Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, November 14, 1902, Image 3

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y,--tenia?, the general assembly, in j,, j ; j f session, consolidated the votes of tin- bouses for United States senator ,,-ul declared Hon. Alexander Stephens Cla? elected to be bis own 'successor I-, >he senate of the United States for •... ensuing term of six years, Without opposition in the democratic primary and with three republican v .tes cast against him in the legisla tin'. Senator Clay returns to Washing. • .:i with the practically unanimous in dorsement of the people of Georgia. His past service of six years has been , f such carefulness, laboriousness and patriotism as to win for him easily this high token of the confidence of his fellow-citizens. He has made himself 11 force in tho senate and commanded its attention and respect for his views ou the leading issues that have been in lute years before that august body. He has diligently looked after the inter ests of Georgians, and so established In's position as a popular representative in the upi>er,house. This re-election is in its spontaniety a well-merited honor and will help to assure the nation that in him they sco a Georgian both beloved and trusted by his people. That he will continue J to reflect honor upon the State and do BIG WHEAT ELEATOR ANDMILL ARE BURNED Nashville, Tenn., Has a Fire loss of $240,000. many safes raioed BY BOLD CRACKSMEN ON A WHEEL Jberlder frequently meets with limiter. A very ,, *: J 1 '•.handy and efficient dnc-t„ r to ho vo with von when OH accident happens is a buttle of Mexlcun Mustung Liniment. CAUSED BY locomotive spark. There Were -*5,000 Bushels of Wheat Stored In Elevator and 12,000 Bar rels of Flour m Warehouse, All of Which Was Destroyed. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. ti.-The Model mill and a large wheat elevator adjoin. It were completely destroyed by flre at an early hour this morning. The total loss on the plant and sto'lt “ ates . ,240 - 000 - which Is par- PostofScos In Tennessee and | Indiana Looted. CASH AND STAMPS TAKEN. Stewart County Bank at Dove.r, Tenn , Was Entered by Four Men, Vaults Dynamited and $2,000 Secured by the | Robbers. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 7.-—A special to The Banner from Dover, Tenn., say? that the Steward county bank was I robbed of $2,100 last night. The rob-1 bery is supposed to have been com- tially covered by insurance amounting I * our suspicious men who to $175,000. The fire is supposed to I have been hanging around town for hate been caused by a spark from a | BOmc time - The vaults were blown passing locomotive. I open with dynamite and all of the cash There were 45,000 bushels of wheat! abBtrac(ed - Officers and bloodhounas tored in the elevator and 12,000 har ms of flour In the warehouse, all of which was completely burned up. Tho Plant was owned by the Liberty mills, and had a capacity of 1,500 barrels a was built in 1801 at a cost b improved. 3111 * ^ firCat ' BIG FIRE IN OMAHA. American Press Association Loses Heavily, Omaha, Neb., Nov. 6.—A flre, which aliant service for the democracy and FAM^nks^ Jt“ iT'"*. h ° U8e ?! are on the trail of the lohbers, who are I reported to have headed for the Ten-1 nessee river. Sumter Sheriff Sales. Will be .old before the court bouse door In the city of America.. Sumter county, Georgia, between the legal hoars of sale, on fSiiJlE 1 Tuesday In December, IMS, the following described property, to-wlt: . Fifty acre. of land oft of tot of land No, M. 1“S?,. 01 '* 2,t, > <HMrtet of Sumter county.Oa be'led on as the properly of J. E. Plfcner and Mrs. Anna Ihlch.r, to aatlafy an execu tion Issued from thesstth district ii. M of Sumter e unty, Ga., in favor of H. H. McOee vs-j. E. Pilcher and Mre. Anna Pilcher. Property pointed out hy plaintiff., attorney and tenant tn possession notlflea In terms of '*?■ MiV n >a < le by J. J. Dorter. L. C. and rt turned to me. Tn s Oct tstb, WO.’. B, L. D3LL, Sheriff. A PPLICATIO.N fa LE LETTERS OP DISMISSION. GEORGIA-SuxTxa CocaniT. Whereas, Thornton Wheatley, administra tor upon the estate of Judson A Kendrtcl the nation at large is unquestioned by any who know him and his loyal rec ord.