Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, December 12, 1902, Image 1

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The meanest kind of sickness Is just te be able to attend to duties and yet not fee. equal to the task. The eternal grind keeps tnany the , races who ought to be in bed. A thorough course of Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic would give a new lease on life to such people It tones up the the whole digestive apparatus. Puts the Liver in the best condition possible. Gives a splendid appetite. Renews strength and restores vitality. Hixon Achieved a Victory In the House. MEASURE IS FINALLY PASSED. Americus In Future Will Eleot Police Commissioners Instead of That Body Remaining a Self Perpotuat Ing One, The Americas police commission bill his it list pissed through the During the Fast Week Care fully Reported. SCORES OF BILLS PRESENTED Though Little Business of Importance Has Been Aooompllshed Thus Far During Term—Days Doings Told In Full. Office of J. r. LASSITER. „ . ~ Hendsoxville, S. 0. Sent 2 ism; Mk * A; B.. Gibabdeau, Savannah, Ga. ’ jjeak Uut:—Some years ago I operated a lion*, ing saw-mill on the Savannah River. My base of operations was being constantly changed* andmy ?nfln«n7 ere ? lway ? exposc(l to the malarial «nd ti?» I employed over one hundred hands, out o?ft PopTm conductod 83 lu »eh in water as out of it I- or this reason, in August and Septan- and basinet, on account of sickness among the workers. ^ „ . “y attention was then called to Johnson’s Chill “5,^™ Tonic, and I determined to give the medicine a trial. I procured it, and those who were sick were put on this treatment, and those who were feeling badly were at once given the Tonic, in a short time every one of the one hundred hands nn r ^^ and ,? , P orted for dut y; and from that time on I used nothing else but Johnson’s Tonic, and never had another case of fever. Yours very truly, J. R. LASSITER. For X’mas Shoppers. This store has given Special atten tion to the purchase of a Beautiful and useful line of goods suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS to flen. Our line of Smoking Jack ets at $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00, ant Bath Robes at $3.50 to $10.00 are very desirable. Our line of Suits and Overcoats are well tailored and shapely, and the “Swell Young Fellows” are very par tial to them. They have a distinc tlveness all their own, that you do not see in Clothing bought from other stores. Our line of Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs and Muffers are beautiful In pattern and rich In design Don’t make your Holiday purchases until you have visited Coco Cola and Llks Syrups Ara ts Be Taxed IW Atlanta, Dec. 6.—Very few changes lower honae of ,h. Legl.l.tar. and I were mad’e^r t he"houM yteterd“‘te will at osce go tbe senate and thenocl 0,9 general tax bill, and only one to tbe Governor. Tbe bill baa had a am * l ndmanl —■» adopted. Tba w—w -«. “ s jKsurs passage it went through I passed upon today. baforo tbe close of the aeaalon were punulng a sort or I gala fatuua. A great deal of .work remains to be done on tbeae meaeurei. and they will probably be the very laat matters finally acted on both by tho bouse and senate. Un,Ter#ltj ' of Georgia will get »».M° each year for tbe next two yearn for maintenance fund, and this will enable the Inetltution to take ad vantage of the Peabody offer of ISO- 000 for a new library building for the college. Thia much wae nettled by tbe aenats committee on appropriations Saturday morning and It Is to be expected that the action of the committee will ha confirmed aa to that item when tbs measure is reported back to tho upper bouae. The honae had already agreed upon the amount named for the unlver- POWDER Absolutely: Purer THERE IS HO SUBSTITUTE .