Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, December 12, 1902, Image 2
I I' > A > Ell,l I S WEEKLY TIMKS-KKCOKDEB: FlilDAY, IJECEMBEil 12, 1902, 'LAOfllPPE HAS TIGHT GRASP ON ENGLAND Thousands Flocking to India and Frat.ce. CHICAGU... ...I: CLAIIfcSJ4 VICTIMS Most of Unfortunates Were Suffocated. C-SSIP FROM LONDON TOWN CAUCH i LIKE RATS IN T,‘ Great Distress Is Working Classes- employed Person* ing for V. ork. Prevailing Amorr Notwithstanding Heroic Work of Firs- -Thousands of Un Ir,cn Dcath List is Appalling—Many Are Daily Clamor Jumped From NA^ndows In Effc.t to Save t hemscivA. Lon.’-jn, Dec. 0.—The grip is ua Chicago, Dec. i lour tec a j usually severe this winter and libs ai Eons IlKt * n a ^ re at t ^ le * ready been felt throughout England 1*0 Madison street, at ■with the result that all who can j: ° clock this morning. Several t»o are leaving. Hundreds of pcopl. ^ 10 bodies have bene recovtied. I-ittl are on their way to India to attend the ^e bodies have been recovered. Littl Delhi Durbar and thousands are flock- 8mokc was 80 dense that the Persons Ing to tiro south of France and the mei Ihelr death were overcome channel Islands. flnJ dioJ before assistance could reach Christmas house parties are being ’ thom - Jumped from the fourth organized at all the big country places . e * or F windows, or tried to save them where the frost Is lapidiy spoiling the j Bclvcs b >' elimbing down the fire es hunting and driving the guns in- j ca P cs the front of the building only doors. In cast I '’ndoii the winter is j ^ ose their grasp on the cold iron having a very different effect. Thou- j bars and fall to the street. Bands of unemployed persons daily No Chance For Their Lives. “ n ^ a ' C .•* thC , d0ck f rd f at f The persons slceplns In the rear of litera ly fighting for a chance to do tt# bullding on the top flcorg had no a day . work. Unskilled laborers are chance for thclr „ vcg _ A narrow 6talr . £ V J g S'* , .1 Pf c0 way leading to all floors of the .true ®" d L Tr, n' , ,r i f, UT ture was afire and the escape of the “ e “ dlgtrlbU, ° thc work tIckcts . lodgers In the rear of the building was lnlng ' j cut off. Firemen and policemen were King's Christmas Gifts. j not reticent in speaking of what they That portion of the fashionable j witnessed at the catastrophe. They world which can afford Christmas ! condemned the building as a fire trap, gifts is watching the purchases of the 1 Ambulances and patrol wagons from members of the royal family in order 011 l lar ‘‘ s o£ t!le dt >' were called to the to follow suit. King Edward's gifts P Iacp , and the dead and injured were this year run largely to pen and pen- i Quickly attended cil holders, cigarette cases and deli- j Ail but 11 of the guests at the h> iato enamel work set with a new va- tel wore out of town persons. Most of riety of soft-tinted, semi-transparent | thpm can, ° to Chicago to attend the stones heretofore unknown in the international live stock show. TJp to realm of Jewelry. Queen Alexandria I 10 o’clock last night guests were tak- Is also partial to enamel work. This i cn ln at the hoto1 - and in ov<; ry room year she is giving many photographs | cr I dac e in which a co- could he erect, in artistic enameled frames, whereas they were accommodated. The res. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, Those decorated Din per Sets are genuine Haviland China. Our own importation. The “White” will cross “The Tide” in Nov. We have the finest Lamps shown in Georgia, but they are the cheapest, 15c to $20.00. Those Lounges and Chairs are covered with real leather, and frames are quartered oak. Our Cut-Glass have the thickest blanks, deepest cut. most ar tistic patterns, and most brilliant sheen that can be secured. Our stock of Chamber Suits, Side Boards, China Closets, Ex tension Tables, Diners, Odd Chairs and Tables is the most k complete and attractive we have ever shown. We sti ** have iarge stock of graceful and elegant shapes in Odd dm ^ Pieces in French China, Vases, Cups and Saucers and other articles suitable for presents or home use. Yes, Our stock^of