Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, November 21, 1902, Image 8

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2!, 1902. The Best of All Good things are good so far as they do good. This axiom applies with force to the plain goodness of Uneeda Biscuit. They're good because they taste good and do good. Uneeda Biscuit are good for the grown man as well as the boy—as good for the baby as the mother. Are not only good, but keep good. You can always depend on them. That’s against your biscuit experience—and yon can’t understand it until you examine the In-er-seal Package in which they are always sold. MOTLEY SWIPED MANY WHEELS. RUNS AHEAD OF LAST SEASON jyj|^ TO MAKE A START. Negro Sneak Thief Is Taken In the Amerlcus Gets Mo.o Cotton Than Tolls. The captnre by Sheriff Bell and Marshal Feagin yesterday of a negro, Charles Motley, will probably pnt an end to the wholesale theft of bioyolea fn Americas, as Motley may remain in the coop for some time. And with the arrest of Motley at least two fine wheels reeently stolen have been recovered. The latest viotim of the bold wheel snatcher was Mr. Frank MoLanghlin, who reported yesterday the theft of a fine wheel taken from the front of bis xcsidenoe on Taylor street. In rnnning this to eover the officers arrested Motley and fonnd also a wheel stolen from Sherlock & Co. yes terday morning. The fine wheel of Mr. Ed Gyles, worth $75 or 8100, was likewise fonnd where Motley had sold it reeently. He had made a "sacrifice sale" of this bicycle for six dollars. A dozen bicyoleshave been stolen in Americas recently, and in the capture of Motley the officers hope to recover many of them and have already made a good start. LOCAL TAXATION FOR SCHOOLS Measure In Senate Meots With Much Favor. A bill introdneed in the Senate by Senator MoMichael allowing counties and connty districts to impose ia local tax for publlo schools la meeting with favor. The bill allows a .county or district in a county to impose a tax for echool purposes. The bill is now be fore the committee on constitutional amendments. It haB been favorably recommended by the educational corn- committee. For the measure to be come a law it will be necessary for it to get a two-third’s vote of the house and senate and the people of the state .will then vote on the measure. If majority of the voters of the state are in favor of the proposed legislation it will become a law. PRESENTED A HANDSOME RIG. A Valuable Gift Which Is Highly Ap preciated. When Capt. 0. 0. Bheppard drove home from Amerlous yeiterday be was seated In a handsome new bnggy pre sented him by Judge and Mrs. R. L. Maynard. Gapt. Sheppard was about to buy a new buggy yesterday to take the place of one in use for many years. This faot was anticipated by his daugh ter, Mrs. Maynard, and the Judge, and when Ospt. Sheppard arrived at their home for dinner yesterday the new buggy awaited him there, a pleasant surprise and very aoeeptable gift. "SHOOFLY” TO ARRIVE EARLIER. Change In Schedule Is Effective Noxt Sunday. Beginning [Sunday next, the Sea board’s shoofly train will reach Ameri cas from the East a bait hour earlier, arriving at 7.87 instead -of 8.03 as at present. The parlor car servioe on the through trains. Savour ah to Mont gomery, will be put on Sunday next for the winter season. Last Yoar. The cotton warehouses in Americas have received a total of 25,004 bales wagon cotton to date. This the total as given in dally to the Times-Recorder bv the warehouse scalesmen, and the figures are correct and make a good showing for Americas. Despite the prospeot of a poor crop several weeks ago, the orop here turning out pretty well. This haB been duo to favorable weather, which permitted the top crop to mature and has thus added consid erably to the general output of bales. But this top crop is now about ex hausted. Yesterday’s rain will put an ond to picking for some time, while the chance is favorable for the bolls not yet ma tured to be oaught by a freeze. But the farmers have gathered mnoh more cotton than they txpeoted, and upon the whole are satisfied with the crop yield. And Americas is 5,000 bales ahead of receipts at this date last year. Up to Nov. 18 the last season oar total warehonso receipts were 30,000 bales, even, as against 25,000 received this season up to last night. And the staple bringB more money. On this date last season middling cotton sold for 7 cents, as against 7} to 7jj oents paid now. With an additional 5,000 bales, and a better prioe this year, it would seem that wo were more prosperous. Asleep Amid Flames. Breaking into a blazing borne, some firemen lately dragged the sleeping In mates from death. Fanoled security, and death near. It’s the way when you nogleot coughs and colds. Don’t do it. Dr. King’s New Dlseovery for Con sumption givea pet feet protection gainst all Throat, Chest and Lung Trou bles. Keep It near, and avoid auflering doath and dootor’a bills, A teaspoonful stops a late cougb, persistent use the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, It’s guaranteed to satisfy by E. J. Eldrldge Drug Stores. Price 50o and 81,00. Trial bottles free. AMERICUS