Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, October 31, 1902, Image 1

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fflERICUSTIMES-RECORDER. T v/iirnTI/ VI' * ~ ■ —II—■ .1. ■ I I ■ I ... IWKNTT-FOCBTI1 YEAR, The Sickest Man is Not Always in Bed. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1902. The meanest kind of sickness Is just to be able to attend to duties and yet not reel equal to the task. The eternal grind keeps many in the traces who ought to be in bed. A thorough course of Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic would give a new lease on life to such people. It tones up the the whole digestive apparatus. Puts the Liver in the best condition possible. Gives a splendid appetite. Renews strength and restores itality. JOSEPH M. TERRELL GEORGIA’S GOVERNOR Takes Oath as State’s Chief Executive. 7 CEREMONIES AT CAPITOL. 2 NUMBER 26 GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Office of J. R. LASSITER. . _ Hendsontille, S. C, Sept 2, 1896. air. A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. Deab Sib:—Some years ago I operated a float ing saw-mill on the Savannah River. My base of operations was being constantly changed, and my hwids were always exposed to the* worst malarial influences. I employed over one hundred hands, and the work was conducted as much in water as ontof it For this reason, in August and Septem ber there was great loss of time and business, on account of sickness among the workers. My attention was then called to Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic, and I determined to give the medicine a trial. I procured It, and those who were sick were put on this treatment, and those who were feeling badly were at once given the Tonic. In a short time every one of the one hundred hands was well and reported for duty; and froflStthat time oh I used nothing else but Johnson’s Tonic, and never had another case of fever. Yours very truly, J. R. LASSITER. OVERCOAT CONFIDENCE. Your confidence in us and in our clothing will be more than ever justified this sea son when you see the line of Hart Schaffner& Marx overcoats we have gathered together for your inspec tion and use. The very latest styles, made in the most perfect Committee Will Study the Convict System—New Bill. In Houee. Atlanta, Oct. 29.—The convict ques tlon was sprung In the house Tues day, and under a resolution by Mr.* Felder, of Bibb, which wag adopted by a vote of 106 to '39, a special commit tee will be appointed for the purpose of Investigating the whole convict sys tem of the state and reporting a bin embodying what. In Its Judgment, n Oath Was Administered by Chief Jut- V? e be,t most humane method of tie* M . disposing of the convict problem, tlce Blmmons-Newly Elected E Y There was considerable discussion ecutlve Delivered a 8hort but Pol*< - -ove- Mr. Felder’s resolution. Mr. Fel-*er said that a. the convict que. tloi. was coming up at this session, the ed Inaugural Address. Atlanta, Oct. 25.—Governor-elect Jo seph M. Terrell was made governor In fact at noon today. Committees were appointed yester day both by the house-and senate ta arrange for the Inauguration ceremo nies, which took place at noon, de- fore a Joint session of the senate and house In the hall of the house of repre sentatives. The' committee on the part of the senate was composed of Senators Sulli van, of the eighteenth, and Skelton, of the thirty-first, and on the part of the house of Messrs. Felder, of Bibb, chairman, Davis, of Meriwether, and Hawes, of ElberL These committee men arranged for all the details of the Inauguration, for escorting the re tiring governor and his successor into the hall, and program to be followed. President Clark Howell, of the sen ate, presided. Rev. John E. White, of the Second Baptist church, offered the prayer, and after the object of the session was stated, Governor-elect Terrell delivered his inaugural ad dress, which was short and to the point The new governor took the oath of office administered by Chief Justice T. J. Simmons, of the supreme court, the Joint session was dissolved and general congratulations were of fered. Governor Candler made all arrange ments preparatory to turning his office over to Governor Terrell prison commission having recommend ed the reenactment of the present law, the matter ought to'be fully Invest! gated, and the general assembly In formed as to what should be done fot the best Interests of the state and ol the convicts who are its wards. Mr. Felder declared that the present sys tem was inhuman and brutal, and that acts of cruelty were bound to occut and do occur under a plan by which the labor of convicts Is Bold to private parties. He was strongly opposed, he said, to selling the convicts for gain, and personally thought they should HORRIBLE GRIME AT THE CONN RANGHEi THE OLD RELIABLE Most. Atrooious Deed Ever Perpetrated in Montana. DETAILS OF THE TRAGEDY. A Demented Woman Who Had Been Living With the Conn Family For a Number of Years May Possess Knowledge of the Crime, Butte, Mont., Oct. 29.