Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, January 02, 1903, Image 8

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GEO a. WHEATLEY. GEO. 0. WHEATLEY. INTO THE GREEK A BUGGY IS THROWN. Under Full Headway. T HE Holiday trade I 1902 is n< w under full head way. The fon e of < ur foresipht in preparing for this the greatest selling time of the ‘year is most apparent. Ever} sec i n is a nipleteiy equipped with the um ful, theoiuamental, for gifts. The biggest vo ume of husi ness isyet to orae— bet yon yuo’jl find us ready for it. Just this dow ai d liere, you can ill a fiord to pass this store when bent onChristma-i buying Big Show of Men's Neckwear. Tou’il find an almost endliss variety to choose from, all made to onr our own special order with an eye to their fitness. Men's reversible Four-in-hand, A scots,, Hat Wings, Butterfly, in black and white, light and dark colors, at 50c. Men's Club Ties iu black, white, light and dark colors, good value, at 25e. Kid Gloves for Presents, Stylish Dress Gloves, lined Gloves, Driving Gloves, for men, women, and children. No 1 letter present can you select. Men’s Scotch Wool Knit Gloves, in black and fancy colors; also red and white, 25c, 35c, and 50c. Men’s Kid Gloves for dress; lin ed and unlined, fur top and plain, London stitch and spring tops, at 50c, 85e, 81, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25 pair. Rugs and Portieres. The largest and most thoroughly complete assortment of styles we have ever shown; the smallest door rug to the largest room size; pattern and colors of every good styie, 50c to $21 each. Special value in Matting lings, extra large size border all round, embroidered center, all colors, at $2.00 each. and Chenille Portieres, wo-toiie and bagdad el- special value at $2.50, $3.oo, and $4.50 pair. Men’s Linen Handkerchiefs. Below we quote you prices on certain lots of Men’s pure linen Handkerchiefs, as linen handker chiefs go, these are certainly bar gains. Men’s fine quality all linen Hand kerchiefs; hemstitched wide and narrow hems, regular price 20c, special value at 15c. Men’s soft bleached all-linen Handkerchiefs,popular width hem, full size and ^unequalled value at 25 cents. Couple Here Had a Harrow Escape. HORSE JUMPS FROM A BRIDGE. Carrying Buggy and Occupants Into ^ Muckalee Crock at Night-Fortu nately They Escape Injury Though Given a Bad Fright A GRANGE IS MADE AMONGJHE CLERKS Henry Mitchell Is Assistant Postmaster. Gifts for a Housekeeper. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels a Blanket or Comfort, these are al ways vary useful and acceptable present. Just a hint of the buying possibilities in store here for you. Table Linens by the yard, all weights and widths, pure linen, bleached or unbleached tOcto $1.50. ' Bleached Damasks Napkins and J size' 75c to $2.50 dozen, also J size Napkins io match 81.00 qual ity. Damasks from 83.00 to $5.00 and bleached satin Mercerized Nap kins full size at $2.25 dozen. Towels at 25c, knotted fringe damask Towels all pure linen white and colored borders, special value at 25c. Finer quality hcmstitcln d or fringed at 35c 50c and $1.00 each. Blankets, white with pink, blue or red borders, ail styles and qual ities $2.75 to $10.00 pair. Eiderdown Comforts $5.00 to $10.00 Laminated cotton tilled Comforts $1.25 to $3.00 each. Thejspeclaele of a handsome boggy floating in the mndily waters of Muck- alee or«. k yesterday morning erea'ed a little excitement f r the time nntil it waB learned that no fatality bad resul ted therefrom. Bat it was a thrilling and narrow es cape for two wellknowu young people of The Plains. With[a wild plunge their horse went off the bridge, or embankment, drag ging with him tile buggy und occu pants. Down they went, iuto the chilling waters fifteen feet bolow. The accident occurred at a late hour the night before, and nothing was learned of it until yesterday morning when [passers by wero astonished at seeing tho buggy m the creek, sub- merged and broken. The young couple had driven from PlaiuB to Amerieus to attend the Le- Movne performance here. They drove a spirited horse, and upon reaching tho bridge, a mile from the city, npon the retnru trip home ward, the animal took fright and made a wild plunge. Down tho bnggy went, into tho deep and muddy waters. The first thought of tho young man was, of couise, fur tho safety of his fair escort, and on seeing that she was unhurt ho freed the struggling horse and led him ashore, the buggy remain- ng iu the creek. Another team was secured and the trip to The Plains was then made in safety. It was a close call for the youi s couple. ALEX SULLIVAN IS PROMOTED While C. D. Elmore Takes Position of Stamper -No Olhci Change In Per- sonel of Office—A Prosperous Year Was Tiiat Just Ended The Secret of I.oDg Life. Consists In keeping all ihe main oigans f the body in healthy, regular action, and la qulrklv destroying deadly dis ease gerns. Electric BitterB regulate Stomach. Liver and Kidneys, purity the blood, and give a splendid npp, tlte. They work wonders in curing Kidney Troubles, Petra's Complaints, \er\on:t diseases, Constipation, Dyspepsia, and Malaria. Vigorous health and strength a'ways follow their use On y 50o, guar anteed by E. J. Eldridge’s drug stores. LAMAR STREET AND COTTON AVENUE. BROTHERS HAVE REUN,ON HERE AMERICUS, GEORGIA Guns Made to Order. ABB Repairing a Specialty. Loaded to Order. 