Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, November 14, 1902, Image 2

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2 THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1902. UNCLE SAM’S TROOPS ARE LAUDED BY MILES Fortitude, Skill and Heorism Shown In Battle. PERSONNEL OF THE ARMY. Lieutenant General Makes His Annual Report—Necessity of Quarters For Troops—Condition of Indians—Prac tice Schools. Washington, Nov. 0.—The annual re port of Lieutenant General Miles, com manding the army, is a brief review oi the reports that have been submitted to him by other officers. He indorses the recommendation of General Brooks for a readjustment of the geographical limits of the different departments with a view of equalizing condition: General Miles calls attention to the ne cessity of quarters for troops, saying that while hundreds of thousands of dollars are being si>ent for quarter for cavalry, very little is being used to afford shelter for artillery, which is exposed to severe climates alDiig the coasts. “These troops,” says General Miles, “are required to be located adjacent to the fortifications, notwithstanding the exposed positions of many of them, and I see no reason why buildings should not be constructed in time to be occupied when it is known for years where their services will ro re quired.” Baldwin’s Troops Complimented. General Miles says: “During tho past year there have been no serious engagements, excent that of tho troops under General F. D, paid win, in Mindanao, I*. I., with the Moros. For the number of men en gaged, this was a very spirited and desperate engagement. Our forces were commanded by ono of tho most experienced and efficient officers of the army, whose conduct has always been of the highest order, and his achievement, together with that of thd troops, in this engagement made an other chapter of fortitude, tenachy and heroic service in tho history of American arms. “The condition of the Indians Is quite satisfactory, and there has been no disturbance of importance among them during the last 12 months. This is accounted for principally by three reasons: “1. Just and humane treatment of the Indian and judicious management of their affairs. “2. Their gradual transition from a condition of barbarism to that of a semi-civilized people. . “3. The close proximity of the mili tary garrisons, which are always avail, able in case of threatened disturban ce*. Best School of Practice. “The experience during the great civil war and years of campaigning along our western frontier, afforded the best schools of practice for our army fn former years. The attention given to calisthenics, gymnastics and other exercise* in tho army corps made our small army a corps of athletes whilo the elementary schools establish ed for enlisted men. tho post libraries, tho post lyceums and officers’ schools, the various schools of Instruction and practice for officers as well as the mil itary academy, produced an army of such excellence that I was able in my report in 189G to state: “The personnel of tho army was never in better condition." “ r l ms wat proven to be true by tho fortitude, skill and heroism displayed in every serious campaign on every HERE’S A BABY Its Mother is Well. The baby is healthy because during th< period of gestation its mother used th< popular and purely vegetable liniment, Mother’s Friend Mother’s Friend is a soothing, softening, relaxing liniment, a muscle maker, iuvig- orator and freshener. It puts new powei into the back and hips of a coming mother. It is applied externally only, there is no dosing and swallowing of nasty drugs, no inward treatment at all. The state of the mother during gestation may influence the disposition and future of the child; that is one reason why moth ers should watch their condition and avoid pain. Her health, that of the child and their lives, depend on keeping free from pain, worry and melancholy. Be of good clii-or, strong of heart and peaceful mind. Mother’s Friend can and will make you so. Bearing down pains, morn ing sickness, sore breast and insomnia ar< all relieved by this