—Atlanta Constitution. DUTY OF DEMOCRACY. The party, as a party, needs to haul in sail and to keep before tho wind. It has been undertaking too mnch, prom ising too mnch, and thus by doing nothing, discrediting itself. One can not be a pilot and a surgeon at ono and the same time. It is for Democracy' to steer between socialism on the ono hand and expediency on tho other hand. To ally tradition with'progress; to identify expansion with freedom; to cleanse tho Augean stablesjby a pro cess of evolution, not revolution, and to hold the money power within bound without impairing the public credit and order, these are the lessons Dem ocrats have to set themselves and to learn; and, os we master them and pnt t hem in practice, shall wo confirm our usefulness as a national force,'and re cover the power which a fatuous, blind ineompetoncy threw away. Morse & Co., dealers scales and englnjs, did about $60,000 damage. Of this amount the Jobbing bouse loses $35,Otto on stock; $8,000 on building, and the American Press Association, stock and linotype ma chines, $7,000. Captain ylsen. of engine company No. 2, fell from a ladder to lue pave ment While carrying a line of hoso to tho second story and received what may prove fatal Injuries. Engineer John Reed, of the same company, also Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 7.—The safe I In the postoffice at Cioverland. 10 mile* east of here, was blown open last I night by five masked men anil the con-1 tents and cash carried away. Robert Gabbert, who was passing I the store in which the postofflee was I located was captured .by the robbers and tied to a chair, where they left him when they finished their work. | There is no clue. Rjumuraiinig Sores need not become a fixture upon your body. If they do it is your fault, for lor upon tne estate or Judson A Kendrick. having filed his petition for letters of dismission from said estate, The-e are therefore to cite and admonlsb all persons concerned, whether kindred or creditor., to ebow cau.e on or before tbe December term of the Court of Ordinary to be held on the brat Monday la December. 1902, why said petition .houid not be granted an prayed for. Witness my hand and ot- t&arrm&jaw&BEr A PPLICATION A TWELVE MONTHS SUPPORT. GEORGIA—SUIITZIl COUNTT. Whereas, the return of the eporateere, net ting apart twelve mouths eupport to the faintly ufJIteTIppena, a.ceased, having been Hied In my olbce. These are tberefere to cite and admonish - 1 ’ persons concerned, whether kindred er * ' * MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT Albuquerque, ft M., Nov. 7.—Bur-1 glare blew open safes In the Santa Pe railway station and Benjamin & I Co., a Jewelry store here, last night, and secured $2,000 In money and Jew-1 elry. Edward Joyce bay been rested, some of the plunder being | found In his possession. will thoroughly, quickly and perma nently cure these afflictions. There is no guess work about it; if this lin iment is used a cure will follow. * vmi nflNT NNnUf bow quickly a burn or scald can he cured IUU Dull I llI.UIf until you lmvo treated It with Mexican Mustang Liniment. As a flesh healer it stands at tbe very top. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. T.—The safe In post office at Springfield was blown open with dynamite at an early hour this morning and about $20 in monev ““ “ br ° ken “ nk ' e aadb °»y! aad a small amount ofstamps About ten „„„ , | cured. The officers are on the trail | ADout 150 country newspapers are of tho robbers, temporarily affected by the burning of tho American plant. Press Association's WAS ALREADY MARRIED. l‘AKK.ER’8 ■■MML8A* HAIR BALSAM , ClttBwt sad br,':tin« lb. hslh Promote* a luxuriant growth. Hair to Its Youthful Color. Cun* mlp diwMca It hairJpS f IUi*t i>niCTi*<* MACON MAN KILLS HIMSELF. Whether Act Was Suicide or Accident | Is Not Known. Macon, Ga., Nov. 6.—Yesterday af< TO PROHIBIT LOAFING. A bishop of tho African Methodist church, in an address before one of his conferences in Arkansas, demanded that the stato legislature pass laws which would force loafing aud idlo ne groes to "move on” and go to work for an honest, upright living. His sug gestion is a good ono. Georgia, and every town in tho stato should havo just such a law, and its operations should not apply to negroes only. Bo- side thoso in tho negro ranks there nrc hundreds of whito loafers in Georgia, and Americas and Sumter county havo their full shnro of whito and black loafers. The legislature, now in session, should amend and widen the scope of the vagrant laws of the state, and then that law should bo enforced on whites and blacks alike. Mississippi Girl Duped by Matrimonial, tern00n at 3 o'clock Will Martin killed Agency. I h,mse,f at the residence of his grand Columbus, Miss., Nov. 8.