale as linscbee’s German dyrnp n all parts of tho civilized world. Twenty years ago millions of bottles wero given p.way. and your druggist will teil you its succors was marvelous. It is really the oniy Throat and Lurg Rem edy generally oridorsed by physieianB. One 75 cent bottle will cure or prove its value, bold by doahrs in all civilized counries. The dead body of Mr. J. S. Etlis, resideut of Americus, was found at an early hoar yesterday morning under the railroad bridge spanning Spring Creek on tbe Alabama Midland Rail way, eleven miles west of Bainbridge. The aunouncement of . his tragic death was a great shock (6’ his family here. The first known of it was a telegram yesterday morning from Division Ku perintendent Fitzsimmons, of the Plant System, to Mayor Hixon, ap prising him of tho finding of the body at Spring Creek bridge. It was at once identified by letters fonnd in the dead man’s pockets. Mr. Ellis resided with his family at 628 East Fnrlow street, this city, leav ing recently for south Georgia search of work. Until reoeutly he was employed by the Central Railway on a section near Americus, but was probably out of em ployment at the time of his tragic death. The manner in whieh he was killed was not stated in the brief dis patch received yesterday from Supt, Fitzsimmons The sad news was carried to tho bo- reaved family hero as soon as possible. It is said that thoy are in reduced circumstances, and this terrible blow renders their condition all the more pitiable. Mrs. Ellis was very anxious to have the body of her husband brought bore for interment and the railroad authorities at Brinson wore so notified. The remains should reaSh Amerieus this morning. The bereaved wife and six fatherless little ones have tho sympathy of all in their great aflliction. Mr. Ellis was well known here and esteemed among his associates aud friends generally. f Working Night and Day. 'Ihe busiest end miqhtifst little thing hat ever wan made i» Dr. King’s Naw Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health; hat changes weak ness iuto s’rengtb, listlessness into en ergy, brain-fag into mental power. They’re wouderfal in building up tbe health. Only 25o per be x. Sold by E. J, Eldridge. IS IT RIGHT Absolutely Prohibits Banks From Af- fixing Stamp* to Checks Unstamp ed When Presented. New Baling is Now Effective Americas bnsiness men and others doing business with the banks are in terested in a new ruling relative to tbe affixing of revenne stamps to checks before presenting them for payment, the new rule being somewhat different from that in force quite reoently. A Washington dispatch yesterday stated that Commissioner Wilson of in ternal revenne has issued a circular absolutely prohibiting banka from af fixing stamps to checks unstamped when presented, and requiring them to return the same to tbe drawer. In his cironlar to collectors, the commissioner says: “Yon aro directed to notify the hanks that are gnilty of stamping unstamped checks that, if the practice is not im mediately discontinued they will be reported to the United States district attorney for proseention. Tho instruction contained in Treas ury Decision No. 190011, nnder date of’ June 29, 1898, to the effect that there wa^ no objection to tbe affixing by tbe bank of reqnisite stumps to an nn stumped check presonted for payment is hereby rovoked. This instruction was given to moet an emergency immediately preceding the taking effect of tho stamp act of July 1, 1898, in order to obviate the necessity of returning by the banks thousands bf nnstsmped checks issued by drawers in ignorance of the law. Tho law boing now generally under stood there is no further need of such permission.’’ • This action was taken upon informa tion that certain banks had adopted tho praatice of not requiring stamps as an advertisement to secure patron age as against rival banks. From the above circular it will be scca that drawers of checks must af fix and cancel the requeiteff-cent stamp before said check will be accepted by the kauk upon which it is drawn. Americus bankers aro anxions that the now law bo understood at once that vexations delays may be avoided. Stamp your own checks hereafter ALL WOMEN AGREE. A druggist in Mtcon, Ga., says: “I have sold a large quantity of Mother's Friend, and have nevet known an In stance where it his falleifTo produce the good results claimed for It. All women agree that it makes labor shorter and less painful.” To bo learned is to have a full roser voir; to be wise is to have au unfailing spring. A MARRIAGE AT SMITHVILLE. .Opening of the Season at Hotel tybee May 20th. Tbi. ige and elegant coast resort rr 148 boeii completely overhauled * * g iovu'o j for the coming season. a VV' rii new cottage! have boon built ■ “liiitiom have boon made to the J \! 1 notices. ' • i n-,* resort In tho south offers * r p. Ivant*g04, The hotel is un- a;traa excellent management ss * 1 i0 three seasons. c HAS, F. GRAHAM, Proprietor and Manager. ^ proprietor Pulaski. .House, tit baggage transfer 'Vuotsn has the only reliable trans- ->:■ ncy i n tae city. All orders attended "‘Mbit left at Windsor UoteL Hours; J 1 01 to 10 '“st be left P t>9M Si -Jpm. Orders for night trains 1 tv left before pm. Respectfully, STEVE WOOTEN. Mr. B G. Statham Weds Miss Johnson Thursday. A marriage of mnch interest to many Amoricus people oocurred at Smithville Thursday morning when Mr. B. G Statham aud Miss Florence Johnson were happily wedded, the rites being impressively solemnized by Rev Hyde, of the Presbyterian church. The in teresting ceremony took place at tho home of the bride's father, Hon. Jo seph Johnson. and was witnessed by a large number of friends of the bride and groom. Mr. Statham is a rising young bnsiness man of Atlanta and brother of Dr. J. Ii. Statham of this city. Miss Johnson was onoof Smith- ville’a most attractive, charming and cultured yonng womon. She has fre quently visited Americas and was lorcd and admired among a wide circle of friends here. Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns cut*, bruises, sprains, wound, from rusty nails, ineeot stings and ivy pels oning,—quickly healed by DoWitt’s Witoh Hazel Salve. Positively provent8 blood poisoning. Beware cf tmitat’ons “Do'iVttt’s is safo and sure.” M Kembert. The signs of a hotel’s success oar found in its register. A diseased stomach surely u ndermino kealtb. U dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys the neryous system, and pro- di.-j oaes to Insanity and falal diseases. All dyspeplio troubles aro quickly cured by Kodul Dyspepsia Cure, It bas cured thousands of caaes and is uring bem every day. Its Ingredients aro such that It can’t help curing. W. A. Humbert. You certainly have seen tho bread ise, the butter run, and a cake walk A TEXAS WONDER. Millions Given Away. It la certainly gratifying to tbe pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to bo generous to the needy and suffering Tbe proprie tors of Dr King’s New Discovory for Consumption, Coughs and Cold*; bavo given away over ten million trial DottlbB of this great medicine; and have thesat- isfac’ion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands if hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on E. J. Eldridge, dtuggist, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. A woman seldom knows just what ho wants bat sho us uslly gets it. An Epidemic of Diarrhoea Mr. A. Banders, writing from Cocoa- nut Grove, Fla, says there has been quite an epidemio of diarrhoea there. He bad a severe attack and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He say* be *f*o recommended It toothers and they say It la the beet medicine they overused. Forsake by John B. Had. son, druggist Hall's Great Discovery. One small bottlo of Hall's Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder trouble, removes gravel, cures diabe- tos, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism aud all irregular ities of tho kidneys in both men and women. Regnlatea bladder’ tronblea in children. If not sold by your drug gists, will bo sent by mail un receipt of $1. E. W. Hall, Bole Manufacturer, St. Louis, Mo. formerly Waco, Texas. Sold by W. A. Rembert, Druggist, Americus, Ua. New Iberia, La„ Mirch 11, 89.— W. W. Hall, Waco, Texas:— I am 00 years old, and have used any number cf pro paratlone for kidney and bladder trou ble but can truthfully say that nothing has proved as effestive as your great discovery, which I can cheerfully rec ommend.— Joe. A. Carlin, Bayne, La, Ultimate good is for history tore- cord, not for prophecy to toll of. Itch on human cured in 80 minute* byWollford’s Sanitary Lotion. Tbi* never fails. Sold by E. J. Eldridge. druggist, Amenoua, Ua. * For an Editor to Recommend Patent Medicine ? From Sylvan Valtey N ews.revatd, N. It may bo a question whether the edi tor of a newspaper has tbe right to pub licly recommend any of the various pro prietary msdiolues which flood the markot, yet as a pruveotive of suffering we feel it a- duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Colera and Diar rhoea Remedy. We have known and used this remedy In our family for twen ty years and have always found It relia ble. In many casea a dose of this reme dy would save hours of suffering while a physician Is awaited. We do cot be lieve iu depending implloitly on any medicine tor a cure, but we do believe that if a battle of Chamberlain's Diar rhoea Remedy were, kept on hand and administered at the Inoeptlon of an at tack much suffering might be avoided and In very many eases the presence of a physician would not bo required. At least this has been our experience dur ing past twenty years. For sale by J. It. Hudson, druggist. Brave Men Fall. Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well at women, and all feel tho results In Iosb of appetite, poisons in ihe blood, backaohe, nervousness, beadeebe sad tired, listless, rundown feellDg. Rut there’s no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idavllle, lad. IJe says; '-Electrlo Bit ters aro just the thing fora man when ho la all run down and don't oare wheth er he lives or dies. It did more to give me new sirength and uood appetite than anything 1 could take. lean now eat anything and have a new lease on lite.” Only 50 coats, at Dr, Eldrldge’s drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed. GROCERY CO. DIRECTORS MEET. Ladies Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Alloa’s Foot-Easo, a powder to bo shaken in to the shoes. It makes tight or now shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery. AJlen's Foot Ease is a certain care for ingrowing nails, sweating, hot, aching feet. Trial package FREE. Sold by druggist, gro cers, shoe stores and general store keepers everywhere. By mail for 25 cts. in stamps. Address Allen S. Olm- ted, Le It jy.N". Y. Thomas Rhoads, Ceaterilald, Ohio, writes: “I suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy gave me rolief until DeWltt’a Witch Hazel Salve, lesB than a box of which permanently cured me.” Soothing, healing, perfectly harmless, ewa re of imitations. .A Rembert. No man is so crippled in bnsines that ho cannot stand a loan. DeWltt’a Little