Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, November 28, 1902, Image 5

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    ... imrii!A ttaoM,
Boiled Down to Four Lines
and Bunched
Busy Session Is Entered On
able charge was delivered.
Dodson's Pharmacy.
"Meet Me at Dodson's."
Sachet {Powders.
Happonlngsln Tho City and Suburb* . . ,,
of Looal Interest to Bo Poruiod at ** <# Llttl ® )ohn to Grand Jury-
- - 1 Pronounced One of Finest Ever
Leisure While Your Coffee Is Slowly
Hoard Here.-F.W. Griffin Is Fore-
man—Court Proceeds.
Have you deep the beautiful assort
ment of piolures displayed at U H
A raid of the hunters will be made - „„
today, and Bob White and Mollie dockets are full. There wern a la«e
Hare will have very little cause for number of citizens in attendance at
thanksgiving, the opening, jurors, lawyers, htigants
| and witnesses, nod every available
The fall term of Sumter superior
court oonveued yesterday morning,
and the sesaion of perhaps three weeks
promisee to he a bnsy one as both
The sunshine came again yesterday, aad -
iut it did’nt fled | seat was occupied when Sheriff Bell
lludnut’8 Famous Sachet Powd
ers, in the following odors: violet,
helitrope, sandal wood 50c oz.
Lazell’s Sachet Powder, violet,
rose, Lilac, 10c package.
Primary Was the Closest In
Many Years.
Godot Waters.
Roger d Gallet’s Violet De Palme
Toilet Water, 81.00.
Hudnut’s Violet
Water, 76c.
Sec, Toilet
Lazell’s Carnation Pink Toilet
Water 50c and 81.00,
but it did’nt find lodgement in the I wuen i
heart of the fellow who bet his wad on f0r T m * lly opene<1 ,tl9 ooun.
■ Judge Littlejohn occupied his ao-
the losing ticket. .
. ., , customed seat upon the bench, while
A cold wave of goodly proportions Solieitor Hooper, Oouoty Solioitor
’GoHot Soaps.
Roger & Gallet’s violet soap 26c.
Genuine White Imported Castile
Pinkston, Poole, and Sullivan Load In I
Aldermanlo Raoo, While MoGarrah
Geta Clerkship-A Closo Raoo With)
Not a Few Surprises.
Kept Fresh
got here yesterday. Some of the re- Ansiey, Sheriff Bell, Deputy Gate- Genuine Whiti
cent candidates think it arrived abou wood, Clerks Chambliss and Gate. Soa P 5c an(110c -
Tin. m. fin Tnoiilan I *«—».i ,l . I -
Imperial Roman Hyacutor Soap,
Op. m. on Tuesday.
The cotton market made another
jump yesterday. Having “froze out”
the little speculators, the bears will
let the market advanoe.
W TheRrandaEd 0l tr Pl * C0B ’ • • | , ««nnyacutor soap,
oumu™! ^ T ,# jar,es w H tho Quality and Oder as good as 25c
-iniekly organized and .worn in. a cake soap, at 25c a box of three
The grand jury for this term is on cakes,
exceptionally able body, and is mndo
Theoityelect i onwillringdown,he|e“Dz B n.: ,ll0 ,0 " 0W ‘ Dg ““"I >
nave had n C d'! aia ^ A - ^d.on.LeeO. Childers, L. D. Jdlao/( ‘ n £? HJmshoS.
wilLwelcomMhia 8 finikin' 08 ' “““ J ° U “ *’ Frank Sheffield, Good Blacking Brush with dow
fln I A. F. Hodges, T. B. Hooks. T. J. her attached, 25c.
Not in years hts Americas enter-1 ^I°rgsu, B. B. Godwin, Frank Lanier,
taineda more distinguished body of °» L’. Sheppard Jr., j. a. Stephens,
visitors than are those in attendsnee J ; F - Bolton, W. A. Webb, J, G. Har-
u pon the State Convention. rison, L. A. Morgan, John L. Pen
The little cotton remaining in the g^ 0 ”’?: H ’ “ ie *’ *• W ’ Griffln -
flelda will be picked ont this week and j n’’m‘. l "* 5 '’ A ‘ '
next. Amerious has 28,000 bales, and J -°- McArthur,
will get several thousand yet. lh ® Bt ?“ djnr * «K»uized by eleot-
*ng Mr. lleteier W. Griffin foreman.