wonderful remedy. Of druggists at £i.oo per bottle. Send for our book “notherhooU M free. HE BRAOFiELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA Yes, Yes, Yes, fes, Yes, Yes. Yes, Yes, Those decorated Dinner Sets are genuine Haviland China. Our own importation. The “White” will cross “The Tide” in Nov. We have the finest Lamps shown in Georgia, but they are the cheapest, 15c to $20.00. Those Lounges and Chairs are covered with real leather, and frames are quartered oak. Our Cut-Glass have the thickest blanks, deepest cut, most ar tistic patterns, and most brilliant sheen that can be secured. Our stock of Chamber Suits, Side Boards, China Closets, Ex tension Tables, Diners, Odd Chairs and Tables is the most complete and attractive we have ever shown. We still have large stock of graceful and elegant shapes in Odd Pieces in French China, Vases, Cups and Saucers and other articles suitable for presents or home use. Our stock of Housefurnishings can supply all your wants. It is true goods were bought for CASH and that we can and will give full value for every dollar spent with us. DR. D. S. DYAR & riiyakiitiiM uti<J S]teclall»t». 34 l-2_Poachtree Street Atlanta, Ga. co. Chronic Nervous and Private Diseases Our Specialty. NPRVHIIQ Debility, Spermatorrb<m, lltnvuuo Seminal Losses. Niaht Emis sion. Loss of Vital Power, Sleeplessness Despondency, Loss ot Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Lassitude, Gloominess. Depression of Spirits, Aversion to Society, Easily Discour aged, Lack of Confidence, Dull, Listless, Un- 14 for Study or Business, and Mods lite a bur den. SAFELY, PERMANENTLY and PRI VATELY CURED. BL000 AND SKIN lls, a disease most horrible in its results, completely eradicated without the use of mercury. Scrofula, Ery- sipilas, Fever Sores, Blotches, Pimples, Ul cers, Pains in the Head and Hones, Syphili tic Sore Throat. Mcu b and Tongue, Catarrh Etc. PERMANERTLY CURED WHEN OTHERS HAVE FAILED. URINARY Kulnev and Hladder Trou- unman I, bles, Weak Hack. Burning Urine, Frequency of Urinating, Urine high ly colored or with milky sediment on stand lng, Gonorrhae, Gleet,Cystitis, Etc., prompt ly and safely cured. Charges reasonable. To Young Men and Middle Aged Men. A SURF RllRF rh0 a " ful e9ec,s cf vUnC UUnC Early Vice, which brings organic weakness, destroying both mind and body, with all its dreadful ills, permanently cured, ETHRAL STRICTURE Cured, Removal complete, nelthei knife, caustic nor dilation: without pain or injury. Proof Indisputable, RR HYAR Addresses those who have l/n. IS I nil impaired themselves by Im proper indulgences and solitary habits which ruin Loth body and mind, unfitting them for business, study or marriage. MARRIED MEN, or those entering on that happy life, awareof physical debt lty, quick ly assisted. ova success A Cor. Jackson and Forsyth Sts. Americus, Ga. Quail Are in Sight, and Ducks are Coming, Stnifhwirk * s ^* xec ^ f° r ^UllinWlLft. 0 f them and is ready and waiting to fix you for them. I am better prepared to ferve the sportsmen than ever before with a large assortment of High-3rade Guns and Ammunition at prices to suit your pocket- book. My line of single Breech-Loader.-* cannot be beaten ou quality or price, and my HigU-GradeJHanimer and Hammerless Double-Barrel Breecli Loaders cannot be duplicated anywhere at the prices. 311 Lamar Street, Look To Your Interest, Read Carefully, Act Promptly. cp.rl- _ ., . 1 Second—Bverv case Is especially field ot mortal combat wherever th-3 studied, thu» starting aright. Third- Med! arm,, ha. , . ,! cite, are prepared In our laboratory exactly arm, has ben engaged !n any part el. tn suit each case, thus effecting cures with the world during the last four years. ' During that time many changes have occurred and the army hag been large- ly Increased. The long and varied service of the senior officers, their experience In organizing, dlsclpllng. In structing and leading their commands, as well as the excellent discipline, in struction and exemplary conduct of til3' #' soldiers of the army of ’98 have beenI { the leaven of the army of the present * time. Evils may creep Into any sy» 1 • tem or great organization. Such as | have affected our army have been, or t will be eradicated." Ig DR, D, S. DYAR & CO 34 1 -2 Peachtree Street, Between Marietta and Waltoa Streets, ATLANTA, GA. BIG DAM BURST;. People Were Warned and Fled ta • Places of Safety. i • Glenwood Springs, Col., Nov. 7.