Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, June 06, 1902, Image 1

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AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Marion is Terrell’s. Bnena Vista'—Marion oonnt: for Terrell by a small plurality. Floyd's Six Votes- Atlanta:—Floyd connty’s six votes goes for Terrell by a large majority, Gnerry Claims Bibb. Macon:—At 10o’clook tonight Gner- ry’s friends claim Bibb oonntv by a. small plnrality Here’s a Small Bnnch. Atlanta:—Terfell gets Crawford, Twiggs, Olinob, Haralspn, Hancock, Coweta, Glynn and Taylor by comfort able pluralities. Several For Gnerry. Atlanta:—Gnerry carries Mitchell ad Warren. Lanrens for Estill. More Hows From Bibb. Macon:—The resnlt here :s so close' that an ofHoial oonnt of theljallots may be necessary. " Five More For Terrell. Atlanta:—Terrell gets Clarke conn* ty, Irwin, Houston, Talbotand Bartow oonnties. Bollock goes for Eatill, while Habersham is in donbt between these two. l/ljfpr iunchers. 1 ' hours to digc soft boiled; three hours to ; dumpling; three hours to digest roast beer! In (act, three hours is t the time required to digest the ige twelve minute lunch. The ob it the hasty lunch it to let the bUBy get back to his office work. But I the brain is active, the stomach is ive for lack of necessary blood. The ral consequence is indigestion, and -estion opens the door to many dis- iigestioi is cured by the use of. Dr. Golden Medical Discovery, h cures diseases of the stomach and • organs of digestion and nutrition. Atlanta done Otb.—Bstnrns from White, Morgan, Dooly, Crawford, Donglasand Bcbley conntles, so far received, gives Terrell a| plnrality in each connty. • Stevens, Merritt, Eason, Atlanta:—At midnight it is conceded thaT Stevens elooted commissioner of agriculture,; Merritt school commis sioner, Eason prison commissioner. assimilation of fc "It U with heart!) testimonial which 1 my name and addt ef Wdcbinolnf TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR, AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, .11'YIi 6. 1902. TAKE YOUR CHOICE, I used Quinine for 10 days. I am free of fever but feel utterly wretched. I am deaf us a post. Lost 10 Jusitake your choice. An attack of Fever at this time of year, with Quinine as the treat ment, means a week or ten days lost from Busi ness. It means ten days of unhappiness for you and ten days of hard work and anxiety for those who love you. This is putting it in its very happiest aspect. It might mean your death, and it often means a breakdown in general health from which some recuj>erate very slowly. If you are a rich man your time is worth much to vour estate. If you I used Johnson’s Tonic 24 hours. Took it every thres hours. Never felt better in my life. Did not lose an ounce in weight. Can eat anything. are a |ioor nmn, your time is worth much more to your family. The rich man might better afford to suffer a loss of $100.00 a day, as a result from en forced absence front business than the poor man can lose the value of his labor. Both men—rich or poor—are stupid to lose 10 days when 24 to 48 hours is I ho limit of time required to put them in good condition by Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic. I always feel sorry for the family that is wedded to the plan of subjecting themselves to the Quinine treatment. The process is slow. The result uncertain. The treatment disappointing. Johnson’s Tonic has two cardinal points that should immediately commend it to every thinking man in tills country. First of ail, it is harmless. Absolutely harmless. Harmless under all cir cumstances. Second, it is quick; it nets at once. In :J0 minutes after its administration, it enters the blood and begins to undo the mischief caused by Malaria. It has a wonderful record of 17 years of success. 