—•go 1. went inrongn | »"•« upon today. I | — ■ The bill is oonsldered an import- wiTMT^XmloL ' ****** **“ w bill yoeterday**** »»• »«o message wirTatate, <9 a^toneforAmenen.. _ I «-'<*Dr. Kelly** ol£S. ™ Gsneral Tax Bill Paised by Vote of 121 to 2. Atlanta, Dee. The bouse finally W. D. BAILEY, Vhe Wen’s Outfitter, _ , ,, I —— «waaj, w umswcii, puiUDB It amende the eity charter to the ex-1 a tax of |1,000 on tbe manufacturer tent of making members of the polios I Tf. 00 ®? cot * a “d similar patentad board bersaller elective b, lb. people. The board baa ever been a self per-1 amount adopted thw day before. No petnatmg body. tax wae put on bottling worke. u,. m, ™ JWStSf >« at the last session but did not gstl week each; cigarettes $10; detective through. At tbla session, however, I a * ,nclea 1100; leaving practloally Representative Hiton championed the I ^co^tL.'V.^'l't *® measure and, despite strong opposl-1 the committee, tion haa succeeded in potting ill Another important change made by through tbe House by a good vote. ron,0Tal «» new- Senator Hudson bad already pat tbe I froi exemptlon^rom *looel ^taxation measnre throngb the senate, though I—hjfh they have heretofore enjoyed, being a bonse bill it mast go leak to I y!® hou,e Tolod down an amend* that body for confirmation. of*Mad"s^“wWch The passage of the bill by tbe hours I Gie tax on all insurance com pant so J Tuesday provoked very lively discos- cent on thelr fi™** receipts, In- ..on during the great, r part of the. af- ~ terncon session. I tax and the tax on real and personal This was between Representatives Property, the Insurance companies “• '•“» •w-te tho measorr. / I states ot the union. The section as Personalities, wholly irreltyan*, adoptPl1 requires all Insurance compn, were indulged in and each member 2!? r *“ J* 7 * **5 °[. 1 P 01 001,4 on , , . I fheir grots receipts. Mutual co-ooora* bad strong friends tj help them for I live or assessment fire companies srs and against tbe bill. Mr. Georgo of I exempted from this tax. Insurance Morgan, aided Mr Hixon, while Mr. I ® OI ? p “ le * do,n * 4 brokerage trashiest Mr. Lane in opposing tbe bill. as individuals. They must alao Both gentlemen, it will be remem th ® U,U * 1 1,1 Taloro,B °n *11 bered.'were candidates for speaker of ^LrLu^en^Sm o, tho House, Hixon anpporting George 8,1 building and loan associations srs and Lane voting for Mitchell. I r *q ulrcd by section 6 as adopted to as - -■sTL-rirs that has yet reached the floor of tbe ®Pectlve counties. house. There may have been aomel foreign and home fidelity and warmer ones perhaps in committee c ° mpanlo « ar, required to . , , I P*T a ux of 1 per cent upon tbelr rooms, where delegations eontinne! cross receipts their looal fights. I u ,, . _ House Votee Down Amendment to In crease General Tex Rate. Atlanta, Dec. 8.—The bouse Satur day voted down the amendment to the general tax bill by Mr. Hall, of Bibb, to Increase tbe general tax rate to 8.21 milts, by tbe large majority of 111 to The bill as reported by the ways and mean# committee fixed tbe general tax rate at 8 mills, of which 8.18 Is for general purposes and 1.88 for the sink ing fund. In addition there la a tax of .28 mills for tbe sinking fund, mak ing n total of 8.83 mills, or 08.28 on $1,000. Mr. Hall's amendment proposed to make tbe tax for gsneral purposes 4.17 mills, en Increase of .»» mills. This would put the total at 8.23. The committee's action fixing tbe tax rate at 6 mills was adopted by large majority vote. Tbe bouse adopted by a vote of 74 to 66, an amendment to tbe general „ | tax act. which requires t I wrote to Doctor el *“ cor P° ral ‘on« having an otBcs. % . I warehouse or MU##room in th# state, irieiCG, WHO Sent D16 I obal l pay a specific or occupation tax In'nJ graduated from $28 to *1.000, In ac- mna letter | romance with tbe site of the capitol stock of such corporation. Representative Hixoa won esslly, tbe Tote being 00 to 88 in favor of bis measure. The Artist and Ills Friend. “Give me your candid opinion of my painting," requested D’Auber. “It's worthless." replied Cynlcua. ‘•yes, I know It’s worthless, bnt let me bare It anyway."