—Advices father - charlea Canning, on Mulberry In HED and Gold metallic bos**. *wlH r" h blM rtbbon ' Take no other. Itcfuto XVj Dangerous NnboUtuUon* and JmlU* “ flr Uoaa. Bwj of your Druggist. or fiend 4c. la THE LEGISLATURE. received' here from Hickory, Miss., an Inland town In Newton county, gives an aoocunt of a Mississippi girl’s hav ing been duped through a matrimonial agency In Chicago. The young lady answered an adver tisement In a matrimonial paper, met a man through correspondence, and finally tho young man sent her a tick et to Chicago and money to pay her exponses on the trip. She left for Chicago, but upon her arrival there the young man failed to meet her at the depot os per arrangements. Being In quite a quandary, she appealed to the police department, and through their aid found her intended swatn liv ing In a suburb of tho Windy City. He proved to be a married man and was at the head of a family. The officers took charge of him, but upon his paying the young lady $100 for her trouble and also furnishing her with return Cnsportatlon home, ho was released street. Mr. Martin wns a popular and promi nent young man, and the nows of hlj tragic death spread like wildflra through the city. It was at first re ported that he had committed suicide, but a further knowledge seems to In dicate that his death was an accident lam Mail. 10,000 TmuiboiuIi. Sold i,/ Every Woman “I interested and should know abuut the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray lie new Vagl**l Syria**. JnJre- Hon and auction. Hest-Saf- h... nr. Convenient ■ .. - «ragjt»t Tor II. The young man had been at horns I mRSBCSSESST *L. *- . .. ». 1 oilier, but tend stamp for U- lustrated — Cholera Record In Egypt Washington, Nov. 8.—Tho progress of tho cholera In Egypt Is recorded lu the following cablegram to tho stato department, from United States Vico Consul General Smith, at Cairo, datAd today: “Since the first Instant, there havo been 140 cases of cholera and 132 deaths in all Egypt" k Secret Disease The Georgia legislature has been in session but a short time and already it is flooded with bills. Bills of every imaginable character have been usher ed to the clerks, desk, and tho authors will be yelling for their passago. Such ought not to bo the case. Tho Times- Becorder is of the opinion it is not the member who introduces tho largest number of bills that is most useful in a congress or legislatttro. Wo should never select such a member as a useful one, and would always prefer a “bill killer” to tho bill “promoter.” It is hoped that our immediate representa tives in the legislatnro will take tbe same view of things and will remember that they can best servo the pooplo by preventing unnecessary legislation and not by tho introduction of bills. Let ns see what the Republicans will now do. They control all branches of the Government. What will they do in tho direction of tariflT reform and trust regulation? The situation is in their hands and their power is_com- plcte—both honscs of Congress, tho ■'resident and even the Supreme Court. Ike ease is with yon, esteemed oppo nents; what will yon do with it before the people speak in thnnder tones in 1804? . Of all human diseases, that known ni contagious blood poison, or the Bad Disease, has caused more misery and suf fering and ruined more lives than all others combined. It not only wrecks the hopes and aspirations of the one who contracts it, hut often the innocent are made to share the humiliation and dis grace of this most loathsome and hateful form of blood poison. Children inherit it from parents, and thousands of the purest men and women have been con taminated and rained simply through handling the clothing of one infected with this awful malady,or drink- TH E INNOCENT ing from the same vessel and SUFFER WITH using the same toilet articles. THE GUILTY. And when the real nature of the trouble is known, many S refer to suffer in silence or leave the isease to do its worst rather than makt known their condition. Through our Medical Department we offer advice and help. Write us freely about your case, as nothing you say will ever go beyond our office. Let