Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, June 27, 1902, Image 4

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' If ,. THE AMERIOCS WEEKLY TIMES-RECOUDER: FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1902. THE TIMES-RECORDER Daily and Weekly. THE GREENE AND GAYNOR CASE. The Ameiu<t> iL: • r.«:abli*h< TH£ A*iehi*-os Time*. EmblUfced Consolidated. April. I-;*! Incorporated. January, 1£W. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAILY, one vear .. ..$6.00 DAILY, one month SO WEEKLY, one vear .... LOO.' WEEKLY, six months Aririr*** till letter., anil >„:el ri!K 7 IMKS-KKCOKUKIC M^KIE LOU.'SL MYRICK, EDITOR .%N»» IMMM;sS MAS.KiKU. Editorial Room Telephone UP. The Times-tfejorder is the Ofil;ial Org^u ot tae Cur or A^iericu* OfflMai Organ of Sumter County. Official Organ of Webitrr county. Offltla 5 . Organ of Railroad Com minion of '-ieorgl t tae 3-1 Coni regional Di.-trlct. I The ffcverumetit was victorious in the proceedings before Judge Andrews , in the case of Capt. Greens and Col. j Gaynor. It begins to look as if the 'fugitives would be coming lack to Sa vannah by the time summer tourists are returning home. Their attorneys realized th*t the de* 1 cisxoc would be against them before it was rendered, and hence they sought to avoid it by withdrawicg tdeir writs j habeas corpus, but it seems Judge An drews held that the matter was tu his hands, and he proceeded to decide that I the fugitive* must be returned to the ; jailer at Montreal. Our understanding is that now their; case will come up before the extradi tion commissioner iu that city. The reason Special Assistant Attor- OVER ALL ENGLAND GLOOM IS PREVAILING King Edward Passed Quite a Restless Night. HIS PHYSICIANS MAKE REPORT Thousands Crowd Streets Around Buckingham Faiace and Anxiously Await News from the Eedside of the Royal Patient. Ju:. IfAtlEHICTJS. GA., JUNE £7. 1902. The foolish business rnau says times are too dull to advertise. The wise mau says “business being dull, I must advertise liberally to attract trade. If is was the purpose of Mr. Cleve land iu his latest address to bury the hatchet in regard to liryauism he seems to have left an ax as a headstone to mark the spot. Prince Albert's death was caused by getting chilled at a public function. Subjects may run for cover, hut u king must preserve his dignity when shower comes up. Richard Croker swears he will have nothing more to do with politics, and that he would not walk ton feet to see King Ned crowned. The old man must be getting ready to cross over the great divide. Oleomargarine men boast that they will carry their business right along as before in spite of the uew law. A few experiences iu the federal courts will be apt to change their intentions in that respect. Three remarkable initiations in the Masonic order recently took place on the same night la Black River, N. Y. The candidates were Daniel if. Scolt, aged 71; his son, aged .IU, uud his grandson, aged 22. It is believed the event is unprecedented. Prof. S. P. Ilice, the uew elected President of tho Iiayler University, at Waco, Tex. less than twenty years ago was a member of a section gang on the Santa Pe Itailroad, earning 03 cents a day with his spade. If all the section gangs did this, there would not be enough college presideuts to goarouud. j ney General Krwin did not take Capt. Greeue and i 'cl. Gaynor before an ex tradition commissioner iu Quebec in the first place, was that he became satisfied after an investigation that the Quebec authorities were prejudiced in favor of the fugitives to such an extent that our government stood no chance of having its side of the case fairly con sidered. He, therefore, took oat writs before an extradition commissioner in Moutreu! Of course, the legal light in the Canadian courts is not over. Unless Capt. Greeue and Col. Gaynor decide to leave Canada, and find a way of do ing so, the chances are that .the ease will occupy the greater part of the sum mer, judging from the time that the proceedings have already taken. When the case gets fairly before the extradition commissioner there w ill no doubt be some interesting ^questions raised—questions that willrequire con siderable time to dispose of them satis factorily. The lawyers which the fugi tives have employed are among the smartest in Canada, and they will not miss a point that can be turned to ac count in the effort to prevent their clieuts from being given up to the au thorities of the United States. But it is probable that C’apt. Greeue and Col Gaynor will come hack to Savannah.— Savannah Nows. 23.—Anxious suspense Irion uf King Edward •videnced by shoals ol abmail. by the whole . will hardly he less tin issued by the at vus at 1J:30 o'clock a RAISINO CATTLE AT A PROFIT. Ilex-President Cleveland has been reading the newspapers since the deliv ery of bis speech at the I ildeu Club meeting in New York last Thursday Digbt, he probably understands by this time that tbs Democrats of the country- are not lookiag to him for edvico or leadership. Grover has had his day.