-FbllndelpbU Record. Allen House Corner, Americus, Ga, For Sale. Lands. Stores, Dwellings. Fire Insurance by M. CALLAWAY, Americus Ga. very and advised me.” Thousands of weak and sick women can trace the beginning of a new life of perfect health to that letter written to Dr. Pierce. Sick and ailing women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. Alt correspondence held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce’a Favorite Preacription cures weak and aching backs, headaches, nerv ousness and other womanly ailments by curing the womanly diseases which cause them. •la the spring of 1900 2 writes Ifrs. Alvfina Scaoltx, at wine wuain,- — Lssenr Co., Minn., -mr beck was rerr t aad ached so that I could do so crock » o I wnc obUpdtouk.tomjrbed. ifclta wren bdu acncu bo iui i couia ao no won at • U ’“ I . 1 7L 0,> “l ,d ?? U . k * ,0 ?3 r ^ wL ?***• constant desire to urinate and th* paint In abdomen were almoot unbearable. I wrote to Dr. Pierce, who seat men very kind letter, aad bottles of etch in I nut a watt woman now. I medicine? 5 - ea0B * h to tknt 01 Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, aick women well. Accept no substitute for tbe medicine which works wonder* Cot weak womeu. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate women, TSIa Is considered by many one of tbe most radical amendments to tba jeneral tax bill ever adapted by the house, and grant Interest wee manifest ed In the debate and In tba result. No wanner tight haa ever been mado at tbla aeaalon than that on this 00011 on of the general tax Mil, which Propoaee to pat this graduated tax on all foreign corporation* doing business in Georgia. There will be something doing every minute during tbt*. th* laat week ot the leglelattve eesslon of l»|, Wheth- er the general oxaembl* trill adjourn on Friday or Saturday his not yet been 1*W day bt the set- Mon la Friday, but if y^ste day) should be deelarA * * resolution. aasii, Despite tho tea that h«(, ora day* remain* Bond 0( , u „ mo „ Important work of th* elcriotl la com- pleted, and It noil develop* tut thoe* who woro porpoalnsr t$> get thi appro- prlatlojis .bUI aad tha seseral lit bill vote of 81 to 61 refused to reconsider I • onora l belief It that tho loflato It* action for the purpose of itrlktnn I wlU p0 ** 1110 bu > over the governor'^ out section 18, which put* a tax on 1 ,ho1 ‘he house will do thg foreign corporation* doing butineee In I , the state. I Consideration of th# bill in th# The two members who rot#d agalntu I 5* Ui6d nuc *» discussion. It the bill were Meeara Cann, of Chat. 1 np al 1 mort “• fl «« ham and Booth, of Walton. m.nnfn j**". f on,ln ' tets]oa Md wari Before final action waa taken the * COn ' p *”" Tol > r bill was amended In certain particu- M now * oe * tho Boverdhr lara for the purpoa* of perfectT^TL I or «““»»*««■ The house adopted an amendment on I naasod 019 ^L 011 * 0 Saturday making tho bill tnniiMhii I ^ Mr. Brinson, of D#* aasSysaSS SSaSSV- 3 •ections were amended so as to pra I Much dlscuaslon waa tndulaed In hv serve this feature throughout, theru tho members of t;ho hSSu^to —“hrr—»~ te? CiS the foreign corporation tax bill will Amendment* that were proposed were make any serious effort to defeat thel *11 voted down. Mil in rate the senate should leave The bill It of general Importance tbla section In the measure. Thera “d Interest. If passed by tho senate were 81 votes for tbe section In th* a »d approved by the governor tt be- house yesterday, and many others I “me* effective Sept. 1 1908. and *Jd. vho are opposed to It would not vote I u,ate * that on and after that date It against the bill because that would In* shiUI be unlawful for any one to Mil volve an extra session. J advertlie for sale or offer for talo On tho other hand. If the senatal "dthln tbe limits of the state any adul- shouldi strike out the section It Is not terated °r mixed elnip whaever. except thought tbe house would Insist on II ** *b° time of tale or offer for sale the to the extent of defeating the measure. I porcenU S» of »uch adulteration or ad* Nono of the members want to be held 1,11x1,1,0 *■ dearly stamped on the re- responsible for an extra aeaalon .