Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, April 11, 1902, Image 1

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AMERICUS times-recorder. TWENTY-THIRD YEAR AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 11. 1902. TAKE YOUR CHOICE, NUMBER 57 I Iiml y Mini rip for ID dsvs. I »ln free nf fev er but feel utterly vtretelieil. 1 nm ll *“ f I" 1 ? Lost HI Jui.: take your choice. 4? attack of Fever at this time of year, with Quinine as the treat inent, means a week or ten days lost from Busi- ness. It means ten days of unhappiness for you an'd ten days of hard work and anxiety for those who love you. This is putting it in its very happiest aspect. It might mean your death, and it often means a breakdown in general health from which some recuperate very slowly. If you are a rich mail your time is worth much your estate. If you is wc “ IHUDSON, OF GRIFFIN, SLAIN BU J. FLYNJ | Bloody Street Duel Occurs In Georgia City. [BOTH MEN WERE PROMINENT hours. Never felt better In my life. Hi,) not lo-e hi, ounce In welybt. Can anything. Difficulty Grew Out of a Heated Po litical Discussion—Plynt Was a Can- dic'ate for Re-election to the Legis lature from Paulding County, Griffin, Gn.. April 8.—in a street due* last night Captain W. B. Hudson was almost instantly killed and Hon. James J. Klynt received a serious and COTTON NULL HANDS STRIKE AT AUGUSTA Eight Hundred Employes at King Mill Walk Out. INCREASE IN WAGES DEMANDED If the Trouble It Not Adjusted Tuesday Night All the Other Mill* Will Be Cloted, Throwing 10,000 People Out of Work. forced alisence from business than the poor man cat, lose (lie value of his labor. ,. . . i r " " °. r l'« ,or —^are stu|nd to lose 10 days when 24 to 48 hours is ln Iront °I Brooks' drug store and i re-1 elation. Fever Tonic * me re,|Ulred to |,ut them in K 00 * 1 condition by Johnson's Chill and ated the wildest excitement and manv Augusta, Ga., April 7.—Eight bun dred hands employed in the King c ton mills here went on strike this morning for a 10 per cent increase in wages. The strike is being conducted from Fall River by one of the national The fight occurred about 7 o'clock officers of the Textile Workers' asso- .! .*"> ™77. for . the family that is wedded to tho plan of subjecting I b * ,n * h “ I ?® ,nMe *° *"*-*—** All other mills in tills district will inllnue to run untll'Tuesday night. If by that time the trouble In the King themselves to the Quinine treatment. The process is slow. The result uncertain. The treatment disappointing. The difficulty was caused over the I mlll ls not settled, the .Manufacturers' Johnson's Tonic has two cardinal points that should imniedintelv commend I rare Co,onel Flynt Is making for re-1 association will close down every mill !t to every tlnnking man In this country. election to the legislature from this In Augusta. Aiken, Vancluse. Warren- cmnstaiici's * ' 11 * * iarn,,ess - Absolutely harmless. Harmless under all cir- county. , I rllle, Bath, Langley nnd Clearwater, (Second, itisuuiok- ItactsAtnnm I. in . . , . .. Flynt accused Hudson of working I throwing 10,000 people out of employ it enters the blooj and begins to undo the^isi hilf camsa.! l.y \?.uffi f | llll,ltratl0n ’ ilyainBl him while pretending to be his «nent. The strikers claim they will It has a wonderful record of 17 years of success. 099 cases out of every frl, ml - T,l *‘ dispute grew warmer un- **n in two weeks, because they wait- 1000 are promjitly cured, and the lOOOtli case can be easily cured by doubling 111 the lle waB passed. A pistol duel I ed until all the mills had large ruah ti»e Rose and taking it a little oftener. I then ensued with the result that Hud-1 orders on hand. This Is denied by the Mi.r^rh 80 V 8 ToD 1 IS ? *J >nde Z f, J 1 medicine. It is not mere merchandise. It son was killed and Flynt probably fa* I 1111,1 owners. The best of order pre- !ri?r a r cLn N a°nru n ^flinVin^rs^ e ,dr aln ° f Mttte " a M<MliCa h «■«* «—««. vails. It will cure. It will cure every tima It will cure every case of Fever It Captain Hudson was one of the most The committee appointed l,y the will cure any type of fever. I prominent citizens of Griffin and had I President of the chamber of commerce It is the one great medicine that seldom disappoints. held many places of honor and trust. I •* the Initiation of that body, to confer Don’t trifle with Fever. If allowed to run, it is like a house allowed to Hon. J. J. Flynt, as Paulding’s repre-1 wl, h the mill operatives failed to ac burn x T' t w *ll consume you. Use Johnson’s Tonic. Use nothing else. sentatlve in the legislature, made a compllsh anything. A conference was , 2£ 3X2XSZ It* *£? I »«terl,.K record. He 1. one of held between the committee and the the most popular young men of the I operatives at the Red Men's Hall Sat' county. I unlay evening. The conynittee repre- The unfortunate affair haB created I *onted to them that the mill author! . -- J 7'" X,.