Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, November 14, 1902, Image 8

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8 THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMKS--RECORDER: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1902. GEO 0. WHEATLEY.jGEO. D. WHEATLEY. The Advertising Story. Not always the same story by any means. Each week finds this space filled with bright.fresh,newsy notes concerning many lines of merchandise that you want to know about. You’ll get plain, reliable statements here as to the styles, the varieties, the prices. Then to use a popuiar slang phrase: “It’s up to you” to do the investigating. WANTED PRAYER FOR A RINGER I5c Huck Towels at 10c, 100 dozen nil linen Huck Towels nemmed and ready for use, worth 15c at 10c. 75c Mens' Shirts at 50. Mens' 3 ply linen bosom unlann- dred shirts reinforced back and front, the best 75c shirt made spe cial at 50c. Plaid Dress Goods. 10 pieces fancy Plaid Goods for childrens' dresses or ladies waists, regular price 20c, special at 124c Negro Convict Could Think of Noth ing Else. Judge Charles B. Crtsp, in the City luo lmle „ „ ecoruer Court, was up against a hard proposi- stated that the recent Kits Fair had AMERICUS ELKS ARE GRATEFUL, To Citlxens for Asslatance During Their Fair. SeveraNays ggo the Times Recorder Walking Skirts. A lucky purchase brings these skirts your way—about 150 iu the lot—made of best meltou cloth, perfect fitting, finished with slot seems and tailor stitch ing, all sizes in black, bine, gray and oxford, from $1.50 up to$5.00 Venetian Cloth. 52 inch all wool Venetian cloth all colors, worth £1.50,"special at !i8 cents. Table Damask.. 5 piecas Cream Satin Damask extra heavy quality, regular price 05e, special at 40c. Petticoat, $1.50 Zibelinesat $1.00. 5o pieces 5(1 inch all wool Zebi lines in blue, gray, and oxford, regular price $1.50 yard, special this week at $1.00. Childrens’ Goats. jChildrens’ Monto Carlo Coats, long or short styles plain or neatly trimmed with fancy braid; a” sizes, from $3.50 up to $0.00 each. Ladies mercerized Sateen Petti coats, 2 accordion pleated Ruffles heavy qualit}-, wor th £3.00. sne- cial atj£2.00. Blankets All wool 1} California Blankets delicate, pink, blue and red 1 .order very fine quality, heavy weight, regular price $7.50, special at $2.00. Comforts, Eiue French Siikoline Covered Comforts, fancy one or hotli sides, extra large size very fluffy and odorless, werth £3.00|for this week at $2.00 GEO. D. WHEATLEY LAMAR STREET AND COTTON AVENUE. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. r BBEICXiBS'.'S: m————I———I I F....CAUGHT WITH THE GOODS * WHAT ? * Why The Finest Line of Liquors Sold in the City. I _ ... WHERE? tion a day or two ago iu the persou cf a negro whom be was about to sentence to the chaineaug for the theft of a 55 shotgun. The negro was caught red handed, and the jury did thereat. Jndge Criep told the negro to eland up, and also make any statement he desired ere the sentence of the court was passed upon him. Cuff knew he was a gone coonekin. He turned the whites of his eyes at the coart aud then at the jury, but there was no hope. He had swiped thegnn, and he knew it. Bolling his eyes at the court he finally blurted out. "Jedge, I aint got nothin’ to say. Spose we 'gage in prayer." This was too mneb for the spectators, proved a financial as well as a great social snccess, though it was not known at that time to what exact amount the Liks stood to the good iu fostering their finances. It is now stated that the local lodge cleared something likeS'50. Since the close of the fair all indebt edness incurred has been settled, and tho treasury shows about *750 as pro ceeds of the fair, a resnlt truly gratify ing to the Elks aa well as their numer ous good friends. Yesterday the committee of arrange ments sent to the Time-Recorder the following card of thanks to the public, requesting its pnblicatijn. On behalf of Americns Lodge No. 752 B. P, O. Elks, we desire to express j T . * , V.. -L.I&F, we uesire 10 exnresi . “ „ Crisp was obliged to rap onr gratitude to tho oitizens of Ameri h,.» r< T. aeimriDg Mr - Rieger ens who so generonsly assisted ns dur while there were undoubtedly ing the carnival which has just closed times for DfAVpr. thin ppvIa.pI.. a mi._ l . times for prayer, this certainly was not one of the times. Startling, But True. "If every one kLew wnat a grand medicine Dr. King’s New Life Pills Is,” writes D. H. Tamer, Dempseytown, Pa„ "you’d sell all yon have in a day. Two weoks’ use has made snowman of me. 1 Infalliole for constipation, stomach and liyer troubles, 25c at the Eldridge Drug Stores. The Elks have given a most excellent line of attrsetions, all of which were olean and instructive, and we feel that tho show merited the patronage It re ceived. The card of thanks is signed by