Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, November 28, 1902, Image 8
THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1902. Best for medicinal uses , **>1 you that too .hon’d alwar* hare aome rood whliker in tho borne. For Mcldenu. falntta* .pells, exhaustion, and other emersencj casex it rellere* and rertrea. But you muat have good whUker. pure whiskey, for poor whisker adulterated whisker, mar do decided harm. HAYNEK WHISKEY la Just what rou need for It goea direct from our own dlstlllerr to rou. with all Its original .trength, richness and flavor, carrying a UNITED STATES REOISTE1IED DISTIIXKH’S GUARANTEE of PUR. ITY *od AGE and saving the dealer*' enormous profits. We have over a quarter of a mlUkm satisfied customers, exclusively family trade, who know it is best for medicinal purposes and prefer It for other uses. That's why YOU should try it. Your money back if you are not satisfied. HIS USEFUL LIFE IS CLOSED. Direct from cur distillery to YOU Sam Platers' Profits I Frmote Adulteration! ' f HAYNER WHISKEY PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE FULL $<9^0 EXPRESS QUARTS O PREPAID SS“B»«srs Sumter Loaoa aGood Citizen In Doath of J. C. Buchanan, JtfTtr.un Clay Buchanan was born in Sam‘er county on tbu Slat, day Ootober 1 $73 and died at bis home in Hnmter county on tho 11th. day of Nov. 1903, Abont six years ago be was married to Miss Winnie Coving ton, who with a bright Fwoct girl of fonr years of age still survive him. His aged mother, three sisters and two brothers aro also left to monrn bis loss, and sadly, sadly will they miss him, who waB ever ready to render OPINIONS OF A GEORGIA BOY. Of Texas Whore Has Gone to Cast His Lot. Robert 8. Hays, who left Americas s year ago to try bis fortnne in Texas, is pleased with tbs sitnstion there and writes the Times-Recorder from Elk hart as follows: Elkhart, Texas Nov. 24. I have been in Texas elevon months. 11 romised a lot of my Snmter county Quality The Guiding Spirit. Ii .Tlr. Jr’ir . W rue express enarges. Try It and If youdoo t And it all right and aa good aa rou erer used or can bur from anybody else at any price, send It back at our expense aud your 13.30 will be returned to rou by next mall. Just think that offer over. How could It bo falrerf If you are not perfectly satisfied you are not out a cent Better let us ■end you a trial order. If you don’t want four quarts youraelf, get a friend to Inside?'*’ SUpB ‘ <at mad ° 10 * scaled case with no marks to show what’s Orders for Aril., Cal. Col., Idaho, Mont, Nev., N. Hex.. Ore.. Utah. Wash. or Wyo. .mult be on the basis of 4 ((aorta for 04.00 by Expresa Prepaid or 80 ((aorta for *10.001* Freight Prepaid. ^ Write our nearest office and do It NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILUNfl COMPANY £ ATLANTA! GA. ' DAYTON. OHIO ST. LOUIS, IKL ST. PAUL MINN. -151 ' DismixuT, Tbot, 0. estahlisiizd IMA kindness, or go daj or nighl at their bidding. While strong in his attach ments to all hia relatives and loved ones, still perhaps his wife and child, and aged mother were first in hia af fections. Words of regret cannot ex press the feelings of sadness in the death of onr acquaintance, yea onr fa miliar friend, who was ever a ray of sunshine in the family circle. For several years Clay was at times a great snfierer, and time and again have we seen him hovering between life and death, yet ever patient and submissive. He told bis mother the day before bis death that be was prepared to go. Hnman skill seemed insufficient to heal the patient; gentle snflTorer. The Great Physician with balm for every wound, and rest for every aching heart came, and we believe wafted bis bnoy- ant spirit to the far away borne of the soal, where pain and sorrow never en tor, and partings are unknown. There to await-the coming of the doar loved ones left behind. May the Kind Shepherd keep them secare under the Quality is the guiding spirit in this store. Quali ty first, quality last, quality all the time. Where quality is. satisfactiou is, and that is the place to spend your money. ..... vuuu.j | Then, to r> , it is such a pleasant place to visit friends to write them howl liked pleasant, courteous saies-people who never act im.’ Texas. And so as to reaoh them ail at natient when vnn pypi-mc a t VCr “ Cl 01 ones I would like to ask tho nse of eXpreSS a W,sh to ,00K around Or yonr columns. I DUy or flOt buy* 1 am so we" Pleased with my new Come as often as you can, stay as lone as vou ““‘“H like; buy If you can’t help it.' * * “ y0U Texas has somo advantages over Geor gia and other states. Ono is, it dooa not know now what commercial ferti lizers is, bnt 2(J years from now Texas will nse more gnano than Georgia. Sheets and Pillow Gases. ‘ hr?e llne ” f rvady mle Shee. 8 a„d Mow so half a cotton crop has been made. caseB ma ^ e the same material which we have in stock by i heard one man say he had 35 acreB the yard, and are ready for use the ninute vou want them iET StST-STiS id™ 8 "". 1 ' - ■’*" following. GEO D. WHEATLEY. GEO. D. WHEATLEYp~HFES home above to which we believe their Autumn’s Attractive Merchandise, lloveonehaB gone. A. J.L. Arisen Amid Flames Breaking into a blazing borne, some firemen lately dragged the sleeping In mates from death. Fanoled security, Fresh autumn goods are very much in evidence in the different sections of the store. To tell vou about this mer- j; . i • I from death. Fanoled security, cnandise, to endeavor to impress you With its worthiness is »nd death near. It's the way when you the mission of this''ad.” News of this character is always h og,cot cou Bb« nod eolda. Don’t doit, of paramount interest to onr buying public Need cue again L D ump^ 8 '\ 1 t\“fer;rc^.on°:' emphasize the fact that styles, qualities and prices are just Brinstaii Throat, Cheat and Lung Trou as you would have themt Need we again emphasize the a®’.", K ! ep11 near >“ nd “voidanfterirg •!”” S’*. checu* ,s alwa} s most S !ti»f.cJ, fT I most stubborn. Harmless and nice l5o Waiting Cloths 10c. Flannelette 'Waistings in all the newest styles, exact styles of the finest llaunels usually sold at 50c, epecial at 10 cents. I———Lii 121-2 Plaid Ginghams 81-2. 10 pieces Fancy Plaid Ginghams newest styles for children’s dresses j aud waists, worth 12Ac, special this at 84 cents. 1 75c Plaid Dress Goods 39c. 10 pieces Camel’s Hair and Fan- <W Plaid wool goods, newest styles for waists usually sold at 75c, spe cial at 39c. fl $1.50 Venetian Cloth 98c. 62 inch all wool Venetian cloth in all the leading colors aud black, 1 usually sold at $1.50 and $1.25, special price 98. 75c Mens’Shirts 50c. 50 dozen Men’s Fancy stripe {pud plain colored work shirts worth T5c, special at 50c. | — Children’s Coats. Come and see our line of Misses’ 1 and Children’s Coats, newest styles all lengths from $2.00 up to $8.50. |j 15c Stockings 10c. 100 dozen Ladies’ Fancy Black stockings, high spliced heel worth 15c, special at 10c. $1.50 Petticoats $1.00. Just received 100 Black mercer ized sateen Petticoats with ruffle tucks and cords, good value at 1 $1.60, special at 51.00. S3 Walking Skirts $1.98. Ladies’ Black and Gray Melton Cloth walking skirts, any length regular price. $3.00, special this week $1.98. $1.00 Corsets 50c. r 1 c Dollar Corsets, short, medium 1 1 aud long styles,straight front effects white and block, all sizes, special J