Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, December 12, 1902, Image 5
BITS OF NEWS TOO SHORT FOR A HEAD, fi1 , ~~~ " Ri CUS WEEKLY T1MES-KECORDEB. FRIDAY DECEMBER 12, 1902. Boiled Down to Four Lines and Bunched, THIS TOWN IS EASY AND GIVE OP CASH. HAND MIRROR OF EVENTS HERE Happenings In Tho City and Suburb* of Looal Interest to Be Perused at Leisure While Tour Coffee is Slowly Cooling. Swindler Finds Many Vic tims Here. MANY PREACHERS ASSIGNED HOMES took orders for mail boxes The gorgeous display of beautiful Xoas goods at Holliday’s is attracting wide spread attention. Xmas gifts 0 f all kinds. Victims Paid Cash In Advance Readl Session at Thomasville Has Adjourned. TWO CHANGES FOR AMERICUS "uvanoo Keadl- _ ... _ 'y Supposing Fellow to Bo a W ' F ' Sm lh Suooood * Rov - K ' — bellow to Bo a o Postoffice Employe—Now Mourning ■ , * " Pr8, ‘ d " ,g Eld#r ~ Rov ’ W. Their Lost Shokels. Woo *® n Returned Hero and Raw. Wooten Returned Here and Rev. E. M. Overby to St. Paul’s The Times-Itecordcr anncnuced ytt* Santa Clans has already come to Mrs M T. Elam’s atore. Head this mom- ing her list of offerings in fine holiday goods. The cotton market absolutely refuses to get out of the old rnt in which it has wabbled for a month. It still stays at 7j cents. Sumter oonnty farmers will save more meat this winter then for a number of years past. That’s the real road to prosperity. Now that Americas has bsen success fully worked by the mailbox swindler, we will be marked victims for all the other fakirs. “Hello, Amerious; this is Lumpkin” I The Times Reeordtryesterday morn ing undertook to waru our citizens . 7 against the “p-jvate mailbox swindle” I? . mornin * tha assignment made be the first message to come should it he attempted here, but the ^ *** ° eorei “ • Conference tor warning came too la'e Not a few peo Judges. Montgomery has been ill for a day or two, tbe result of a fall sus tained recently. His condition is now -juito feeble. But three weeks of the old year re main. Americas has done much this year, and is going to make even greater strides in 1903. Not a few of “the boys” are picking ont oity j obj for next year. But what the Connoil it going to do about it re mains to be seen. Pie who resd the note of warning knew they were the victims of a sharper. for, veiily, the sleek rascal had already worked the town. The press dispatches told of the com ing of a man to Rome who fraudulent ly took orders for letter boxes, repre- seating himself as a poslofflee employe sent ont by the department He pocketed tbe cash for tbe imagi nary boxes, which, he said, would bo forwarded right away. Thinking that the rascal might in- olnde Americus iu his itinerary the Times Reorder published the warn ing, only to learu yesterday from sur prised citizsns that he had been here but a few days before and thoroughly cleaned up this dead easy town in taking ‘ orders ’’ No one knows just bow many doz Tbe tnrk that ran tbe Thanksgiving gauntlet is now figuring on a Christ mas escape. Ths big birds were never so plentiful here. Than Americus there was not a more orderly city iu Georgia yesterday. Thousands of people here, and not an arrest for disorder. Fireman Pope Skelton, who has bsen with the looal department for a number of years, has resigned therefrom to en gage in otber business. Americas peoplo who travel will hai with pleasure the establishment of a Bleeping car service.on this division of the Central next Suuday. People from a half dozen towns near . Americas were shopping hero yester day. Americas merchants who adver tise are