Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, July 18, 1902, Image 1

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mmmm m - "• -mmmmm r- : !i ‘ * 1 ’ TAKE YOUR CHOICE. _ , i for 10 dnfs. I am free of fever but feel utterly vrre tithed. I 1 Jus! take your choice. An attack of Fever at this time of year, with Quinine as the treat ment, means a week or ten days lost from Busi ness. It means ten days of unhappiness for you and ten days of hard work and anxiety for those who love you. This is putting it in its very happiest aspect. It might mean your death, and it often means a breakdown in general health from which some recuperate very slowly. If you are a rich man your time is worth much to your estate. If you me is “ hoara. Never felt better in lay life. Did not lose an ounce In weight. Can eat anything. are a poor man, your time is worth much more to your family. The rich nmn might better afford to suffer a loss of $100.00 a .lay, as a result from en forced absence from business than the poor man can lose the value of his labor Both men—rich or poor—are stupid to lose 10 days when 24 to 48 hours is the limit Of time required to put them in good condition by Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic. I always feel sorry for the family that is wedded to the plan of subjecting themselves to the Quinine treatment. jo The process is slow. The result uncertain. The treatment disappointing. Johnson s Tonic has two cardinal points that should immediately commend it to every thinking man in this country. First of all, it is harmless. Absolutely harmless. Harmless under all cir- cumstances. Second, it is quick; it acts at once. In 30 minutes after Its administration, it enters the blood anil begins to undo the mischief caused by Malaria. It lias a wonderful record of 17 years of success. 909 cases out of every 1000 are promptly cured, and the 1000th case can be easily cured by doubling the dose and taking it a little oftener. Johnson’s Tonic is a wonderful medicine. It is not mere merchandise. It Is superb. Np remedy in the whole domain of Materia Medica is more positive in its action and unfailing in its results. It will cure. It will cure every time. It will care every case of Fever. It will cure any type of fever. It is the one great medicine that seldom disappoints. Don’t trifle with Fever. If allowed to run, it is like a house allowed to burn—it will consume you. Use Johnson’s Tonic. Use nothing else. NoiV, take your choice. Lie in bed for days, or maybe weeks, and poison your digestion with Quinine, and arise finally with all the life and vim taken out of you, or use Johnson’s Tonic and be restored at once to perfect health. 7>o loss of vital force. No loss of flesh. No waste of precious time. Take your KING EDWARD TAKEN ABOARD ROYAL YACHT Is Conveyed In Ambulance to Railway Station. WILL MAKg A SHORT VOYAGE. SALISBURY RESIGNS; BALFOURSUCCESSOR Change In the Premiership of Orest Britain. HICKS-BCACH ALSO —I RETIRES. Reason of Lord Salicbury’a Retirement li Generally Regarded aa 8lmply a Desires for a Quiet Life—Other Cabi net Changes Foreshadowed. of London. July 14.—The marquis Salisbury hail resigned the premier ship of Great Britain and Rt. Hon A. .1. Balfour, the first, lord of the choic* A. a GIRARDEAU, Savannah, Ga. ...SUMMER SUITS.. Time was when a man who wore a “Summer Suit”«coat and trousers —sacrificed peace of mind to comfort of body: coo>l, but looked like a fright coat hung like a rag in a week’s wear, Too many of them are still as bac as that: look cheap, feelcheap, are cheap. You’ll find a great change when you wear a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Summer Suit. We’ve taken hold of the subject seriously now; the Sum mer Suit is a necessity for the man who wants to be careful as well as cool in dress. A simple little trick of making: the coat hangs and fits like a full-lined, regular-made coat. You can wear a HART, SCHAFFNER $ MARX with no demand on yourself respect} and very little on your pocket book. Men’s wearables of all kinds can be had here. Allen t House Corner, tfitter, Americus, Ga, i = Free Sample Coupon. Iii| ''* 1, ' lTcsuc h c °nfide nc ethatonceyou have used Hagan’n Magnolia Balm ^ 1 v face, neck, arms and hands, and seen its inatantaneouaefiect* in beautifying a jj C ”" 1 l'' cx ' on andthe»kin, you will continue its use and never use any other **°uty t Knowing this to be a fact, os we have said, we will forward a e bottle free to yon if you will cut out this coupon and send it with your and address to Lyon Manufacturing Co., 41,43 & 45 South Fifth St, BROOKLYN. N.Y.