Twelve candidates for office will feel After this preliminary Jndge Little-
better whon today’s sun sets. Five john prooeeded to instruct the grand
will feel better than the other seven, jury upon the duties of that body, sad
Six-row black bristle brash, 25c.
Good Dowber 10c.
T. M. Blacking 5c and 10c.
Whitmore Shoe Polish 10c or 3
boxes 25c.
... .211
Unooda Biscuit are delivered to the con*
sumer in the wonderful moisture and dust
proof covering known as the,In-tr-seal Pack-
a f> e - They are as fresh and crisp and clean
as though.just from the oven.
are splendid for general use. A satisfactory
everyday food for everybody. Serve with
every meal. Give them to the children in*
stead of cakes. Only 5 cents a package.
A ’uminau Barker Comb, 8 inches
but the “agony” will be over. I Hs cha ge, requiring one and a' half 115o.
Christmas is jnst one month off hoat8 in its delivery, was the ablest princess Toilet—coarso 7/ic
from yesterday. It will not seem long, “orrd here in yeare. ““ ,, f “ “"** „ 7Cc ’
and old Santa and the sleigh will be Judge Littlejohn tooohed upon the L . u i )re ^Kiable Hard Rubber Comb
1 we know it. vrriou* sections of the o-iminal code, S lnches ,ou & 35c *
as the law requires, as well as the gen-1
The visiting delegates aro dno Far- oral investigation of affairs,
mer Hugh Speer a vote of thanks for a Judge Littlejohn was very earnest tn
big barrel of cane juice, whieh he sent the delivery of this charge, which
*u .1 .... .. .. made a deep impression upon the jury
I as well ss upon tho large assemblage.
The court then prooeeded with civil
I business, and daring the day a large
the meeting with his compliments.
Jta/r brushes.
Tint’s Pills
Flounce Composition Brush, 25c.
Good hard wood back Brush, 60c.
Solid back imported brashes,
9ffcctuaii U, cunT medy ncvcr t°
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
And ALL DISEASES arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
The natural result Is good oppetltc
and solid flesh. Dose small; elegant
ly sugar coated and easy to swallow.
Take No Substitute.*
Shekels and Hats by Dozen Won ns
The bank aecounts of not a few olli-
zeus of Amerious were increased or di-
mlnshed yesterday ai they won or lost
on the primary. Ona citizen is said
to bo out a goodly number of hundreds
peeled from hia plothorio roll, while
others pooled issues to the tune of 1
cool thousand, according to street re
ports. Hats by the doxen were wager-
ed, end many citizens are thankful to
day for new,tiles.
Rheumatism Cured In S« noun
T. J. Blsokmors, of Hallor * Blaek
more, Plttburg, Pa., says: “A short
Urns sines I proourod a bottle of MYS
TIC GURU. It got me out the house
In twenty-four hours. I took my bed
with BbeumatUm nine months ago and
tho MYSTIC CURB Is the only medi
cine that did me any good. I had
***“' ‘ ‘ ilt
—- — - — — —. I,—, m. —J five
of the best physicians In the city, but I
received very little relief from them. I
know the MYSTIC OURS to be what
it is representd and take pleasure In
reo^mmendlng It to other poor suffer-
eis. Sold by E. J, Eldridgo, Druggist,
s, Ga.
Young Couple From Country United
Miss Emma 8mith and Mr. H. V.
McOrei, residing in Snmter county
near Plains, were nnited in marriage
at noon yesterday. The young couple
eame in on the 13:45 Seaboard train,
and driving to the courthouse were
united in marriage by Justice Graham
in his pffios. They left for home on
the 8:10 p. m. train.
. - - — --- - —0-1 impuiicu urusiies,
number of cases were disposed of of best grade of bristles and largo
either by non salts, consent verdiets I assortment of designs, .25c, 81 00
or jury trial. All of this woek, and $1.25, 81.50. * ’
perhaps next week as well, will be
taken ap in disposing of civil basinoss 1
of whatever kind. Gooth {PrUS/lOS.
