Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, June 27, 1902, Image 3

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMBS-RECORDERi FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1902, The national campaign was virtually opened Thursday night by the appear ance of Grover Clevelandand David B. Hill upon the platform in Now York. The occasion was the dedication of the Tilden Club and Democrats celebrated it in naudsome style. There is no better name to conjure with than that of Samnel J. Tilden. He was the great reform governor of New York, who swept out power a cor rupt ring, and who re-established De mocracy upon a sounder and stronger basis. He wos elected president of the United States in 1870, but proved him self a greater man than ever by refus ing to insist upon his rights and by assenting peaceably to the inaugura tion of his opponent, who happened to be counted in by the Republican re turning board. Mr. Tilden was not only a reformer, he was a patriot. The patron saints of Democracy are Je.Ter son, Jackson, Tilden and Clove- land. This is a noble quartette, and when David B. Hill unites his inttu- en ce for a solid Democracy the elTect in New York should be irresistible. No two men in the United States have moved more closely together, and yet have been more unfortunately op posed, than Cleveland and Hill. Wheu Grover Cleveland was elected govern or of Now York, in 1892, Hill was lieu tenant governor. When Cleveland be came president in 188-7 Hill became governor of New Y'ork. Ia 1832 these two men were rival candidates for the party nomination for the presidency. Hill got the Democratic support of New York, but Cleveland carried the national convention and secured two- thirds of the votes of ail the states. While Cleveland was president the sec ond time Hill was Democratic senator from New l’ork. Their relations have been along time strained, but they are now happily to gether, and the Tilden Club has healed the breach between these two great leaders.—Savannah Press, There is a world of significance in the fact that the state of Georgia won four gold medals, one silver medal, an honorable mention and a higbestaward on its display of minerals and similar products at the Charlestou Exposition It means that here at home we have possihilities for wealth uudreamed of, says the Augusta Herald, and thateven if Georgia’s marvelous agricultural fa cilities should fail, her fluancial future would still be assured through the medium of her mineral resources. One of the gold medals was for a systematic display of minerals, another for the dis play of building stones and another for aluminum ore. and a fourth for the dis playot clays. The silver medal was awarded for the Georgia exhibit and other abrasives, and the honorable mention for precious and semi-preci ous stones. SHIP BEING SWEPT BY ICE PACK TO ARCTIC TRUE, HOW VERY, VERY TRUE- All that is left of the war revenue act will disappear on July 1, so far as the internal revenue department is con cerned. The revenue repeal act takes effect with the beginning of the new decal year, and it will make a good deal of difference to many lines of business. The political card writing season in Georgia is about over. Speaking of card writing in politios Editor Moln- tosh calls attention lo the noteworthy fact that “ihe card writers all got left in the recent campaign. Although they were both bitterly attacked in the news papers by their opponents Terrell and Stevens refused to engage in this sort of campaigning, and—well, we know the rest.” So ex-candidate Guerry is to publish a weekly nowspaper. It ia understood that it will carry no railroad schedules. —Atlanta Journal. ,-RCPCCED NEW LINE. The Macon Telegraph believes that Warner Hill has earned the right to be chairman of the state Democratic con vention and manager of the Democrat ic state campaign for Mr. Terrell. This is the precedent and The Tele graph boos nothing improper in it. Asheville and Rutherfordton Railroad to Be Built Asheville, N. C.. June 20.