1IB Special Typewriter Oil. GUN OIL AIR RIFLES TOY PISTOLS, General^Sporting Goods. CALL ON THWICK S GUN STORE, Before Buying Your Holiday Sporting Goods. First Meeting of tho Throe In Quarter Century. Messrs. Heury A. aud G. A. Dearieo two of Sumter's best known oiti zone, had as their honored gnest yes terday their brother, Mr. C. E. Dear- iso, of Cooledge, Thomas oonnly, and very happy indeed were these broth ers three. It was the first time in a quarter eentary the three had been to gether, and happily did the bonrs pass amoeg them. In celebration of the meeting the three went to Van Riper’s studio for a gronpe piotnre, and an ex- oillent photograph was made of thorn. All evidence their prosperity in being heavy weights, tipping the scales at 213, 210 and 210 lbs, respectively. The Times-Recorder hopes that these good citizens may thus celebrate many more happy rennions, and at shorter inter- vnls than 25 years. With the new year today tbero comes several changes in the Atueri cus postoffice, notably that of the ap Iiointment of Mr. H. C. Mitchell to the position of assistant postmaster which his brother, Postmaster Frank P. Mitchell, has filled for many years, This announcement will be hailed with ranch pleasure by the businoss men of Americns and people of tho eu tire town and county Hr. H. C. Mitchell is a professional [aoconutant, and his long years of ser vice iu the banking business and as city clerk aud treasurer of Amerieus, and more recently as chief accountant for tho Amerieus Oil Co. fits him for this responsible office. His many friends are highly grati fied at his appointment. Among the other changes announced arc those of delivery clerk and letter stamper, Alex Sullivan, who has fir several years bceu an employo in the office here, is promoted from stamper to delivery clerk, succeeding Thomas Cargile. C. D. Elmore is appointed stamper in place of Mr. Sullivan. These are the only changes. The past year lias been a very me cessful one iu the business of Ihe Ameiicua postofiiep, aud Postmaster F. P. Mitchell and his excellent force oiunt upon even an increased business during tho current year of 1903 Heads Should Never Ache. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs N A. Webster, of Winnie. Vs , she writi s‘‘Dr. King’s New Life Pills wholly cured me of sick headaches I had snffee. ed from for two years.” Cure headache, Constipation, Billlousness, at 25o at E J. Eldridgo’s drug stores. MRS. BUNDRICK IS A VISITOR. Important Notice. All parties owing us accounts that are due will please call and settle same without farther delay. A great many of these matters wo have indulged beyond all reason aadwe mast now in sist upon a settlement. Pieaso do not ask us to carry it longer for you. 1 3t wit Wheatley & Ashley, THE ANNIVERSARY OF FREEDOM Colored Citizens May Celebrate the Occasion. This is emancipation day, the anni versary of Lincoln’s proclamation do- claring tho negroes of the South freed- men. As is customary, the colored eitizensof Americas may have exer- cises appropriate to the occasion this evening. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure is Smith's Sure Kidney Cure. Yonr druggist will relnnd yonr money if after taking one bottle yon are not satisfied with resnits, 50.cents, To Cure a Cold in One Day ive Bromo Quinine Tablets.^ n/jfy This signature, ^ on every ' box. 25c. At County Jail But Husband Did Not Soo Her. Mrs. Andrew Bnndrick, of Dooly county, was a visitor at the jail here yesterday, bnt, it is said, failed to see her husband who is a prisonor there Andrew Bnndrick is one of tho two brothers oharged with the killing of John Shronder near Cordele several months ago, and sinee his captnre in Crawford county he has been confined in tho Amerions jail for safe keeping. It was there his wife called yesterday bnt, according to the statement of Jailor Brown, Bnndrick doolined to see her for reasons of bis own. Bnn- driok will probably remain in Amerieus nntil the spring term of Dooly oonrt when ho will bo taken there for trial. The other Bnndrick has never yet been captnrod. TREASURER SPEER IS BETTER. Has About Recovorved From His Re cent Illness. Judge A,C. Speer,who has been con fined to his home on Forsyth street by a long illness with fever, hns sufficiently recovered to admit of bis appearance upon tho streets and was downtown yesterday. Judge Speor was recently elected treasurer of Sumter county and will enter npon the daties of bis new office with the beginning of the new year. His many friends are gratified at seeing him upon tho streets again after his long illness. A kidney or bladder trouble can always be cured by uslug Foley’s Kidney Cure in time. John R. Hudson. Five Carloads Iron Wanted. I have order for; 5 cars old iron at once. Will pay highest price for same. I also want otter, beavor and- coon hides. Highest prices. 30 d3t wl Aaron Cohen. Estray Notice. One large spotted steer, tar brand “S” on left hip. Reward for informa tion. C. J. Sherlock. 31 d2t wit I Ncw lot camphor ice and cream to enre chaps at Rcmbert's drugstore. With the holiday rush over we begin to settle down to the Cleaning Up and Cleaning Out Business, Though the winter has just begun there are some people who feel that if they haven’t bought winter goods yet they will not need them until next year, when in reality the time for them to get the benefit of their winter goods is now. NOW TBi Your Winter Underwear, Your Ladies’ TaiIor=Made Saits, Your Ladies’ and Children’s Jackets, Your Blankets and Comfortables. Your Men’s and Boys Suits, Your Men’s and Boy’s Hats and Furnishings, Yonr Men’s and Boy’s Overcoats, Your Men’s and Boys Underwear, Your Men’s and Boys Shoes, Your Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Your Lace and Tapestry Curtains, Your Art Squares and Large Rugs. DURING THE NEXT FEW DAYS Special Inducements wilVbe offered in all departments for the COflE AND SEE US. THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECCRDER, FRIDAY JANUARY 2, 1903.