The case of Monroe Adams, murder, I
may be among the first beard in the I Dupont’s four-row tooth brashes
eriminal branch of oonrt. 125c.
English tooth brashes—the brist-
I els are frsten in the brash with
Stepped Agilnst a Hot 8toye,
A child of Mrs, Geo. T. Benson, when I silver wire and we guarantee them
getting his usual Salt’ d-yr’ght bath, I to hold, 50c.
stepped back bt 'nU a hot atove whloh I — , ...... . .
burned b'm sevfre’y. The child waa in | I ropholnctic tooth brushes, 35c.
great agony snd his mother eonld do
o'sesxxia a «“■— »■>
Pain B'm In tbe house, abo thought I . _ _ l .
•be world . j it. In leaa than half an I Fniltlt#)in Ppnc . “owing. WW* one of tho largest
hour after applying it tb. child was rUUnidlll rBHS. I elephants in this oountry, and whloh
quirt rid r 'eep, nd In lets than two We have the agency for these ***
weeks wsv well. Mrs. Benson Isa we’< celebrated Fountain Pens and kUled his keeperthsMSafmdtv^^laht’
knosn r.’.d, t «, k.„„, P ’n|guarantee them. Fine, coarse and ffiUSS^. howC jtmK
Saeb was the result of Tuesday’s
prims y for mayor of Amerious, eity
olerk snd three aldermen, snd thus
ends the most spirited municipal cam.
psign that Amerioos has witnessed in
years end one in whieh the result wc i
fall of surprises for some of the osndi.
dates and their friends.
Bat figures dont lie, and here are
the figures as announced.
Col. Eugene a. Hawkins is nomi
nsted for mayor, defeating V ;yor Fol
dare by a rather close vote. Bothdls
played strength in the campaign, snd
the eleotlon of either would have
caused no surprise.
The three candidates for eity clerk
People Who Came or Went
Aivay Yesterday
Your Own Name or That of a Friend
May Be Found Below In The Long
List of Yesterday's Visitors Whe
Came Here.
and the seven aldermanio aspirants reooivsd: Fresh s dpme’it cf
made a hot race, and not until tho l..t Ctaalea »* Hudson’s drug
made a hot raoe, and not until the last Bto , e _
batch of tickets ware counted would „ _ _
the nnsnccessfal one. Believe that fate L the guest o? Mc^Tm.'’
was against them and the other fellow Ohurch street
.winner But figure, don’t He. snd Mis. • J.nle Spence, of Osmilla. Is.
here re the figures. fair visitor in Amerious this week, tbs
And so ended the tightest rtee that guest of friends.
was ever run in Ameriens,
Mr. W. J. Hill, a prominent citizen
of Oobb, Os. was among other visitors
If yon are billions ssd r - Mng advlr- 1° ibis city yesterday,
Another Large Retail Grooery StoreV/!
Ameriens is to have, atonoe, another
large retail grooery store, and one of
the handsomest buildings in the city,
dosed for some time, will thus he oc
cupied. It is understood that Mr. J.
L. Sparks, whoreeently came to Ameri
ca* from North Carolina, will, Iannah
this latest enterprise, oconpying v tbe
former E. D. Analey store In tho Bar-
low block. Mr. Sparks, it is said, will
oonduot a large and first class egUbf
lishment, snd, no doubt, will conjnjand
a fine trade. The new business will be
opened on Monday next, December 1st*
or as soon thereafter as praotioable., ,
Luck In Thirteen.
By sending 18 miles Wm. Splrey, of
Wallaoe Furnace, Vt., got a t <x of
Buekten’s Arnloi Salve, that wholly
eared a horrible Fever Sore on his leg.
Nothing else could. Positively cures
Bruises, Felons, Uloers, Eruptions,Bolis,
Borns, Corns and Piles. Only 25o.
Guaranteed by the Eldrldge Drag Stores
Tike DiWtt’s L ttU Eirly Risers,
J uet before going to bed.
Yon will find on the morrow,
Yon sie rid of your sorrow—
That’s alt; Jnst enough said. I T
Those famous pills do not gripe, but °° m,B « 0Ter °“ ba **“«•*
move the bowels gentle and easily, " ‘ " - — .