Messrs George H. Fields, H. S. Me- Cleskey, H.E. Allen, Walter K. Wheat- ley, E. D. Ansley and W. W. Dykes. SUNDRY NEEDFULS... r jpHE State Convention will be upon us now in a few days ar.d we just wish to remind you who are in need of anythin# in the way of House Furnishings that we are better than ever ; repared to serve you. We are showint? the largest and best line of Carpefs Mattings. R gs and -A > t Squares, Lace curtr’nsand Tapes try Portieres w h«W >Judes. Door Mats, Hassocks, etc. We are also prepared to show you the largest and best line of Table Dam tsks. Napkins, Towels, Counterpanes, bheets, Pillow Cities All at the most reasonable prices. Do not wait until the last minute to buy what you may need for entertaining your guests, but come at once while you have plenty of time to make your selections. THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is busy all the whiie now. You can come nearer finding- what you want here than in any Dress Goods stock in all Southern Georgia. Anything and everything that is new and up-to-date and always at the right prices. LADIES’ TAILOR-MADE SUITS ~ Aileeo Amid Flames. Breaking into a blazing home, some A PLEASANT TIME IS PROMISED I fl "“ en d ™ g 6ed‘ho sleeping In- I mates from death. Fancied security, and death near. It’s the way when yon neglect coughe and colda. Don’t do It. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption gives perfect protection a- gainst all Throat, Chest and Lang Trou bles. Keep it near, and avoid suffering death and dootor's bills. A teaspoonful stops a late ccujb, persistent nee the most stnbborn, Harmleis and nice tasting, it’s guaranteed tosatlsly by E. Guosts of Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Clay s House Party. Quite a party of yonng society peo ple left yesterday for Cobb, where they will be the gnests of Capt. and Mrs. O. C. Clay for several days at • delightful house party. Among those attending woro Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrold and Mrs. Harrold’s fair yisi narrold and Mrs. Harrold’s fair visi- *’ " satiety Dy is. tors, Misses Hillyer and Morris of At- J ’ EIdtidge Drng s,orM * Price 50oand Inn!. Min. * $1.00. Trial bottles free. lanta, Miss Mnnford, of Cartersville, Miss Walker of Monroe and Miss Elizabeth (Harrold. The yonng men are Messrs Bobert E. Lee, M. 8. Har per, John C. Wheatley, John Connell, Edward -Harrold. Boyal entertain ment will bo theirs in this hospitable home and tho house party will prove a very delightful occasion. 81.00. Trial bottles free. NO STRENGTH IN THE MARKET Cotton Contlnuos to Decline and End Not Yet. There was no change yesterday in the eondition of tho cotton market, exoept that it improved a few points Cured of Piles After 40 Years I just before the olose. The continued Mr. C. Hanoy, of Geneva. Ohio had ttn<Uair woather thron « hout ‘be the piles for forty years. Doctora aud C3tt0u r f gl0 “ 18 matnnng “ (treat top dollars could do hUn no lasting good " op and estimates are being greatly DeWltt’s Witch Huzel Srlvo cured him k ° r ° P .° f "’P 09 ’ 000 bales permanently. Invaluable for ^ ald n0 ‘ ba aa r P r.amg, from the on^ burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations’ ?a * p f esent ’ E ven in tho vicinity eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other °* £ mericn *’ ? n m “ D T Plantations, skin diseases. Look for the name Da- P 18 Bt ' 11 actlve Progress. Bo- I oeipts here at the warehouses continue Witt on tho package—all others aro obeap, worthless counterfeits. W. A. BemberL MARRIAGE ON SUNDAY EVENING good for the season, the total aggre | gating 24,000 bales to date. Bayers ore paying top-level prices, whiob is about 7J cents for the better grades. - CrMBmli’ ¥v.. J ; arr®®* 11-8 at the old iiagley corner. Onr Nount Vernon, Brands. er ’ ° W 1 orre,lcr “id E unltr always please, Then there are other Best Goods^at Bar and to The Trade. r want the Jl'GlTKADK. For floe rends our prices are the lowest and alllordera are sent out Dy first train. Try us, we will please you. 'Phonej260.'; E. J. McGEHEE. : WHEN YOU DRINK Miss Bolton and Mr. Sims Will Be United Then. Aunonneomont is mado of the ap- prooohmg marriage of Miss Bee Ama Bolton and Mr, Beese John 81ms, which will oeour on Bnnday next at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johnson, near Ameriens. Both Mr! Sims and Miss Bolton have many |/J friends in Amotions and Samter among whom the annonnoement of their approaohing marriage will be subject of mnoh interest Let it Be the Best. j The Purest and Best Beer 1 • • 8omd Kidneys—Perfect Health. The nse of Smith’s Sure Kidney dure ! will produce both, Try a bottle and be convinced, Your druggist sells it for 50 cents. on the Market Today Brewed by | Acme Brewing Company, j • For a Neirfne, Di.‘nk Their Malt Tonic. I SHERLOCK & CO., Agents . COTTON MARKET REPORT. Ameriens, Oa., Nov. 12.