Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, January 16, 1903, Image 3

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER, FRIDAY JANUARY 16, 1903. CHURCH RECORD FOR 1902. p| l0 v ,, ar 1902 seems to have been a on,l vear for tho churches. Thccon- rilmtions, donations, benefactions ami olleetion* for church purposes were unusually lnr«o aml ‘here has been a ,n- ral enlargement ami strengthen in''of church work both at home and .ihroml. Those figures are from the ,'liicago Inter Ocean: “The mainte- im . e of the thousands of churches in ,1,, fnited States cost last year $200,- ,» M iooo. Of this amount the Baptists j,l si 1.1:18,000, tho Episcopal chtirch- .. i'.:,, 181,000, the Congregationalists «i,i op; 000. Tho Presbyterians of the y.rth expended in the maintenance of ,'lurches and for church activities $17,- asO.o'Mi, the Methodists, Xorth and Suiitli. $24,502,000. All this was in ad dition to the completion of the twen- tj.tli century funds, aggregating in \m, rica and England $10,(MS),000. The \Meriean Methodists secured $21,000,- „,,.i,,f (his amount, of which $0,000,1,00 |„ pay church debts, $7,000,000 to ,1 ui-eh colleges and seminaries, and il, balance to aged ministers and phil anthropies. The Presbyterians of the N. rth raised $7,500,000, tho Canadian M'thodists $1,250,100, the Canadian pri-livterians SI,500,OOP, tho British Wcslevans $1,500,000, the British Con- cre.-ationalists $3,550,000, and tho Brit- j.h llaj,lists $1,250,000. There was a stead v but not romarkablo growth in church membership during tho year. Thor, is no change in tho estimate of Member-hip of the Catholic Church in l'ittv dmceses. Tho Presbyterians of all bran, lies report an increase in mein- b. r.ship of 52,000, Methodists 01,000, Dapii-is ;|I1,000, Episcopalians 14,000, Congregationali»ts 12,000, and Disei- |,|, a of Christ 50,500. lteports from the -ereral churches indicate that the year Hu,-.* was not only an activo one in church work, but in the extension of religions influence. . Tho year saw no weakening of denominational pride or spirit, but there was more co-operation between the sects in philanthropic and educational work.” This record is commended to thceon- sideration of those who imagine that church work and religious activity and influence are on the wane. A STORY FOR BOYS. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. If agnculluro wero taught in our common schools much of the false im pression now in the minds of the far mer boys would bo cleared away, and a higher vnluo placed upon the farm and the farmer, and he would quickly see the opportunities offered by the life of a farmer when conducted on business principles, nud ho would not be in such a hurry to rush to town or city to seek other employment. When we consider thnt agriculture is tho foundation stono upon which rests the happiness, prosperity and greatness of onr country, nnd without which all ether enterprises would fail, it seems strange thnt this great scienco, dealing "ith nature, to understand which brings into play all tho faculties of tho mind, would bo so little considered as a part of our educational system. Tho time has como for action along these lines, and tho day is not far distant "hen more of tho science of ngricul- tnre will tic taught in nil tho schools nnd less of foreign exchange nnd Greek. In this end every farm pnpcrnnd every newspaper should work until we place He pi-oft s-ion of the farmernt itsrigiif- fnl place at the head of nil the profes- s'" 11 - requiring a know ledge of plant -rewth ami requirements, and, above ;1 ‘h business ability. Is there any ' ther profession that requires n broad- rt "-'l more comprehensive education than this? 1 1 " t wo potent factors in a country’s l' r "- re-s are roads nnd schools. And ' are inseparable. Where one is good tho other will not long re- 1111 had, and whero ono is neglected t: "tlo r is not found much in advance. 