Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, December 26, 1902, Image 8

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TMh AMERlCPa WEEKLY TIMES--RECORDEK: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1902. m 0. WfcE*TLEY. GEO. D. WHEATLEY. Under Full Headway. T HE Holiday trar’e ft l'JOJ is !!■ w under full head way. Tne for. e of ou^ iire-ngf. t in pnpiring for this th- treatest selling time of the year is most apparent. I* very scciiin is luiripu-ieU equipped w th tlie u tul, thcoijiaii'entai. hr y_nt> The bigut-M volume rtf bu ness isvei. to e trie— !>• r \. ,u • ’!i fitin us ready for it. Ju.-t thi' initv a< fl hi re, ji u i■, n ill ; Hi rd to pats this store « hen btrit onChr'stmas h"vint! MR. WOOTTEN SENDS GREETING. Big Shew of Men’s llcckwear. I Men’s Linen Handkerchiefs i You’ll find an almost endless variety to choose from, all made to onr our own «|>eeial order wirti an eye to their Illness. Men’s reversible Four-in-hand, ■Aflcotn,, Hat Winns, Hutlerlly, in blaek and white, light and dark colors, atSOe. Men’s Club Ties in blaek, wliiie, light and dark eoiors, good value, at 25c. Kid Gloves for Presents, 3tylish I)res9 (i loves, lined Gloves, Driving Gloves, for men, women, ami children. No better present can you select. Men’s Hootch Wool Knit Gloves, in blaek and fancy colors; also red and white, 25c, 35c, and 50c. Men’s Kid Gloves for dress; lin ed and uulined, fur top and plain, London stitch and spring tops, at 00c, 85c, 01, $1.25, $p.60, $2.00 and $2.25 pair. llelow wo tpiote you prices certain Inis of Men’s pure linen llaudkereliiefs, as linen haudker chiefs go, these are certainly hi gains. Men’s line quality all linen Hand kerchiefs; hemstitched wide and narrow hems, regular price 20c special value at 15c. Men’s soft bleached all-linen llaudkereliiefs,popular width hem, full size and unequalled value at 25 cents. Rugs and Portieres. The largest and most thoroughly complete assortment of styles we have ever shown; the smallest door rug to the Inrgest room size; pattern and colors of every good style,. 50c to $21 each. Special value in mailing Hugs, extra large size border all round, embroidered center, all colors, at $2.00 Cncli. - Tapestry and Chenille Portieres, nil colors, two-tone and hagdad ef fects; special yalue at $2.50, $3.00, $11.50 and $1.50 pair. Gifts for a Housekeeper. 'Table Linens, Napkins, Towels a Jilankctor Comfort, these are al ways vary useful and acceptable present. Just a hint of the buying possibilities in store here for you, Table Linens liy (he yard, all weiglds and widths, pure linen, bleached or unbleached 40c to $1.50, Pleached DnmnskH Napkins jj and J size 75c to $2.50 dozen, also i size Napkins io match $1.00 qual ity. Damasks from $:i.00 to $3.00 and blenched satin Mercerized Nap kins full size at $2.25 dozen. Towels at 25c, • knotted fringe damask Towelp all pure linen white and colored borders, special value at 25c. Finer quality hemstitched or fringed at 25c 50c and $1.00 each. Blankets, white with pink, blue or red borders, all styles and qual ities $2.75 to $10.00 pair. Kidcrdown Comforts $5.00 to $10.00 Laminated cotton filled Comforts $1.25 to $3.00 each. Pastor of First Methodist Gives Kind- ly Choor. . Mr Bkloved Is Ciihiht:—The now j’flnr dsn uh so the old year dies. So, of the paet momenta in each life. Old and new. seems to he <be natural aud divineorder. Life is eo quickly past. MARRIED A QUARTER CENTURY. Prominent Couple to Celebrate Silver .Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Perry hays tent ont beantifnl invitations to their silver wedding which very an-picioos occasion will be celebrated on Wednes day evening, .laouary 1 at, at their At beat, it ia but an oppormuity residence on Leu atreet. Aud it may home who began with ns a year ago | be said in all truth that no aocial fane ^Delayed Winter 7/? aans to t/io *Dry Soods 7/forchant; have fallen asleep. Lot ijb cheriah tender y their memory. And now we near the hour of the birth onr Lord in the world. Life bun been vaater, und.its tie'* and relationt-Dip nweeter silch .Jdmh 'lived among men. We Miare what in bi»*t m bo goodly a heritage. Let ub treaa- ur« it grattfully, nuii nhare it evenly with otherB, Trial* and tear* have fallen to the lot of many of yon daring the year If bo, yon are stronger, and we trust holier, because of them ‘'Whom the Lord lovetb, fie chasteneth. Msyallofllis providences, hide us under his wing. Mnch more is left nu to fdease than pain ns. Find and hold yoor place at the Throne of Grace, aud the Charch of God. More than live hundred of yoor brethren and Bisters have an interest in yon and your presence at the place and h< nrs of worHhip. Let no one take your crown, lie loyal, bo trne. The fields are white unto the bar vost. The Sunday School, the Ep worth League, the Mission societies, each need yonr sympathy aud sapport, tion of the season is anticipated witlr bo much genuine pleasure, for than C<U aud Mrs Perry none lu Americus are more highly esteemed. And, though there mav ho “silver threads among the gold” a happy companion- ship of a quarter century makes these strauds appear as tiny beams of sun shine instead, warmed by a d» votion as tender as ever evoked the inspira tion of a poet. 11 will be an occasion long remembered in Americas. W- y onoy to t/io Consumer. < we h.tvr h«ii practical^-. iu> winter ’'.id a inns • xivlb-nt T)u>irjt'"f tit t lots < f win't-r goods has been A New Remedy, Let os unitedly go forward. Then the new cbnrch now building needs yonr gifts. If it is to be beanti ful in architectural adornment, let us be even more beautifnl in holiness, It will be a monnment to yonr faith and a benediction to many who live after us. We aro building now for eontnry. Let ns be attentive to the aick and strangers. Be kind and helpful to the poor, Help your pastor aud thoso associat ed with him in the cares and work of the ehnrch. Fray for ns often. Pray for the spirit of yoor Lord. Copy His Life—Share His image. May onr Lord keep ns, all in the nity of the Spirit and in the bond of peaoo now; always pray. Truly yours in Christ. W. L. Woottbn, A Million Voices GEO. D. WHEATLEY \ LAMAR STREET AND COTTON AVENUE. AMERICUS, ’ GEORGIA Guns Made to Order, Repairing a Specialty Shells Loaded to Order. Special jama TOY PISTOLS, GUN OIL AIR RIFLES. General*Spo sting Goods. -CALL ON . S GUN STORE, .* * Before Buying Your holiday Sporting Goods. uiild.barcliy rxprrcs the tbachs of Homer Halt, of West. Point, la. Listen wby: A Bevero cold had settled on Ids lungs, causing a ni' st obstinate cough. Several physicians i aid he had consump tion, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to tire Dr. King’s NewDlscoveryforCousump- tion au l writes: "It completely cured mo and saved uiy life. I now weigh 227 lb*," It’s positively gurantced for Goughs,Olds'nnd Lung troubles. Price 3)0. andlSl.OO. Trial bottles free at K. J, E'dridge’s drug atore. Tho old friends of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy w:lt be pleased to know that the manufacturers of that prepara tion have gotten out a new remedy call ed Chamborlatn's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and that It la meeting with much success In the treatment of con stipation, biliousness, sick headache, impaired digestion and like disorders. These Tablets aro easier to take and more pleasant In elleot than pills, then they not only move the bowels, bat Im prove the appetite and correct any dis orders of the stomach and liver. For sale by all druggists. As evt-rv onr yet, ami while same time the somewhat rrt<rd. The gilt season now ug-m n-a-d f >r the next few flays we shall offer >n of ex - .ranriijiury inducements in order to avoid