Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, November 07, 1902, Image 5

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SHORT FOR A HEAD,r""’ c T,:“:,?,r r " °” Boiled Down to Foot Lines I "[Dodson’s Pharmacy.[THEY COME IN GARS AND GO THEIR WAY. “Meet Me at Dodson's . me opinion that Geor* —■—•— and Bunched. of\ SpecialSale of Ch,iste\* eo P le Who Came or Went hand mirror of events here | h v ** r i'*"uum exhibit ol Uod h 0 r rCeS * tlhe8r - Loq1s El P°'i- Hod, believing that each an exhibit woald be the finest advertising cf tke State e retooreea that could hi aPy | manner whatever be made. J To this end Chairman John A. Cobb, {Pictures. Away Yesterday Happonlng* In Tho City and Suburl: of Local Interest to Be Perused at [ — ou “ uuairman John A, Cobb I Leisure Wlillo Your Coffee is Slowly , m eetlng of the Sumter county Cooling. I, „ d # day or l *° a « p > inttodneeu the following resolution, addressed to our All the latest oreations in fine box f Tho^olSto?'**w.?”' and round papers, 25c, 85c, and 50<C at [ adoptV'aTil «hL iT nBanimons| y Holliday’s, opposite Windsor Hotel. I » • “ Bhonld haTe bo «- ... ., I . Re60iv e‘>. by the Board of Commit Not an arrest for drnnkeness was made “ loners of and P.evenuesof Sum yesterday, if at all this week. This fer <»»nty, That cur Senator and P.ep certainly speaks well for the ord' 0 f resentativee iu the Legislature be the city. requested to urge aud vote for a eoffl- “Dat’s hi serciety eho’e yer born” I®*. 6 , 1 !! ai,pro b tia,i °t> to make an exhibit said an old negro yesterday as she U.,f.el reS .°t u C6> ° f Geors '"’ eommtn - watched the revo’ntions of the big . ate w ' lb her character »ud position Ferris wheel. .. tho 618t( ifbood of States, at the Loa- The Rlks committee passed upon ail Lonmin mm.”* 8 * Exp061tlon at 8t the fair attraettons yesterday and was It is greatly to be hoped that Oeor- satisfied that not one of them would be gia will be thus represented at ihefair objectionable. 1 “ lr ’ i. e the d'sphy of G .r’stj I -ctures in our stare w' ilow. 1e collr ;tiou iu- eludes the famous golf girls and boys and are in handsome oval frames, lue regular price is $3.00 each. We iuteud to se'' them fast anil have named n price that will move them—$1.50. AMERICUS A MECCA FOR MANY. I Your Own Name or That of a Friend May Be Found Below in The Long Llat of Yesterday’s Visitors Who Came Here. THE OLD RELIABLE ’Phone Hudson’s drug store your wnnts. We deliver promptly any I where in’the city. Phone Number 08 Mrs. Xetherton, of Unadilla, is the gnest of her neice, Mr*. D. M. Bornm, here this week. Mr. James R. Stapleton came|from Preston yeBterdsy to look after matters I of bnslnesa here. Booth {finishes. Miss Minnie Johnson, of Anderson ville, came yesterday upon a visit to Amerions friends. Tvo excellent silver bands furnish an abnndanoe of melody here this week. And then the old town is deli rious with joy.- A gentleman who visited all the snows yesterday deolared that he had never seen n cleaner or better line of attractions. One of tne finest bands in the state has been engaged by the Amoricns Elks, ami will discourse excellent mnsichere during the week. Lee court is in session this week, and Judge Littlejohn,8olioitor Hooper and many members ofthe Am-'ions bar are busy down there, Some of the “drawings” made at the Elks Coun’ y Store are most ludicrous. A young lady last night drew a pair of pants and a razor. Only t! oo ‘-ifling oases of disorder have been tried in polios oonrt this week. The best of-ord is being pre served by the Elks, Last night was deoidedly the liveliest cf the week. Ham' eds of pleasure seekers crowded the streets and the fun was at flood tide. Col. Oliver denies the slat, mentthat the package he drew at the Country Store contained a corsot. Col. Oliver >■ not bailt that way. Sevf si wagon loads of negro cotton pickers went to the country yesterday, but it reqn' ed fortitude and