us help you to get rid of this fesrful disease, foi which some one else no doubt is to blame. It matters not how long the poison has been lurking in your system, S. S. S. will purify and build up your blood, and eliminate every atom of the deadly viruf from tbe system and make a complete and permanent cure. S. S. S. is the only antidote for Conta gious Blood Poison and has been curing it ? or fifty years. It contains no mMeury, potash or other harm ful mineral ingredi ent, but is a purely vegetable remedy that cures without leaving any bad after effects. Our special Home Treatment book, ivee all the symptoms of this disease, re will mail you a copy free. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, 6*. since the noon hour, going to bis din- .. , ner promptly and eating heartily. Hsl iuu'^«u«iurMnartiri!*ionJin. was in good spirits, and no one n'otlc-| 2i!Sa*TilS»Si£,8JwrSrtu cd any nervousness or unusual condi tion. About 3 o’clock be started out of tbe front door, when suddenly he turned back with the remark that Le had forgotten something. In a few minutes the report of a pistol was beard, and members of tho family go ing to his room upstairs were horri fied to find him lying across his bed dead. Mr. Martin was ■secretary and treas- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure , Digests what you eat. ™ ThU preparation contains all of tha popular socially and In his business life. He was an enthuslatlc member of the Macon Volunteers. No posslblo motive for his taking his life can be found, so far, and his relatives think It was an accident. WITHOUT USE OF KNIFE. tor niiy years, ri 1 SSSi Successful Operation Performed For Cure of Congenital Hip Disease. San Francisco, Nov. fi.—With about 100 doctors of San Francisco and some 200 studenta and trained nurses close ly watching his movements Dr. Adolf Lorenz, of Vienna, appeared In the lec ture hall of the affiliated colleges of the university of California wad suc cessfully performed, without the uss of a knife, his celebrated operation for the cure of congenital hip disease, treating two little 4-year-old boys with out charge. After the operations Dr. Lorenz successfully treated a case of double club foot on a child.B months old, digestants and digest* all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to cat all tho food you want. The mostsensltlve stomachs can take it. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting un necessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E.O. DeWitt & Co.. Chicago TliolL bottle contains 2ft times tho 50c. size. ;T7W. A. Humbert,tAmericns, Oa creditors, to .how cause oa or before the December term of the Court of Ordinary to beheld on the tint Monday In December, IMS, why said petition should not be granted as prayed for. Witness my hand and omclal signature, this November srd, 1MJ. TBPS. M. allen. Ordinary. QITATION; GEORGIA—StJKTIH COUNTT. Whereas, Jonn M. McGarrah, M. D Pick ett and Rosa McGarrah, Executors of tte estate of Samuel McGarrah, have applied, as -executors for the probate in common form of tbe last will snd testament of Samuel McGarrah, of said county, they are those of the law of said Samuel McGarrah are hereby required to appear at the Court of ordinary for said county on the Brat Monday In December. 1W2, when said application for proba-e will be heard, Witness my hand and oOcial algnatnre, this Srd day ot November, lSuC. THOS M. ALLEN, Ordinary. A PPLICATION A TWELVE 1 MONTHS SUPPORT, G EORGl a-Sumteii county. Wnereas, Laura Drown, having made ap- R Ucatlon for twelve month, support out of te estate of Peter Brown, ana appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same hav ing Bled their returns These are therefoie to cite and admonish all peraons concerned, whether kindred or creditor!, to show cause on or before the December term of the Court of Ordinary to be held onlhe Brat Monday In December, 1M2, whysald petition should not be granted as prayed for. Witness my hsnd ana official signature, this the Srd day of November,tMe. THOA M ALLEN, Ordinary. PENNSYLVANIA PURE RYE EIGHT YEARS OLD OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS POUR PULL QUART8 OP THIS PINE OLD PURE R?J6. EXPRESS PREPAID. $3*50, with no marks to Indicate contents. When you receive It and test It, if It is not satlsfac lory, return It st our expense and we will re turn your B.M. We guarantee this Brand to he eight yeers old. Eight bottles for M.M express prepaid; 1! botUcs for W.60 express prepaid; 1 gallon jng, express prepaid. 