* Upon Arriving ct Portsmouth, Whsre Yacht Wat Moored, His Majesty Is Taken Aboard by Blue Jackets— Warships Fire 8a!ute. London, July 15.—King Edward left Victoria station at 11:35 o'clock for Portsmouth, where he will board the royal yacht Albert and Victoria. The king was conveyed from Buck-1 treasury and government leader In the Ingham palace to the railway station I home of commons, has been appoint?- tn an ambulance drawn by two horses, to succeed him. The only other occupant of the am-1 The marquis of Salisbury tendered bulanee was Queen Alexandra. The k, B rc8 , 6nBtlon at an aud | cn ce which Ihhn ?„h Wa ,H “ W1 , H B P r C '.‘ “e had with King Edward last Fri Although there was a small crowd ai I - the station, there was no demonstK** I Perhaps never has a cnange oi pre* tlon. in compliance with the expressed miershlp been affected with so little wish of the king. The doctors and I dislocation to business, either public nurses awaited the Arrival of the am-1 op private, as accompanied the trans- bulanee. and a party of blue Jackets fer of the seals of ofilce from Lord removed his majesty from the ve-1 Salisbury to A. J. Balfour. The oc- hleje to a royal salon-car, formerly I currence had no effect whatever on used by the late Queen Victoria. Ab-l.the stock exchange. The only other solute privacy was secured by a lofty I change In the cabinet thus far an screen of red plash, which surrounded I Bounced Is the chancellorship of the the platform. |.exchequer, Sir Michael Hlcks-Beacn who resigned today, thoAgh others are Porthmouth, Eng., July 15.—The I foreshadowed, removal of his majesty from the train I Mr. Balfour, In addressing the first to the royal yacht was safely accoin-1 meeting of his followers at the foreign pllshed by bluejackets, and the king's J office this afternoon, informed them couch was placed in a. reception room I that he could not count on the contln- which had been specially constructed I ued assistance of Sir Michael Hicks on the upper deck. | Beach, but he could on The latter' Tlie warships in the harbor fired a I good wishes, royal salute as the king embarked, and I The public showed little interest in all the vessels dressed ship and I the party meeting, which was sum- manned yards or decks. The royal I moned for noon. The pew' premier, yacht steamed off almost Immediately I when he entered the conference roif after the transfer was completed. | of the foreign ofilce. accompanied by the Duka of Devonshire, Sir Michael 8ERVICES FOR PAUNCEFOTE, | Hicks-Beach,' Lord Londonderry and others, received quite an ovation CHICAGO ROADS AT MERCY OFBIG STRIKE Twenty Ihousand Freight Handlers 0\it. SOfUADS CF POLICE ON DUTY. Situation- la Admittedly Grave—Strike Has Already Cost Wholesale Estate Ijahmcnts and Railroad! Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars. Remains of Late British Ambassador I When'Mr. Balfour rose to address the Consigned To Tomb. I meeting all again stood up and cheered London, "July 15.—Memorial ser-1 the new chief. Mr. Balfour referred vices for Lord Pauncefote, the Jate to the loss of the services of the chief ambassador of Great Britain at Wash- who, tor nearly 60 years, had been en- ingtonfi were held at noon today in the I gaged in active political life.' No one, chapel royal, St. James palace. . AH I ho *aid, would grudge him his well- the members of the American embassy I earned repope, though hls\ loss was and .many members of the government I Irreparable. were present. I •' "I dg not flatter myself,” proceeded King Edward was represented by f the premier, "that the gap he has left Lord Churchill, the acting lord ebam-1 can bo filled. But the place he hu bertain. The Prince of Wales' and I left must be occupied, and It la be- the Duke of Connaught attended in I cause the king has desired me to dJ person. 