selling the goods. Already those shoppers known as lookers end t-omebsckers aro inspecting Christmas goods end having the more saleable artioles set aside. Within the past week two families from other states have secured farms near Amerlons and will engage in dairying and trnQk raising. With tbe adjournment of the grand jury this week those absentees who J>,ve been visiting relatives in the K’ondike can return home. The passage in the house.of the Americas police commission bill was the subject of very general disousslon apon the streets here yesterday. Albany’s postoffloe mnddlo was set tled yesterday by tbe appointment «f young Mr. Btimbsrry, son of the former postmaster, to tbatoffioe. In superior court yesterday Demos Martin, a negro, was oonvloted of as eanlt to rape. Nearly tbe entire day was consumed in trying the ease. Foreman Walter Gnerry of the fire department, was granted a ten days vaoatton by connoil last night. He will apend it vary delightfully, too. eas of people were fleeced. The fellow was well dressed and of bnsiness-liko appearance. He had regularly printed receipts, which he gave to those ordering “boxes” in oamplianoj with the “governmental order Ladies, found alone at their homer, were his easiest viotims. To these he stated that the •‘govern- ment” hai just issued an order that every residence in Amerions mast be provided with a door letter box at onoe. The price wbb 50 oenb; he merely col lected tbe fee, while a looal carpenter would soon pat ap the boxes. Lee street, Taylor, College, Jackson, Cbnrcb—in faot, the whole town was well fleeced. Borne day oar people will learn to be ware of snch front doorfrandr, but that day baa not yet dawned. Amerieus tho Amerions chnrohes bnt, owing to the lateness of tbe hour at which tbe appointments were read ont we oonld a )t oover tbe Amerions District. Following are tbe appointments com Piste for this diatriot. Presiding Elder, W. F. Smith, who succeeds Rev K. Read. Americas, First, W. L. Wootten. St, Pant's church, Amerions Circuit, E. M. Overby. Andcrsonville, R. B, Rosa. Ellaville Circmt, L. A. Hill. Smithviile Circuit, R. M. Ailisoo. Bronwood Circuit, J. D. Snyder. Parrott Circuit, J. Shirab. Richland Cirouit, J, 8, Funderburk. Stewart, Aaron Kelly. Georgetown, N. T. Puffard. Fort Gaines, D. D. Iiatotmur. ( ntbbcrt, J. A- Harrnau, Dawson, 0, F. Cook. Plains Circuit, T. I. Neste. Suellman and Groves, L. W. Colson. SbellmaD, L. H. Minin. Lumpkin, I. A. Arnold Rev. Homer Bath is again president of Andrew Female College. As seen from tbe above, Rev. T. T. Neaee, for two years the beloved pastor of St, Pani'd ohnrob here, is transfer red to tbe Plains Circmt. Rev. K, Read, for several years pas tor of First Methodist Church here and for two years the presi ling] elder of the Amerions district, is transferred to tbe pastorate ot First Street Chnroh at Maeon. Americas will part with him self and family with much regret. It is a subject of general congratula tion that Rev. W. L. Wootten isreturn- ed to this church, No pastor here was ever more etteemed and he is indeed doing a great work here. Some of the otber appointments of A LINE TOOLUMPXIN READY IN A WEEK. I Americus to Talk to Stew | art’s Capital. For a STRINGING LINES TO AMERICUS. j Noon-time Nibble Long Dlatanoe Sorvlco Will Soon Be Perfeoted—Will Conneot Alto With [ Columbus In Few Days—Improve-j ments In the Looal Servloo. obeerily over tbe long diatanoe lines withtn a week, possibly by Monday next, as the construction force la mak ing rapid progress in closing np tte narrow gap between those two towns. And