— Albany Herald. It seem-, according to the Washing ton correspondent of the New York Herald, that three members of the President's cabinet were pulling bn: d against him in his effort for reciprocity with Cube, and so were several Sena tors who professed to bo with him, and also the entire Republican National Committee. This, with the eighteen Republican Senators who were openly- opposing reciprocity, was a pretty strong combination—too strong for Teddy. An Associated Press dispatch from Des Moines, I*, which appealed a day or two ago stated “TheE. S. Dana- hey sale of Scotch short horn cattle at this place yielded $76,W)) for W head. One heard of 90 brought an aggregate of *40,000. Forty-one heifers brought $06,000. The highest price was paid for Butterfly IT, sired by Wildwood, which! sold for more thau 81,000.”’ Why not some of this in soMi) Georgia? We have as good or a better slock couutry than is to bo found iu Iowa, more gra<e, mure shade, better water, better climate. The Iowa people are getting rich (arm ing. Wuynotwe? "His majesty was very restless and ha I r.o sice., during the early part ol the night. He obtained some sleep however, after 1 o'clock this room ing and no outward symptoms presented themselves. Considering all circumstances, ids majesty may- said to lie progressing satisfactorily. (Signed) bister. Treves, Lakiug Smith, Barlow." Earlier unofficial reports had been more favorable t'sah the official inedi tr.l pronouncement. They spoke ol the king ns having passed a good night, with peaceful rest, and the an nouncement of ids majesty’s restless, ness and lack of sleep are regarded by the general public as by no means reassuring, although court officials profess satisfaction. The absence ot all mention of the patient's tempera ture caused comment, although prob ably the statement that up to the present no untoward symptoms pre sented themselves Is Intended to in dicate that there had been on danger ous rise In temperatue. In medical circles the opinion is ex pressed that, in the pnrasV Just noted, the surgeons are doing all they possi bly can. In fact, the whola meaning of the bulletin is centraled therein, the rest being purely corollary thereto. Anxious Crowd About Palace. Throughout the morning the vicinity of the palace was Invaded by seekers after information. A curiously cos mopolitan crowd gathered about the railings awaiting the morning bulletin and directly after it was posted there was a great scramble to read its con tents. Tlte Prince of Wales arrived just as the bulletin was being Issued. Lor I I.ister, who came directly from the king's apartment after having assistei in drawing up the bulletin, left shortly All-Over Laces at Half Price. This is decidedly attractive and well assorted group of All-Over L?ces at about half their actual value. Most of them are an importers samples, hence the first half yard or so of every piece has been slightly soiled in the showing, white the rest of the piece is in perfect condition. There are about thirty-five patterns. Prices are 35c to $2.50 yard Worth 75c to $5.00 yard. 6 Doz. Fine Pearl Buttons for 25c. Pure white Pearl Buttons in three popu lar sizes. They are strictly first quality, aud have never before been offered for less than 10c per dozen. We will sell them in lots of six dozen, no more nr no less, to one customer at ih*- price—six dozen for 25c. afterwards, ami the more cheerful look i 50c Linen Doylies al 39c Dozen. . Fifty- dozen Doylies,guaranteed al! linen, full regul tr size; never before offered for less than 50c, now at 39c per dozen on his face was taken as an indlca- ] tion that he was satisfied with tiw in great morninj. SCO Yards new wash Silks that 75c. Wash Silks at *4c. condition of the patient. Callers continued to arriv numbers throughout the morning. | v,,,,,, . .. . . Among the earliest lilctingulshed per- 1 fbe house over s.X Weeks souages were Lord Salisbury. ArclP i twenty'•rive dlfferect pattern:; old at 75c. now at 44c per yard duke Francis, of Austria, tile Duke o!! Norfolk and the Duke of Cambridge. I The exodus of tile coronation em bassies has already begun. The next two or three days doubtless will see the departure of ail but one or two. | and these will close up their official j establishments and remain in London | merely as private persons. haven’t in over fgularly Men’s $15 Spring Suits for $7.50. Men’s striped Worstead Suits, made by the best clothing- manufactureis in the' .United States; perfect fitting; most all pjted re * u,ari >’ so,d at * is - *7 50 scenes as was witnessed yesterday j were enacted today. By noon long: strings cf carriages were waiting to 50c Table Damask at 39c Yard. Table Damask; guaranteed all linen, 64 inches wide, five different patterns, re^uiai- ly sold at 50c now at 39c per ya-cl. Men’s 10c Handkerchiefs at 5c. Men’s Handkerchiefs, made of fine quali ty whi'e lawn and hemstitched; regularly sold at 10.; vpry specid for this sa'e at 5c each Ladies’ 10c Ribbed Vest at 6 I-4c. As a peacemaker Ur. Cleveland has general resemblance to afresh vulcanic upheaval. The hoy, that expects to lied a job hanging around loose at the top of tie ladder might a3 well go oil” aud lie down and wait for tho gentle zephyrs to blow a few dollars into bis hands, or else let the ravens feed him. It is a matter of impossibility for a young fei low to get anything at the top of the ladder without flrst climbing there throngh hiaown personal efforts. A three-foot boy can’t reach up the ladder ol periona! achievement and capture a job tec feet In the ethereal elements. This old universe just naturally ain't built that way. put down visitors at the ambassadors and main entrance of the palace. Tomorrow has been officially ap pointed a day of intercession for the king, and In every parish church in tho United Kingdom special interces sory services will he held. Catholics nonconformists. 