1 I my best to take that position that * Simultaneously \ with' the services I have asked you to meet me today, here the remains of Lord Pauncefote I have accepted a great task and were interred in the church yard of I heavy reaponiibliity, certainly from East Stoke, near Newark-ypon-Trent. I no over-weening belief in my own ca- The simple service was entirely of a I P*cft>’. but because I am sure, or at family character. Tho principal I loast have every reason to believe, mourners were the widow and her| that in attempting to carry on this daughters and other members of the I work I will have the most Important family. The floral tributes Included I Qualification a leader can have, name- wreaths from the Brooklyn, the Amerl-1 *be regard and confidence of those can society of London and Director I with whom he works.” Michael Herbert, the newly appointed I ■* s *° Lord Salisbury’s wlthdrawr.l, British ambassador to the United I the maln rca *on Is considered by prac- States. | Ucally all the- best Informed persons to have been simply a desire for a Belgian Queen la III. I Q ul( t life on the part of a man ad- Spa, Belgium, July 16.—The Queeh I Y»nyed In years, whose activities have of the Belgians' today is suffering from I been, unusual, and whose scientific marked weakness of the heart and her u » tcs Predispose him to study and se. Condition la arousing much anxiety. i When » Cr ' A woman is . <r Vw. nervous her V JN _ ' -Vmagina- 5 ® 9 ft 01 * f v •• ' r*v -fantastic _ / and threat- \ J , ening shapes to the most fa miliar ob jects. By day she starts in fear at every sudden or unfamiliar sound. By night the furni ture of her room takes on af frighting forma of ghost or gob lin. You can’t ,reason with the .nerves. Neither logic nor love can quiet them. They must be nourished and then the outcry of the nerves will cease as naturally aa a hun gry child ceases to cry when fed. For nervous women there is no better tonic and nervine than Dr. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription. It cures the dis- which produce nervousness in i, irregularity, debilitating drains, inflammation, ulceration and female weakness. It' tranquilires the nerves, encourages the appetite, and induces re freshing sleep. •When I began taking your medicine I wan at mbit to -and on mv feet ten minutes st s me,- wittcs Mrs. Hattie Bomdsile, of lit sing Street. Nashville. Tens. -Hsd felling uterus, and kidney end liter disease, end was _ week end nervous I could not keep still. Would lake nervous spells end slmost die st different doctors sttsnd- ' The elusion. That the retiring premier's health has failed, to some extent,, Is undeniable, but this perhaps is to bv expected in a man of his years, hnd the close of the war In South Africa and the return of the commanding gen eral here fa considered to be an appro priate time for his withdrawal. Several other changes are likely to occur Including the retirement of Earl Cadogan, lord lieutenant of Ireland, and the elevation of George Wyndhnm, the chief secretary for Irelnnd,' to a seat in the cabinet. , , > Speculation Is'klrcndy rife ai to who will lie 8It Michael Hlc Vf t!'lfcaeii’a suc cessor,, , The name of P. W. Hdnbury. president ml the beard of agriculture. Is frequently mentioned HIS NECK BROKEN IN WRECK. Killed Umes. I had several (us. but they could DOC do me any good. ‘ tost oae I bad said I would never gel up ag Told Mm that I was taking your 'Favorite* iptloo' sad ' Coidea Medical Discovery,* sod said, 'Might hue as well tube that much water each day.’ Sot I thought 1 would give the medicine a fair trial. Before I had finished the first tiro bottles I was able to get outside the house and walk around the yard. I kept on taking the medicines and they cured me/ Dr. Pierce'* Pellets cure biliousness. Engineer James R. Watson Near Raleigh. Raleigh, July 16.—Engineer James R. Watson, of the Seaboard Air Lino, was instantly killed near here. His death was rather singular. A car of lumber from the railway yard here broke loose and ran 3 miles north. Engineer Watson pulled out with his passenger train and at high speed struck, the car. The engine front was wrecked and one piece of lumber passed through the cab, break ing Watson's neck and lodged on top of tbc tender. No one else wag hurt. Watson'i wife had urged him to quit railroading, and he bad promlaed to do SO b> a few dava Convict East Recaptured. Atlanta, July 15.