Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, October 24, 1902, Image 5

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2jMS AMER lc US WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDERI; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1902. BITS OF NEWS TOO SHORTJORA HEAD. Boiled Down to Four Lines and Bunched. hand mirror of events here Happenings In The City and Suburb* of Local Interest to Be Perused at Leisure While Your Coffee Is Slowly Cooling. Orders for engraved visiting oards and wedding invitations promptly exe cuted. See latest specimens at Holli day's book store. Phone 910. Business oontinnes brisk in Amerions and it is only those who are too Infern, ally lazy to work who complain at all about the times. The man who alleges that he made money at the "old boss” tale may be in evidence today, bat the horse laagh will be given him. A goodly supply of roasting ears were in the market yesterday. Never before, perhaps, has green oorn been grown Hire at this season. 1 be appointment of postmaster here is still deferred. It Is said tbat the powers have made a choice, but Teddy has not acted as yet. It is said that two ot the most popu lar Seaboard men, and a florfeot poach from the Central, will be in the Elks great voting oontest. One of the finest bands in the state will play for the Elks fair In Americas. And it will be awfal jolly when the band begins to play. Mr. Wallis Mott was not nearly so ill as reported on Sunday, and in now rapidly oonvaleseing from a severe at tack of typhoid fever. Mr. Bertram Small, an Americas yoang man now snooesafally engaged in the praotioe of law in Valdosta, is visit ing his brothers here. Now that the coal strike is settled, hungry ones in Americas would be pleased to see a settlement of the egg strike and chicken strike. The looal obapter, Daughters of the Confederacy have made and presented to the looal camp a beautiful silk ban. ner for the state reunion. BIG SHOW TO GOME IN JUSTTEN DAYS. Americus to Have Magnifi cent Circus. CIRCUS IS INDEED A MONSTER. Five Trains Required to Tranapoit the Show—Big Feature Is “Loop the Loop”Grand Street Parade a Milo and a Half In Length. Dodson’s Pharmacy. FOR THAT OLD HOSS BIG PRICE IS PAID. A special dispatoh yesterday an- ...mneed that the tranks of the circus elephants were oheoked to Amerionr, and would arrive Nov. 1st. This is the season when the man who has no ehildren of his own to take to the circa* mast hustle around and bor row from one bis neighbors. There wae plenty doing in Americus yesterday. The people came by thous ands, and the live merchant with some thing to sell got vary buy. Americus warehouses received 687 bales eotton yesterday. All of -which indicates tbat oattle will not be tnrned in the cotton patch joat yet. Mr. W. E, Bell is now with the . Americas Grocery Co. as olty salesman. He thoroughly nnderatands the bnsi ness and is poshing the trade. Andrew Bandrlok, one of .tboelay. ere of John Shonder, in Dooly oonnty, is taking life easy in jail here, where he may remain for aix months. The floral parade is going to be a daz. zling feature of the Elks Fair in Amer- tens. Mr. J. 0. Wheatley ia chairman of the flarat parade committee. Americus grocers are writing to north Georgia towns for poultry. Ohickens are not to be bad here, and prices are dear out of all reason. The season for mnllet and marriages is on with a rash and both commodi ties are cheap. As between the two many seen to prefer the mallet*. Judge Allen, of the ooart of ordina ry, got bnsy yesterday, issuing nine lioenses to wed. And Gnptd mopped his beaded brow and felt satisfied. The police court here may have to go ont of business. Bat three petty cases have been docketed this week, and there was not a drunk on the list. "Watch the Kidneys." “When they are sffectod, life la In den- ger," say Dr. Aberdetby, the great Eng- ish physician. Foley's Kidney Ours makes sonnd kidney. J. R, Hudson. COTTON MARKET REPORT. Americas, Ga., Oct. 23 -Beceipta today at local warehouses. 