Housefurnishings can supply all your wants. Wpq It|is true goods were bought for CASH and that we can and * will give full value for every dollar spent with us. A W. SMITH, Cor. Jackson and Forsyth Sts. Americus, Ga. the late Queen Victoria usually favor ed sliver for the same purpose. Queen Alexandria's well known fondness foi pearls leads her to distribute many o! them among her more intimate friends at the Christmas season. The king of Portugal made himself decidedly popular during his stay ln England, besides proving himself one of the best shots in Europe, a keen motorist, a clever painter and a good musician. During his visit to Blen heim palace he treated the house par ty there to a number of French lovo songs and Portuguese ballad*. Profitable Theatrical Season. It is long since the I.on<Ton theaters and restaurants have experienced so profitable a season as the present The West End is ablate with light night ly, all the amusement places are crowded and theater supper parties keep the fashionable hotels and res taurants busy until long after mid night. In the meantime the board of trade returns show the largest per centage for ten years past of unskilled persons out of work, while the pro portion of skilled men without employ ment is oonstrantly growing. The Woolwich arsenal authorities have dis. charged 2.000 mechanics since the winter set In and are preparing to let out 4,000 more. So the army of peo ple out of work must bo added to the 6.,000 members of the army reserve who have been released from service with the colors. The worst distress naturally la visible in the East End. A number of newspapers have started subscription columns and daily print harrowing stories of half-clad school cnlldren, many of whom aro without any food except scanty luncheons fur nished by sympathetic teachers. A number of London suburban councils •re starting public works In order to employ a small portion of the Idle persons. . RIOT IN NEW YORK. nctel was filled. Statement of the Banks. New York, Dec. C.—The statement I to the averages of the clearing house | hanks for the weks shows: Loans, ♦881,437,00, increase $1,611,000; de-'l posits $879,762,600, decrease $1,074,-1 200; circulation $45,606,600, Increase $73,500; legal tenders $67,703,600, do" crease $611,700; specie $162,165,700, decrease $6,219,400; reserve $229,940,- 400, decrease $6,831,100; reserve re quired $219,940,650, decrease $1,018,-1 250: surplus $9,873,750, decrease I 650; ex-U. S. deposits $20,010,500, de crease $5,818.475 The world Is fnlTof people who would I HIGH POINT BUGGY COMPANY REPOSITORY. W. W. DEWS, Manager. No. 218 Cotton Avenue, Americus, Qa. < Score of Persona Were Badly Bruited and Beaten. New York, Doc. 6.—One man was awtousiy wounded and a score of per sons have been badly bruised and beaten in a small riot that followed a meeting of the Iron Workers and Bridgemen's union In this city. During the free light engaged In by over 200 men, many shots were fired, and one of the members, Albert Cou- nolly, was shot In the side. He was taken to the hospital, where It was ■aid his wound Is serious. Policemen Bullman and Farnan were roughly handled, and more cas unities would have followed had It not been for the arrival of reinforcements. The fight la said to have started ln an argument over the nomination of one of the members for president. Two tickets were put In the field. The police say one of the candidates •tarted his campaigning by ordering a barrel of beer and inviting all of the members to drink. There are about 260 members of the union, and It Is ■aid over 200 remained to accept the invitation. Arguments ensued and several shots were fired. When the police appeared the crowd Jumped up on them and the hall was cleared only after reinforcements had been called. Connolly was found In a saloon, where hU friends had carried him. His Eye Valued at $10,000. New York, Dec. 6.