— Bcceipts today atlooal warehouses. 228 bales. Bccoived previously 23,814 Total receipts to date... .24,042bales Tbelooal market is quoted as follows: Good Middling Middling .7.7} @ 7} Now York.INov, 12.— Futures , closod firm: Nov. 8.02, Deo. 8.03, Jan. 8 08 Ma-ch 8.00, May 8.04. ’Phone 32. For Sale. Lands, Stores, Dwellings. FlreJIusurance by M. CALLAWAY, Americus Ga. ACQUITTED BELL OF LARCENY Young Man is Cleared of Serious Cliargo. In the city court yesterday Mr. B L. Bell, a yonng man charged with larceny from the honse k was readily acquitted when his case was taken np. Mr, Bell was defended by Messrs. G. B. Ellis and T. F. Callaway, the latter making bis maiden epeeoh as an at torney and acquitting himself most creditably as well as aiding in acqnit- ting Lis client. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, js ^ureaCHpinTwoDayv^^^^^ This signature, vP /aXsyr on every 'yrmn** box. 25c. | Advice to the Age brings Infirmities, Iwn ns sing. Kish bowels, weak kidneys and blad. dcr and TORPID LIVER. Ms Pills have a specific effect on these organs, —* A. h •’owels, causing them tay^ulhTnd natura, ' unctlons as IMPARTING VIGOR —. to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER. They are adapted to old and young. J. C. BUCHANAN DIED TUESDAY Have grown to be quite an important factor in our business here. It is so easy for a lady to come m and get what she wants in the way of a dress that is ready-to- wear the minute she wants It- There Is no guess work about how it is going to[fit and look as there is in buying the material and having it made. We say without question we are showing thelhandsom- est suits tor $10, $12f4 and $15 that are to be found any where. At $17.50, $20 and $25 our suits[aie simply unmatch ed. The styles are right, the make is right, the material is right. You wil] feel RIGHT If when you are ready for a suit you will come and look them over. The rush on Jackets and Skirts continues. The great est business we have ever done. The reason for this is we have the stock to show in the greatest variety ever before. The gords are made up right and the prices please. The New Monte Carlo Jackets, as well as the half-tight fitting are having a great run. Our pi.ces all range from $5 and upwards to $20. Walking Skirts, made up in the largest variety of ma terial ar.d styles Prices ranging from $3.60 to $15. The best line of Misses’ and Children’s wraps we have ever carried. We are Sole Agents here lor: Ziegler's Ladies’ and Childrens Seoes. "Queen Quality” Ladies Shoes. Hanan & Son’s Men’s $5.00 Shoes. Crossetts $3.50 Men’s Shoes. Hawes’ $3.00 Men’s Hats. ‘ Eclipse’’ Famous $1.00 Shirts. “Clementina” Renowned Kid Gloves. Wellknown Resident of Sumter Has Pasted Away. Tho funeral servlcoa of Mr, J. C. Buchanan, who died Tuesday evening at his homn west of Americas, occur red yesterday morning at Concord chnrob, condnoted by Bov. A. Kirkland, of this oity. Mr. Bnohanan was a well- known and highly cstoomed oitizen of Samter and the connty sustains a loss in bis death. He is snrvived by a de voted wife and several children, be sides two brothers, Messrs A. W. and Joseph Bnchanan. Many Borrowing friends attended tho fnneral yesterday. DR. ALEXANDER’S CHILL TONIC A positive, permanent, and safe cure for Malaria, Chills and Fever. Contains no poison. The best Tonic, Anti-Periodic, Appetizer, and Strength- ener for pale, sickly females and children known. Brings the glow to faded cheeks; makes weak children fat and hearty. Tablet form; tasteless; easy to take. Price 50 cts. Trial Size, 25 cts. Dr. Alexander*. Liver Kegulatorcnre* Bilious, ness, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Sick Headache Price 26 Cents. For isle bj Sent by mall-on t receipt oi price, by E. Eldndgo sole agent/Amcrtcus, Ga Hot Chocolate, Tomato, Beef, Clam, Celery and many otbera at Beuheut's Dbi-o Stobe. It is not enough to ran, one most ■tart in time. —French proverb. The foola’ paradise laeka a lot of be ing eternal. “If you wont to know what smartly dressed men will wear this soaton, ask to seo Foohholmor-Flehol Smart Clothes.” What more can you possibly desire in clothes than to have them made from thoroughly tested fashionable fabrics— have them tailored In the best possible manner—have them fit satisfactorily, and have them make you appear a thoroughly well dressed man? Thai s the sort that Feclihelmor-Fishol Co. Roady-to-Woar Smart Clothos Aro. You’ll find the label on the inside pocket of every coat. It means more to you than a label of the most fashionable • custom tailor in this country; because, it stands for clothes as good as can be made, though the price is less than half what the custom tailor would charge. - Fcchheimer-Fishel Smart Suits and Overcoats, FROM $10.00 UPWARDS. \e Prmcetdn'f DEPARTMENT store