13.00; 1 gallon tug, express prepaid, SB.M. No charges for Boxing. We nandle all tne leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the market, and will aave von M per cent on vonr purchases uuart Kentnck Star Bonrhon OS : Clkr'ifce Bonrhon <0 Coon Hollow Bourbon. 45 Mellwocd Port Rye M Monogram Rye M McHrayerRye SO Baker's A AAA SS o. o. P. (Old Oscar Pepper).. 86 Old Crow ..77..... 76 Pinches' Golden Wsddtnf.... 240 160 271 BOND-HAY TREATY. Provide* For Reciprocity Between the United States and Newfoundland I Washington, Nov. 8.—Secretary Day | for the United States an-J Sir Michael Herbert representing the British gov ernment of Newfoundland today al tho state department signed what 1j known as the Boud-Hay treaty provid ing for reciprocity between the Unit ed States and Newfoundland, covering fish products and bait. The treaty will be submitted te tho senate immediately on Us re-assem- bllng and meanwhile, following the rule In such cases, the state depart ment refrains from making public tbe details of. the Instrument. Knoxville 8hort on Coal. Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 8.—On ac count of insufficient coal supply this city was partially In darkness last Bight for little more than an hour. The street lights were cut out and resi dence lights algo cut off la several Mo tions of the city. Tho trotyls was the lack of coal at the power house of the Knoxville Electrlo Light and Pour, er company. A car or coal was final ly procured in the railroad yards. Other enterprises have complained of inability to get coal GOLDEN AGE PURE OLD LINCOLN CO. WHISKEY LtfE, THE DISTILLERS, enanntM thus. good, to b. t pur. and 7 yean old. Non.«r at any price. We I will ihtpln plain boxe. to lany sddreea, express pre- 1 paid *1 tbe following dls- J tiller’s prices: 0 Full BotttOS,*3.40 IIO Full Bottles, 6.00 112 Full Bottles, 7.00 110 Full Bottles, 9.70 Yon, money back If not sa Irepmsonted. A sample K Iptnt by szpru. prepaid, 2 for 50c in stamp* AMERICAN SUPPLY CO.. Oletlllere, * Haaphl* Tea* 400 Hoffman House Rye M Mount Vernon (B year. old).. 1 00 OldDtlllnger(10year. old)... I 26 The above are only a tew brand, of the many we carry In stock. Send for catalogue. All othergoode by the gallon, auch ea Corn Whiskey, Peach and Apple Brandies, etc u vv uavav/) AE«LU *UU Apple UIBUUiCS' ClLss •old equally ae low, from 11,26 gallon mg wards. We make a specialty of the jng trade and all orders by mall or telegraph will have onr prompt attcnUon. Special Inducements of. The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Co. ST’Malj oidera shipped eamtSday receipt order. 606s 608, S10,612 Fourth-gt. Near Onion F teenier Depot Phone 365. Macon, Georgia, Real Bargains. I have some real bargains in city property, both improved and va cant lots. Call carlygif yon would be benefltted. I have inquiry for two small farms of not over two hundred acres each, within fire miles of the city. By virtue of the provisions of the Will of S. M. Carter, for the purpose of paying the debts of his estate, we, the undersigned, will offer for sale before tbe court house door In said coun'y. on the first Tuesday In Decern* ber, next, within tbe legal hoars of sale the following described property, belonging to said estate, to-wlt: Lots SOI, 306, 800 3in, 8C9, 310, 3ll, 313,313, and part of lots 17 and the esst halt of lot 311 In the 16th district Also lots 4, 17, 18, and 200 acres of lot 1, and60 acres of lot ho. 3, In the S8th district Slid lands constituting the i lantetlon known as. theJarrett place, containing In the aggre gate 2,949 acres, more or les*. Terms cash, 8ALLIE R CARTER, W C GARTER, Executors of s. M. Carter, deceased. Administrator's Sale. Will be sold before tbe courthouse door in Amerlcus, Kumter county, Ga„ on the first Tuefday In December 1002, between the legal hours of sale the following described real estate belonging to tbe estate of Mattie Burke, late of Bibb county, Ga., deceased, to- wlt: A one fifth Interest In a tract of land located in Amerfeus, Sumter county. Ga., more particularly described as follows; Fourteen acres of land, more or less, bound ed bounded on the Lorth -by Dodson street: vs* nvuuwu “U arav nus asa -uj wmautl IhCCIi east bv Elm Avenue, west by Lee street, and