— X **• ui uioyuo »CCAB, JIUU UUIHUU your digestion with Quinine, and arise finally with all the life and vim taken out of you, or use Johnson’s Tonic and be restored at once to perfect health. No loss of vital force. No loss of flesh. No waste of precious time. Take your A. B. GIRARDEAU, Savannah, Q& great excitement. FOUGHT TO DEATH IN BUGGY. Dry .FOR BEST. Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Hats, ties had consented to leave the mat ter to arbitration, and they urged the operatives to defer the itrike a week or ten days to allow this'committee or one ehusen by the operatives, they preferred, to go over the matter fully and make its report. It was rep resented to the operatives that this could not weaken their case If they. -GO TO- Lee Allen’s No trashy or second-class goods handled here, yet we charge you less for goods than others charge for in ferior stuff. i,qoo Pairs Ladies’, Misses’ and White Man Kills Negro, Who Was Try ing to Stab Him. WnycroHs. Ga.. April 8.—Yesterday morning Mitehel J. Joiner was in buggy with a negro, 8llas Johnson, when the negro undertook to cut him I should feel compelled to strike after with a knife. i I such investigation and report had been He raised hiB right band, holding I made, but on the contrary would tne knife, catching Mr. Joiner by the strengthen them with the public. If shoulder with the other hand. I they had been ordered from headquar- Mr. Joiner grabbed the hand of the I ters to strike they were urged to wire negro, holding the knife with hi^left I stating the .case and asking ror In- banc', anil with his right drew his pis-1 stmctlons. toi. I The proposition of the committee The negro kept trying to cut Mr. I and the argument of its various mem- Joiner, but before he did so Mr. Joiner I bers urging Its adoption was patiently planted a bullet in his assailant's fore* I listened to by the operatives, who then head. He shot him three times, each I went into executive session and later ball taking effect In his head, either I returned a written answer under the wound being sufficient to produce I aval of the district council. This was death. I to the effect that a strike having been The trouble occurred near Mr. Join-1 ordered, after having been once post er’s home and was caused by a mis-1 poned, to take effect Monday, this understanding over some • business I would have to he done unless the de- transactions. . I mnnd of the union was complied with, |A postponement for any cause was AUGUSTA STRIKE SITUATION.. I Impossible, ss other places were awalt- 1 Ing the settlement of this question Long and Bitter Fight Has Probably I Begun. I It was felt that nothing more could Augusta. Ga.. April 8.—The strike I be done to avert the strike. There situation is unchanged today, but ttila I was a ruah of non-union members to afternoon at «: 30 o'clock the lockout I Join, as It was given out that only of the Augusta district goes into ef-1 union members would share In the feet. I strike benefits, and until a late hour The Manufacturers’ association held I Saturday night new members were re- a meeting yesterday afternoon and de-1 celved. into the textile union and old I elded to fight to the end. This mesns | members reinstated., 1 that there will not be a spindle turn ing in Augusts or the House Creek val- ... , „ - , . . . , ... ley tomorrow morning. Everything Is Children’s Oxford and 5andal SIid-I™” pers now on sale from 50c. to $2.50. We guarantee every pair of these| Shoes to be from 20 to 33 per cent, cheaper than others ask for same] quality of goods. Buy Your Slippers Here This Week. Everything in wash goods, Dimities, Lawns, Madras, Chambrays, White Goods. ALL NEW. We carried nohe of these goods over from last season, and consequently all goods shown in this line are new and up-to-date. p j We want your trade; will treat -you right and give big values for your money. LEE ALLEN. caiisncmts Are a benefit to healthy Butt* lyon’s French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESISEED RESULTS. Greatest known female, remedy. 