BILL IN COMMITTEE. Vote Favoring This Measure Was Unanimous. The bill to amend the eharter of the oity of Americas, relative to the man ner of eleoting polloe commissioners, and before the Corporations Committee reoantly, will go to the House with a favorable recommendation. A tele gram from Atlanta yosterday announo- ei that the oommittee vote was unani mous in favor of the bill. The meas ure will be brought up in .the House by Beprcsentative Hixon in a few days. Men who are long on word are apt to be abort on deeds. For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad oold you need a giod reliable medicine like Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy to loosen and re lieve it, and to allay the Irritation and Inflammation of the throat and lungs. For sale by all druggists. Splendid chanoe for men to learn barber trade. Growing demand for school graduates. Time saved by steady praotice, qualified teaohers, took presented, positions numerous. Write nearest branch. St. Louis, Mo, or New Orleans, La. Big Plant Here is About Completed. OPERATIONS TO BEGIN SHORTLY Immense Main Building is Finished and a Start Will Be Made Deo. 1st. Plant One of Largest and Most Com plete in South. Within a few days another whistle will be added to the chorus that sounds daily the prosperity of Americas ia a manufacturing and industrial way, ponderous machinery will turn, and a half hundred more people here will be given employment. This is the splendid new plrntof the Virgima-Carolina Chemical Co. one of the largest in the state and best equipped in every way. The finishing touches are being put oa oat at tthe plant, and within two weeks it is expected that a start in the manufacture of high grade fertilizer will be made. The main building was completed yesterday, the machinery placed and all is now in readiness, Only a few minor details remain to be looked after, A complete description of this new and valuable industry was given by the Times-Recorder a short time einoe, It is one of the best owned by the Vir ginia-Osrolina Chemical Co. Admirably located upon a roomy traot of 100 acres, and representing an investment, when complete, of 8150,U00 this plant promises muoh for Amerious and this seotion in an industrial way. It is equipped with the best machinery used in this business. Manager Norman T. Pike has given it his personal supervision since the first brick was laid, and the buildings are substantial withal and excellent in construction. The .main .building is the largost structure in southwestern Georgia. The aoid plant will not be flnishod until early spring next year, but this faot will not operate against the menu faoturo of fertilizers in the interim, as a supply of aoid can be obtained else where for the present. The acid chamber will be an immense structure. The Americas plant will have an annual output of 30,000 tons of ferti lizer, ond will give employment to large force here. 515 VOTERS ON LIST AND MOREJO GOME Many Register For Primary Next Week. CAMPAIGN GROWS IN INTEREST. Already Registration Is Large and Will Easily Exceed 600—Only White Democrats Can Vote Next Tuesday the Date of Primary. The primary election next Tuesday, 35th. is now the question of absorbing interest, wellnighcqnalling that which attachea to the big Baptist meeting here this week. And this interest will be intensified until, the votes are all counted and the resalt annoanced. Barely has Americas manifested more interest in an election. This time a mayor, oity clerk ond half the aldermonio board are to be elected, [and the rivalry for those offices among a dozen aspirants keeps interest from flagging. The friends of Messrs. J. B. Felder and E. A. Hawkins, candidates for the mayoralty, are at work day and night poring over the registration list and mentally calonlating the result. And b)th of these gentlemen are sanguine of success next Tnesday, In the meantime the candidates for oity olerk are wide awake. Mosers. John M. MoGarrab, Theron Hawkea and E. J. MoMath have an eye npon this jniey plum and will strive to catoh it when the voters shake the tree next Tuesday, 35th. And anyone who thinks the seven •ldermanio aspirants sleep daring the day are wide of the mark. Hugh L, Mize, Elton C. Parker, Elmo Pool e B. Everette, J. A. Pinkston, Lynn Fort and G. T, Sullivan are perfeotly willing to thns serve the people snd oity. And in the meanwhile the dilatory voter is getting on the list. Up to the hour of noon yesterday 015 voters had registered, and it ia general- believed that the total will exeeed COO by Monday next. To register, one mnBt be a resident of the oity for thir- doys and of the connty six months, and paid last year’s taxes. The result of the primary next Tues day is a matter of speculation only. Startling, But True. "If every one knew what a grand medloine Dr. King’a New Life Pills la, 1 writes D. H. Turner, Dempaeytown, Pa„ "you’d aell all you have In a day. Two wreka’ use baa made a new man of me.” Infallible for constipation, stomach and llyrr troubles, 25c at the Eldrldge Drug Stores. Ealetou’s barley, oats and breakfast food at Callaway’s, freah and fine. 11 14 lw To Cure a Cold in One Day I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, [ Cures Crip to Two Days. This Signature, ^ on every box. 25c. Cured of Files After 40 Yeais Mr. C. Hanoy, of Geneva, Ohio, bad the piles for forty yeaie. Doctors aud dollars could do him no lasting good. DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Stive oared him permanently. Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, laoerations, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases. Look for tho name De- Wltt on .the package—all other* ere ohoap, worthier a counterfeits, W. A. Rembert, A MINISTER AT TWO WEDDINGS. Rev. Hawkea Thus Offlcitaed Last Sunday. It ia seldom that it falls to the lot of a minister to be present at two wed dings the same day, bat saoh was the good fortune of Bev. A. B. Hawkea on last Bunday. On that morning Mr. BeesoSims and Mtss Bee Johnson were united in the holy state of matrimony at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Johnson, near Leslie, many relatives being present And in the afternoon of the same day Mr. A. E. Perry and Miss Leola Frazier were married. Thia last wedding was planned as surprise and only a few relatives and friends were the fortunate ones in wit nessing it. May both of these yonug couples have a happy journey th.ongh life. Three Days More And the Georgia Baptist Convention will be with us. We cordially invite all entertainers of delegates to allow us to show them the extraordinary inducements we offer in the way of HOUSEHOLD NEEDFULS and most every family entertaining delegates will need some items. Read this list below, then come and see for yourselves. Our 12#c Linen Huck Towels, this week at loc Our i5c special values in towels this week at i2|c. Our extra fine 20c towels this week at 15c. Our 25c. special high grade towels this week $2.5o per dozen. The extra super fine Damask and Huck towels, our 35c grade this week at 25c each, $3 per dozen. In Table Damasks We Offer the Following: Magnificent line extra wide bleached satin Damask 65c quality this week at 5OC per yard. Our 75c Table Damasks this week at 621c per yard. Our 90c Table Damasks 7sc per yard. Our $126 Table Damasks this week at 98c per yard. The Following Specials in Napkins. One lot Check Glass Linen Napkins 26c dozen. 76c all linen Napkins this week at 5oc dozen, Our $1 Napkins this week 85c dozen. Our extra large $1.26 Napkins this week at 98c per dozen. Onr $2 Napkins at $1,60 dozen. Our $2 50 Napkins this week at $1.98 per dozen, All high grade Napkins as well as Table Damasks re* dneeded in propotion. Sheets and Pillow Gases. We carry a large line of ready made Sheets and Pillow cases made of the same material which we have in stock by the yard, and are ready for use the ninnte you want them. This week we offer the following; Ready made Pillow cases, good sizes, well made, loc l2jc 15c 17Jc and2oc each. Ready made sheets, bleached and of excellent material, 50c 59c 65c 7sc. 10 quarter Sheetings by the yard, 15c 19c 22'c and 2sc. Bed Spreads. We offer this week our $1 grade, large, size, splendid qnality Counterpanes 89 cents. Onr $1,60 extra high grade Counterpanes this week at 98 cents. Our $2.50 Marseilles Spreads this week at $1,79. All higher grade Spreads reduced proportionately, lankets and Comfortables. AMERICUS WILL OBSERVE DAY Thankful Citizen* Will Celebrate as Usual. Americas people will, as usual, ob serve Thanksgiving Day, the 37. Inat. by a general suspension of business and in a manner fitting this occasion of thanksgiving. Byoommon consent the many bnsiness honsea here, pnblio buildings, depots, cotton warehonaea, 'banks and poatoffioe will bo closed daring the day. Amerlcus has much to be tbankfal for and will very ap- propriately observe the occasion. Ae asaal a nnmbcr of hnnting parties will apend the day afield, making It on- oimf or table for Bob White and Mollie Haie.l Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health- The Use of Smith’* Bare Kidney Core will produce both, Try a bottle and be convinced, Yonr druggist sells it for 50 cents. We carry a very large line of Blankets and Comforta bles from the cheapest to as fine as you would care for. Dur ing this week we will make special prices on everything In Blankets and Comfortables. This is to remind you that if yon need them we have them. Carpets and Mattings. We have the most desirable stock of Carpets, Mattings and Rags we have ever carried. We offer this week special values on Ingrain Carpets 36c 60c 59c and 65c. We offer one line Brussels Carpets, slightly damaged by water formerly sold at $1 at 65c per yard. Magnlfieent line oi Brussels and Velvets 75c to $i,50 per yard. Ia Mattings we can give you good values for 16c and 20c per yard. At 25c 30c and 35c we have a fine line of Mattings new patterns and designs and which we can recommend for good wear and good service. ALL PRICES QUOTED ARE FOR SPOT CASH ONLY. Remember we are head-quartets for Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Jackets, Dress Goods of all kinds, Men’s and Children’s Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods, as well as Notions and Dry Goods of all kinds.