1 I inics-Rccordor has no apology to 1 for its persistent effort to have bot- •" r country roads. Often one of the best things that can happen to a young man with the right sort of material m him is to bo thrown upon his ow n resources. 14o not com plain because you have no one to lean upon. A well known judge once gave his son $1,01.0 and told him to gotocol- lege and graduate. The son returned at tho end of the first year, his money nil gone nnd with several extravagant habits. At the close of tho vacation the judge said to him: “Well, William, are you going to college this year?" “I have no money, father.” “But I gave you a thousand dollars to gradunto on." “It is all gone, father.” “Very well, my son; it is all I could give you. You can’t stay hero. You must now pay your own way in tho world.” A now light broko in upon the vision of the young man. Ho accomodated himself to tho situation, again left home, mado his way through college, graduated at the head of Ins class, studied law, became governor of the state of New York, entered the cabinet of tho president of the United States and made a record that will not soon die, for he was none other than Wil liam 11. Soward. !! %s| Stef PROFESSIONAL CARDS- I D. LOf KHAKT, J Dealer In PIANOS ami ORGANS. Tun I iir and repair ijk pianos and< rgans a specialty. Lock Hux 4, AmcrlcuH, Ua. Jam. A. Hixon. Wm. M. IIARPUL HIXON & HARPED, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS AT LAW A ineric un, Georgia. Unices Rooms 1 to 3 llync.lluildlng. FJBXXBYLVAN1 % PI UK RY1C KIDHT YKAK9 OLD OLD SUAUPh WILLIAMS r il'll FULL QUARTS OF THIS TINK OLD PUKh IUK. $3-5°. EXPRESS PREPAID. We snip on approval In plain. Mealed boxet- wltb no marks to Indicate content*. When rou receive It and text It, If It ih not natlst ac tory. return It at our expense and we will r»- turn your 13.60. VVc guarantee this brand tc be eight years old Light bottles for 16 £0 expreRH prepaid; 12 bottle* for 10.50 express prepaid; 1 gallon Jug, express prepaid. i gallon lug, express prepaid, 16.60. ho boxing. You Know What You Aro Taking. When you toko Grove’# Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle show* ug that it is simply Iryu and Quioiue u a tasteless form. No oure. No pay, 50c. ORCHARD LAND OF LONG AGO The orchard lands of Long Aro! O. drowsy win Is, awake and blow The snowy blossom* back-to me, And all the buds that used to b»! Hlow back along the grassy ways Of truant f eet, and lift the ha/s: Of happy summer from the trees That trail their tresses In the seas Of grain that float and overflow The orchard lands ot Long Ago! Hlow back the melody that slips In lazy laughter from the lips That nurvet much 11 any kiss Is sweeter than the app’e’s is. Hlow back the twitter of the blrd«- Tbe lisp, the titter, and the wrrds Ol m-rrlment that foimlthe shluc Of summertime a glorious wlnr That drenched the leaves that loved It« In or .-hard lands of Long Ago: O, memory' alight and slug Where rosy bellied pit..lose Ing, And golden russets glint and gleam As In the old Arabian ream The frultsof that eochanted tree The glad Aladdin robb d lor m : And. drowsy winds, awake anil fan Mr blood as when It overran A heart ripe as the apples grow In orchard -lands of I^»ng Ago! —James Whitcomb Kiley. charges for „. We handle all toe leading brands of Rye and Hourbon Whiskies In tne market, and will save vou &0 per cent, on your purchases. SJuurt Gallon. Kentufk Star Bourbon 936 #1 % KikrMge Hourbon 40 1 Coot. Hollow Hourbon 45 il (V Mellnocd Pure Kye 60 M* Monogram Rye 65 ?(« Mcllrayer Kye 60 2 26 Haker's AAAA 65 240 O. o. I*. (Old Oscar Pepper)., ffi 2 4«» Old Crow 75 2 Mi Finches’Golden Wedding.... 75 275 lloffman House Ityc.... ... 90 300 Mount Vernon (8 years old).. 1 00 3 50 Old Dllllnger (10 years old)... 