1 calthv women, women who are buffering-fropi peculiar to their aex they are an injury. When there is weak back or bearing* down pains, nideache or other indication! of womanly weak* new, exercise caa only aggravate the condition. The womanly health must he first restored be fore strength can b» developed by exer cise. Dr. Pierce’s F* vorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It doct this by healing the womanly diseases whicli underminathe general health. V It stops the drains that weaken women, heals inflammation and ul ceration ami cures female weakness. When I fir«t com. tnenccd using 'IVictor Pierce’* medicines," write* Mr*. George A. Strong, of Gansevoort, Saratoga Co., K. V., "I was suffering from fe- tnaje weakne**, a du- 8lrlke Closes 8melters. Butte, Mont., April 7—The Washoe smelters at Anaconda are practically at a standstill because of the strike of the jiolat Ing engineers of the Amal gamated mines. Over 3,00b men are now idle In Anaconda by reason of the walk-out of the engineers. At the last meeting of the strikers they de cided |o a man not to go back to work at the old acale. The Miners’ union baa taken Steps toward effecting a settlement between the Amalgamat ed and the striking engineers. FATAL QUARREL OF FARMERS. J. G. McLean Killed by Frank Rob inson Near Traders Hill. Folkston. Oa.. April 7.—J. G. Mc Lean was shot and instantly killed by Frank Robinson near Traders Hill, In this county, Saturday afternoon. From the best information obtaina ble at this time It seems that there had been some little difference be tween the parties some days ago, hen McLean had cursed Rqblnson. Saturday afternoon they met on the public read and Robinson demanded a retraction of what had been seld, Which War refused. Hobir.eon. it is claimed, then fired at close range with a double-barreled Shotgun, Robinson has not beeu arrested pp to this time. McLean was a promt- S^“pain” i wwi? ri ."Hi I nent Mason am1 one of 1,10 beat farm- tired feeling .11 the time. 1 dragged around In efS Of this section. Woman's Work in preparing appetizing and wholesome food is lightened by this famous baking powder*' Light Biscuit Delicious Cake /. Dainty Pastries Fine Paddings Absolutely pure. It adds healthful qualities to the food* ROYAL Powder There are cheap baking powders, made from alum, but they are ex ceedingly harmful to health. Their astringent and cauterising qualities add a dangerous element to food. The ‘'Royal Baker and Pastry- Cook ” — most practical and valuable of cook books — free to every patron. Send full address by postal curd. SOVAl GAKINQ POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. DEBATE ON CUBAN RECIPROCITY. *»• Much Activity Among House Leadera, Galleries Crowded. Washington, ‘ April 8.—The - debate on the Cuban reciprocity hill opened lu the bouse today. There was much activity among the leaders un both aides before the house convened In ar.* tldpation of the coming battle and the attendance ou the floor was .unusually large. Mr. Lacey, of fowa, asked Jinan) mous consent for the consideration of bill to protect game and flsh In Alas- There was no objection and the bill was passed.. .Mr. Payne, chain the ways and means committee leader.of the . majority, then moved that the house go Into committee o( the whole for the consideration of the Cuban reciprocity bill. Protest Against Exclusion Bill. Washington. April 8.—Af the open ing of the session today the president pro tern., Mr. Frye, laid herore the senate a telegram signed by Claus 8preckles and about 20 other business men of Ssn Francisco, protesting against the passage of.the Chinese ex clusion hill In Its present form. The signers of the telegram declared that the exclusion of legitimate Chinese merchants, according to the provi sions of the measure, would lie an act grosR injustice. CHICAGO NEAR BANKRUPTCY. Mayor Harrison Sends Gloomy Mes sage to Council. Chicago. April 7.