Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, December 05, 1902, Image 3

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SHORT SESSION OF CONGRESS, Hod. E. B. Lewis, onr immediate mil a I ile representative in Congress, i- already at the national capital and, with others of the Georgia delegation, »ill ho on hand tomorrow when the »!iort session of Congress is convened. Many highly important measures will l i n ought np for consideration at this - -ion, quite likely. l'irst in importance, quite likely, "ill he tho subject of a revision of the tillin', and, unless all signs fail, the tariff will not be revised. President Koosevelt may he exceedin !.v in earnest in his expressed de sire to see the schodulo amended, hut with the'eomposition of Congress nl most identically the same ns during the long t<4m, when the intluenco of tln‘ trusts and monopolies were domi nant, it is not likely that even the -trenuous president will bo able to make a breach in the walls. Tho ship subsidy bill, which passed the Henato in tho early part of the long term, will come before the honse, and in all likelihood go down to defeat. The champions of the measure are pro- lured to make a hard fight for it, but as its provisions do not appeal to enough coporate interests, the out look for its enactment is dreary. Then thero is the Cuban reciprocity mensuse. Considerable has been written and said about the blanket Indians who rounded up the measure before, to tho effect that thoy had repented. But tho recent election contained no re buke to them, and it is reasonable to suppose they will accordingly remain on guard, with drawn knives and painted faces, to kill and scalp all ns before. Also thero is Mr. Cmmpncker’s in quiry election resolution, proposing an investigation of tho franchise in tho South. Mr. Boosevelt is now said to be lending his support to tho meas ure, but as Mr. Crumpacker was un able to rally a coporul’s guard around his bloody shirt of a flag Inst session, it is not probable that ho will now succeed where he before failed. A resolution introduced in tho Honso a day or two ago doclores it to be tho I sense of the General Assembly that tho I common school fund allotted to each county shall bo apportioned by tho I county board among tho whites and I negroes in proportion to tho amount of I taxes paid by each race. Tho resoln-1 tion was referred to tho Educational | Committee. 3 3 3 0 z 1 5 0 <0 g) ■a g 3 ” -2 Q£ "1 "0 21 < & > E ^ to 0 to ‘M O Q *5 ■5 3 Z > £ < bO — c •o S g u (3 s » Q« a) Q£ 1 s D U ga u* ZS c •2 > u* 13 D •n -a C u js « The Milledgeville News is rasping the trustees of the state asylum' be cause they have just awarded the con tract for their supply of beef for the ensuing year to the Armour Packing Company, and,at a figure considerably more than the same quantity was of-| fered by local and state bidden, ac cording to the News. a z < Q • ° Mr. Steed, of Carroll, wants to abol-1 ish the offices of all county school! commissioners an all county boards! of educations in the state. He thinks) they ere too great and expenso, and I that the ordinary of each I county can look after the schools for! an additional compensation of 8300 a I year. WN CA m s E o 3 E * s i si S £ III S|I ! 1 l I h 0 6 k & •d ft w r Pi 0 02 0 Q All Ready For Baby, The young mother thinks, when she has conipieted the baby garments that are to clothe the little form. But she is not all ready for baby's coming, unless she has done something more foe the baby than merely to prepare bis clothes. Many a young mother who goes through hours of pain and suffering wonders why it y not possible to prepare in some way the baby’s advent, and to avoid i 1 SHE ANSWERED HIM the Tho Macon Telegraph makes this! stroug point against the passage of a I bill now before the legislature: ’‘Tho | proposition to abolish the death pen alty in Georgia except for criminal as-1 sault should receive no encourage ment. Too many excuses are seized . ui>on to justify lynching as it is.” 3S* 41 „_2 a ? * Ok s S d . S *S J* £■5 Chairman Griggs, of the Dcmocratio I Congressional Campaign Committee, [ will shortly establish permanent head quarters in Washington, to bo kept I open all the year round. A campaign I of education is to be started os soon os I Congress convenes, and thousands of I copies of notable speeches modo in I favor of Deraooratio principles will be circulated through tho mails. Oklahoma, Now Mexico and Arizona will not be invited in out of the bock yard until Miss Democracy is tho housekeeper. Money to Lend. I have about 88,000; or 88,800 to lend. Security most bo absolutely fl'«t-o!au.*? T otorest low. B, E. Lee, OOoi 14 and IS Planters Bank Bldg. Dodson’s Pharmacv, "Meet McatlDodsoa's." agony that seemed almost unendurable. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the one medicine for women which prepares them perfectly, both for the burdens and pleasures of maternity. It prevents the morning siekness from which so many women suffer. It strengthens the whole body, so that there is no nervousness nor anxiety. It promotes a healthy appetite and causes refreshing sleep. It gives the mother strength for her trial and makes the baby’s advent practically painless. Healthy mothers have healthy children, and it is the general testimony of those who huve used Dr. Pi.n-o’a 1*nt„ who have used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription as a preparative for mother hood, that the children were healthier and happier than those bom after months of mental misery and physical anguish on the part of the prospective mother. Sick and ailing women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter absolutely without fee or charge. As chief consult- ing physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. v. Pierce, assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians, has in the past thirty years and over treated and cured more than half a million sick and suffering women. The testimonials of these cured women are on record. A Urge number of them were cured when doctors had pronounced a cure impossi ble and after enduring years of useless suffering. Let no sick women hesitate to take ad vantage of Dr. Pierce’s offer, but write at once and so secure the professional counsel of a specialist in the diseases of women, entirely free. All correspond ence strictly private and sacredly confi dential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. Hoped for Death. For the sake of poor suffering women, i f ee | "Fortne sake or poor suffering women. I feel it my duty to inform you of the grnit benefit your medicine has (riven me.” writes Mrs. Callie Bowles, of Watts, Iredell Co., N. C. ”1 was in a most miserable condition when I wrote to yon. X had uterine disease so bud I could scarcely walk and suffered such dreadful misery I hoped to be relieved by death. You wrote to me to tak* your * Favorite Prescription • and I have »ij».iipiiuii hiiu i nave taken eleven bottles of it, aud two of your ‘ Pleasant Pellet*.’ I am entirely well and feel like a new woman. I feel thankful to God and to Dr. Pierce for the blessings I now enjoy. I ha%*c a fine bljf boy, two mouths old and never got along as well in my life. I can't praise your medicines enough.’ Very Thankful. Pierce’. Favorite Preacription." write, lira. p. 8. Doagtaa, of Mnnaonville, drome Co., Quebec. "During the firat four month, when 1 looked forward to becoming a mother I suffered very much from nausea and vomiting and I felt to tarrible s£k I could acarcely eat or drink any- thing. I hated all kind, of iood. At thla time I wrote to Dr. Pierce aud he told me to net hit ■Favorite Prescription■ and a bottle of ’Colden Medical Dttcoyery.’ I got a tattle of each and when I had taken them a fcwllayi, I felt much better, and when I had taken hardly three parts of each bottle 1 felt weU and could eat as well aa any one, and could do my work without any trouble, (I could not do any thine before). Ifcel vcry thankful to Dr. Pierce for his medicine and 1 * .L* n who ra * they are sick to get ' medicine, or write to Dr. Pierce." Dr. Pierce’i Comn Adviser, rent fret on A country girl, rosy checked and de mure, sat In a Reading railway car tho other day. The train waa juat pulling out of a small station on the main lino when a city man Jumped on and.'as there was no other seat vacant, shared the one occupied by the country girl. To tho writer, who >vas sitting oppo site, it was easy-to see the newcomer was trylpg to make n ‘‘mash.’ 1 Tho girl, however, was rending a Bible, and ns he found his fidgeting did not at tract her attention ho cast his eyes over tho ear for other prey. This was not encouraging, so he started un onslaught on the girl next to him. "Pardon me," he snid, "do you bo- iiovo nil you rend in tho Bible?" “Yes, sir,” sho replied, raising her eyes from the itnge. “Not the story of Adam aud Eve?" “Yes, sir." “And of Cain and Abel?" “Yes. sir.” "But certainly you don’t behove thp atory of Jonah mid tho whale?” The girl said she believed that too. Her questioner looked puzxlcd. “But how nro you going to prove It? Ask Joimli when yon go to heaven?” The idea struck tho girl aa n good one, nnd she said she would prove ft that way. / ‘Suppose he isn’t there, what then? How would you prove It?” The girl thought n moment, then sold, "Well, In that case you might nsk him.” No other word was spoken by tho' pair during tho remainder of the trip.— Philadelphia Telegraph. How the native waiter uncorks the champagne In the Kongo. All of Them Mysteries. The reflections of ono of tlioso wise writers who Just babble over with wis dom caught hcr cye. ‘To bo happy," sho quoted, “a wlfo should always remain somewhat of mystery to her husband." “It Impplnesq lies in that",” ho retort ed, "all wives should he supremely finp- P.v. and marriage—any kind of n mar riage—must bo the gate- to fcmlnino happiness.” ‘But some men,” sho protested, not think woman such a mystery.” “True,” he admitted. “I didn’t once, but I’m married now.”