268 bales. Deceived previously 18,727 “ Total reeelpts to date... .18,#80bales The local market is quoted a* follows: Good Middling 8 ets Middling .......7|® 7| New York, OcL ai.-Fntures closed veryet vdy. Oot. 8.48, Nov. 8.48,Deo. 9.59 Jan. 8.87. It will be just ten days from this date ere the monster Adem Forspangh and Bells Bros, oirens comes to Americus on Naturday. November lat.end the oc casion is eagerly anticipated by thous ands in Amerions and the oonntry sur rounding who are com ir.-j to what is “really” tho greatest show on earth, Theeiraas trains, running in five seotions, will arrive here at an early hour from Albany. The billboards iniAmerioua are gay with piotures of the drone, and these are a never ending souroo of .'interest to hundreds passing along tbeZetreets, for they eateh the eye of everyone, the three ears have already been along and completed their work, and they will total 09 men of the 100. From now on, contraoting and advance agents will arrive on nearly every train np to within twenty-fonr hours of the show. When the two “24-hour men” leave every detail will have been arranged. | Tjo show jumps from Colombia to Charleston, then to Savannah and Jaokeonyiiie, Valdosta, Albany and Amerions. Among the most entertaining fea< tares of the great show are the Aurora Zouaves, that prize-winning lot of yonng Illinois men who, after winning all the interstate contests in drilling and taetios in this country for many years, were not satisfied nntil they bad given Europe a sample of what yonng Amerioan manhood oan do when it sets ont to surpass the rest of the world in anything. Coming to the regular olrons fea tores, there are no less than! twen ty-three champion bareback riders of bath sexes, and the shows claim that no other show has the tqaal to any one of the twenty-three. Minting, the nnioyele marvel, is nn questionably the greatest individual acrobat in the world. The Jackson Family Cyotlng Sep tette, and Utarr, the Shooting Star, oompletes a oyoling contingent snob as was never before dreamed. A quartette of oakewelktng boreee provide the finest display of high school horsemanship aver seen. Font herds of performing elephants head a list of trained animats, the greatest the world has ever knows, |The Five. DeLuecsv, the Five Bt. Leons and the Four La Montes form the greatest gronp of European acro bats in oircus history. The Ten Peer less Potters tally deiervs their title, the Greatest Aerial Aot on Earth. There are dozens of others for whom there is no room to individualize. There are all sorts of hippodrome races and a soperb now tree street pa rade, which will bo the initial display of a day of displays that will sttraot every lover of rhogre it and the good In the most popular form of entertain ment. Diavolo will “loop-tbc-loop” on a bicycle at both the afternoon and eve ning performances, This sensational sot haa crested more oommeot than any feature since the presentation of the world-famed J umbo of the old Bar- nnm show. It is absolutely the great est hair-raiser that has ever boen pre sented anywhere, at any time. It con sumes hot six seconds of the enter tainment programme. There are many other features with the great show, anyone of which is worth the prioe of admission. oftSeCItvof Amerlc election of the police - e p r 0 s, , c e i„^Xr rt . e fffin^ n iss e a.!?