—In his annual mes- aage to the council Mayor Harrison said: ‘‘Financially the city's affairs are going from bad to worse. The embar rassment of 1901 has become poverty In 1902. and unless stringent measures of relief he resorted to the poverty of 1902 will become positive destitu tion In 1993. "ChicagoH case demands heroic treatment and heroic remedies must manJjfrjjjpM|Ua|^;hc only agency which. In aif<rpny otfriMflEau apply to these reme dies Is a constitutional convention. "It Is time for our ao-called ‘better classes' to open their eyes to the fact that honest schedules are as essential to the city as are honest aldermen.'* TROLLEY COLLIDE8 WITH TRAIN. NEGRO’3 DELIBERATE CRIME. Ini better. I took bur bottle# of L)r. Favorite Prmcriptioii, two of'Golden Medical DUcovcry,* one vial of * Pleasant Pellets,* also iwed one bottle of Dr. Safe’* Catarrh Remedy. Now I feel like a new person. I can't thank jrou enough for your kind advice and the good your tne<uci;ie ha* done me. "1 have a fcUter who la taking year medicine •nd it is helping her." Iss Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant regularity of the bowels, action ot -Favorite Presc Governor Taft Not Fully Recovered. Cincinnati. April 8.—Although Gov ernor Taft hai been released from the hospital and Is attending to his cot nspondence at the home of Iris'hfotfr er, Air. Charles It. Taft, he Is not ret entirely recovered and ~»t until K the dtllii - I' the Philip Shoots Wife to Death and Then Cool ly Returns to Work. Columbus, Ga.. April 8—George Held, a young negro drayman, yester day afternoon killed hla wife. Aqnllla Reid, in the negro district In t'.ie south- eaaterh part of the city. While delivering goods tor a whole sale firm of the elty he stopped at hla home, and while there. It seems, had a quarrel with his wife. It ended In his shooting her while walking by her able In the yard, he ‘placing the pistol so close to her body that the powder burned her clothing. She did not fall at first, and as she staggered along he walked behind her. pistol in hand. She fell after a few steps, nm! he stood over her, threaten'' ing to shoot her again, when another negro woman appeared on tile scene, nnd lie wanted out to his dray and re mounted It. The second woman began calling for the police, and he remarked that he would fix three or four policemen the same way. The Reid woman died In a few minutes. Reid drove off on his dray, delivered two more orders, and then tying bin horse to a post made a break for the Many Livaa Endangered—Motorman Badly Hurt and May Die. Joliet. Ilk, April 8.—Score* of live* were endangered early today In a col lision between a street car and a San ta Fe passenger train. Henry Muff, the motorman. was Imdly hurt and may die. The car had about 75 workmen aboard. The airbrakes failed to work and the car crashed Into the passen ger train slotfly pulling Into the depot at Cass street. The force of the col lision knocked a passenger coach from the track and demolished the street car. Nine passengers were seriously hurt. Gearing Broke; Two May Die. Atlanta. April 8.—A break In the gearing of the machinery in the mllle of the Woodward Lumber company in West End yesterday atternoon caused a serious and probably fatal accident in which William H. Watts, the fore man. had his skull crushed and James Jackson, a negro employe, had hla face painfully lacerated. The two men were taken to the Grady hospital, Watts being In an unconscious condi tion. It was found necessary to tre pan Walls’ skull and the physicians do not think there Is.much chance for 1 his recovery. Jackson’s wound may also jyove fatal. from the city. t. • Blanket W< April 8.—The a town of The have been locked out 1 and are now threatening rcatc disturbances. Police and gendarmes are dispersing Idaoas at ssn than three persens. On Trial for Their Llvee. Gainesville, Ga.. April 8.—The spa. dal term of Hall superior court called to try Harve Stover and Charley Plr- kle for the murder of Mrs. Christina A. Blake, waa convened yesterday morning. Judge J. B. Esteg presided. Thirty grand jurors and aeventy-two special Jurors were drawn, for whlch th* two men are oi one of the most brutal fh 1 the county. They are chart ultlng and murdering a bo was past 70 years of age. Cold For Foreign Export New York, April 7.—Lazard Frcre* will export 81,000,000 gold to Paris cn the stes=;r Kroq Print .Wilhelm, sail- lnr-tomqxro*.