999 cases out of every 1000 are promptly cured, and the 1000th case can be easily cured by doubling the dose und taking It a little oftener. Johnson's Tonic is a wonderful medicine. It is not mere merchandise. It Is superb. No remedy in the whole domain of Materia Medica is more positive in its action and unfailing in its results. It will cure. It will cure every time. It will cure every case of Fever. It will cure any type of fever. It is the one great medicine that seldom disappoints. Don't trifle with Fever. If allowed to run, it is like a house allowed to burn—it. will consume you. Use Johnson’s Tonic. Use nothing else. Now, take your choice. Lie in bed for days, or maybe weeks, and poison your digestion with Quinine, and arise finally with all the life and vim taken out of you, or use Johnson’s Tonio and be restored at once to perfect health. No loss of vital force. No loss of flesh. No waste of precious time. Take your choice A. B. GIRARDEAU, Savannah, Go. EDWARD DESIRES TO REWAMKITCHENER Asks House of Commons’ Con sent to Do So. WOULD GIVE GENERAL £50,000 This Is to be Made In Order to Confer Recognition Upon Lord Kitchener for His Conduct of the Campaign In 8cuth Africa. London, June 4.—In the house of commons today the goverihnent leader, A. J. Balfour, presented a message from Kjnp Edward r.s follows: “Hie majesty, taking Into consideration the eminent services rendered by Lord Kitchener a’nd being desirous in rec ognitton cl eueh service to confer on bim some signal mark of his favor, recommends that the king should enabled to grant Lor d Kitchener £50, 000.’’ BALLOT CF THE-BOERS. TERRELL. Georgia Honors Herself in Electing Him. PLURALITY LARGER THAN EXPECTED Young Man’s Clothes. Y oung men are apt to be very par ticular about their clothes; even a little fussy: cranky. It’s all right; a good appearance means a lot to a young fellow some times; may even be his chief asset; it pays to look well. We make a specialty of young men’s clothes; styles that have snapjj and “go” in them; the ultra-fashions sought for by thousands of young men who cannot or will not pay the exclusive tailor’s prices, and are smart enough to see that Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are best. Go to almost any college town where young men gather; where they are their own severest clothes- critics; you’ll find Hart Schaffner & Marx “Varsity” and other young men’s stales the ruling favorites. A better test of clothes-popularity is impossible. Fifty-four Votes Were Cast For Sup Tender, Six Against. Pretoria, Transvaal, June 4.—The ballet of the Beers at Vereenining re suited in 54 votes in favor of surrender and U against It. Preparations are being made here for the surrender of the Boer comman does, which will take place on the race course. Ail the Eoers are allowed per. feet freedom. There will be a Thanksgiving ser vice Sunday, June 8, on the church square, In which It is hoped the Boers will participate. The women in the concentration camps are anxious to re turn to their homes Immediately, but tbis will be impossible until a system of supply depots for the outlying dis tricts is re-established. General Baden-Powell Is arranging for the distribution of mounted con stabulary in various districts. The po lice, railroads and telegraphs will be banded over to tbe civil authorities as possible and tbe restrictions of martial law will be gradually relaxed. Good dressers everywhere wear these • goods; they’re as good clothes as they look. The label H. S. & M. Is a sign of genuineness. A small thing to look for, a big thing to find. We sell them ex clusively. W. D. BAILEY, 9/fen’s Outfitter, Allen House Corner, Amerlcus, Ga, Kitchener Leaves for England. Durban, Natal, June 4—The Timea of Natal states that Lord Kltchenei has left for England and that General Littleton is acting commander-in-chief of tbe British forces In South Africa. Kitchener Created Viscount London, June 4.—It was announced this afternoon that Lord Kltchenei had been created a viscount by King Edward. Remount Commission to Disband. Kansas City, June 5.—Tbe British remount commission that has been purchasing and shipping mules for use In the British army to South Africa and India, will be disbanded within a few days and most of the officers who are now on duty bere and at Luthrop, Mo., will be given long leaves of ah aence. For Soldiers’ Home In Alabama. Washington, Juue 6.