- m»n thereof, to di their term* ofierrtce, aod tor other purposes. SepLS.MSOi "Meet Me at Dodson's" dCandreth’s, Ploomsdalo, Poari, Silver Skin, find 2/allow Onion Sots. Price 4 lowest Prepared to deliver Immediately any quantity. Market Gardnerstrade a spe cialty., Great Auction Sale at Sea board Depot. HUNDREDS OF ARTICLES SOLD. Pump and fountain Syronyos. What Family is Without One? We sell the best Rubber Syringes that we can obtain,guaranteeing sat isfaction with every one. We mate a specialty of Rubber Goods and will be glad to help you In your selection. To Eager Purchasers at^Rathor Fanoy Prloss—Everything From Circus Popoorn to Syrup Pots Sold—Sale Will Be Roaumod Today. Pox Pelladona Capricorti. Plasters. ana The best Porous Plas ters for Rheumatism, Sciatia, Lumbago, Back ache and all pains and aches. Extra large size. Price 25 cents. A Giant Nerve Builder. The Mystio Life Benewer is the most Powerful Nerve Builder known. It abiolntely cares all forme of Nervous Diseases and Weaknesses no matter how aggravated or how long duration, such as Neuralgia, Nervous prostra ; — n —— bt. Vitus OUl*Age, etc. 'Sold by E. J. Eidrldge druggist, Americas. If You Buffer From Kidney Trouble* Dee Smith’* Bare Kidney Care, Noth ing like it far diseased kidney*. 80c. foavoriny Sxtraot. Try our Flavoring ex tracts and you will be Convtned of the superi ority in strength and true flavor, and they cost no more than other makes. We have the following flavors; jComon, Manila, Pinapple, Strawberry, Pananna. ytro 2/ou Vroubled With Corns, Yon will find Dodson’s Libuid corn cure a safe and sure remedy for the removal of corns, burn- ions and warts Price 25c bottle. Dodson’s Pharmacy. "Meeijildpx Dodson's The greatest “old hoss” sale of un claimed freight ever witnessed in Americas was that at the Seaboard de pot yesterday, when several earloads of miieelltneoas staff went on the' blook and wae snapped ap greedily by a horde of hungry buyers. And a handsome earn was thn* real ized for the oompany. Hudson Whitaker made the sales aod acquitted htmeelf with credit, sue- oes daily squeezing the last penny from probable purchasers. And everything offered bronght fancy prices. The erowd evidently feared that each parcel offered would be the last and bid aooordlngly, bat the sale was not nearly completed end will be resumed again this morning with a big crowd on hand. There was the usual fun at the ex pense of many tuoktess buyers. The contents of ihany of the boxes and packages were unknown and 'the baying was “eight unseen,” the boy- era trnating to lock. ' Fred Arthur bought a neat box whieh contained genuine ' gold bricks" whieh seme fakir expeoted to sell for a fabu lous anm. Col. Arthur, however, bad had no need for his purchase and threw it into the alley. Ed Ansley bought a hogshead tf popoorn, made np for the eirons days of years agone and with whiskers for all the kernels. Capt' O. O. Olay paid eight dollars for a ease ot almanacs, vintage of 1901, though he solemnly deolare&iiat the box was filled with the finest ot book*. Col. Bob Oliver quit the sale in dis- gnst. after paying >8.50 for an old trank containing baby clothes. Georgo Dnnean bonght a baby’s velooipede in a saek, bat said he gnesBad he would keep it. In many instanoes staple goods sold for about as mnob as they wonld cost in stook, new and fresh, bnt the buyers eared naught for that. Many of them really aeenred big bargains, Col. Merrelt Callaway bonght a wheel of fortnne, boxed, thinking it • rotary ahowease. Auctioneer Whitaker wilt call time tn the second round this morning and has plenty of surprises left to swap for the cash. Something New! Branch at Atlanta, Ga. On account of tho present Immense volume of our constantly increasing DusIncsM.. have established a shipping depot and branch oSlees at SI Decatur Street. Atlanta, Ga., thereby enabling us to gin our customers in the South much quicker and better service. We therefore request that your orders be soot to our Atlanta house at the abovo address. HAYNER WHISKEY goes to yon direct from our own distillery, with all Its original richness and flavor, aod carries a UNITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLi-:it - s GUARANTEE of PURITY and AGE. When you buy HAYNER WHISKEY you save the enormous profits of tho dealers sod have our guarantee that your money will bo