«-* tba I containing the strap, chances are whatever happens, the bill J™?.? 0 * 9 ***”** th* will be passed before adjournment I "*° ,u0oD b T Senator Park, of tbe thlr. Following are some of tbe new and I. ?* vonlh - to “PPMut a commission impoitant features of the general to* to *“Y°MI*«te the subject of a uniform bill as passed by the home I system of school books for the state; A franchise tax section dofinlnx sne.l£T M . ed tho re * oIuU <>n by Mr. Steed, of clal 1 them as other property was income 1 1 "‘™ l .° lB# w * te «»PHol; fixed tbe ated In the bill. B?en*f*l appropriations Mils as the spo- ■Hie tax on dUpensarie. and llquoi IfioMhVJL'uI IT" 111 *' Bnd put SSf W “ ,ncre “* d ,ro,n 1200 ‘oj-tefn the ralendar ^“a^tMrt^read. creased fiom »1.000* to 81,600 W#S ^ I vl^r/™^!^*** bl11 dal “ od anolIlo > , B r z ~ e ®- '-2? «s xzz th. bin * * tr,Ck ® n fro " recommended favorably tho Can- There «, * ux of $1,000 imporad , to br 0,8 !!!?“ ^ anUf . acl “ r * ra 0, c °c*-cola, ,fr|. | The bill will be reported to tho sen- cola, wine of cola and similar patented soda fountain drinks. Slot machines famishing articles ol merchandise wero taxed $2.60 each, and those of a musical on pictorial turn were taxed $6 each. The tax upon detective agencies was Increased from $60 to $100, Midway shows were taxed $10 each for each week that they ibow. ate this morning with the rccommon- fiatlon that It do pat*. TIME GIVEN CASTRO IS SHORT. Must Make an Early Answer to Ultl* matum, Berlin, Dec. D.—While the limit ol time given to Venezuela to mako an The tax on sewing machine asenti I “Jtlmatumm of Oennany waa reduced from $10 to $5 I * Dd ° r0ttt . Prttaln *• not disclosed thu , foreign corporation. !£ bu.lnea, 1 waTX^.or ,b ° P ™‘ In Georgia are required to pay a sd» I J* " !!? Informed that It Is very clflo tax of $26 to *1.000 In proportlm' 0 °rman foreign offleo to tho amount of their rap.u?7t^ I “ Castro The other featurr. YY, W " eco * nl,e the gravity of the situ- main ate« r .. fe ,^.re I« ye" W #, '° n , * nd 81 ^ l«t moment Durl»f the remainder of r ' n Te,e * r ** >h,c communication with La legislative * tax act. which requires that nlTfo” ^clrakl'from* to 8 S*m ^nd from I 1 ' fr °“. th ® clpfc ® r un •omorrow'^'Tha lo »:30 p. m. TM, hole ve.tX.11 “ 0rn,D ' P * P * r * her ® raako ab «Xutely adopted a resolution by Mr Fields ol' " ,h * VeDOXU * ,an altw Dooly, providing for MgM mTmZ’ .ML _ X he , Von,aerU that ah consider all matters. I L^° U *?„f re, " r ” u i C ** tro rapeewed ‘ I bla willingness to satisfy the German House Gives Lsrgs Vote For Summer “ d . ® rit '* h demand *- military acUon Sessions. f*?, . . . hM 1,01 begun - aBd 0,0 Atlanta, Dec. 10.—Senator Skelton’s Anaetger says that President bill providing for summer sessions of the legislator* peaeed tbe home yestoj d»y by a vote of 120 to 27. Only tbe governor’s signature now stands In th* way of Us becoming a law, but It is practically certain that he will veto It, and his veto message Is expected to go Into th* senate tarty this morning. It Is understood Governor Terrell will veto the message on th* ground that It will add eight months to bis tern of office. He Is strongly opposed, it la stated, to giving his approval to f —j---—u. any measure which would give him Ur® K n * 7 letor Emmanuel. One ol * longer term than that for which he I ?* anarcMata and one of the police was elected. This Is. In auhalanc. i W0P0 *° Toro1 T wounded. Castro's effort* to drive a wedge bo* tween Germany and Great Britain have failed. RAID ON ANARCHISTS. 5g9 Thirteen Arrested by the Police Near Bpexzla, Italy. Romo, Dec. 9.—Thirteen anarchists were arrested near Spexila last night •fter a desperate struggle. The police surprised them at a meet- lag while they were tn tho act of Ing an oath with potgnardeto Cherry Pectoral For colds, coughs, bron chitis. We have been say- ingthls for60 years. iSi&SF*