carrying' over a good minv things which we murht otherwise have to do. OURS IS IIIE PUCE FOR TOUR HOLIDAY GIFT BUYING. Here you will hnd more ot the necessarie-. as well as the useful and acceptable articles for the giving to your friends and loved ones than you will ft ad under any one roof in all this part of Georgia. Don’t wait until the U*t day, but come now while you can t ':eyonr time in looking around and making your selections. We are are here with a full and competent cmps of pleasant and obliging salesmen to serve you. COME. For the Wives, the Mothers, Daughters. Sisters, Cousins and Aunts. A GREATER CROP OF MELONS. Will Bo Planted About Amorlcus Noxt Year. > Farmers and truok-growers about Americas, highly pleased with the re sults attending the reoent crop of mel ons, and particularly cantaloupes, will plant even more extensively next year. And these growers will be interested in knowing that the land and' industrial department of the Central of Georgia has iesned a bulletin, "Cultivating and Marketing Cantelonpes,” by E. A. Ross. The bulletin is of valae to farm ers and frmt growers, stating as it does, the kind of soil bent adapted to cantelonpes, advice as to tho selection of seed, picking, packing and shipping. A nice Black .Silk Dress. A Black Wool Dress. A Colored Wool Drees. A moe Silk Waist. A Wool Waist. A Cotton Waist or Wsistiog, A nice Tailor Mode Sait. A new style Jacket. A Walking or Dress Skirt. A Silk mercerized Pettiooat. A Chiffon Boa or Rncb. A half dozen Hhandkerobiefa, A half dozen Btookings, A pretty Silk or Leather Belt. A handsome Parse or Pocket Book. A Chatelaine Bag, or Wrist Bag. A pretty Lsoe Collar. Corsets, Ribbons, Umbrellas. Combs aod Brcshes, Mirrors, Sofa Pillows, Neckwear, Underwear. Towels, Napkins, Table Damasks. Marseilles Oonnterpanes. Blankets, Comfortables. Outings, Rleachings, Canton Flannels, Sea Islands, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Percales, Caliooes, Ginghams. * Foils a Deadly Attack “My »ife was ,o ill that gout phjsl- claua were unable lo help her.” writes M. Austin, of Wlncheeter, Ind., but was completely cured hy Dr. King'., New Life Pi;ls.''. They work coders In stomach and liver troubles. Cures constipation,sick headache. 2.3, E; J. E'dridge’s drug sore. KRIS KRINGLE IN A BALLOON. Bad Fright It Given Old Country Darkoy. Prof. McQnade, the balloonist, made another tine ascent yesterday, thous ands viewing his flight into the olonda. As the paraebnte gracefully descended an old conotry negro on Cotton Ave nue caught a glimpse of the professor. "Good Gawd” he exclaimed in terror "dare comes Bandy Claws riding on • ramborcllcr and he’ll keteh dis nigger drank fer sare." And tho old negro dodged into the warehouse to avoid meeting "Sandy," HE BOUGHT SUITS FOR FAMILY. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cared in Three Days. Moiitox L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., says: “My wife bad Inflamatory Kneu- matlam in every mnscle and Joint, b i-ilTuring was terrlblo and her body and ace wore swollen boyond recognition had been In bed for six weeks and had eight physicians Cut received no benefit until she tried the MYSTIC CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. It gave immediate re- lte* and sl e was able io walk about In ihtee da»y». 