—After flve months’ of stolen liberty Henry Blast, who es caped from the federal prison at this place, has been captured by Sheriff Cook, of Brandon, Mias. Bast was the first escape from the new prison and offleert have been on the alert for him-for many months. He la now safe In the bands of the employes of Uncle Sam’s big AUflfiU ward Chicago, July 14.—The second week of the freight handlets’ strike began teday with tlM'bO men idle and ship- It; if a i,tern's;111. Vti r.'.llfoad warehouses were al most as i.t.iet cc they were yesterday, so i?.r is the regular bus'nes3 was concerned. At a disfanco from each warehouse was n company of pickets ported to keen freight from entering or leaving the eheds. Near the de pots were guards of police, on duty to protect the meu In the warehouses and to quell any disturbance which bight arise. Gangs of non-union men brought Into the city to take the places of thq strikers lounged about the ware houses or in their cars with scarcely anything to <’o. President Curran, of the Freight Handlers’ union, appointed a commit tee to visit the various railroads, but no hope was expressed that a settle ment would be made today or even this week, The line between’the opposing parties was plainly drawn today, and no move of either side was made to cross it. Wholesale houses made practically no attempt to send out freight or to receive it. These big’establishments were all but closed down. The strike has cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars already and they stand to lose millions should the condition which prevailed this morning contin- The loss In wages to the strik ing freight handlers and their sympa thizers, the teamsters, to the railroads and other lines of business is roughly estimated at considerably over $1,000 a day. The situation Is, admittedly very grave. Commission merchants on South Water street declared that usually- an imated market dead. In times-of commercial peace this street Is one of the most congested In the Caucasian world. Today In front of many of the stores there was not a wagon and scarcely a crate, box or barrel of produce. Some had a few berries brought by boat from Michigan and Wisconsin, but these were about th3 only fresh arrivals. Thirty cars of highly perishable stuff was reported on the tracks, while many more cars containing commodities which will last a few days longer lay abandoned. Of today’s arrival by rail only three car loads were cared- for promptly. These contained live poultry. It was said that the humane society would not allow them to perish, and a permit was secured to take them to South Water street. ■ < One wholesaler had a car load of peaches on sale. The peaches came In Saturday by rail, but the teamsters refused to haul anything from the rati, roads. The dealer thereupon shipped the car around the lake to 8t. Joseph. Mich., where the consignment was transferred to a boat and reached here this morning. President Field, of the Knickerbocker Ice company, stat ed today that the Ice men were haul ing Ice everywhere, Including the rail way depots and to cars. This was de nied by tome of the strlkeri. MINERS VICTIMS OF TERRIFIC EXPLOSION T—’ Tliree Cav Loads of Dynamite Explode In Utah Mine. SCORES OF MEN PROBABLY SL Suit To Recover 70,000 Acre*. Knoxvlile, July 16.—A suit styled Edward Melvar et ai. r. W. T. Mur ray et al. has Just, been bled in Fen tress. Overton and Pickett' coubtles, eieklnfe to recover t tract of land em bracing'about 70,000 Scroll. It is stat ed the defendants to this suit num ber about 700. The plaintiffs claim be heirs of John Melvar, who, years ago, secured from the state of North Carolina a grant for 40,000 seres, more leas. Tljla bids fair to be a hotly contested case, aa the land Is said to be very valuable lu coal and other minerals and alio In oil. It is stated all the beat oil wells In the counties named apa located on thl« nronartv. Mistrial In Correll Case. Knoxville, July 16.—Young Correll, who was arraigned In Meigs connty on the charge of murdering Zack Phillips, presumably for hla money, has not been conv!c;ed nor acquitted. The hearing resulted In a mistrial, and the case goes over to the next term of court. Both were young men, and the case created much excitement In Meigs county. In the Daly-West Silver Mine, Far Be low the Earth's Surface, Terrible Catastrophe Occurs—Twenty-seven Dcad'Have Been Taken OuL T Park City, Utah, July 16.