1 26 4no The ab »ve are only a few brands ot tte many we carry lu stock. Send for catalogs All other roods by the gallon, such as Corn Whiskey, I’each and Apple Brandies, etc,, mid equally as low, from I1.2S gallon up RC Uia»c« sjivuailji lux jUX u aubuuu all orders by mall or telegraph will have our j-rompt attention. Hrec’.al Inducements of- The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Co. Amerlcus, Ga Offices 14 and 16 Planters Hank lluiluing. ||OOrKK A DYKEM, Attorneys at Law, Planters Hank Hulldlng Room No. 7. Uyne Hulldlng, Amerlcus, Ga. Office in Wfceatlev Building. k % B..CATO.M.D. i t. PHYSCIAN AND BURG HON. Resldetf:-* no Felder street. Telephone 96 _ pi people of Amerlcus and surroundlrg conn ties, special attention given to general surgery diseases of women and children Office 4U»tt Jackson street Calls lett at Dr F.ldrldge’s store will receive prompt atten tlon w. T. LAN— it L. Maykasd LANE & MAYNARD, LAWYERS. Dodson’s Pharmacy. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. •'Meet Me at Dodson's." Application for Charter. «Candroth’s Sresb Sardcn Seed. Wo have just received all varieties of T.andreth's garden seed. They, are acknowledged Best and arc all in dated sealed packages. It will be to your advantage to let us supply your seed. Hlonstlalc Pearl Onion Sets. Silver Skin Onion Sets. Red Onion Sets. Carnation Collet Cream If you have not used Car nation Toilet Cream fur rhap]>ed and rough hands and skin; give it a (rial and if you are not convinc ed that it is the best pre. pa i ill ion of its kind, wc will take pleasure in re funding your money. Price 25c bottle. Jfot Water bottles. All our Hot Water Bottles are fully gunrnuteed to not leak, crack or rip. qt, with Floulard Cover $1.25 qt, “ “ “ 1.50 qt, “ “ “ 1.75 aCaxativo Cold "Cablets. We guarautcc thorn to cure colds and la- grippe, and will re fund tho money in each case that they fail. Price 25c box. Rubber Syringoo. Pmnp Syringe 60e STATKOF OEOROIA—SDHTM CuCHTT. To the Superior Court ol paid county; The petition of J M, Sumnifriord and D. < . J.G., Jones of so;d State and County mptetfuli slows; LHbLlL ML RCA N TIL K A bUPPLY CU IL Petitioners rsk to te Incorporated Ut term of twenty years with the privilege < . ‘ — •* tide. renewal at the end of raid t III. The capital stock of the corporation Is to be F«*ur Thousand Dollars, divided Into shares of one hundred dollars each 1*»ti lt'tiers. howeter. ask the privilege of In-* creasing the capital stock troin cln e to tuna not exceeding In the aggregate ten thousam dollars. IV. Tee whole of said capita) stock ot four thousand dollars has been actually paid In. ) j The objecl of the proposed corporat'on Is 1 pecuniary profit and g. la to its stockholders. Petitioners propose to carry on a gemra mercantile and hupply tu.-ln» h.-, dealing at ; wholesale or retail, or both, as *hry sen protcr; buying and selling fer cash or on credit a 1 such things as are i:»nally embrac ed In said business, or buslne ses, . nd to do all the usual necessary and prrp r acts, which pertain to, or may be connected therewith, . ffU or by-laws as thvy may see tit for the carry ing on ot said huHlie.tsno! In conflict with the charter sought, or the laws of the State; that they may sue and be sued plead and be Impleaded; have and use a corporate seal under said corporate name as aforesaid. VIL The stock-holders ol said corporation shaTl be liable tor the debts of the same in the amount of stock for which they have sub scribed and no* paid in;tbat Is tosny.there Is to lie no lability of the Individual stock holders beyond tne unpvld subscription. VUL The principal office and place of business of the proposed corporation will be In the town of Leslie, said State and County; but •e’ltl* ners ask the privilege of eetabflsblBg'J ranch office -of the bnsl ness at such other as tbeV places wl h*n and without the state i allother such things as are necessary and Incident to carry on said buslne a J Wherefore petitioner* pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style as aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunltlcs'and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. This the Is*, da* of Jan. :6LS. W, P. WALLIS. Petitioners Attorney, gkokgia-sumteh Ctrirnr. thereby certify that the above Is a frue copy of theorlgiual on for charter as taken from the minutes of Sumter Hups- rlor Court, T,.F, GATEWOOD, Deputy citrk. A PPLICATiON A LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA—SUMTKH COUNTY, W ereas, W. L. Thomas, havl g In proper form applied to me for permaneut tetters of administration on the est te of Ablsha Lassiter, late of said county deceased Thesw are theiefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned whether kl mire or creditors, to show cause on or before the February term of the Court of Oi dtnary to be held on the first Monday in February. 1VU8, why said petition should not be gr ■ nteu an prayed for, Witness my band sad official as prayed for. Witness my bam! signature, tbii January 5 h iD'*a. T1IOS. M, ALLEN, Ordinary PPJ^I CATION LETTERS OF-ADMINISTRATION, GEORGIA—Sumtsh Countv. Whereas. Charles A. Cbsmbiss, clerk ef the uperlor court, will be appointed ad* mlnlstrator on the estate of James Mi. Bass, late ot said couuty These are tt eretorc In cite and admonish all persons concerned, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause on or before the February term of the Court of Ordlna y to be held on-the Monday in February. . ,, as r\i\ 1908, why said petition should not be granted (it Lountdin Syringe 11.00 as prayed for. WltO’ ms my nand anu official signature, tnls January, 5th. IFJ3. - ~ * q HOB. M. J LLEN. Ordinary, AMERICUS. I GEORGIA. Offices Not. 16 and 17 Planters Bank«I)uli7. lngl 506, 508,510,512 Fourth it. Near Union f- \ -nater Depct Phone 265. Macon. - Georgia, Eugene Field’s Vlows on Ambition and Dys pepsia. Dr. S. H. McKee, ...DENTIST... Office, Wheatley Building, over John R Hudson's drugstore. Rooms s, 9 and RX Phone No. 9. C. !P. 7)avis, ..^Dentist., .Office Tlmes-Recorder Bl'dg 'Phone 93. Residence 2IAJackson Street Phone 166. JOHNSON & HARROLD, ittlMin mi Wiiiti MERCHANTS. AND DEALER* IN_ HEAVY GROCERIES and FERTIUZERS Plantation Happllss Furnished “Dyspepsia,” wrote Eugene Field, 'often incapacitates a man for endeavor and sometimes extinguishes the fire of, complaint Fi&erlTVroM^ advanced on ceUou tn-tc. at lone tion all hia life. A weak, tired stomach current rate, ot Interest, can't digest your food. It needs rest. You can only rest it by the use of a preparation like Kodol, which re lieves it of work by digesting your food. Best soon restores it to its normal tone. Envigorating. For Sale. U10 lips thnt touch whiskey shall h’Uch mine," ia said to Ire Carrio ' ‘ ii s latest motto, which leads tho !■" liiiwnd Times to imagine thnt it the f ! becomes known it will cause many 11 '“an who 1ms sworn off to take hack “W and get busy with tho bottlo. The number of Chinese in Ban Fran- C '=c> is *bont 20,0u0 including women. The president lias sent tho nomina tion to tho senate of Marcellas Mark ham of Georgia to be surveyor of cus toms for Atlnnta. Col. Bobert Lowery, Atlanta's wealthy banker and erstwhile democrat, has at last got his reward. The Timca-lleeorder want, a good live correspondent in every postoffloo town in tbo county Won’t some o> onr friends boar in mind that we wonld be glad to chronicle the neigh borhood happenings it »cch newe it sent nt. Sound Kidney*—P«fact Health The me of Smith’s Sore Kidney Cure will produco both, Try a bottle and be conrineed. Yonr;drnggiet eelfa It or 50 oente. GOLDEN ACE PURE OLD LINCOLN CO. WHISKEY WE, TIVIt DimUERS, •oumntea that, foods to be ipareandljMtiold. None (better at aaj pries. Kt will ship la plabt boss, to any addrea, .sprat pre paid at th. following dU- |tUl«’s prices: 8FullB0ttlM.t3.4B IO Full Bottiea, 6.88 13 Full Bottles, 7.90 18 Full Bottles, 9.70 Tow mm, tack Knot at npramtad. A iamplo H plat b, arpnds prepaid, for 60o in stamps. AMERICAN SUPPLY CO., Distillers, 210 and 212 Prince street, also 326 Forsyth street, and otter city homes for one-fifth cash, balance in 100 monthly payments. Bu> the Coleman property on Lee street, 4 acre. Call on or address H. T. DAVENPORT, Real Estate Agent, FINE BULL, I have at my farm, the former Booh- anan place beyond turnpike, tee reg istered Jersey boll, where he ean be found during season; $3.50 for service. P. T. SUEDJSNBORG. PILES I PILES 1 PILES 'IndlaqPII PUr.aad order. Brey to apply, tvr *— If at — and It On All dram WH-UAJtSM'FV Sold byKIdrldgedi “Marvel” Ladies’ Syringe.... .1.50 qt ltapid Flow Syringe 1.76 Best Pump Syringe 1.00 Saco bleacher. Md Bupcrt’s Face Bleach $2.00 Md Yale’s Face Blench 2.00 Creme of Rose nnd Almonds makes tho skin smooth, soft and white, and preserves it from tho action of drying wjnds and cold—40c bottle. Honey and Almond Cream... 50c Mai v i ua Cream 50c Collet Soap. Clifford’s Transparent, Glyc erine Soap, equal to any 25c a cake Glycerine Soap on the market, 10c a cake or 3 cakes for 25c 4711 Glycerine Soap 25c Md Buppert’s Face Soap 25c Viola Skin Soap 25c R, & G. Violet 25c Stationary. New Century Writing Tablets, the latest thing in writing tablets....^,.—...-. - 25c Envelopes to match, pkg. 15c Crushed Vclluo Paper—quire of paper aud envelopes to match 25c Old English Bond Tablets 10c OKOKO!A-StIIITUI COCPTT. Wbtrcu. Mr, Mar. C Krld baring mad. application lor twelve inooib. aoppovt oat of ib.e.tateuf J P. Held andappiaiaenduly appointed lo art apait Ibc .aaie tavlag tiled lb. Ir return.. 1 hr,ear- therefore to rite and admonlab all pereonaeuoceraed. wbelber kindred or creditor!, to .bow cau.e on or Before the February term of tbe Court of Ordinary to be neld on tbe Brat Monday In February, IMS. wbyyaid petition .bould not be granua a. prayed for." Wane,, my b.ndano ofll atgnalure, tbl» tbe IMb day of December, IRA THUS. M. ALLEN, Ordinary. Ily virtu, of an order of tbe Court of Or dinary of -aid county, there will be .old at public outcry, on tbe Bret Tuendav In Febru ary, inn, at tbe court home fa said county, between the uaual hour, of .ale, the follow- g real date lying and being la .aid coua- of t under, lo-wu: one hundred and fifty acre, ot land, more or tens, one hundred Ing real date lying and being ty of S umter, to-wu: one bun (1*1 acre, ot land, more or ten., one hundred (tun acre, of wrhlcn I. the nouth batf of lot of land Number one hundred and ninety COO) auil tbeotaur any ( 0) acre, belng tho •outbwe.1 corner of lot Number two hun dred and nineteen (110) In IheO d Sixteenth dt.trtct of -aid countv of Sumter, and allot .aid land being bounded a. lollowe: t n tbe norlb i y laud, belonging to Mre, Mar»b.U aud laud, of tbe dale of Mrs Jane L Urady.un tbe rant by land, belonging to th. date ot Mr. Jane t. Hrady (.aid eaxlern boundary land, being sep arated from laud to be Mid by public road) on Ibr couth by I. ad. belonging to T. II llook. and ou me west by land, belong ing to T. U Hook., sud property wlU be ottered lor .ale In bulk, and the terms of uald cl- are each bald land Mid a. t properly ot the dale of Mre. Jane L Brady. Tate of .aid county, deceaetd. for tbe pur- po.-e of pay lug debt, ot .aid date. WEBSTER COUNTY. OEOnOIA-WlBKTgK COCXTT. Where a., h. F Shivcre. baring mad. ap- ? ideation for twelve mouth, .upport out of be date ot Mary Siduey Smith, and ap- pralacr. duly ap|c>ictei!;to.etaparttbciam« arlng Bled thear return. Tnece are tberetore to clt. and admoBlab ill rcrMiu coocero. d. waetber kladycd or ciedltore. to .bow cao»e on or before the February Urm of tbe Court of Ordinary beheld on tbe flr.t Monday in Februai IMB, way .aid application abould u" grautrd a. prared for. Wltuca. my and oRIcial signature, tats January I T. J. THAEP.r ' Administrator’s Sale. 0 EOKG IA—Wanataa Couim. Lotto an order, c"m“w C ft 0 - Perruant to of ordinary fore tbe cool, between, the •ret | Dodson’s Pharmacv, "Meet Me at Dodson's." no, Sit to tbe Mth dl .aid county. Soldfi button amonff heirs debuoiflk TYrms of January. IRA. Aili.i restate of D. H 1