in a very few days now the line 11 be thrown open. This is one branch of • new tele phone system 6t whloh Amerions will be the centre, lines radiating honoo to every city, town and hamlet in this portion of Georgia Lumpkm to tUe west, Columbus to tbe northwest and Abbeville, silty Uneeda Biscuit At the office, in the home, in the workshop — everywhere Uneeda Biscuit for a hasty lunch. The famous In-er-seal Package keeps out all damp ness, dust and odor# /Oi I cents I five miles to the east, will soon be Americas, as will b() ) PERSONAL NOTES OF INTEREST. joins bands with Rome in lamenting I local interest are, Vienna, B. E. Whtt- tbo Hot that we are easy, very easy. | tington; Hawkinaville, J. O. Cook; Fort Valley, E. M. Whiting; M irshal- A New Remedy, | vtli-, W. W. Seale; Monteznms, J. H. Tbe ell friends of Chamberlain's Mather;Oglethorpe, A. Lester;]Buena Cough Remedy will be pleased to kcow I Visf'e, W. E. Arnold; Oordele, E. H that the manufacturers of that prepara-1 MoGehee, Albany, J. A; Thompson! tlon have gotten out a new remedy oell- TT .,., j M R ed Chamberlain's Stomach and L'vsr* d “ ’ Ba,s ’ the score of smeller towns en rente, c ~ ~ ,, , I Some of Those Who Came or Went Already wa have c.mnectlon with Ma-| Yost rd oon, Atlanta and all points north. I „ r a f- And also with Albany and many n ,„ h r ; ?, V ; L *“* r °* me 0Ter ,rom , . .. . ^ I Rionland to look after matters of bus!- towas to tbo south of Amerious. I oess here, Manager Weaver, of the Amerieus MUa Emm. Chapman i. visiting her exabsngelrop a to have both tbe Co- slater, Mrs. Perry 0. Clegg, in Oor Iambus and Lumpkin lines op ced I dale for several days, within a week at beat. Col. wr. A. Dodson left yesterday 1'bis will give eonneetion with these I foJ Atlanta where be goes for a day or points, together with Biehlsnd, Pres- two 00 Important business, ton, Plains, on one system, and Boons I Little Mias Elmore, of Paradiae, is Viets and Ellaville on the Colombo* 1 41,6 B ne8 l of Mr. and Mrs. Engene line. Within thirty-day* the line Elmore - "»Mog TM^sy. along tbo Besbosrd will baye been M,M Vi Onlkway, tbe gneat of Mias completed .as far as Abbeville and ® ,lbett d “ r,ng Elk* Fair in A1 Fitzgerald. b:IIl y> will return borne this week Thus will the Bell Telephone Co M *’ H ‘, Clay Bsgloy, of Atlanta, J ... .. „ I spent yesterday |q American. looftim? cover this an Hr. section of southwest- , fter hls ex , e n,ive farming interests. cm Georgia, with Amerions the centre TO . . . . of a network of wi#.. Miss M-.y Wheatley, who bas been work of wires. | tba oharming guest o! Miss Neila Va sou in Albany, is expeoted home very shortly MissUtells MoGeo arrived yeeter day from Portsmouth npon a visit of some length to friends in Amoricu#, FOR TORPID LIVER. '" W|to ' ormer 1,ome » uoiwuk ui wires. | TutFs Pills A torpid liver deranges the wboio I Mr - * od Mra. Charles W. Hooter ess^sTSK 2?lore guests of Mr. Thornton Wheatley SlrK HEADACHE, - audMI.s Wheatley, arriving yeater Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu-1 dtf ,rom S4T ™ Mb - otatism, Sallow Skin and Piles. b«v. t. d. eihs, presiding older ot Thereto no hetirr •wm-Aufqr these tbe Savannah Distnot, with Mrs. E'lla LIVER PILLS, as a in Take No Substitute. than ML TUTTPS COTTON MARKET REPORT. Tablets, and that It Is meeting with Bsv. A. M. Williams goes to Trinity ‘""•""I »b ■■ UJUUdUg WlfcQ I — much success In tbs treatment of oon- Chureb at Savaonab, stlpatlon, blilonsneaa, slok beadaobs, Rev. G. W. Matthews, who was pas- Impaired digestion sad like di.ordera.L,, here last