promptly refunded If you am not perfectly aatlaflod with the whlakey of ter trying It That's fair, Isn't It ? Direct from our distillery to YOU S*m Dealers* Profits I Pravants Adullaratlon I . HAYNER WHISKEY 4 QUARTS PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE FULL $£.20 EXPRESS > 9 PREPAID WewUI send you FOUR FULL QUART BOTTLES ot HAYNER'S SEVEN- YEAR-OLD RYE forlXSO, and wa will pay tho express charges. When you receive the whiskey, try It and if you don't And It all right end as good as you ever drank or can buy from anybody elso at any prioe, send It back at our expense and your 19.20 will go book to you by tho very noxt mall. How could an offer he fairerf Just think It oyer. Shipment made In a plain sealed case, with no marks or brands to indicate oontents. Write our nosrest office and do It NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY at Dsaatup Street, ATLANTA, BA. •T. LOUIS, MO. DAYTON, OHIO ST. PAUL, MINN. DlS-ntlJUlT, TBOT, a ESTADLISnSD 1809. RETURN THANKS FOR BANNER. A FACT • ABOUT THE “BLUES” ’'Whet Is known as tlis "B.tior - is seldom occasioned by actual s- U lag extcrial conditions, bt.t i,i t!‘ great majority of coses by c tUsi-VvIi Cd LIVER THIS IS A FACT which may be demwetr - ted by trying a comet.- i«8'P, They control and regulate thi LiYJ> They bring hope and bouycncy tr.- tr mind. They bring health and t tty to the body. TAKE NO 8UB8TITUT". CARRALEO THE CRAP SHOOTERS Three Grades at Cards Now Graoe the Cattle. OUot Harris, Bill Blonnt and Joe Harrold may not know a cold deck from a bale of hay, bnt they were cor. rated yesterday on the charge of crap shooting last Sunday, when they have been at the missionary Harris was bound over to coart,wbilelthe two other coon- ettee wore put on ould storage to awsit the next deal by Justice Graham, who will likely hold over and have the call besides. Never Aik Adyice. Whits yon have a o jogb or cold doa’t aik wBkt is good for it and get some medicine with lit>le or no merit and per haps dangerous. Ask for Foley's Hon ey and Tar, the greatest throat and Inns remedy, it enres coughs and colds qnlokly. J. R. Hudeor, Fotev’s Kianey Cure makes Presented By Daughters to Looal Camp. Amerions chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, has joat presented Camp Snmter 043, Confederate Veterans,with, a beantsfnl silk banner, enitably In scribed and whieh the veterans will proudly display at the state reunion tn Oolnmbns next week. At a meeting of the eamp yesterday the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas the Daughters of the Con- A WRESTLE WITH A BULLETTE. Close Call From the Horns of Enraged .Beast The next time Alderman 0. J. Sher lock goos into hie psetnre to make the acqiintance of newly arrived Kansas cattle, coming via the Wiregrses Bonte, be will wear a salt of armor or elseesrrya flying machine Tester- day he approached a pale-faeed Jersey with the evil design of elanghtering her upon the altar, when her big brother made a charge. Now, Alder- _ man Sherlock does not mind charging federaoy ol Amerions, Ga. have made* beef ordinenly, bnt Ibis particular 643 U O. V. an elegant and handsome «®«Bing beef was too much even for banner for than • and benefit of the *n alderman, and Bherloek took to the said camp. Therefore be it resolved woods. In rannlng ho tripped and rha« Snmter Camp do heartily and f e ||, ,„d th i 8 foot probably saved him . from being pnnotnred for the madden ed beast ran over hie prostrate form and ere Tanrae conld tarn for another charge Alderman Sberlockhad jumped a fifteen foot fenoe with the agility ot a eirons aorobst on payday. with neartfelt emotion return to the Danghtora of the Confederacy their stnaere thanks for tbelr tbankfol kind ness to this oampintbe presentation of the handsome and elegant banner. Beaolved. That the same is deeply appreciated and that they feel tbat the same spirit that animated the fair women