forty dol lira to remove the gang. If Chief Wneelercan catch the fellow who puts snuff in paper dusters and ehrkes them in the faces of ladies he will give him a royal roast. Senator Hudson, of the Thirteenth, has been honored by l.caidont How ell, of the senate, by appointment to very important committees. Amerions will have plenty of mnsio this week. Prof. Gribbin’s military band, and that of the Bostook show will furnish plenty of melody. The month nsbered in today bodes no good to the fatted tnrk. Thanks giving eomes on apaeo when the American b* d will be gobbled. Mr. Will Eaglisb, of Oglethorpe, is So Tired It may be from overwork, but the chances are its from an In active LIVER. With a well conducted LIVEIC one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds ahundred per cent ti ones earning capacity. It can be kept In healthful actioi by, and only by I ws IS Genuine imported Four Row amo “ B tbe ho,t oI visitors doing the tvr here this week. Bristle Tooth Brush, 25 cents. “Penetrating Tooth Brush’ ranted perfect, 50 cents. Mr. and Mrs. George Bagloy, of Da war- Soto, were among the many visitors in Americas yesterday. |r.apiei«iaT^ji™* M ^ Hawkins this week. THAT RILL IS NOW DEFORE THE HOUSE. Measure For Americus Very Important. POWDER Absolutely: Purer THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE SWUNG IN TREE BY A TWINE. No-ro'a 9?ail {finishes. Ms Pills large line embracing shapes and sizes and l >th horn aud hard .rood handles, 25c, 35e, 40e, 50e, and G5e. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. He Conld Hard’y Get Up. P. H. Duffy of Astaley, III,, writes, “This is to certify that I have taken two bottles of Foley’s Kidney Cure and It has helped me more than any other med. lolne. I tried many advertised remedies, but none of them gave me any relief. My druggist recommended Foley's Kid ney Care and It has eured me. Before commencing its use I was in such a shape that I could hardly get np when onoa down, “ John R, Hudson. A Policeman's Testimony. J. N. Patterson, night polloeman of Nashua,la., writes, “Last winter I had a bad eold on my lnogs, and tried at l»ait half dozen adve.tlaed cough medi cines and had treatment from two pbys icians without getting any profit, A friend reoommended Foley’s Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottle eured me. I consilient the ereateatcough and long medicine In the world.” John It. Hnd< aon. COTTON MARKET REPORT. Amerions, Ua., Nov. 5.—B-.eiptR today at looal warehouses. 04 bales. Reoeived previously 23,016 •• Total receipts to date... .23,tl0balea. The looal market is quoted as follows: Good Middling 7j <& 7} Middling 7j @ 7j New York, Nov. 5.—Futures closed 'laiet: Not. 8.16, Deo. 8.25, Jan. 8.34, March 8.12, May 8.14. Anxious Moments. Soma of the moat anxh u» hoars of a tuoihei’s life are thoao when the little ones of the household have the cronr. There la no othe* medicine so effective 1 ’ it's terrible malady n Foley's Honey : ‘ud Tar. it is a household favoiilo for throat aud lncg troubles, and si it con Ids no opiates ot other poll on t it can lately given. John R. Hudson. VERY LIGHT VOTE IN SUMTEP, «Pfai'r {firUOhoS. Hardly Three Hunched Bal'o*- Cast | Tuesday. 1 ue Sumter Cor ity Democratic Ex ecutive Oommittee met at the oonrt-1 houseyesierdav mo.umg and consoli dated the vote oast in, he congressional eleotion the day previous. As stated yesterday, the bad weather and the fact | that Mr. Lewis had no opposition ac counted for the very light cast in Sum- ter—281. Some of the county precincts were not opened at all. A light vote | was cast in every county in the State, the demo- atio nominees being unop posed. Never was alarger or more complete line shown in this city, anil they are all good brushes. When we say a good brush we mean pr •e bristles, and we 1 made, that give good lion- service. This is ‘he k'nd of brushes we sell 25e, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 anil $1.50. Comba, BILL ABOLISHES THE GALLOWS. But Such a One Will Never Past In Georgia. t A bill to aboil ah the death penalty in Georgia for all cases save that of oriminal assault was introduced yes terday in the legislature by Represon tati /e Glenn of Whitfield. The death penalty is inflioted in this state for mrrder, arson, and rape. He pro poses to send all other - iminals whose erlmes warrant the death penal ty to the penitentiary for life. The bill is sore to meet with si ong oppo sition. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Care ie Smith’* Bare Kidney Care. Yoar druggist will reinnd yoar money it after taking one bottle yon are not satisfied with results, 50 cents. DIED SUDDENLY AT SCRANTON. L'uleis a man is a bachelor, he is holish to talk in bis sleep. , W. A. Herron of FIneb, Ark,, writs*, “I wish to report that Foley’a Kidney Carehaaeuredatcrrible case of kidney and b'ada<r trouble that two doctors given up.” John B. Hudson. BioUicr-in-Law of Molars. Whea'.ley Passes Away. Mr. J. W. Wheatley received s tele gram yesterday morning advising him of the sadden death of bis brother-in- law, Mr, William T. Forsyth, an aged and prominent resident of S- enton, Pa. Only a month ago Y s. Forsyth died at an advanoed rge, and her hat band am ived herbal a few wicks. The deceased was 78 years of age aud widely known throngbont that seetion of hie state. Miss Gene, of Bronwood, is the fair guest of the Misses Tower at their home on Ghurch street. Mr, Ed Iiiker has gone to Enfanla to look after the interests of the Americas Oil Co., for some time. Mrs, G. W. Oonnoii and Miss Ooun cil are gnests of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Conned during the fa' . Mrs. F. O. Beatty, of Preston, is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Stab hogs, on Jaoksoo street. Miss Battle Wimberly, of Oglethorpe, is the oharmipg and popular gnest of Miss Allie May Kleckley. Mr. Oscar L. Harper, f, rmerly of Americas bat now a resident of For sytb, la hereupon a visit. Dr. J. O. Clarke came down frem Atlanta yesterday to spend s few days in America*, hie old home. Mrs. Boe Edwards, of Golnmbti*, is the guest of Mrs. Thomas Hr rold at her home on College street. Bev. W. L. Wooten has returned here from Columbus, his former home where be has been recently. Mrs. Crawford \\ jeatley aud Miss Mary Granberry have' arrived home from Clifton Springs, N. Y. Mies Webb, of Smitbville, aod Miss Mayo, of Blobiand, are guests of Mrs. D. A. Mayo on Forsyth a eet. Misses Ora and Bozzie Morgan, of Vienna, are gnests of Mrs. E. J. Miller at her home on Jaokson street. Hard Rubber Ladiu ! Dressing Combs, 8 inch 35 cents. Gentlemen’s Hard Rubber Combs, 16 cents. , Herculose Ladies Dressing Comb, S warranted unbrokoble, 121 gueBt of the Misses Bnohanan. inches 75 cents. {finbbor Soods. Splendid Fountain Syringe, 3 qta. $1.00. Guaranteed Water Bodies, 1 qur’t $1.00; 2 quart $1.25; 3 quart $1.50. Phyniro Pump Syringe,3 hard rub ber pipes and in polished wood box, $1.00. Marvel whirl syringe $3.50. Throat and Nose At inizers, con tiruons sprays, 3 hard rubber t 'ps 75 cents. Sift Rubber Ear Syringe 25 cents Boilot Soaps. You Know What You Aro Takln Wuen yon take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonio jbecause the formnia is plainly printed on every bottle show ing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, No pay. 50o, * The Eureka Soap Co’s. Opera Soaps are the finest we have ever seen for the money. They come in three orflors, Violet, Cornation Pink and Rose. Price per box of 3 cakes 25 cents. Filippini and Fighs genuine : 'spor ted White Castile soap in 5c and 10c eaV<"\ Mrs. J. T. Ooogle, of Oglethoipe, is the gnest of Mrs. J. M, Klleokiey tnis week it her home on Taylor street Miss Lucy Geise went to Amerions this morning, and will be the gnest of Miss Agnes Hawkins,—Albaoy Herald M's. Leroy G. Henderson and little son, of