Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, January 16, 1903, Image 5

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OF NEWS TOO SHORT FOR A HEAD. Boiled Down to Four Lines and Bunched. L aND mirror of events here | Hj pp«mnOl" T "» CI, y and Suburb* 0 ( Local Interest to Be Perused at Leisure While Your Coffee Is Slowly Coolinfi. Holliilay has some very attractive l^i.-sumes. Club ofiers; set bis cat*' -•ae ami leave subscription with bim, loencus is soius to build that I. IL aal trainius school this year. In l.licatious most favorable now jioint to |,jjat ds»'« d end. Tue Java are rapidly crowing longer |inJ less gaslight is required now, bnt Jibe average Americas ess meter will IhirJIr fin- 1 i‘ oa *- Conductor Terrell Smith, who was I badly hurt on Christmas day in a fall l.' [C a bis train, is now sitting npand is (rapidly improving. Xbe wood-hauler was the whole | .-bitten vesterday and monarch of all Jbe surveyed from the dollar deck of |bii little wood cart. Xbe •‘jusuner” chariot will eoou be- | ; m tolling ont of Americns and the Ioder of irangipanni will smite upon |tte ambient azoue. i bief Wheeler is still quite ill at his I borne, and has been incapacitated for (active service for several days. He faprovdj but slowly. An America* man, returning from fhrminzbam temporarily, lays that be i anrpnsed at the large number of lAmericua people there. Judge Allen beird e lengthy casein I the court of ordinary yesterday, that of Itbe Brown estatn which haa been | pending aeveral months. Seaboard engine 529 is ■tall it the bottom of the Ooon ye river, in thirty (Mt of water, where ihe took a header from tbe bridge recently. Now that lbs city ezeentivo commit- tea baa ordered a white democratic primary in tbe olerk'a raoe, the candi dates can begin to bnatle. Tbe depositors of the old Bank of Americna are pleated to loam that af ter a lapse of ten years they ere to get tome portion of their caab. Tbe Times Recorder knowns of two enterprises to be ealabliahed hero Ibis .esr that mein an investment of $150,- XO. Thera may bo others. Fortunately for Amorioua, the coni yards here bavo good snpplya on hand. Other cities, however, are ibiveriug from the blfzzirda, Bo far Ihe oat crop of thia section haa not been injured by tho cold weather, Ibongh not yet out of danger, and a tine yield will probably result. City Engineer J. B, Ansley, ao far as kaowr, baa nut yet determined wbeth- be will remain in Americna or secure better position in another city. Farmers about Americus are getting U»v already. Thia promises to bo a great year for corn and cotton, and tbe Timei-llci-order it very glad of it. " ben it was known here yesterday that a piece of residence property was on the market, tbe agent had ais pros pective purchasers within an honr. Mr. (ieorge D. Wheatley ia (till con fined at home, bis eyes giving bim «cb trouble recently, though their condition was improved yesterday. Friend* of Col. W. W. Dykes end Bapaty Sheriff (iatewood are much in terested in tho wbiekertoria! contest aow so warmly waged between them. The splendid snooese of tbe Amirlone Co. during the past eleven yaare of its existence »»fleet! the great- •at credit upon tbe able management. The formal annonnoement of Mr. Xkaron N. Ilawkea for oily olerk np- Mera today, and it goes withont «ay- *t that thia popnlar oitizen ia going bo very strongly supported. GALL IS MADE FOP. A PRIMARY ON 26TH. City Committee Had Meeting Yesterday. CONFINED TO DEMOCRATS ONLY Nomination of City Clerk Promises to Be Spirited With Several Candidates In the Field Only White Democrats Can Cast Vote A democratic primary election, con fined to white democrata only, will de termine results between tbe half dozen real and prospective candidates for tbe oily clerkship. Such was the action taken yeaterday by the democratic executive committee. And this aotion met with the approv al of all tbe candidates. The executive committee, Mosers. Z. S. Childers, H. E. Allen, John Sheffield, J. C. Honey and George Oliver, met yeaterday afternoon to consider tbe advisability of calling a primary. _ The conelniion to do so waa quickly reached, and Monday, 2«th. waa fixed as the date thereof. It was farther ordered that only white democrats, qualified to vote in the last general oily election ("that in December last) were eligible to vote tu primary. Tblscnts tbe list ot voters to about 300, this being the number of white citizeus registered. And tho other 400 or .>00 voters who usually take a hand in primaries are ■orrv that they failed to pay taxes and register. The Times-Recorder, at that time, said that some might regret sneb an omisiion ere long. The polls will open at o a. m. and close at 4 p. m. Tbe names of alt tbe candidates will appear on the official ballot, and no other ticket will be ceived by tbe managers. Candidate* mast pty their pro rate of the ex penses of holdtrg the primary by the Slit. inst. Mr. &, E. Allen, secretary of tbe ex eontive committee, will have the cos tody of this fund and complete arrange ment* for the election. Only the names of candidates complying with this rule will eppeir on the official ticket. And now the several candidates can begin to hnstle. Tbe names of all tbe registered voters were published reoently and it will be easy for tho