—Two pow der magazines at the 1,200 foot level of the Daly-West mine exploded about 1 o'clock-this morning, causing a 1033 of life that at present cannot be esti mated nor even guessed at. At 4 o’clock 27 men ha'd been taken out of the mine dead and several others had ben recovered In a half- dazed condition. These were all brought out by tlia Ontario mine shaft, which is a miiq distant from the Daly-West, In which the explosion occurred. The 1,200-foot level of the Daly- West corresponds to and Is connected by tunnel with the 600-foot level ol tho Ontario. In the Daly-West mine between 100 and 160 men were at work. In tho Ontario were nearly 100, it Is believed. It Is not known how many of thesa are dead, but tho disaster extends to the Ontario, as the noxious gases that have been freed are known to be tho cause of several of the deaths. Tho presence of those gases leads many miners to believe that tho powder was burned and that 'the explosion was not the chief cause'of tho disaster. There are two powder magazines at the 1.200-foot level of tho Daly-West, one at each side of the shaft, with ;i capacity of from one to two cars c powder each. A car of powder added to, the supply within .the few days. Threo dead men have been take out of the Ontario shaft. They are: George Garvin. r Swibel, employes of EdU Copp, who has the ore handlin. tract for the Daly-West, and Sodrup, a miner employed the Ontario, who was working at least mile from 1 the magazine that plodcd. It la believed all were suffocated. The explosion occurred at an when every person In town was i asleep or at work. Tho shock so tremendous that It awakened i one within a radius of miles. As example? of Its awful force, it is that two horses In the Oregon lHs miles nway, were killed Women and children are to the Ontario shaftbouse, midway between Park City Daly-West. Nearly all of them I husbands or fathers in the mines, i their grief is pitiable. All of the doctors In town are i mines. They are doing whnt can to resuscitate the uncons as they are taken out, but it is diffi cult to obtain information down town, as the telephone, at the mine has failed. Members of a relief party who went Into the Ontario mine shortly after ths explosion occurred have not yet rei turned and fears arc entertained for their safety NORTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATS. Proposed New Tennessee Railroad. Knoxville, July 16.—It Is understood thatS railroad la to be bnllt from Pine Knot, Ky., to Johnson Island In Cum berland county. Tenn., and that It will touch Jamestown, Tenn., the boyhood home of Mark Twain.'James town -has never had a railroad. It ie the,capital of Fentress county, Ten nessee, located on the Cumberland ■UiMn. State Convention Meets at Greensboro To Make Nomination*. Charlotte, N. C., July 16.—Tho Dem ocratic gtate convention was called to order at Greensboro at noon today by State Chairman F, M. Simmons, wha spoke for about 40 minute* and Intr duced A. Scales, of Greensboro, i temporary' chairman. ( , t. ■ s« Waller fclark, associate Justice, will be hamM for chief Justice of the su preme court without. .opposition, ai will also J. Y. Joyner, present Incum bent, for state superintendent of pub lic instruction. There are two associ ate Justiceships to be filled, the ettt0, dates being George N. Brown, H. ( Comer. James A. Lockhart, Charles J Armfletd, C. A. Moore and P. D. 1 er. For corporation commissi the candidates are E. O. BeddingficM,' T. W. Mason, J. 8. Nicheux and I M Fairley. I Tho convention, besides making | nominations, will ratify the non tlons for superior court judges adopt a platform. Rain Saves Rice Crop. Crowley, La., July 16.—Tho ent Gucydon section has received a 3-1 rainfall. The rains extended all t Acadia parish, which raises more rice that: any oth. r thr. <; parishes in the state, and will be worth thousands of dollars to the rice growers. Took Overdose of Laudanum. Greenville, 8. C., July 16.—J. W. Duff, of Jones & Duff, prominent mer chants of Blacksburg, died st his home from an overdose of laudanum. A wife and two children survive. HI* remains were burled at biff former hone, Sock HilL ■4