'Jews, Salvationists and other religious bodies arc all ar ranging special prayers, wh'.le In tits camps of tho colonial and other vlj ting troops, be they Mohammedans. Sun Worshipers. Brahmins or Fire or Men’s Straw Hats for 65c. Men’s S*raw Hats, in several of the new shapes rout'h or piain stra*; never before offered for less than gl.50; now at 65c each. . Women’s $2.50 Shoes At $1.25. We will offer a speoial lot of ladies’ low sun worshipers. Brahmins or Fire or I in P la > n «« °r patent leather; Fetish worshipers, whether from Chi ^ ^IZ^S ailds»t\les aud jJOCdvailUiS at $2 50, na. Borneo. Fiji. Central Africa or; for this Sale Ouly at §1.25 per pair. MOTHERS, DO YOU KNOW tile many so-cailed birth medicines, and inojt remedies lor women in the treatment >f her delicate organs, contain more 01 Ic** opium, morphine and strychnine? . Do l ou Know- that in most countries oruggisu are not permitted to 6cll uarcot- Opnlenco never cause* pessimism and optimlam U sever produced by pennry. ICS Without labeling them poisons ? Do You Know that you should not take internally any medicine tor the pain accompanying pregnancy. Do You Know that .Mother’s Friend is applied externally only? Do You Know that Mother's FricnJ is a celebrated prescription, and that it has been in use over forty years, and that each liottle of t'ae genuine hears the name of The Bradiicld Regulator Co. ? Do yon know that when you use thu remedy during the period of gestation that you will be free of pain and beat healthy, hearty and clever children ? Well, these things are worth knowing They are facts. Of druggists at Jt.oo. Don't lie persuaded to try a substitute. Our^little book “Motherhood” free. THE M40FIE10 (ES'JLATOI CO, Atlanta, Oa Hindustan, or from the Indian reserva tions of Canada, the usual hour for prayers finds them supplicating tiiei: dlety in behalf of the king. As the day progressed the crowds around Buckingham palace augmentej and the cautious wording of the early bulletin was much discussed. Soon af ter 2 p. m. a second bulletin was post ed. as follows: "The king passed a eortifortahic, morning and his condition so far Is' satisfactory. Treves, halting. Bar j low." This was regarded as being some j what more favorable, and the good ini- pressicn which it created was en j hanceti by the arrival at the palace j shortly afterward of the Duke and; Duchess of Aostat. They 'came froai I Dorchester house to lunch with tlic^ royal family. The observers deduced I therefrom ttiat unless the king's con ! ditlon was fairly satisfactory the queen $1.00 Table Napkins at 65c Dozen. Twenty-five dozen table Napkins,"beau tiful patterns 7 8 size, considered good val ues at Si: now at 65c per dozen. Ladies’ bleached ribbed Vest, tape neck, our regular 10c grade; not over one dozen to one buyer at the price. 6j^c each 10 Yard Dress Patterns for 39c. We will offer three hundred dress pat terns of fine colored Lawns, a grade that usually sells for 71c yard; not over two patterns to one buyer at the price—the ten yards for 39c. 71-2C to IOC Embroideries at 5C Yd. 1 500 Yards Embroidery Edgings and Insertions ranging in width from 2 to 7 Inches wide, and well worth 71c and 10c yd; now at 6c per yard. A. G. DUNCAN. DR. ALEXANDER’S CHILL TONIC A positive, permanent, a ml safe cure for Malaria, would-not have entertained the via 1 been unremitting eucr for pale, sickly female, and children V Itors, for she has In nursing her uusband, and has kith erto been constantly at his bedside. Two thousand names of visitors were registered at the palace yester day. Harper Is Held Under Bond. Watkinsvillc. Ga„ June 25.—The committment trial of John Harper, of Marshall district who shot Loney Payne, a fr-m hand, has Just been bold. Harper vrat bound over to the superior court ou thaTharge of invol- untar'- mansiaujhter. bond being fixed at J5M. Bring, the glow- to faded check., ; makes weak children fat and hearty. Tablet form; tasteless; easy to take. Price 50 cts. Trial Size, 25 els. Df. Alexander'* I.iver Regulator cure* Bilious- newt, Torpid I.iver, Constipation, Sick Headache Price 25 Cents. For tale by Sent by mat! oa receipt of price, IjE.J, EUlndge sole agent American. Ua. Notwithstanding all that has been said about avariciousneis.not one man in a thousand who has health and re munerative wages hot ie harpy. Reckon You Don’t Know It OR YOU WOULD;HAVE BEEN TO THE CLEARING OUT SALE OF J.J.O.STERLING SILVER, Jewelry, Cut-Glass and Bric-a-Brac GOING CHEAPER THAN EVER. THERE’S SPLENDID BARGAINS FOR ALL WHO CALL EARLY. G. T. SULLIVAN. Jeweler. Ssr Next to Ladles’ Entrance Windsor Hotel. V