Griffin, are gnests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. O Dudley, arriving yester day. Mrs. Janie Hill and Master Blebtrd Childers, of Monteznma, are gnests of Mr. and Mr*. Lee Childers at The Windsor Mrs. D. Holmes, of Cordele, is visit ing her parents, Cob and M*a. J. O. Boney, on Brooklyn Heights, daring the - valval. {fiath {firuahoa. Splendid values in ba*D, '’iort and long handles,50c, 75c. and $1.00. Dodson’s Pharmacy. ••Meet Me at Dodson's." Miss Jolla Baoon, the ebarming and popnlar guest of her sister, Mrs. E. D. Sheffield, for a week, will return to Albany today. Misses Estelle and Mattie Bnrtor, of Smith ville, are guests of Miss Winoie Belle Jossey this week at her home on Spring street. Col. John W. A. Hawkins, the esge of Webstar, earns over yesterday, bnt of eonrse he didn’t even know the carnival was here. Miss Florence Page, one of Samtst’s most beaaf'nl, popnlar and charming young ladies, is the gnest of Mis. G. H. Whitaker this week. Mrs. Eui* L. Hollis has gone lo Athens to attend the ceremony of lay ing the corner stone of the Winnie Davis Memorial tpli. Miss Saxon, a enltnrcd and very charming young lady of Sheliman, is 1 he guest of Mrs, Lola F. Bell at ber home on Forrest street. The M-.sscs Hudson have as their gnests Miss Bertha Morgan, of Sum ter, and Miss SanderliD, of Vienna, two of the fairest visitors here. < Strange Find Is Made In Yard. It is a rather rare ooenrenee that a foil grown negrr, even, is fonnd here, suspended by a rope from a tree, bnt when a negro babe la thus discovered the foot eanaes i imment. And the officers hers are investigating sueh “find” reported in a yard over on Hin kle street. The negro woman who re sides there rer irted to the police that a stillborn child ws* hanging in a tree in her front yard, and immediately an investigation was instituted. The ue pro child was fonnd as reported, hang lag by a string from the limb of l small tier, but so far the Identity of the inhuman mother has not yet been discover'd. The ebsrge ol mnrder may have to be answered if the gnilty parties are found. IS INTRODUCED IN ASSEMBLY. And Chaneet Are That it Will Past il Seeks to Change Preeent Method of Selecting Board Police Commit— slcncrsof Americus. State of Ohio, oitvof Toledo ) Luc vs County, 7 8S > FrfANK J Cheney makes oath he la senior partner oi the firm of F. J, Cheney A Co., doing business lathe City of Toledo, County of Stito afore said, and that said firm will piy the sum of ONE HONDBED DOLLARS for eaoh and every cats of Catabbk that oaonot tw eared by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cube. * FBANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subsorlbed in my presenoe, this Otn. day of December ‘ D. 18s 0, ' —) A. W. GLEASON*, Noti -y Public. Hall'e Catarrh Care Is taken Interns'., ly, one aon directly on the blood rnd muoous surfaces of the system. Send for tesi’moulais, free. F J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O Sold by Drugglate, 75o. Hall'e Family Fills are the beat. A deaf and dnmb man is apt to talk straight oat from the shonlder. A local bill of mneh interest to elti* zens of Amerions has just been intro duced in the House by Bepresentative Hixon of Sumter and the chanoes are that it will pass aad become a law, though Representative Lane will op* pose ila passage as before. The measure seeks to change the method of electing members of the Po lice Commission of Amerions, now a ■elf perpetuating body. The same bill was introdnoed at the heel of the last session by Bepresenta tive Joiner of Hnmter, and was favora bly considered by many members bnt, largely owing to the lateness of the time of its introduction, Mr, Joiner failed to get it throngb. But better success is hoped for at this session. In faot, Bepresentative Hixon is fully of the opinion that his measure, a very exeellent one, will go through at this session. At present the police board