—A special from Bearmouth to The Miner, gives the following details of the discovery or the double crime at The Conn ranch on Willow Creek, which was at first believed to have been committed by the bandit who fobbed the Northern Pacfflo train last week. A member of a threshing crew on an adjoining ranch had occasion to visit the Conn ranch and when he entered the. farm house a terrible sight pre sented Itself. On the floor, with the brains oozing from his head, lay James dead, with a ragged bullet hole BRYAN’8 NARROW E8CAPE. manner of the tailoring art; and at prices which cannot fail to get your money. This handsome new model is one you should see and try on; it’s one that will satisfy you in every detail. Our line of Men’s Furnishings, including under wear, shirts, neckwear, etc, is unsurpassed, and embraces everything necessary to a gentleman’s wardrobe. We want to see you Nebraskan's Special .Crashes Into a Freight Train Near Leadvllle. . Cripple Creek, Colo., Oct 29.—The Bryan special crashed Into the caboose of a freight at Arena, In Brown Can yon, 15 miles above Leadvllle Tues day morning. The special remained on the tracks and three people saved their lives by Jumping. The freight had pulled in on a siding to let the special pass. The caboo3e had not cleared tha main line when the special swept around a curve and crashed Into the caboose. The occupants of the caboose were warned of their danger In time to save their lives. Mr. Bryan was un!n Jnred. The caboose was demolished and the track obstructed so that the spe cial could not proceed. Mr. Bryan and his party were put Into an empty refrigerator car and, drawn by freight engine, taken to Natrop, . miles away. There a chair car was taken from a aiding and attached to the engine and run to Buena Vista and Leadvllle. all be employed on the public roadr “i h T w ' th * r v In the counties where they were »<“' - rou 8b his temple. Near him lay fenced. . i ' JMther, her head crushed in with Some of the new bins and * ea * ” t' 001 instrument, presumably tha tions Introduced In the hot- - ■ ut of . 8 '" OTOIver - areas follows: . cetenlr 0,0 time of the holdup of tha By Mr. Slaton of’’hlngti-ro resu.i„— er ? PBolflc tra,D bloodhounds late proceedings* . :icb.eases where We T°.P Ut opon lbe tral1 ot lb0 robber real estate hafV :,v.ed upon an" S? ““ fo! !? we<1 “ tor 8 °v«ral for other purposes. IP 10 . 8 n direction of Willow Creek By Mr. Beauchamp of Butts—A res [ !?** tbe * cent - Those olutlon to appropriate 01,500 to ereclUh* w J t h H>e country decided <t suitable masonry for the protection I th f, robbory 0101 all prob- of the springe on the McIntosh reaer- ,f h ° out,aw attempt to ration, known as Indian Spring escape that way, as the oountry is such By Mr. Hall of Bihb-A resolution J? !£*5 0r<1 an **“•"«* opportunity providing for the appointment of a oaPture, being heavily tlm- commission of five membere to be m* composed of a Judge of the supreme I ? f 1118 cr,m8 w " court, to be appointed by the governor: 4 oclock In the afternoon toe attorney general, two member! Veir°th« th ® BC8oe ’ of the house, to be appointed by the I*5 th88tab le the threshing men. met speaker, and one senator, to be an L.l’T ? woman who hid dwelt pointed by the president, to whom f 0n 1 ? 1 „ f “ 1 l l3r ,or 80010 <•■"<’- shall be referred the bills relating to womao hilled her husband about the payment of the Scott and Hayei ? y88r8 t E0 ' aod 11,8 8U *8ested that bonds. ..i,> I 8,10 ““F have knowledge of the trage- By Mr. Hall of Bibb—To authorize! J*' ,, °. scene the crline la about the governor and treasurer of the state „ 88 from Bearmoulb . and details of Georgia to issue bonds for the pur 8r ® meager - pose of paying off and retiring certain I “ , past due bonds of the state Issued to| aU ® hter * p° nf ‘ der aey. touufltf POWDER Absolutely' Purer THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Decrease In Expenditures. New York, Oot. 29.