of the Booth in the days 1861- 1868 stilt bnrqs within the bosoms of their obildren and In them wa still eee the noble exalted womanhood of onr sonny land. Besolved 2. That onr thanks are re turned also for the preparing of badges and that a copy of these proceedings be famished the Daughters of the Con federacy and tbe>ame be published. Cnres Eczema, Itching Humor*. Especially for old, ebronlo cases take Botanlo Blood Balm. It gives a healthy blood (apply to the affected parts, hesls allthe sores, eruptions, scabs, sosles; stops the awfal Itching and burning of eczema, swellings, suppurating, watery sores, eto. Druggists, SI. Bsmplefree and prepaid by writing Blood Btlm Co. Atlanta, Gs. Desorlbe trouble and free medloal.sdrloe sent in sealed letter. ORGANIZE A STOCK COMPANY. The A. W. Smith Furniture Company Is Proposed. The large fnrnitnre, crockery and nndertaking business of A. W. Bmitb, one of Ibe oldeet and best known boners in sonthweatern Georgia, la to be merged Into a stock, oompany, tho title thereof being tho "A. W. Bmitb Fnrnitnre Co.” Besides Mr. Bmith the other incorporators are Messrs. Edward Gyles and E. Y. Andrews, who for several years rest have tied the management of Mr. Smith's bnsi- ness. The capital stock will be $8,000 paid in, bnt the company may Increase same to $20,000. The heretofore largo and snccessfnl business will be in creased under new conditions and its splendid trade extended. Than Mr. Smith and bla cnergetto yoang assis tants there are no more popular basi nets men to be foaod, and the Times- Becorder predtota great success for the A. W. Smith Fnrnitnre Co. Harrison Mutual Burial Assoolatlon, Assessment No. 6 due on the death of Mr*. Elizs Burke. Please call at once at room No. 14 Planters Bank Bnilding and make settlement, or for feit membership. Ecla Locketts Hollis, '» Sec. & Trees. For Salo. Or will exchange for farm property, my residence and lot on Felder elreet, obtaining GJ scree. n. Clive Davis, -ladder right, j 1C-15 d e. o. d. w tf. Danger in Fall Coldi. Fall colds are- liable to bang on winter, leaving the seeds of pneumonia, bronchitis or consumption, Foley’s Hon ey and Tar, onree qnlokly and prevents serlons remits. It Is old and reliable, tried the tested, safe and mre, oontalss no opiates and will nut constipate. J. B. Hudson. BANK FIXTURES ARE REMOVED. People's Bank Vault and Fixtures Sold Yesterday. Under direction of Mr. J, L. Mont gomery a forefof carpenters began yesterday the work of dismantling tha old Peoples Bank, tn the Hotel Wind sor, removing the ponderons yault. ratling, desks and all other fixtnrev. These have be sold to a banking bouea at Arcadia, Fis. the esle having been effected through the kindly agenoy of Mr. W. □. Simmons, formerly ot Amorlona bnt now of Arcadia. It is not known whst prioe Beceiver Eilii obtained for the bank’s fixtures, bnt it was probably a good sum. The former bank bnilding, now that the fixture bavo been removed can be conv Into a handvome store and will be one of the most desirable in Americnr. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cn is Smith’s Bare Kidney Cure, druggist will refund yonr money after taking one bottle yon are satisfied with remits, 60 cents. MISS PARKER DIED ON MONO* —— Agod Lady Living Near Salem Died Yesterday. Miss Ssllie Parker, one of the old residents ot Snmter connty, died yes terday at her home in the 2Stb, district several miles east of Americas, Parker was eighty-fonr years l. and generally esteemed. The fm was at Salem church. MU Miss Cloud at Homs to Her Frlen Having jnst returned from Atl I am now prepared to friends and patrons with the Ii styles in fall and winter goods. With competent ployed I can promise satisfsot all. Tuesday the 7th. I will opening and cordially invite all ladies to attend, I am located on ( ton avenue, No 111. liespeotfnlly B Oo‘. 1 lm w MissjEu These smnsing boys com’ ireat deal ot adult