year, remains at Dublin. These Tablets are eader to take and T „ , j 7, more pleasant in effsot than pills, then Mo0obce presiding elder of they not only move tbe bowels, bnt lm. MoBae Diatriot; J, M. Lovett, of prove tbe appetite and oorrtet any dir-1 Dublin District: T, D. Ellis, iSavsn- orders of tbe atomaoh and Itvcr. For nab District; M, A. Morgan, Sooth sale by oil druggists, | Macon District; Basoom Anthony, North Maoon; G. G. N. MoDonnell, READY BUILT FENCING. |Colnmbns Distrio'; Ed, F. Cjok, Thomasville Diatriot; J. O, Brsnob, Mr. G A. Turpin sold to Mr. Thorn' tin Wheatley yesterday a very band some pair of Kentucky horses, over which he will now pnli the ribbons. Mr. Robert B. Stewart is now mak ing headquarters at Lookett’e stable, where he will be engaged in tbe stook business daring tbe winter season Tax Oolleotor Dnnn to going to close his books on tbe night of tbe 19tb. inst. And theebanoes are that there will be hundreds of tax delinquent*. Charlie Oooprr’s many friends can now find him at Alien A Bailey’s ealoon on Cotton avenge, where he will ba pleased io greet them and serve them with the best of goods. POMP WALKER 13 FACING JURY. Seoond Trial of Negro Upon Charge of Murdor. Tbe entire day in snperior coart was taken np yesterday in the trial of Pomp Walker charged with tbe killing of Tom Holman, another negro. Walker was once convicted of bia crime and sentenced to life imprisonment, but the supreme coatt granted a new trial, whloh is now in progress. The ease will be concluded this morning, Some of the Points That Have Made I Valdosta; J. W. Weston, Way cross It Highly Popular. Diatriot. Woven tied wire fences are taking C. B. Jenkins, formerly of Amerions, the ptoea of every otber kind because Ja 0 n Pelham Ciroalf, W. D. McGra ths right sort ot woven wire fenoe is m ,, . . found to possess more durability and r°* rt ' Mdd,tr, ®> M. Blitoh at greater eeonomy than any other f.noe Wardlaw at Thomasville, that oan be bought or bnilt The Ell- G. W. Ohildresa at Batler, L. J. Ba'- wood Steel Wire fenoe to one of the I lard, Eut Highlands, Oolambas; J. E, kind referred to. It eomes ready bnilt Harrtoon. Broad Street, J.E. Wray, from the faetory in rolls, ail ready to I stretce and staple, and even if it were P* 1 ** 1 d W W ’ p,n * 0D . s »- possible to bnild a fenoe joet aa good Lnk# • Oolnmbna. with a band maehlne—which it to not— W. G. Lovett is editor Christian Ad - theeaving in labor and ooat won’d voeate and W. A. Hnokabeo agent ,h « •«'« in l "° r <>• “>« Orphans Home. G. N. MoDonnell to nto hand fencing can bo bonght in mlMloD " y to 0nbi ’ M «■ al »° V. P, six different heights, from 18 ineb to I Seville. 86 Inob and in a variety of atylea from I The next annnxi session of tbe C'on- highly ornamental lawn fenoe* to tbe I fcranco will be held at Sanderiville. strong and eimpie field feneing and a I At tbe close of the session Monday a fine meab for poultry enclosures. Ii I oolleotion was taken for the fond for has a diamond-shape mesh that to small I aged ministers and the widows and or- near the ground giving crops extra phans of deceased ministers, and the good proteotion against pigs and chick-1 good enm of 88,000 was raised, one. It is sold by dealers in all parts' of the country and examined by every one interested in baying a fence that fences at a low price. Grove's Chronic Chill Cnre. cures tbe chills that other chill tonics don't cnre. Mado of the following (laid extracts: Peravian Bark, Black Boot, Poplar Bark, Priokiy Aih Bark, Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith's Sure Kldnoy Core I Wood F Bark * ^ will produce both, Try a bottle be convinced. Yonr druggist sella it b ® ‘ B 6 ,0 ,0 ’ No care - No for 80 cents. | Pay. 00c. “Health ir batter thin wasith” iol It tikes the avenge man a lifetime to him who to wealthy only. | o rrect his bad grammar. Amerious, Ga., Deo. 10 -Beoeipta today at looal warehouses. 