—It waa announc ed today that the budget for tho city of New York for 1903 would bo $97,- 119,081, ■ decrease of 01,500,509 from the expenditures for 1902. Fantastic stories have been written of mirrors in the future If W. D. BAILEY, Tjhe Tljeris Outfitter, Allen House Corner, - Amerlcus, Ga, was revealed, such a thing were possible many a bright-faced bride would shrink from the revelation of her self, stripped of all her lovelinets. If there is one thing which would make a woman shrink from marriage it is to see the rapid physical deterioration which comet to to many wives. The cause is generally due to womanly diseases. Lott health and lost comeliness ore restored by the use of Dr. Fierce’s Fa vorite Prescription. It cures irregnlar- ity and dries weakening drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. •It i> with the grc&te.t pleasure that I tell •on what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Diacmry • hate done fee me.* mites MraEmma r.-Baukestof 195,^Nortli 7th T4 wmes airs, l.nma 1.., 01 1951 Street, Harrisburg, l'a. "They have world of rood. I had female weakn yean; ■oraetimi-i would feel ao hedl- know what to do. but I found relief at last, thanks to Dr. Pierce for his kind advice. I hare this medicine still in my house and will always k '!F you ore led to the purchase of "Favorite Prescription” because of its remarkable cures of other women,-do not accept a substitute which lias none of these cures to itsxredit. Free. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sensei Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of at one-cent stamps —w WWW naw Uiiavu lOOUUtl tu I - _ w wwilivvuiakyi Charles J. McDonald, and countersign! I * 0r ange, Ga., Oct. 29.—The Oeor- ed by J. Crawford, aa president ol| *w® conventIon of the United the board of commissioners of th«( zSESf* 9 ofthB Confederacy was Western and Atlantic railroad, which SJS?" *° ordor |>y the president, Miss ■aid past due bonds are more fully | £? ldr , ed Rutherford, of Athens. Ga., described In said act by number, date Y* ei , f |uo™lng al 10 o’clock In the of Issue and date of maturity. chapel hall of the Southern Female col. By Mr. Felder of Bibb—To regulate J, 8 * 8 ' . T* 18 bal1 »■» appropriately the filing and accepting of second ,^ 0TR } Cl 1 tor tbe occa * lon w| th con- claims under the claim law of th« rederat ' 0 fla ^ 8 ’ * on > 0 °f which show the state, and to pnnlsh any officer vlolat S*. ^ batt,es tb0 Y W0 ra In and the Ing this art. b '°° d of those who carried them. Also By Mr. Hayea of Macon—To amend the pleture * ot battlefields and scenes section 982 of the code of 1896, pro- ond confederate officers. Thle Is the Tiding for the selection by the gov- „ hto annua * session of the conven- ernor of banks in certain dtlei here , °“’ aod 0,8 10081 largely attended in named, as state depositories. I . ,t8 bl8tor 3 r . This Is not a conven- “ “ " tlon of woman’s.rights or anything of 8ome Important Bill* Introduced by tha Georgia Solons. Atlanta, OOct 28.—An Interesting bill introduced Monday by Mr. Black burn, of Fulton, provides for tho es tablishment of a patrol In each militia district of the state. This bill provides that the patrol shall consist of a captain and six men selected by tho grand Jury, each qf whom shall serve 12 months. A pen alty of |6 Is fixed for refusal or failure to serve. It Is made tho duty of tho members of thceo patrols to patrol the entire district at least once a week, and to arrest all idle persons, vagrants and criminals. Bonded'constables in each district aro to bo cx-offlclo mem bers of tho patrols. Tho grand Jury 19 to furnish the necessary arms and other Implements for tho patrolmen. Tho members of these patrols aro to be exempt from road duty and are to receive the same fees for making ar rests as the sheriff of tho county. Following aro somo of the now bills Introduced on Monday: By Mr. Steed of liylor—To allow section 974 of the penal code of 1895. so as to mako the number of challen ges allowed tho defendant in crimin al cases ten instead of twenty, and tho number allowed the stato six In stead of twelve. By Messrs. Hawes and Martin of El bert—To reduce the salary of the Judgo of the city court of Elberton from 91,500 to 81,200 after the first of Janu ary. 1806. By Mr. Knowles of Floyd—To extend the Corporate limits of the town of East Rome so as to ombraco addition al territory therein. By Mr. Rainey of Terrell—To amend tho charter of the city of Dawson, so. as to reduce the salary of tho mayor of said elty to tho siim.. Ot.J20O per annum. By Mr. Steed of Taylor—To protect confederate and other soldiers men tioned In an act of tho general’ assem bly of this state approved on tho 9th of December, 1897. By-Mr. Slaton of Fulton-An acl “ on ol woman’s rights or anything of Bv Mr _ „ _ providing for the situs of debts duo th ® 80rt ’ but 18 0 baod ot oob ' 0 women- ,* T 2 ou8lon 01 Fulton-To rogu tn nnn.imMMi, in. .... _. I whoso alms and DurnoR** ■** i„o+ „»,,111* 1 ® the Employment of children In providing ror the situs of (lebts duo . , 100010 w° m00 to non residents for purposes of at-1 ^ b08e a,m8 80,1 purposes are Just and tachment. bo ‘7- do, °B what they can to perpetu- By Mr. Felder of Bibb—To authorize JJJ 8 tbo m€O10rl08 01 to 0 lost cause, and empower the commissioners U Toe coaveol,on was opened with pray, roads and revenues of the county ol fl ^ ReT ’* A - B - Vaughn, D.D., of tho Bibb, from the treasury of said coun-l Flrst Bapllel cburcb . ty, to contribute toward the support and maintenance or the hospital oper I Wants a Mala LobbylsL ated by the city of Macon. | Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 29.