—The Asheville and Rutherfordton railway will he built and active work on the proposed line will begin at once. The road will be built by George T. Canls, of New York. The contract was sign ed today. Work on the proposed line will begin at the Rutherford end. The contract gives Mr. Canls about four years' time in which to com plete the road. The line, however, will be completed In perhaps Just hall this time. The exact location of the line has as yet not been determined. The road will run via Falrvlew and will enter Asheville from the southern part of the city. The length of tho road from Asheville to Rutherfordton Is 40 miles. From Asheville the road will extend to Tennessee. It is not known who Mr. Canls’ back ers are in the movement, but It Is gen erally believed that It Is the Seaboard, Steamer Portland In Danger of Being Lost. SHIP SENT TO HER RESCUE n the Event . cf Her Not Being Crushed In the Pack, She Will Run Short of Water and Supplies Unless Aid Soon Reaches Her. SLEW HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW. Tho state convention will probably welcome local option into its platform with open arms. Looal option deserves a prominent place in tho next Demo cratio platform and we hope it will be pnt there and forever end the prohibi tion question.—Darien Gazette. The Albany Herald wants the Gov ernor to appoint the snccessor to Judge Lewis. The Herald thinks the Gov ernor wonld appoint a man qaalilled for the place, whereas, the state con vention might elect a popular politi cian without qualifications. South Carolina Planter Brains Man With Gun Barrel. Scranton, S. C.. June 21.—C. Myers, n young planter living near here slew bis brother-in-law, S. W. James, also a prominent farmer, yesterday. There were no eyewitnesses. Myers has gone to Kingstree to surrender. There had been a family feud for years. It Is said that the men quarrel ed yesterday, and that James advanc ed on Myers with a fence rail. My ers fired, breaking Ills opponent's arm. James, unarmed and wounded, contin ued to advance. Myers knocked him down, breaking his gun stock, and then beat his brains out with the bar rel. Nome. June 21.—Via Seattle.—The •learner Portland, Captain Lindquist, the pioneer of the Northern Commer- dal company’s fleet, was on June 4 euught in the Ice pack and being car ried up Bering Straits to the Arctic oeean at the rate of from 2 to 3 miles an hour. The Nome City came near being caught In the same manner and when she found a lead and backed through the pack to the westward the Portland could be plainly seen drifting north ward past the Diomede islands. Three whalers were also in sight, but they were In the lee of the Islands and In no danger of being carried to the Arc tic hy the floating pack. When Captain Daniels brought the word to Nome that the Portland was in the Ice and drifting toward tho Arc- tic the Northern Commercial company officials and people who had friends aboard were greatly worried, and asr soon as the Thetis arrived a petition was presented to Captain Healey, re questing him to go to tho rescue. The Thetis left the same evening. If any one can render the Imprisoned shin any assistance Captain Healey is that man. There is some danger of tho ship being crushed In the straits. 11 she got through the straits and failed to find a lead to eastward or westward by which she could get clear of the pack, she will he carried Into the Arc tic ocean, anil failing to get clear of the ice, may ultimately be wrecked by heavy (Joes further north. In tho event of her not getting crushed, she will bo greatly delayed and no doubt run short of supplies and fresh water. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. fiRC YOU A great rr.r.ny pcoplo tnjfTft ibrougu Ignor- nllb IUU WIOC aiue. TW' /flon tiicow that for nil inflam* mauui; there is no remedy t j equal 3lexicon 3Iu6tnng Liniment* [Xotici — AH legal a«l verti-cments must be brought to the business office not later than uuriutaa wu'tv UUI l«KI IUAU Wednesday noon ofe«cb month to Insure In sertion. accompanied with the fee. Tbi* rule will be entorced-1 Petition for Incorporation. GEORGIA—SUMTEK COCNTY To the y upsrlor Court of Raid county: The petition of Arthur Rylander. J. T. stalling*. Dave K and E. V. Andrew?, ali of »ald coun* ami easy way and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassful! of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang liniment ty, show, FIRST. That they and their «s«oclate». desire to ba Incorporated and made a.body corporate, pursuant to the lawtf of Georgia, under the corporate name and style of the ‘ Rylander HhoeCo.’fora term of twenty year*, with the privilege ot renewal. SECOND. That the purpose of said organisation I* pecuniary gain to the members thereof. That they desire to be incorporated with a capital stock ot Five Thousand Dollars, with stock to be divided loto share* of the par value of one