103 bales. Beoeived previously 87,880 Total receipts to date... .87,48i bales. The looal market to quoted as follows Good Middling 7) @ 7} Middling 7| @ 7J New York, Deo. 10. -Fntnres closed qntet. Deo. 8.38, Jan. 8.37 'Maroh 8.31, May 8,88. State of Ohio, oity of Toledo, > Lucca Countv, ( BS » F.ianic J. OneNEY makes oath bo Is ••■I'W psrtnar of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing boslnsss In tbe City of r »le to, O iauty of S to stors- Ouy < , , .aid, and that said firm willpiy ths som of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaoh and every case of Catabbix that oannot he eared by the nss of Hall’s Oatabbb Cubb. FBANK’J, CHENEY. 8worn to before me aod eubiorlbed fa MTSBr* thl * <,tn ’ d>7 of D<oemb « r —A. W. GLEASON SEAL L r# UbBA3UIl| Notary Public, Hell’s Catarrh Core Is t iksn to'ernst- ly. ans sots directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tbs systsm. Band for testlmonlsif, free. F J. CHENEY A CO., To’ed >, O. Bold by Druggists, 78c. Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best. Poetry may bring retnrns—if a stamp is enclosed with it. DR. ALEXANDER’S CHILL TONIC A positive, permanent, end <afecure for Malaria, Chllla snd Fetsr. Contains no poison. The best Toni* Anti-Periodic, Appetizer, nnd Strength. cnee ior pale, ricklyremalca and children known. Brings the glow to faded cheeks; makes weak children £>t and hearty. Tablet form | tasteless; easy to take. Price 50 eta. Trial Size, 25 eft. Msj Torp’d Uve Jconstipo tloufsSTirmdj^I Price 25 Cent*. For tale by Sett by mill on’ receipt or price, tij E. J, Eldridg-, 1 ole agen'.A'A-ntrlcus, Ca is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Ellis ht their home, 183 Taylor. Mr, A. W. Smith returned home last night from New York where henought a superb stock of holiday goods for the A. W, Smith Farnttare Co. An Ounce of Prevention is Bet ter Than a Pound of Cure. Pre pare for the Winter and Weather. Qet a Chest or Lung Protector, They will keep you Warm and Well. All kinds sizes, and prices. Rembert’s Drug Store, Next Postoffice KIDNEY DISEASES ere the most fatal of all dis- eases* 10 KIDNEY CURE It a luaranteid Rinriy or money refunded. Contains # v* luuuucu* VdUuidiia w °rth®ioo. re yon to cure child remedies recognized by eml- water° during sleep “Anti-Dinr'Ttio” physJdanS M the Mst ict .»• 80,3 b v e. Kidney and Bladder troubles. J. Eldrldge, drnggfst.1 | PRICB 50c. and $1X0, Quail Are in Sight, and Ducks are Coming. 5mifhwirk * 8 fixed for ail jiiiunwiCK of them and lg ready and waiting to fix you for them I am better prepared to serve ths sportsmen than ever before with a large assortment of Blgb-Orade Ottos and AmmunlUon at prices to snit your pocket- book. My'line of single Breech-Loaders cannot be beaten on quality or price, and my High-Grade Hammer and Hammerlcss Double-Barrel Breech Loaders cannot be duplicated anywhere at the prices.' For the Next 30 Davs I shall offer you great gains on Hight-Grade ] merle® Guna. If you are not ready^to buy, bring your old gun and have it repaired and cleaned by rpractical and experienced smiths. Shells loaded to order on 8hortfnotice,![and special and p attention given to mail orders. SMITHWICK S GUN STOR lai FORSYTH STREET.