EarlyvRIsera "oxpel from the system all polsotfoua accumu lations, regulate the atomacb, bowel* and liver, aud purify the blood. They drive away disease, dissipate melanchol- ly, and give health and vigor for tbe daily routine. Do not gripe or aleken. W. A. Rembert. OASTOHIA. Fears the Kind Yki B3V8 Aiiqn t Cash Dividend of Four Per Cent Was Declared. A meeting of tho board of directors of the Americus Grocery Go. was held yesterday, when a semi-annual divi dend of 4 per eent was declared npon tho capital stock of 8100,000, and thus $4,000 was putin oironlation by the stockholders. Daring tho ten or elev en years of its existenco this company has done a very successful business and has already paid back to stockhold ers in the way of semi-annual dividends an amount about equal to its entire capital stock. Red Hot From the Gun Was the ball that bit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Allah., lu the Civil War. It aused horrible ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Bueklen’s Arnica Halve cured him. Cures cuts, biulSei, burns, boils, felons, eornt, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth- 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Bold by E. J. Eldridge, druggist. Mr. and Mrs, B. Lsokamp, Elstor, Mo., write; ” One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearly Jett to coup.” vV. A. Ram bert. Relief in Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladdor dis ease relieved in six hours by “New Gbsat Booth Ahbbioan KidnkyCoues , It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Reiiovos retontion of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this ia the reme dy. Bold by E. J. Eldridge, druggists Americas, Ga. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mother’s Friend is not a chance remedy. Its good effects are readily experienced by all expectant mothers who use it. Years ago it passed tbe experimental stage. While it always shortens labor and lessens the paina of delivery, it is also o? the greatest benefit during the earlier months of pregnancy. Morning sickness and nervousness are readily overcome, and the linlmentrelaxes the strained muscles, permitting them to expand without causing distress. Mother’s Friend gives great recuperative power to the mother, and her recovery is sure and rapid. Danger from rising and swelled breasts is done away with completely. Sold by druggists tor $1 6 bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA* GA. * Send for our 6m U1 sstrtud book fur expectant ■others Money Loaned ! Loans made on improved city property and improved farm lands at lower rates and upon better terms than ever ofiered ia this section befoie. Call to see me. G. R. ELLIS, Cilices: Lumpkin, Ga.;First floor Ga. Loan & TrnstCo., Amoricus, Ga. THREE CHARGES OF BURGLARY Behind the Land a Colored Citizen Prison Bars. Emanuel Adams now whiffs the aro ma df watermelons and passe mnliet as wafted to him through the steel bars of tbe connty jail, behind which he now reohnes for an indefinite time. Adams was harpooned yesterday by Jailer Poole on a three-cornered charge of burglary and carried before Justice Ansley who remanded him to jail in default of a 8900 bond—8200 in each oase. John Mitchell, Bill Kendry aud Judge Patrick were also oorrsled by tbo officers npon misdemeanor charges and consigned to quarters at the castlo. LEMONS AS MEDICINE. They regulate the Liver, Stomaoh, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood aa pre pared by Dr. H. Moziey, in his Lemon qllixir, a pleasant lemon drink. It euros bilionsness, constipation, indi gestion, headaohe. malaria, kidney disease, fever, chills, heart failnre, nervons prostration, and all other dis eases cansed by a torpid or diseased liver and kidneys. ' It ia an established fact that lemons, when prop erly combined with other liver tonics, produce the most desirable results upon the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneya and blood. Bold by druggists, 50o and 81 bottle. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. Cared me of nervons headache. I bad been qu; ft it i 1 1 u * (if i. Mrs. N. A. MoEntire. Spring Place, Ga. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir Cared me of indigestion and nervons prostration. 1 got more relief, and at once, from Lemon Elixir than all other medicines. J, O. Speights, Indian Springs, Ga. Mozly's Lemon Elixir. Cared me of a long standing case of chills and fever, by using two bottles. J. C. Stanley. Engineer E. T. Va. A Ga. R’y. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. Cured me of a case of heart disease ang indigestion of four years’ standing, tried a dozen different medicines None but Lemon Elixir done me any good. Talis Diehl, 1 Cor. Habersham and St. Thoma streets. Savannah, Ga. DeWltt’s Little Early Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle aaaia tones to natm* causing no paina or weakness, permanently earing oonstipa- tion and Uver ailments. W. A Rembert. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I folly endorse it for nervons pros tration, indigestion and constipation, having used it with most satisfactory results, after ail other remedies bad failed. J. W. Roilo. West End. Atlanta, Ga. You can’t care dyspepsia by dieting. Est good, wholesome food,'and plenty of it.—Kodol D/spaptia Oare digeata food without aid from the stomach, and la made to oare, W. A Rembert. “What might have bean”—if that lit tle cough hadn’t been neglected—le th gad reflection of thousands of consamys lives. One HInnto Cough Caro cur i, cogbs and colds. W. A. Rembert. • - - ■ ■