hundred dollars each, all of whieh amount has been paid In, and they desire the privilege o! Increasing ail'd earnfxl stock to twenty five thousand dollarf — w - -dollar*. Thu tb* members of said organization shall not be Individually liable for the obligation* of said organization except to the extent of the unpaid subscription to stock, THIRD, That the principal office of said corporation win be located in the city of Amerlcus, said state, and they ask that they may be permit* ted to estaollsh branch offices at such other place or places »s they may desire. That they desire to buy and sell shots, hats, um- ■ breilas, and such other articles or merchan* * dlseae Huy may see proper to handle: that they also desire the ngnt and privilege to borrow and loan money, to buy. own, use and sell real estate, to buy and sell stocks and bonds, and to issue bonds, and give and take mortgages as security for debt, and to do all other things not inconsistent with law, which they may deem proper and to the best inter* estof said organization. FOURTH. Peiltlonersdeslre right to have and use a and be Impleaded, to pass and. enforce br and with this Then bathe fnent and after around tho neck, i this gargle the throat at frequent Intervals, tho outside of tho throat thoroughly with the Uni- » ir doing this itour sotno on a soft cloth and wrap/ mg this i» It is a mSITIVE CURE. 25c., 50c. nud $1.00 a bottle. IT MAY PC Yflll hav0 I° n K been troubled with a running II Ilia I DC IUU soro or ulcer. Treat it at onto with .Mexi can 3Iustung Lilnmcnt and you can depend upon a speedy cure. . I laws not inconsistent with the laws of the state, and as may be necessary In the man agement of said business; and generally to I do all things consistent with law, as may be | necessary io carry out the purposes of said organization. < W herefore they pray the court to grant an order making said organization a body cor- I porate In terms of the law. in such case* I made and provided, 1 LANE & MAYNARD, Petitioner's Attorneys. Flied In office, this May S7tb, 101:1 may anu, in* C. A, CHAMBLISS, Clerk Superior Court & C. I GEORGIA- -SDMTXH COD.TT. Ship Battled With Ice Pack. Seattle, Wash.. Juno 21.—The steam cr Nome City tins arrived here with the record of being the first steamer to reach Nome and the first to return from there out of a fleet of iO vessels. The ship bears many evidences of the fierce battles with the ice In the north, but Is not matrlally damaged. Third Trial for Miss Morrison. Eldorado, Kan.. June 2ft.—A Jury to try Jessie Morrison for a third time for the murder In June, 1900, of Mrs. Ollle Castle was completed today and the taking of testimony was begun Miss Morrison killed Mrs. Castle by slashing her throat with a razor. The first Jury disagreed and the second found her guilty and assessed her pun ishment at 10 years’ Imprisonment. This verdict was reversed on a tech nicality. Hill la a Candidate. Birmingham, Ala., June 20.—Profes sor I. W. Hill, superintendent of tho Gadsden city schools, has announend his candidacy for state superintendent of education. When asked in refer ence to the matter be said that he ha-1 decided to make the race, having been solicited to run by a number of teach era. Mrs. Thomas R. R. Cobb, the talent ed widow of the late Thomas R. R. Cobb, of Athens, will he an applicant for the appointment as postmistress of tho next house of representatives, George Foster Peabody, tho New York philanthropist, has decided to give 813,000 to found and equip a “practice school” in connection with the State Normal School at Athens. It is said that Mr. Merritt’s accom plished wife conducted the correspond ence of that gentleman inoident to liis remarkable campaign for state school commissioner. May Hang After 20 Years’ Freedom. Raleigh, June 21.—Twenty years ago Dan Gould, a negro, was sentenc ed to be hanged In this state, hut a short while before the day appointed for the execution he broke Jail and made his escape. This was In 18S2 and nothing had ever been heard from him until this week. when a negro sup posed to be this condemned murderer was arrested In Georgetown. S. C., and will he brought to Wadesboro. If this negro proves to he Gould then the gov. ernor will only have to fix another date for the execution, 20 years hav ing intervened. In every town and village may be had, the Mica Axle Grease that makes your horses glad. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the dlgestants and digests all kinds of food. Itglvesinstantrellef and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat alt the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take, 't lielR '* but do you good Prepared only by RO. DnWiTTACa, Chicago ThetL botui) contain, SH times the ate, size. W. A. Rembert. Amerlcus, Ga- HOLLY-t-SPRINGS! I, C. A. ChambllM. Clerk of Ihe superior Court of Sumier county, do cerUfy that the \ above la a correct and true copy of a petl- tlon filed In this office on the t7tndavof May, I 1K53. C A. CHAMBLISS, Clerk Superior Court S. C.. PUBLIC SALE —VALUABLE PROPERTY. Under and by vlrtueof a power of sale con- talnvd In a deed wade and delivered to the National Uullillnt, Association of BalUmore City by Mary E. Lee, dated 20th day of tember, ISOS, and recorded In Deed Book --B. 11." pages 173 to tn In the office of the Clerk °f Sumter superior court, the undersigned der for cash at the court bouse door ot Snm- ter county, ua., within the legal hour, of BAGLEY GROCERY CO. sheriff's sales, on the first Tuesday m July, IMS. theI following oescilbed property to-wit: A certain house and lot In the city of Amerl cus, said state and county, sltuaied on the cast side of Lee street la ssld city, and front ing on said street one hundred feet, and running back east two hundred and ten feet and bounded as follows: On the north by lands fit Building and Loan Aaaoch atlon. on the east by land ot Mrs. S. E. Byrd, on the south by lauds of Mrs 8 E Byrd and Southwest Georgia'* pleasure resort most picturesque Now Open for The Season. The finest bathing; convenient bathhouses Everything first-clans. Large dancing pa villon. Just two miles southwest of Amerl cos. Enclosed bathing pool for ladles. SULK AGENT# Henry Clay Flour Ripe Peach Tobacco' Jones’ Lever Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ou me soutn uy lauds or Mrs 8 E Byrd s west by Lee street, containing about half acre. said real estate Is sold to satisfy an In- an Idebtedness to the Asiocfatlon that will | due and payable, amounting under the tei I deed on the dty of salt ‘ * --- ___ ___ so,e.aiuounung unuer toe terms of said deed on thediyofsafe toSUaig. Said deed prorldes for the sale of said property In the event of default In the payme t of the monthly Installments of dues secured by said deed for three mouths, and default 1 K been made in tlieparmentrllhesald mon Installments lor three months. The L rbtedueas together with five per cent, e the proceeds i f said sale allowed as cost, c. collectlon. and the expenses of this proceed ings will be paid out -f the proceeds of said salt. This recund day of June. I SOL Bagiev Block. Onnoelte Courthouse I THE NATIONAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 1 OF BALTIMORE CITY, Hooch a dvkcs. Attorneys. HANSFORD BROS., Prop’s. professional cards- J. TER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, w- Preston, G*. /Special Attention given to all matters en> trusted to my care. JOUPKK * DYKES, Attorney# at Law, Planters Dank Building. Room No. 7. Uyne Building, Amerlcus, Ga. Mercury aeo mmk King Edward is laid to baye obatted upwards of balf an hoar with Pierpont Morgan. Doubtless the mortgage o,n the throne bat now been errenged. In bis lateat pictures Joe Terrell i* represented aa wearing a Panama bat. The Press anggeats that possibly it ia one he won on the election. Was there a mistake about the rumor ofJndge Lewis’ resignation, or bare his friends changed their minds? asks th# Savannah Press.' ONLY SERVE AS A MASK FOR CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON They hide its repulsive form, and this serpent disease, stupefied by these drugs, lies dormant until the effects have worn off or treatment is discontinued, when it breaks down the mask and becomes as full of life and venom os ever. Mercury and Potash may dry tip the sores and eruptions, but at the same time they drive the poison back into the blood and system, where it feeds npon the tender-tissues, memb-anes and nerves, finally breaking out in most disgusting sores and even destroying the flesh and bones. Mercury and Potash cannot accomplish a radical*and permanent cure. They have a palliative but not curative effect upon this treacherous snake like disease. These drags produce mercurial Rheumatism, destroy the teeth and corrode the membranes of the stomach and bowels, causing inflam mation and dyspepsia, nervousness and general derangement of the system. S. S. S. is a Specific for Contagious Blood