—Ten thousand dollars ln the value of an eye, accord ing to a verdict for damages awarded by a Jury in the Brooklyn supreme qourt In favor of Fred H. Dittman. The plaintiff was employed by an elec, trlcal company and was Injured by a broken belt on the machinery. We take pleasure in announcirg to the people of Americus and surrounding territory that we have opened a btiggy repository in the Allen House block and we invite your inspection ol our line of s, Surreys, Runabouts, Road-wagons, Etc. The very best vehicles that good material and skilled workmanship can produce is what we pro pose to c ffer our customers, aud at Moderate Prices. All our vehicles will be equipped with solid ] rubber tires at a reasonable extra charge. We will also handle the best makes of one and two-horde Farm -V'agons, and also carry a fall line of Harness, Whips, Poles, etc. W. W. DEWS, Manager. min <#—♦»»§; SECRETSI At tlx— Price of Suffering. Woman oil her way to scmi-invaliditm j coitscd by pregnancy suffers much juiia. I Ignorance prompts her to suiter nionc I iu silence and remain in the dark as b | the true cause—motherhood. .Mother's Friend takes the doctor’! place and she has no cause for an inter view. She is her own doctor, and he; modesty is protected. Daily application I tr the breast and abdomen thronghov.! I pregnancy will enable her to undergo tire period of gestation in a cheerful moot) | and rest undisturbed. Mother’s FriendI is a liniment for external use only. II would indeed be shameful if the sacrifice of modesty were necessary to the success ful issue of healthy children, f !1 women about to become mothers need send only to a drug store and for fi.oo secure the prize childbirth remedy. Healthy babict are thc result of useing Mother’s Friend. Our book ••notherhood” mailed free THE BMOFIEID REGULATOR COb. ATLANTA, Ct The "Best to Eat in Tobon Can be Found Albvays at J. L. SPARKS. New Store, and New Goods . TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK....’. We oarry the finest linen of Fanoy and Staple Grooeriea in Americas, and want yonr trade. Many linea opened already and all (took to arrive thia weak. Come and Oat onr Prices. We can and will pleaae yon. J. L. SPARKS, Barlow Block,'Ansley’s Old Stand. Phone 279. PEARLMAN. 311 Lamar Street, Look To Your Interest, Read Carefully, Act Promptly. We mean business and for the next ten days we offer to to the people of Sumter and adjoining counties the Greatest Slaughter Sale rf the Season Figures speak louder than words and we give them to you as fo lows: Clothing. 1 Hens’ Suits. l £15 00 Suits Going at 59.5O f 12.00 << •• <1 8.00 *" 10.00 II • . u 7.00 «» »* tl 5.5O 6.00 <» •• 1$ 4.00 4 03 < 1. <4 2,5o Pants. $ Pants Going at *3,5o 4.0 * • «* «• 3,oo 2.00 •< ,< 11 1-SO FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED. PARKER’8 7 „ hair balsam Churn and beautifies tha hair. lWiutcs ft Iaiumnt growth. Fails to Bm«ois “ Hair to its Yoc“ ' ‘ - Cun-n aralp diwwnes Jdc.ftndgLOuat to BMtovs Om smsssj If you want money on your farm I have arrangements with New York parties through whom I can get it for yon | at Lowest Possible Cost. J. J. HANEbLEY, Room No. 5 Barlow Block, - - Americus, Ga, J W. 8Klb'FFIELD,:President FHANK HHKrriBLD, Vice-President Every Woman la interested and should know about the wonderful MARVEL.Whirling Spray sacsgswtt "“Most Convenient £. D. 8UK* FIEl D, Cashier* Bank of Commerce, AMERICUS. GEORGIA. A general banking business transacted anil all consistent courtesies extended to patrons. Certificates of deposit issued bearing interest Ladies’ Shoes. $2.50 Shoes Going at $i,7s 2.00 “ “ •• 1.50 I.60 *• “ “ 12 s I25 9s l.oo " “ “ 7o Mens’ Shoes. $4.oo Shoes Going at $3.oo 3,50 2 5o 1,75 1,2s 3.75 200 1.50 i,25 95 We also hive an immense stock of children suits, men and ladies underwear, ladies capes and walking jackets and in fact everything in our immense stock will be put to the knife, We hope all our former patrons and railroad friends will take advantage of this sale by coming forward at cnce as we only offer these inducements for the next ten days, D. PEARLMAN’S 311 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS! 1 am handling cotton seed meal in con nection with my cotton seed business. Will sell or exchange meal for seed. WILL O. CARTER, 316 COTTON AVENUE. • v-: