Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, October 24, 1902, Image 9

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8END YOUR CATTLE, SWINE. SHEEP and POULTRY ATLANTA'S BIG FAIR Enter you hones nt tho great Horse Show. Fam ous Seventh Cavalry will bo there. Greatest dis play of hones ever seen In the South RACES EVERY DAY. FIREWORKS AT RIGHT. Ifaulty Fair—Vivacious, But Not Vulgar; Gay, But Not Coarse• One building filled with IFnrm Implements, Ve hicles, Machinery and Food Products ONE BUILDING FILLED WITH ATLANTA MANUFACTURES. Many Free Attractions. OCT. 8-23, 1902. LOW RATES ON ALL ROADS. For premium lists and Information write to FRANK WELDON, 8eoretary. J W. SlierriEU), President. FRANK SHEFFIELD, Vlce-Fr«il.l*nt IS. D. SHEFFIELD,'Cashier, Bank of Commerce, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. . A general banking bnsincss transacted and all consistent courtesies extended to patrons. Certificates of deposit issued bearing interest JOHNSON & HARROLD, MERCHANTS. *IW DEALERS IN.... HEAVY GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS Plantation Sapphos Farnlshod Cash advanced on cotton In store at lowest earrentratep ot Interest. BANNER SALVE the moat hsallng salve In the world. Good Enough for Anybody. Dwelling 326 Forsyth St Dwelling 212 Prince St Dwelling 210 Prince St for Sale. One-fifth cash, balance at 6 per cent, in* 100 equal monthly pay ments. Also the prettiest home in Americus on College street, and the Coleman property on Lee street to sell. H. T. DAVENPORT, Real Estate Agent Americus, Ga., Sept 23, ’02. JJOOl’KII I DIKES, Attornbts at Law, Planters Bank Building. Room No. 7. Dyne Building, Americus, Ga. OBce In Wheatley Building. Oiecrce: KrirbertVI'nir store. Forsyth street. K L CATO, It. u. . PHYSCIAN AND SURO HUN. Residence lit Felder street Telephone M Tenders his professional service to the people ot Americus and surrounding conn- lie*. Special attention given to general .urgenr. diseases ot women and children omce tiBK Jackson street Calls left at Dr Aldridge's store will receive prompt atten tion. . T. LAS*. & L. HATSAUD LANE & MAYNARD, LAWYERS. AMERICUS, t GEORGIA. . Offices Noe. is and !7 Planter* Bank Build- iagi C. tP, *Davis, • • *Dontist... Residence Jackson street Phone Ut. Dr. S. H. McKee, .DENTIST. ^0India Phone - w isKeys E issue an illustrated liquor catalogue in which are quoted prices of Wines, Whiskeys, Brandies, Beers, etc. This catalogue is sent free to all who write for it. To order from us enables you to buy all Whiskeys at wholesale prices and places at your command the resources of one of the largest liquor - stores in the country. All goods are packed in plain cases and no mark to indicate contents. We ship everything subject to approval and can be returned to us at our expense if found un desirable and unsatisfactory. RYE WHISKEYS If* O. Wise Prleate JIodf-A pure 8-year-old copper <ltniiUi»<l Rjre Whiskey. Quarts, $1.00; gallon. 93.80 Jacobs* Special Reserve Rye Whiskey—A prime favorite; guar* anteed lu years old, a pure, mellow, mild whiskey, especially adapted as a stimulant for ladles and aged per sons. Quarts, $1.60; gallon $3,00 Jacobs* Monogram Ryo Whiskey A very tine double-coppor distilled Bye Whiskey; Is distilled from se lected home-grown rye, with moun tain spring water, and Is distln- K ished for Its absolute purity, del- cy and remarkable bouquet; 8 years old. Quart, <1.96; gallon.. .$4,00 Rob Roy Ryo Whiskey—i years old, a straight Kentucky Kjre Whiskey, distilled In copper and aged In wood, and Is a leader among whis keys of similar price. Quart, 75c.; gallon $3.30 XXXX Monongahela Ryo tVhls* key—1 years old, the best obtain able for the price. Quart, 60c.; gal lon..... $3.00 Jt. A. Rye OMUetep-filstUMIa 1001; low proof but pure. Price $1JW gallon; % gallon smallest quantity •old. Jacobs* Me. 6 Rye Whiskey—A t- year-old Bye, aged In wood and is a very superior grade of whiskey . for the price. Quart, 60c.; gal.... $2.33 BOURBON WHISKEYS ^SSifiS^erfSct'whiliSj^itorKlend egttl ln wood tor t year.-fully ma tured and entirety free from fuall oil. Quart, ll.w; gallon S3.SO Lincoln County Bourbon—4 years old. Quart,lie.;gallon 32.75 CORN WHISKEY Jacob,' Prloato StockCorn—Thle we believe to be the very beet whis key made; certainly everything that tlteleu energy and equipment could accomplieh oss been done to make thle a perfect whiskey; aged In wood for 0 years. Quart, 11.00; *»Ilon .....S3.S0 Undo Bomuo Corn WhUkmy—• years old, absolutely pure; a splen did stimulant and .nperlor whl*. key for medical and family nte. Quart, 75c.. gallon S3.SO Hickory Hat Mountain Corn Wht.kcy-K white whiskey, made ot the most .elect corn, over open tires, aged In wood for two yean. Quart, Me., gallon 3%.3s Jacob.’ Hand.made Corn—New goode, not high proof, not told In leu then H gallon lot*; per gal.. -SI.SO Babbit Foot Corn WhUkoy—Tho •ale on thle whiskey Is without doubt double any almllar priced whiskey In this martlet. This Show, c early He great value; two yearn old. Quart Me.; gallon S3.00 Jacob* Smoot Mack Corn CD Ate. A#y—A perfectly par. whiskey. Quart, 75c.; gal Ion S3.73 Golden Shuck, Corn WhUkoy- , year, old, yellow corn. Quart, Me.; gallon ga.M Jacobs’ Pharmacy Atlanta, Georgia children except the baby had i aged to escapo from the burning apart, ment, one of tho boys being severely burned whilo doing so. It le not known bow the Hm start ed, but It Is supposed that one of ths children In going to the closet wdth ■ light to get some clothe* ignited the wearing apparel without noticing It The house and also a small outhouse In tho yard were destroyed. Want Brigadier General. Columbia. B. C., Oct 18,-Th* mili tia. force of South Carolina has been without a brigadier general for some years. It was announced from as office ot the adjutant general.yeeter- day that the state has three foil regi ments of infantry, enough for-a tegu lar brigade, and it Is understood the governor will in a few day* Issue an order establishing the brigade and ap pointing m brigadier general to com- mand It It Is thought that Colonel TOUio Jones, who commanded the Second South Carolina regiment in the Spanish watt will receive the ap pointment. Walthour Wins Victory. Atlanta, Oct 18.—Is a 10-mUe race against horses, with « relay' horse every mile, Bobby Walthour, the world's champion cyclist, came oft via- torlous la the contest at exposition park yesterday. It was a notable event in racing circle* and was wit nessed by an Immense crowd. Not Guilty of Arson. Columbia, S. C., Oct 18.—Smith and Dennis, two white men charged with burning their store in Timmons- vllle last winter, have been for three days on trial In Florence for arson. To. night a verdict of not guilty was reach, cd. There was great interest la the trial. Horse Show Ends. Atlanta, Oct. 18.—The great horse show ot 1902 came to an end this af ternoon with a closing matinee. It bae been one of tho most brilliant and successful exhibitions of the kind eve* -given here, and was attended by p*» Jlo from all parts of Georgia.