Poison, and the only antidote for the peculiar vims that spreads so quickly throughout the system, corrupting the blood and infecting every organ and fibre of the body. S. S. S. destroys the serpent, and eliminates every atom of poison from the blood, it makes a thorough and radical cure of the disease, and at the same time builds up the general health. S. S. S. contains no minerals of any kind, but is a purely vegetable remedy and we offer $t,ooo for proof to the contrary. * •Write us about your case and our physicians will cheerfully advise without charge. Our home treatment book will be sent free to all who desire it THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Atlanta, 6a. I For Sale. A PI* LI CATION 8 room b ante, with good bsrn. servant I ^ RCIA ^™ 0 '^ r DM,!,,ST “ 4TI0} » bes/streets fifths situ’ °S8^Sn °* H ufde™m h.Tn) In prontr form Deal streets Id toe City. £2,230. I applied to me for letters of administratrix fine T. e .tnra“ h l r n?v m 0 ‘) y> Krn»^7*«mS n «lfn\', kuo“n °J, PMtore, plenty running water I Pearl Carlton, late ot said count,, deceased. $750. I This Is *o cite all and *lngular the creditors an anma » OT wi ..11^.4 _ l4 . £ nd a 2 st w kln °* * Uzabetb B. Kedneay, to juu acres level lend on railroad, with I be and appear at in* once within the time 75 acres suitable for pasture, with run-1 allowed by law, and show cauip, if any they acre. Take tbiajf you want a bargain, | ijo*» Lee underbill, on the estate of Eliza- rent $12} monthP^Prioe *U00 Cl ° S ° ,D I official signature, 100 sores, 1 % mile, railroad, 8 room boner, fine pasture. Rent 2} bale* cotton. 1830. APPLICATION to A bmld. Ch<>,Cel0U ‘ f y° n I GEORGIA—Sumter Count,.' LEVS TO SELL. For Rent. Notice la hereby given thatJ. H. Holley ban app led to the Ordinary of said county for 1* ave to fell the lands hHonvlng to t*e eNta'.e of h. k Holley, deceased, for the pur pose of makloKdUtrlbuUon among the heirs of the deceased Said application will bt 7 room bouse on Finn street wall *r. I the regular term of the court of Or- ranged and in good condition,' £10 mo. io^I/Tn Juiy^m/ ?Sd%?"f Come to see me if vou wish to boy a I June ’ ^ **• allen, ordinary. Office to Wheatley RcJldisf jpourthous* boose,or make an investment in eitber city or country property. A PPLICATJON A TWKL \V. T. Lank. it L. MaTnak LANE & MAYNARD, LAWYERS. AMERICUS, 1 GEORGIA. omcesNo*. 1, anil 17 Planter. Hank Build- R A CATO. a. U. . PUYSCIAN AND SU KG VON. Residence SIS Pelder street Telephone M special auei aisa-r: Eldridge's store will receive prompt atten Ion flvea to —, .omen and c — >M Jackson atreet Calls lettat Dr I'aatnr* will papmIw* nvnmnf P. B. WILLIFORD. 10) Cotton Avenue. SLVE MONTHS SUPPOB GEORGIA—Sum IK C’OUSTt. The return of the appraiserm setting ap I twelve months support to the f atnliy,of Mr JOHNSON & HARR0LD, littitiMotn ui Wniu Ola M Evans and her minor children of ] 11. Kvanx. deceased, having been tiled in a. office, all person* concerned a*e cited t xhow came b# ihe 7th day of Julv, IMS, ' ' | said application for twelve months sup Bid no* * • ■houlnnot be^r anU d. T hi a th e2nd d June, 1002, S. M. ALLEN, Ordina MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS IN.... G EO R 3 IA—SCMTt M.COU NTT, Appraisers having set apirt twelve montl support to Seymore and Annie Evans, mlm , W.V-® JuTrSJl HEAVY GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS Kl.f& co«7 un,e “ g00rt cau ; Plantation Supplies Furnished THoS. M. ALLEN,Ordinal Supplies furnished on RmsossUs Terras. Cash advanced on cotton In store at lowest C. 0av/Sj jDant/st... mr Office Residence Times Recorder Bl'dg 218 Jackson Street. 'Phnns-lt.T. I'i/maiu Dr. S. H. McKee, ...DENTIST... Hudson's drugstore, Rooms9 and 10. Phone No, 9. m current rates of Interest. MYRTLE SPRINGS. Cash Paid for Land Warrants ‘ 1 Address J. M. Vale, Attor- at Law, Bond Bidding. Renowed for Its Cold, Sparkling Mineral Waters. „ ’ . , Beautiful Grove; Splendid Flange Bathe, New Bathing Suita provided. Everything first class, Write or call on C. A. OR V. H. CHAMBLISS. Amerlcus, Qa. (Nice Cottages on Grounds for Kent.) Washington* D. C. 511m --JM T— Old 5hoe Talk. I have Just purchased most of octet form erly owned by Mr. If. J, Greenwalt fqr.ehoe making purposes and am now belter pre pared than eter to turn out govd work. Boc— - -*■ -■ ■ tots and shoes neatly repaired; X. L. LAMAR, With Rylander Shoe Co. Shoe Maker. BANNER 8A LYE the most homing salvo In tho wort*. • r’ '