here baa absolute eon - ol of the police force, while the city conneil has nothing to do with the employment of the men and are not permitted to give them an order or in anywise diroat members of the force in thedisebarge of their duty. This condition not infriquently brings about a great deal of friction be * tween the two bodies. The bill introdnoed by Bapreasnta- live Hixon seeks to make members of the poliee board elective by the people of Amerions, as are all other offlolMa and employes, with Ithe mayor of the oity, whoever he may be, as an ex-offi'- eio member of the commission. Under the present method the mem bers eleet their their successors, mak ing the board self perpetuating. Borne of them have been on the board for a long period of years. Many citizens hope the bllljwiil pass, and the measnre will be watehed with mnoh interest. What objection ean there, be to a measnre which places this important question before the people. Tt ere is no cough medicine bo popular as Foley’s Honey and Tar. It contsiE* no opiates or poisons and never falls to cure. John B. Hudson. Foley’a Honey and Tev for coughs and colds; reliable, tried and tested uafeand ears, „ John B. Hudson. Hot Chocolate, Tomato, Beef, Clam, Celery and many others at Beuuert's Dbuo Store. Whiskeys E issue an illustrated liquor catalogue in which are quoted prices of Wines, Whiskeys, Brandies, Beers, etc. This catalogue is sent free to all who write for it To order from us enables you to buy all Whiskeys at wholesale prices and places at your command the resources of one of the largest liquor stores In the country. All goods arc packed in plain cases and no mark to indicate contents. We ‘ship everything subject to approval and can be returned to us at our expense if found un desirable and unsatisfactory. RYE WHISKEYS If. O. Wlsm Private Stock— A pur® •*/•»*“old copper fliatiiled Rjr® Whiskey. Quarts, 91.00; gallon..#*. S3.SO Jf • ® *»* Special Reserve Rye Whiskey—A prime favor!la; auar •nteed lu yea re old, a pur®, mallow, mild whlsk^v.Mp®«iaiij adapted as • stimulant for ladies snd sued par* sons. Quarts, |l 80; gallon SS.OO Jacobs* Monogram Rye Whiskey Avery fin® double-copptr distilled RyeWhtsaey; is dlftlijod from se* lected home-jrrown rye. with moun tain sprlinr water, and Is distin guished for Its absolute purity, del* lcacy and remarkable bouquet; 8 years old. Quart, $1.»; gallon.. $4.00 Rob Roy Rye Whiskey—4 years old, a straight Kentucky Kye Wh|*key, distilled in copper and aged in wood, and is a leader among whis* v — of similar price. Quart, 73c.; 92.80 keys of gallon . XXXX Monongahela Rye Whies key—* years old, the besf obtain able for the price. Quart, Sue.; gal- 92.00 A. A. Rye C0Af«*«y-DI»ttlle<l In MOl^low^iroof but pure. Price |ldk> u • mall,.1 quantity Jacob.' Mo. 6 Ry* Wht.koy-K 3- year-old Ry., aged in wood and I. * v«y auperlor (trade ol wlitekey for the price. Quan,eeo.;,s5 BOURBON WHISKEYS Kentucky Bourbon Whl.key—An Ideally perfect wblekey, stored aad . a»ed In wood for S year,, fully mu- j '“"><1 end entirely free from fuell J oil. Quart,|i.oo;mlloB Lln <%° , !\ Bourbon-* yeara old. quart,fSo.(gallon 93.73 CORN WHISKEY Jacobe* Prlcato StockCorn—ms we believe lo be lb. very beet whle- mike thla a perfect whiskey: aged Quart, | Vnclm Romuc Corn Whiskey-* id, absolutely pure: e eplen- yeere ota, ebeoiutely pure; l , did etlmuleut end eupertor whle- key for medtrel end femlly DM. Quert,T5o., gallon 33.30 wIf*v» Hut Mountain Corn Whltkoy—K white wblekey, made of the moat select corn,over open free, aged In wood for two years. Quart,30c., gallon .33,„ 3 Jacob.' Hand.made Corn-New hteh proof, not eo)d In then H gallon lot.’; Si” , £. , S8t Corn tlMlr*ey-TUe ( ' 1 ?, l u \ t m !io , :,!, , . w . 91 y* k 1 Y ra ^r w l, t ^ whiskey In thla market. Thla .horn sii‘ rl iuiS5S'rui u u':. ,wo . yc v;.o 0 J ‘L e °. b A\ s ‘Z!Si£" , *!?? r *»< 15c.; gallon ■93.73 Jacobs’ pharmacy Atlanta, Georgia