—Mrs. u * v wbluij, I tuumvff, iuna, vvl, By Mr. Felder of Bibb—To provide I Adelaide Ballard, jif Hull, president ol that no mortgage or conveyance to too Equal Suffrage Society, which Is secure debt shall have any lien ai bolding Its state convention here, against, subsequent creditors without urged the organization In her annual actual notice as to who extend credit address to employ a male lobbyist In prior to the proper filing for record stead of a woman to press equal suf- thereof, unless the same be filed fot frage legislation In the Iowa general record within five day*. assembly. The recommendation has By Mr. Felder of Bibb—To prescribe | D0 t yet been adopted. Mr*. Carrio tho manner of selling or otherwise dls- Chapman Catt, president of the nation- posing of cocaine, and to provide a I *1 organization. In an address to the penalty for violation, etc. convention, said that the ’’abomlnab’e By Mr. HcRee of Lowndes—To pro- treatment of the women of Iowa by vide for the dlstrbutlon annually ol the legislature of this state,” has money arising from the hire of penl- aroused sentiment among the people tentlary convicts of Georgia; to define of °L b «r state* which was favorable by whom and for what purpose said to the suffrage movement and would money shall be used, etc. help it In the long run By Mr. Blackburn of Fulton—To amend section 574 of volume I of tool Kino Edward at Ra*.. code of Georgia which relates to road| London, Oct. 29.—The racing at Now duty and other matters, ro a. to ex- Market-.^ay ZZ aLZeft Z Seven Thousand Miners In Line. W. C. Whitney’s Ballantrvea Shamokln, Pa., Oct. *9.—Mitchell waa a hot favorite for the event of Urn day was observed here today. Seven da 7- King Edward waa an Interested thousand United ' Mine Workers ol | apectator of the races e America, headed by the Tenth Regl- v tnent band and troops, paraded the „ To E " lerta,n J - B - Goodwin, streets, after which tho mine workers , ® avanoab - Qa -> O® 1 - 29.—The local were addressed by several labor lead- 5 t .l h ®-?l < l at ere. Tho collierioe were in operation o. 1 ^ - 1 ”? onto! 1 Klb and all business was generally ju;-1 S , ro ( Goodw « l . aod G <X>i- pended. I of Atl&ntA. on Isovfembw 18 And 19. Tho detalji cnlertAlnment Shop Ms^tojtaearv. More Pay. I ** ™ Chicago, Oct. 29.—Eight thousand „ shopmen employed by the Chicago and Alton railroad, Tho Tribune saya, are to gf>t an advance in wages of 2 cents an hour, beginning Nov. L fh« ( B . creaso will approzlmate 810 000, and will effect tho machinists, Iroller majt- ers, repairer and general haady teen in all of the shops of t|ie system. factories and manufacturing establish, mento of this state, to provide penal ties therefor and to provide for enforce ment of same. By MT. Newton, of Colquitt—Resolu. tlon to refund part of special tax paid by & J. UcOehw. By Mr. Martin of Elbert—An act to make It a misdemeanor to sell or offer for solo unginned cotton, commonly called seed cotton, between the flrst day of September and the flrst day of December each year, and to provfdo punishment for same. ' By Messrs. Alexander and Grenade— To establish a county court for Wilkes county, and to repeal an act entitled “An act to establish a city court of Washington, tn and for tho county of Wilkes.’’ By Mr. Dunbar, of Richmond—To authorize and empower tho village 0' Summerville, in the county of Rich mond, to provide and maintain ceme teries. burial grounds, or places of in terment of the dead, either within or without the limits of the village ot Summerville. Parson Surrenders to Officers. Paducah, Ky„ Oct. 29.—Rev. G. W. Briggs, pastor of the Broadway Meth odist Episcopal church, who, Monday night stabbed T. J. Garr, proprietoi of the Inn, a fashionable board iw; house, where tho minister and family boarded, gave himself up to tho offi cers and was recognized for his ap pearance Thursday. Ko charge hns yet boon preferred against him. Two Negroes Fight. Macon, Ga.. Oct. 29.-'Eugene Jeff«> aon cut Joe Williams,-another negro, at R. L. Henry’s slaughter pen Tues day evening. Edwards was taken to the hospital with cbts In his left shoul. der and qlde. Chances for hlg recov- «ry aro doubtful. « a»Cherry Pectoral BJ m ^ One dose at bedtime pre- h ^ vents night coughs of chil- dren. No croup.