at 50 cents. Usllng, it’s guaranteed to satisfy by E J. Eldrldge Drug Stores. Price OOoand .00. Trial bottles free from it. The boll weeyil just totally „ ruined it in some countiea. The boll Kea< ty made Pillow cases,good sizes, well made, loc laic weevil is very destructive to the cot- I5C I7£c and 2oC each. Truck growing is going to oe exten- Ready made sheets, bleached and of excellent material sive in this state in 1903. Tomatoes, 50c 59c 65c 7sc. io quarter Sheetings by the yard, 15c 19c 221c and 25c. Irish potatoes, eabbage and oanto Ion pea will be the main orops. There wero 5 car loads of potatoes snd 11 car loads of tomatoes and canto- loupes shipped from Elkhart this year from 20 acres. Wages aro good here and labor is in demand. Farm hands In Table Damasks We Offer the Following: - a a , v 1 Magnificent line extra wide bleached satin Damask 65c tCJ"‘1 t1 ” 8 « 50c per yard. Our 75c Table Damasks this week at 62Jc per yard. Our 90c Table Damasks 75c per j ard. Our $1.26 Table Damasks^his week at 98c per yard. Cured of Piles After 40 Years Mr. C. Hnnoy, of Genova, Ohio, had the piles for forty years. Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good. Ds Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently, Invalnable for onto, barns, braises, sprains, lacerations, eczema, tetter, salt rbenm, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name De- Witt on the package—all others are oheap, worthless counterfeits. W. .A. Rombert. DELICIOUS DISH AT CHRISTMAS. Days. The grand jury of Snmter eounty prooeeded to get buey this week. | and daring the three days of the , beginning Monday last, The grand jary is care Among the first in The COTTON MARKET REPORT. Amerions, Ue., Nov. 20.—Receipts warehouses. 114 bi Received previously 25,090 Total receipts to date... .20, 104 bales The local market is quoted os follows Now York, Nov. 20.—Fntnres closed . Nov. 8.27, Deo. 8.34, Jan. t 8.27, May 8.28. CEO. D. WHEATLEY Money to Lend. I have abont 03,000 or $2,500 to lend. Security must be absoln ely first class. Interest low. R. E. Lee, Office 14>2d 10 Planters Bank Bldg LAWflR STREET AND COTTON AVENUE. AMERICUS, - - Personal. Morphine, opium, Lndanum, co caine habit; myself eared; will inform yon of harmless permanent home enre. Mr«. M. A. Baldwin, Box 1,812, Chi GEORGIA. <*80. io-27;d A> im, Amoricus Man Will Bo Feasting on Berries. Mr. 8. M Gordy, of Amerions, is going to have a dish of fine ripe straw berries for hia Christmas dinner, a rarity indeed, even in this favored re gion. Mr. Gordy raises very fine ber ries, end so mild has been the fall sea son here that his vines are loaded with young trait, a second crop, and an The Following Specials in Napkins. One lot Check Glass Linen Napkins 26c dozen. 76c all linen Napkins this week at 5oc dozen, *— Our $1 Napkins this week 85c dozen. Our extra large $1.26 Napkins this week at 98c per' dozen. Our $2 Napkins at $1,60 dozen. Our $2.50 Napkins this week at $1.98 per dozen, All high grade Napkins as well as Table Damasks re* duceded in propotion. Blankets and Comfortables. We carry a very large line of Blankets and Comtorta- loasn freeze nips the Iittle"berrie"a |- bl6S chea P est toas fine »sy0U would care for. Dur- they will be ripe ere that date. Who in S tfi is week we will make special prices on everything in would live in the Klondike, when Blankets and Comfortables. This is to remind vou that thoy can have strawberries^ Georgia If |t,__ iwuiuu you mat on Obristmas day. yOil HCCCl tllCDl .WC helve them* A Startling; Surprise. I Our 12^c Linen Huck Towels, this week at loc. Our A.