—AjS report was received here late last night » of the bursting of the Denver and Rlj g Grande dam over the Eagle river al , Pando. I • Tho dam was bulK by the railroad • for the purpose of making an Ice' * pond and a considerable amount ol j * water was stored behind it. Dwellers j J In Eagle River canon and further.g down the valley were notided of the', breaking of tho dam and fled to the hills. While It Is not known wheth er every ono was warned. It Is not thought that any casualties will result, as the river bed Is deep. CASPER The Popular Tailor, Has returned to Americas from Philadelphia, and is at 405 Jack- son street, next to Eldndge Drag 8tore. Fine Fall Suitings, all the Popular Weaves, Now in Stock. CASPER, Peoples .Tailor. To Bring Lynchers to Trial Montgomery. Ala.. Nov. 7.—Governor Jelks Is in correspondence with the so licitor and sheriff of Lee county with reference to the mob which lynched a negro near Salep. The negro for purpose* of robbery went info the house of George Meadows knock ed his wife and daughter on the head He wag promptly killed, but the ladles are recover*. The gJv<;rnor has set In to bring the lybchers to trlsilf BRAGG’S - MARKET. la again a candidate fox your pat ronage, under the firm name of MORRIS & BRAGG. We are at the same old stand, Ar tesian Block, with .the, best Heel, Pork, Fish, Oyetcts and all that is good to eat a Give us a trial order and we will fill you table with the beat. Telephone 215. For the Next 30 Days ga merless Guns, and have it repaired and clcane smiths. Shells loaded to order attention given to mail orders. SMITHWICK S GUN STORE. 121 FORSYTH STREEf. To Whom It May Concern! We wish to call your attention to the beautiLul line of Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Sachet Powders, Smelling Salts, etc., carried by the Eldiidge Drug Stores, Nowhere can you find a[more beautiful assortment of perfumes m]elegant pcclrgcs, Ifcrn aie rew displayed at-he Eldrito Drug Stores. FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED We mean business and for the next ten days we offer to to the people of Sumter and adj fining counties the Greatest Slaughter Sale of the Season Figures speak louder than words and we give them to you as follows: Clothing. Hens’ Suits. $15.00 Suits Going at $9. 5 0 . i2 00 “ •• “ 8.00 e “ “ “ 7.00 8,oo “ “ “ 5.5O t 6.oo “ •» 4.00 4 oo -‘ “ “ 2,5o Pants. - $5.oo Pants Going at $3,5o 4.oo “ “ ' “ 3.00 2.00 I.50 Ladies’ Shoes. $2.50 Shoes Going at $1.75 2.00 1.5o 1-25 l.oo 1-50 1 2 S 95 7o Mens’ Shoes. g4.oo Shoes Going at $3.oo 3,so 2.S0 2.00 1.75 1,25 2.7s 2 00 1.50 i,25 95 We also have an Immense stock of children suits, men and ladles underwear, ladles capes and walking jackets and in fact everything in our immense stock will be put to the knife, We hope all oar former patrons and railroad lriends will take advantage of this sale by coming forward at once we only offer these inducements for the next ten days, D. PEARLMAN'S 311 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. If you want money on your farm I have arrangements with New York parties through whom I can get it for you at Lowest Possible Cost. J. J. HANESLEY, Room No. s Barlow Block, - - Americus, Ga, WANTED THE LANIER SOUTHERN Two hundred young men and ladies to qualify for paying positions. If you are interested, write us for our handsome illustrated catalouge. BUSINESS ^COLLEOE, Macon, Qa, J There’s Plenty to Drink on the Corner Now I 9 ’ ...ARTESIAN SALOON... New Place, and the Best Line of Liquors fold in the City. Original Stone Mountain Corn, Hawthorne Club. Baltimore Hunter. Three Feathers, are among our popular brands of fine liquors. Mr. Robert A. Hogne is with us and wi uld be pleased to serve his many friends in city and eonntry. ARTESIAN SALOON. W. N. Booker, Prop.