—Representa tive Thompson, of Alabama, bag Intro- duced a bill for a soldiers' boms In Alabama for disabled and indigent per- sons who served In the Indian or Mex. lean wars or on eltber aide of tbe late civil war or in tbe war with Spain. From The Mountains to The Sea The Counties Went Tumbling to Terrell, BOTH GUERRY AND ESTILL DISPLAYED STRENGTH Stevens Wins Overwhelmingly Over Nesbitt. Sum ter County is in Guerry Column in all Proba bility, While Sumter’s Vote Probably Goes to Merritt or Johnston For School Commissioner. *- Joseph M. Terrell, Georgia’s Next Governor. Atlanta, Ga. June 5th.—It will be Governor Terrell by a larger plurality than even his most sanguine supporters supposed. From the mountains to the sea the counties are piling into the Terrell column tonight, and his over- whelming election is conceded by the opposition. Returns are coming in rapidly, and while in many counties official figures cannot be given the result is easily forecasted. Fol lowing are the returns as received. Richmond For Terrell- Augusta, Jane Mb.—Richmond conn* ty gives its vote to Terrell. Lincoln connty goes for him also by a good vote, _____ Captures the Capital. Atlanta:—Falton connty goes for Terrell by more than 2,000 plnrality over Gnerry. Terrell. Dawson, Ga.:—Terrell connty gees for Terrell by small majority. Gnerry Gets Something. 'ForsythMonroe connty given ber vote for Gnerry. More For Gnerry. Atlanta;—McDuffie connty, in Tenth district Gnerry’s by a good vote. Ho also leads in Hancosk, and in Leo A Bnnch For Terrell. Atlanta:—Terrell gets Oconee, Jas per, Johnson, Irwin, Pickens,, and Batts. Estill carries Morray. Terrell Leading. Atlanta:—Oat of sixty-eight conn- ties heard from so far Terrell gets 48 enre, Estill 14 and Gnerry 6*. Terrell carries Randolph by a small vote, also Chattahoochee and Folk. NUMBER 6 Chatooga. :—Terrell gets Chatooga 30 majority. Terrell leads in ■on by 84 votes. Gnerry may cere. Macon Connty. Montezuma:—Macon connty goes for Gnerry by 70 plnrality. Coming in a Bnnch. Atlanta:—Six preeinots in Walker eoanty give Terrell big majority, Jonn- eon majority, Eason same, Stevens same. Estill carries Catoosa and Lib erty, Terrell carries Campbell and leada in Gilmer. Terrell carries Craw ford one hundred majority, Estill carries McIntosh and Cobb counties. Terrell Gets Dougherty. Albany:—Terrell carries this eoanty by a large plnrality. More for Terrell. Atlanta:—Terrell gets Hart, and Newton. Newton goes also for Stev ens, Eason and Merrett. Coffee for Estill. Douglas:—Coffee eonnty goes ttt Estill by a large plnrality. Another Bnnch. Atlanta;—'Terrell gets Wiloox, Mori- wether and Wilkes oonnties. Estill gets Early. Barke For Gnerry. Wayenesboro:—Bnrke oonnty goes for Gnerry by a good vote. Jnet a Few More. Atlanta:—Terrell carries Linooln, Oglethorpe and Greene oonnties. And Btill They Come. Atlanta:—Later retnrnefrom Thom as oonnty giyes it to Terrell by 100 plurality. Terrell also has Madison,, Patnam, Olay, Harris, Gordon and Pike. Estill gets Glasscock. . Savannah:—Glynn close, chances for Estill. Chatham gives Eetil 2,758 plnrality. Terrell a Sure Winner. Atlanta:—Oat of 103 counties heard from Torroll has carried eixty-elght with 174 votes; Estill twenty-four oonnties with SO votes; .Gnerry 11 oonnties with 80 votes Terrell nomi nation on first ballot is assured. BOUGHT A LARGE LOT COTTON. Gwinnett lor Gnerry. Atlanta:—Gwinnett oonnty goes for Gnerry. Terrtll carries Baldwin and Hancock oonntie*. Estill geto rat- noil, while Fayette goee for Terrell by plnrality. Americns Firm Cleans Up Marshall- ville Stock. The sale of the largest lot of spot cotton reported here in eeveral weeks was that yesterday when the well- known firm ol Tweedy & White of Americns, bought a lot of 430 bales at Marshallville, The cotton was owned by Felton and Hatcher, who re ceived S, cents round for the lot, the ■ale representing nearly $20,000, Tweedy & White will ehip the cotton direct to Savannah. After a mighty lie hai prevailed, call it the troth.