Mrs. W. J. Mathews and daughter,
Mrs. Tharpe, of Moultrie, are visiting
friends In Amerious.
Dr. B. T. Wise, of Plains, was a prom-
inent visitor in Americas yesterday,
Ool. Henry S. Deris, Miss Davis
etesaelDg the liver. Their tonlo effeot and Dr. O. P. Davis are rpendiog
gives ntreogth to the glands, preventing Thanksgiving In EllavtUe
areturn of th. disorder. W. A. Bern- ^Ml..e.Lula Brown and Alii. May
Monster Beast Killed There Sunday
Ameriens sportsmen, who shoot
rabbits, birds and craps, read with on
vy yesterday the soeoant of sn ele
phant hurt at Valdosta, Ga. on Sunday
morning. Gypsy, one of the largest
- - - - ' • - - A'lUU, VU1UW uuu
Balm I* an an''sepUejUiilment and tape- medium points at $1.50 and 82.00
dially valnable for borne, eats, braises I each,
and sprain.. For ea.e by all drugglets. | ^ Fountoin pen ^
Mira Mlzo and Mr. Boone Will
Thun United, I Words can not describ our stoO k,
Ine marrUge of Miaa Koto Mize and it is so varied. Everything that is
Mr. John Boone will ooonr this even-1 new i» box paper and tablets, 10c,
mg. The bride is the pretty yonng 120c, 25c, 35c and 50c
dsoghter of Ur, and Mrs. J. W. Mize,
and has a host of friends who are
awaiting to extend congratulations.
Mr. Boone is employed tithe Seaboard
Air Line shops here.
{Paco {Powders.
Belief in Six Hoars.
Distressing Kidney snd Bladder
Disease relieved in six hoars by “New
Great Sooth American Kidney Gore.”
It is a great surprise on aeeountofits
exceeding promptness in relieving pain
'n bladder, kidneys and book, in mala
or female. Believes retention of water
almost immediately. If 70a want
Palmer’s Face Powder, 25c.
Rogger& Gallcts Face Powder
Lazell’s Face Powder 25c.
LaBlachn Face Powder 50.
quick relief and cue this is the reme
dy, Sold by E. J, .Eldridgo, druggist,
Ameriens, Ga.
For a Bad Cold.
If yon have n bad cold yon need a
good reliable medicine llko Chamber-
If'n’c Congh Remedy to loosen and re
lieve It, and to allay the Irritation and
Inflammation of (the throat and long*.
For sale by all drugj,.at*.
Girls, remember that a hatband
worth having ia worth taking cue of.
Startling, Bat Trae.
“If every one knew wnst a grand
medicine Dr. King’s New Life Pills Is,"
writes D. H. Turner, Dempeoytown, Ps„
"you’d eell alt yoa have In a day. Two
weeks’ use has mads anewmanof ms.'
Inftlllole for constipation, stomach
end liver troubles, 27oat the Eldridgo
Drug S’orrt.
Gooth {Preparations.
Creme Dentifrice—an ideal prep
aration of its kind, 25c.
Emtbymol Tooth pasted 25c.
Lyors Tooth Powder, 25c.
Snzodont, 25c.
A jic-q Tooth Paste, 25c.
All Valdosta joined in tha elephant
bant, and after poor old Gyp had been
peppered and maddened by btrdahot
and pistol balls he was hud low by a
Manser ballet through his tbiok eknlL
Grove's Chronlo Chill Cure,
cores the chills that other ehlll tonics
don’t core- Made of the following
fluid extraota: Peruvian Bark, Blaek
Boot, Poplar Bark, Prlokly Ash Bark,
Dog Wood Bark and Sarsaparilla.
Tho best general tonlo. No eue. No
Pay. 50e.
Dodson's Pharmacy,
"Meet Me at Dodson's,"
County 8ehool Tonchors Will Get
Their Money Then.