^T^HoadieyJ a hoaUbyl robuB^’bi^ck-1 ® pecial v ® lue s in towels this week at i2Jc. Our extra smith of Tilden, Ind., that for ten years ® ne 20c towels this Week at ljC. Our 25C. Special high he suffered .nob *o,tores from Rh.nma- grade towels this week $2.60 per dozen. The extra snner- Ubdi as few oould endare and Uyo. Bnt £m A n « « TT , * xuc la-iau super a wonderful change followed hia taking “ De ^- ,araas ^ antl Huck towels, OUr 35c grade this $feek%t Eleotrio Bitters. "Two bottles wholly 25<1 each, $3 per dozen, ourod me,’’ he write*, “and I have not felt a twinge In over a year.” Thoy regulate the Kidneys, parity the blood and onre Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Ner vousness, Improve digestion and give perfeot health. Try them. Oaly 50o at E. J. Eldrldge Drug Stores. Bed Spreads. GRAND JURY 18 AFTER SPORTS. 4- Number Charged With Gaming are Indicted. In aocordaneo with the inatraotiona of Judge Z. A. Littlejohn in hia able ahargo on Monday, and in the line of duly, the grand jury is going after the •porting element red-handed. It was We offer this week our *1 grade, large, size, splendid quality Counterpanes 89 cents. x nn 0ar $1,6 ° extra hlgh S rade Counterpanes this week at 98 cents. Our $2.50 Marseilles Spreads this week at $1,79, All higher grade Spreads reduced proportionately, Carpets and Mattings, the morning session, and the end is not yeL Many of those against whom indiotmenta are found are ont.of-town people, and the resnlt causes some little surprise. ms French Periodical Drons S® S£5SHS®ffiSE£s333 801,1 brtthe EldrtdgelDnix stores, America.,-Ga. For Booka, Periodicals, Pictures and frames, fine stationery, engraving, toy* and fancy goods—headquarter* at M. 8. Holliday’s, Splendid ebaoos for men to learn barber trade. Growing demand for school graduates. Time eared by steady praotice, qualified teachers, tools presented, positions numerous. Write nearest branch. St. Loma, Mo, or New Orleans, La. To Cure a Cold in One Day ^ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, p £ I fr* CripIn Two Days, This signature, <£> This signature, on ^wt^bo x. b.W yesterday ,b., S.„, r W«iL nd ^ of Ca.pelS, Mattings bills in gaming cases wero returned at | “ ?? gS We have ever earned. We Offer this week special values on Ingrain Carpets 35c 50c 59c and 65c. ’ * We offer one line Brussels Carpets, slightly damaged by water formerly sold at *1 at 65c per yard. Magnlfieent line ol Brussels and Velvets 75c to fii,50 per yard. In Mattings we can give you good values for 15c and 20c per yard, At 25c 30c and 35c we have a fine line of Mattings new patterns and designs and which we can recommend for good wear and good service. Bound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The nse of Smith's Sore Kidney Core will produce both, Try • bottle end be convinced, Year druggist sella it for 50 cents. For Sale. New fonr-room house on Elm avenne, Lot eontaini sere land. Will sell cheap. Apply to John W. Shiver. 27-lw Mr. Callaway is offering for sale the Well's Mill property. None In the •tate more deairable. 26 3t Tho bride fails to observe her hns bend's cloven foot nntii she gets 1 whifl of his cloven breath. Itch on hnman enrea in so minutes byWollford’a Sanitary Lotion. Tbi» Saver fails. Bold by E. J. Eldrldge, druggist, AmarJona, ft.. Soma men are known by the friende they fail to make. Balaton’s barley, oato and breakfast food at Callaway’*, fresh and line 11.14’lw ALL PRICES QUOTED ARE FOR SPOT CASH ONLY. o,.. Rem . em T be r " e are headquarters for Ladies Tailor Made 5? f® ® ad J ac ^ s ’ D « 8 * Goods of all kinds, Men’s and Chddren s N othing, Shoe?, Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods, as well as Notions and Dry Goods of all kinds ^