—Chicago Post Something good for Christmas pop i want to drt n it poor whHHfty TWirtf If much imhnffrrJt You HAYNER WHISKEY pi IDE? CEirrii ws. 4 PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE fUL-lM HPBKS QUARTS O PREPAID ntuU.’ , SS&ffiSWHa3M£!SgfiM* FREE yjg^ii^ggo^.^wlUMaa fraeon. mid-tipped whiskey a Chriitt^DramS^lBwKiJJ 2S. w !Si *°^ nd “«*>» to a friend, as raXftS&ffi S , e^2i^ ena ‘ ,0U7ealr Write our nearest offleo and do It NOW ™E HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY ATLANTA! QA, DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, MCA ST, PAUL UINN. us Dimillxbt, Toot. o. Establboss im& Quail Are in Sight, and Ducks are Comifig, aSmithwirlf * 8 ^ xet * for all J1IIIU1W1CK of them and J S ready and waiting to fix you for them. I am better prepared to rerre the sportsmen than ever before with a large assortment of Blgb-Ortde Guns end Ammunition st prices to suit your pocket- book. “do Sense Medical , —.... v« swwvipt Of btatUDS tO pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent itanips for book in paper cover, or 31 stamps in cloth binding. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat . lt l on contains ajj 0 ( the. This propara. ... dlgestants and digests all kinds of He Didn’t Know. Ho was wandering In Ireland and came upon a couple of men “in holts” rolling on the road. Tho man on top waa pommeling tho other within an Inch of hla life. Tho traveler Inter vened. "It Is an Infernal shnme to ttrlke man when he’s down,” said he. “If you knew all the trouble I had to get him down,” was the reply, "yon wouldn’t be talking like that”—Sport Ing Times. The Inventor’s Triumph. "You say that Arbelter’s Inventions bavo made several men millionaires, bnt did be ever nuke anything out of them?” “Oh, yes. He was singularly success ful with bis devices in that respect He made enough to perfect all of them."— Indianapolis News. A Thin Cocktail. “Wot docs It mean,” asked Penniless Pcrdval, “where do song says ‘Drink to me only with your eycel’ ” “It means,” announced Wise Wilfred, ”dat do lady kin read de wine Met but dat’s as far as it goes.”—Baltimore America nT — D —wuuto aim uigcaio ail Kiuuu Ul food. Itgiveslnstantrellef and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By Its usomany thousands of dyspeptics have been enred after everything else failed. It prevents formation ofgason the atom* ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good W. A. Rambert, Americas, Ga GOLDEN ACE PURE OLD LINCOLN CO. WHISKEY [WE, THE DIsmAERS, SuoraDtMthM.sood.tobe [para mid lye* mold. Non. IMter at any priM. We VwtUihlptn plain boiM to ■ any iddmt, exprew pro- (paid at tho following dU- jtillor'iprleo.t 0 Full Bottles,83.45 110 Full Bottles, 6.SB 113 Full Bottlos, 7.00 ] IB Full Bottles, 0.70 Your mouy back If notu Iraprawnud. A tuple H at by oiprms prepaid, r 80s In stamps. AMERICAN SUPPLY CO.,, Small Dog Scorn. Mabel—Who gave the bride awayT Clara—Her llttlo brother. He an nounced to the assembled guests that she bad false teeth and dyed her hair. —Cleveland Plain Dealer. Costly Transaction. "Do mulo I staled wui only wutb $20,” said the Georgia darky, “on bless me cf do lawyer didn’t charge ISO ter provo me innerccnt!”—Atlanta Consti tution. Too Many. Mrs. Oldnn—There was a time, Ilen- r. when you used to chock mo under le chin sometimes, bnt yon don't do It; Mr. Oldnn—Yes, my lore, bnt you '■•n't have so many chins then. dldn' P Myjlne of single Breech-Loaders cannot be beaten .on quality or” pi ice, nnd my High-Grade’’ Hammer and Hammerless”DoubledJarrei Breech Loaders cannot be duplicated anywhere,at the prices. ~ ForriheHNexnl30.'Davs gains on Hight-Grade Ham- merlMa If yon are not readyjto buy, bring yonr old gnn hero and have it repaired nnd cleaned by {practical and experienced gun- - — -U | r .wv..*ws VAjlLIIVULLU gUU* BmithB. Shells loaded to order on short;notice, and special and prompt attention given to mail orders* SMITHWICK S. 6UN STORE. fE bave^ust received a carload of the celebrat- - - ed "ROCK HILL" BUGGIES. Tho biiggy that is equaled by few and sni passed by none. Has the famous “Long-Winded” axle. If yon don’t want to be worried to death by oiling yonr buggy every few days, why get a “Rock Hill.” It don’t cost a cent more in the long run to get a good than does a cheap one. The “Long-Winded” axles have been known to run 2,035 miles with one oiling. All “Rock Hill £uggies are fitted with these axles, in fact we say to yon that for durability, easy riding and neatness the “Rock Hill” is by far tho best bnggy on the market. "A Little Higher in Price But .” Ill *3Ljaa Sheffield-Huntington[]Co. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. | SuiT I am handling cotton seed meal in con- i nectlon with my cotton seed business. yZi: Will sell 'or exchange meal for seed. WILLCC. CARTER, 55 ’ 316ICOTTON7A VENUE.