The sebool teaohera of Samtor conn
ty Will be paid the first month's salary
of tha current term on Saturday next,
29th. The money for this par pose was
reoelved yesterday, and is deposited in
tha Bank of Southwestern Georgia, to
be paid tha teaohera upon the date
Rain Necessitated the Cancelling oC
Ameriens Is greatly disappointed that
the cancellation of General Gordon’s
leetore last night was made necessary
by the Inclemency of the weather. The
city wonld have given the old hero an
ovation had the weather been more
iuusoB jLiua xsrown ana Aina May we woaiuer neon more
Kleokley o-e spending several daya j Propitious. Hit leetuo "First Days
with friends In Oglethorpe. ot the Confederacy” had been antici
pated with so muoh pleaanre by a!l,thst
the disappointment wts the keener at
Hon, W. A. Dodson left yesterday
for Atlanta, where he goes for several
days upon important business.
Miss Montgomery, the charming
Roost of the Misses Perry for two
weeks, returns to Thomasville this af
ter noon.
Dr. Eagene Bailey returned jester
dty to bis borne In Acwortb, Ga. Mrs.
Briley will remain a while longer with
Ool. U. B, Uarroid left yesterday for
Montevallo, Ala. called thero by the
slight illness of bis son, Mr. William
Miss Mary Davenport will retnrn
home tonight after a very delightful
visit ot some length to friends in To-
ledo, Ohio.
Ool. J. N. Klker was very muoh lm
proved yesterday. Mrs. Kiker arrived
from Oglethorpe to attend him .daring
his illness.
Mrs. Carrie Brannon Williams re-
tuned to Savannah yesterday aftor a
delightful visit of a week in Amerioos,
her home for many years.
II Keeps .lb* Fast Warm sad Dip,
Ask today for Allen's Foot-Ease, a
powder. It eue* Chilblains, Swollen,
Sweeting, Sore, Aehing, Damp feet.
At all drnggist*>nd shoe stores, 25o. - j
Men who are long on word are apt to
be short on deeds.
There is no cough medicine so popular
ss Foley’s Honey and Tar. It contains
no opiates or poisons and never falls to
care. John B HudM* Tj
Mr, W. H. Simmons, formerly
president of the Peoples Bank bat now
a resident of Arr.dlt, Fla. is in
Ameriens on business.
Mis* Ninetta Day, the besntifal
yonng dsngbter of M?r Thoms*'J.
Day, of Atlanta, is tha charming vis!
tor of Mrs. Tom Stallings.
Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Dodson have re*
tuned from Atlanta, where Dr. Dod
son attended the reeeot meeting of the
State Board of Pharmaoy.
Mita May Qoinney, a vivacious and
popular visitor, the guest of Misses
Or* and Ira Parry, retuned to her
home in Waynesboro yesterday,
Mrs. Wright Pieree, Mrs. S, W, Co
ney, Misses Margaret and Louisa Co
ney, of Cordele, and Miss Barfield, of
Emeriek, are guests • of Mrs. George
Oliver. r
Foley’s Honey and Tar for colds
and eolda; reliable, tried and tested
csfe and s ue. John B. Hudson.
the cancellation of this engagement
It it hoped that General Gordon,
whom all Ameriens loves and reverses,
may eome again at an early date and
under more favorable skies.
H. T. McIntyre, SL Paul, Minn,,who
bas boon troubled with a disordered
stomach, says, "Chamberlain's. Ktom-
sob, and Liver Tablets done me more
good man anything I have ever taken,"
For tale by all druggist*.
Amerious 8ends a Carload of Tuberr «
Birmingham will fesst this wstk."
upon sweet potatoes grown in Ameri- '
on*, while we barn her coal. An
Amerious firm made a shipment of six
hundred bnBhels of yellow yams to
the Iron City yesterday, netting $300
Icssfrcignt. The tubers were grown
upon an sere or two of lend just ont-
side the city limits, and the cash re
turns for this carload will be nearly ail
clear profit.
are the best that can be obtained
—free from weed aeodkimd impur
ities and of strong gennlmuing
qualities. It is very important if
yon desire to secure good stands
and good crops to Amelia
highest grade Secdj obtaL
This yon can always do by
chasing Wood’s ‘‘Trade-
Brand'’ of Farm Seeds.
Wood’s Fall Catalogue teilspdl
about Vegetable aud Farm
Seeds for Fall Planting, Seed
’heat. Oats, Rye, Barley,
Vetches, Grass and,
Clover Seeds, etc
Write for Fall Ca!ul~-
prices of any Seed* dcri*
Seedsmen, • Richmond, Vo*