Houtb t>v properly of A. M. Ledlie, and a lot of Mrs. C. G. Goodwyn, being al* of the forty- letretL on ana ick re* uperlor Id real the forty- seven lots, except lot No. 8 on Dodson street, as surveyed ami platted by Williamson and Karl, civil engineers, map of said track re corded In clerk's office. Sumter Superior court, in book "AFA." page 611. Said ri * estate Is to be sold for the purpose of pi ‘ the debts of said estate, and for dlstrlb among the htlrs. J. L ANDERSON, Ad'mr estate Mattie ft. Burke, deceased. A pplication LEAVE TO SELL GEORGIA—WRHN1 IK COOHTV. purpose of V. cj. Jones, deceased, .... of tiintribution. Said application will heard at the regular term of tbe Court of ( rdlnary for said county to be held on tbe first Mocday In December, 118 2. This Nov. APPLICATION [FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA—Swim COUNTT. To tbe Honorable Superior Court of said county. Tbe petition of W. C Cbencv. Geo. Wllkenon, Eva Neloma, Alline Ilumpbrev. Anna McGee, Frank Clara, Annie Humphrey ’ Harrold Clay, ilettle Dixon, Lem Humphrey James Ledbetter and Leslie Daills all of ;bn^»ng , , n a'L*. U ,i%i r .r P ' C,,a,,3r ,howi Paragraph No. I. That petitioners desire for themselves, successors ana asslgnes to be Incorporated under tbe name and style of Noah'sArk Society, Paragraph No. X Tbe term for which petitioners ask to be Incorporated, Is twenty years with the privilege of renewal at tbe end of that lime, shlng branch orders and societies throughout tbe state at any and all points deemed wise by tbe board of directors, or man’gersof said society. Paragraph Not. Tbe sole object of said Jcletv, Is fortbe mutual good and befieflt of all ftsmembers and thepromouon of fra ternity and benevolence Paragraph No, 6. Petitioners ask that they be empowered and granted authority to receive donations and gift*, make pur purensieq sales end .Sect alienation* of tbe County of Webster. Notice is hereby given that a bill will be Introduced at the next session of tbe Gene r- al Assembly ot Georgia to creates County Dispensary for the sale of all spirituous and malt liquors In tbe County of Webster ot said State, define Its powers snd liabilities and for other purposes, and to repeal all laws ol corporate or other powers confficUog there wlthT This Oct. 9th, 1*2, Looal Legislation. NoUce la hereby given that a bill will be Introduced at tbe neat session ot tbe legis lature enUtled an act to amend tbe charter ot the Cltv of Amerlcus, providing for the election of tbe police commissioners by tbe people, tasking tbe Mayor of Americas an exofflcio member of said board, and chair man thereof, to ax their terms odcrvlce, and tor other purpose,. Sept. 22,1903. BANNER 8A LVE tho meat heating salve In the world- J. B. FELDER, IBeallfiitate’Agent MONEY LOANED! Farm loans negotiated any where ia Southwest Georgia at low rates and on easy terms. Save money by see* ing me. Q. R.1ELLIS. Americas, Ga., saivs snu eucci enei realty and per-onalty, not for the purpose of tradeepd profit, but for tbe pomouon of tbe end to look after the grant end delegate, designated persons a their letal successors eucs corporate powen as may be suitable to tbe designs of eald society, and not Inconeietent with the laws of Georgia,norylolauve of private rights. Paragraph No. S. Petitioners ask to De em powered to elect a board of directors, trus tees or managers, with power to act tor said if: manager*, with power to act tor said ■octety aforesaid with power to execute con veyances, tales, purchase or alienations tn promoUonof the general deslgnsund fortbe welfare ot said society. Paragraph Na7. Petitioners desire to hare and use a common seal, to have pass words, signs and grips, to make a constitution and by-law in pemance thereto, to have power to enforce good order and decorum, Incase of ncccslty to have cower to expel members &1^ IS ^f^.L'y 1 ; t . h o C f Tad lU a U n t X 3 ,?n l - pleadea, to contract and to be contracted A With and to enjoy any and all other privi leges, powers authorities and Immunities common to similar corporations chartered under the liws of the Mate aforesaid. Wherefore petitioners, pray for themselves ard their legal successors to be made a body corporate and politic, with all tbe right.-, privileges, Immunities andjrcstrktlon^ Hied by lawln such cases, This, 1st day of On to r , 1202. ;;c. It. WINCHESTER, i c Petitioners Attorney.