1 am sure It saved her life. Bo it by K J Eldrldgo, Druggist, Ameri ca*, i-h. THIS COONETTE IS IMPUDENT Snstod a Policeman And Locked in Coop. Several policemen, regulars and special officers, got busy on Forsyth street yesterday, and as one started to the coop with a coon cargo a negro woman, merely an onlooker, got gay and oponed the vials of her wrath on policemeu in general She was quick ly caged along with the others and wus very, very sorry that she spoke. ( To Cure a Cold in One Day Tate Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabletsty/A Cure* Grip In. Two Days. This signature, ATJC^rw ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ on every ’ box. 25c. Remarkable Bunch of Stalwarts In Amorlcus. Perhaps the most remarkable family living in south Georgia came to Ameri cas yesterday. It oonsiated of the father and nine grown sons, and, still moro remarkable, every man stood abovo six feet in bight. The old man was the sonl of liberality, and oorral- ing his brood at Wheatley & Ansley’B store he bought every man a good salt of clothes for a Christmas gift, the fitting on being done without the •id of a step ladder. Tbeold patriarch and bis nine stalwart eone attracted no little attention as they walked •boat the oity, properly banched. We have too many La dies’ Tailor-Made Suits. Jackets, and Children’s Coats, yet we have sold more than ever before, still^ve bought heavier. Special inducements in price for next few days. Children’s coats great I reduced. ENGAGED IN SUCCESSFUL HUNT. Big Baga o(|Blrda Are Brought in By Gunnera. Mr. Jnstioe W. H. Fish and Mr. H. B. McCIeskey returned to Americas yesterday from Arlington, whore .they have been shooting partridges since Monday last. Judge Fish is an ardent sportsman, as is Mr. McCUskey, and the well tilled game bags brought in yesterday attested their success in the Bold. ' Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Etc. Here we shall offer extra inducements. We have one lot of Brussels Carpats, slightly water damaged and bought at a great sacrifice. Will close out for a trifle over half price. They were $1.00 per yard, we offer them at 63c yd. Wool Ingrain Carpets, 35c, 45c, 50c, 69c, 66c yd. Brussels, 59c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 yd. Velvets, $1.00, $125, $1.60 yd. Mattings, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c yd and up. A magnificent line of fine Velvet Art Squares, worth $40,oo to close at $19.75. Beautiful Brussels Smyna and Ingrain Art Squares! ranging from $5.oo to $25,00. 500 Smyrna Rugs at the lowest prices ever shown here Velvet Rugs, Brussels Rugs, Jute Rugs—all prices. COTTON MARKET REPORT. Americas, Go., Deo. 24 —Receipts today at local warehouses. 237 bales. Received prcvionsly 29,004 " Total receipts to date... .29, 891 bales The local market ia quoted as follows; Good Middling 8 @81 Middling 1 73 0 ?J New York, Dec. 24,—Futures closed steady. Deo. 8.50, Jsn. 8.50 March 8.32, May 8,33. Taken Up. Ono old blaek horse-mnle at the Jsr- rett plantation, to miles east of Ameri- Owner can get same by applying to me and paying for keeping, etc. dltwlt J. A. Wkeub. It’s an easy matter to get into the habit of meeting trouble half way. Time is moneyjto the man who has a government contraet. Fancy China ware. During onr recent trip to New York we picked up at a great bargain a beautiful lot oi samples which we will sell very low. The pieces are all useful and handsome, and will delight you to see them. We also picked up a little sample lot of FANCY TABLES which we will sell at tempting prices. They are the new and up-to-date stuff aud will please you when you see them and the prices at which they are marked. A nice salt of Clothing. AlFine Overcoat. A Pair Odd Trousers. Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Box and Underwear. Niglitrobes, Bospenders. Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, For the Men and Boys. A Pair of Hanan’a Shoes—$6.00. A Pair of Crossett’a Shoes—$3.50. APalr of cheaper Shoes—$1,25 and up A nice Silk Umbrella or Hat. A Trunk, Snit Case or Clnb Beg. Our stock of Winter Suits and Overcoats ts entirely too large. We shall offer extraordinary inducements for the next few days in order to convert a great many of these goods into the cash. We are the acknowledged leaders in this Clothing line as well as all others which we carry We Want Your Business. Come to See Us. department store