candidates to see them. In lad, 2111) of tbe 300 voters have pro La bly boon "seen" already. The campaign will not be long drawn ont, tho eleotion oomingonewock from Monday next. Tho suooessfnt oandi date, though elected to fill an nnex- pired term, will have two years to serve, aa Clork McQarrah served less thou two wooks of hie term. At least a half dozen candidates will make the race. THEY COME IN CARS ANDGOTHEIR WAY. People Who Came Or Went Away Yesterday. AMERICUS A MECCA FOR MANY Your Own Name or That of a Friend May Be Found Below In tho Long List of Yesterday's Visitors Who Came Here. BUNCH OF STARTERS IN THJSCONTEST. Clerkship Bace is Promising Swift Pace. A Giant Nerve Builder. The Mvstio Life Henewer ia the most Powerful Nerve Builder known. It absolutely cares all forms of Nervons Diseases and Weaknesses no matter how aggravated or how long duration, aneh aa Nenrelgia, Nervons prostra tion, Nervons Paroxysms, St Vitae* Dance, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Physi cal and Mental Weakness, Debility of Old Age, etc. Sold by E, J. Eldndge druggist, Americas. HUDSON'S CASE REMAINS SAME. Further Proceedings Have Not Been Instituted. MACON WITNESSES A TRAGEDY w «">an Shoots to Oeath Prof. R. A. Rigsby There. Mscon. a*. .(«. 12.-A sonsational "•gody resulting in the killing of ,0 '- l! A. Rig,by by Mrs. Effie Oar- occurred here this morning. Mrs. *r*on shot Rigsby, a professor in the ’T 8 " 1 allege, killing him inatantly, 'fie law Office of M. O. Bayne, atat- ’ “ 4l l*« bad cironlated report* •boat her. There have been no farther step* taken in tbe involuntary bankruptcy proceedings instituted against Dr. J. B Hudson since tbe closing of hie store a week ago, tboogh tbs matter is atill pending. Dr. Hndeon seems still in enstoJy, no rreeiver or other officer of Ihe eonrt baring taken ebsrge of the stock of good*. Dr. Hudson deoply regrets the neoessity ot the itep taken b; some of his creditors, and his friends here and elsewhere hope that bis fioeneial difficulties may be speedily adjusted. Dr. Hudson has been a lifelong citizen of Ameri cas and baa tbe esteem of the entire community. Dr. E. T. Mathis Is here from Lake Bntler, Fla. spending several days with his family. Mrs. R. A. Wheeler has returned Jacksonville after a visit in Americas, her former borne. Mr. John w, a, Hawkins came over from Webster county yesterday to look after business here. Mrs. G. M. Shivers, of Macon, hero upon a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pnnco. Mr. John Charles Wheatley returned yesterday after a plcasnat visit to rela lives in Rock Hill, S. C Mrs. David O. Barrow, of Athens, tbe guest of Mrs. James Taylor, at her residence ou Lee street. Miss Ethel Bsisden bss gene to Ella ville, whore sbe will spend a week pleasantly with relatives. Capt. J. S. Johnson, of Anderson Tills, was in Americas yesterday, com ing down ou a t uaiuris trip. Mis* Msy Wheatley left yesterday af ternoon for Rome, to resume her studies at Shorter College. Mrs. D. W. Ragley left yesterday for Macau where she will spend some time with her aor, Win Bsgley, who Is ill there. Mr. W S Moore, now a prominent member of the towu council of Plains, was in tbe city yesterday, coming on basiness. Mr. Dan Lewis esme up from Lees burg yesterday and was congratulated by many friends upon his marriage on Sunday last. Little Miss Chapmen, a petite beauty end future belle, is the permanent gnest of Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Chapman, arriving yeaterday. Mias Marie Lamar aud Miss Stella McGee will go to Albany today as the charming gaests of Mias Pope, at a honso party there. Mrs, William A. Dodson, returned homo yesterday after n pleasant visit of a week in Montezuma, tbe guest of her mother, Mrs. Lewis. Messrs, G. W. Montgomery and W. H. Spann wero among Webster's well known representatives in Ameri cas yesterday on basiness. Mr and Mrs. Rnfns Hesrn returned yeaterday from s visit at the home of her parents, Capt. and Mrs. .T. L. Johnson near Andersonville. Her. A. Kirkland and daughter, Mrs, Riobmond, are in Perry thia morning to attend the marriage of Mr. Chao. Kirkland, formerly of thia city. Pneumonia and La Grippe, Coughs cured quickly by Foley's Bon- ' and Tar. iisfuse substitutes. John R. Hudson. HALF DOZEN ARE BEING URGED By Friends to Make the Race For Vacancy In the Office of City Clerk - May Call White Primary Race Is Going to Be Interesting. LARGE INFIRMARY AT PENSACOLA BORNEO One of the Patients Cremat ed in His Boom. Aud cow come* a lively race for tbe office of city clerk and treasurer to add zest to tbe situation locally, and al ready tbe candidate, real and prospec tive, is interviewing tbe registered voter sod setting forth his many quail Ucations for the office. And thus doth the uew year, politi cally, start off with a rush. Last year fairly bristled with polities from end to end and tbe voter hoped for s respite from tbe rolls tbie year, but already he is up against it, ami only two weeks have passed. The resignation of City Clerk John M. McQarrah neeesaitatea the bolding of another city election to fill tbe va cancy, as annonuced in tbe Timea-Re- corder Sunday, and already a half d< zen candidates have pieced them selves in tbe bends of their friends. And these friends will have them ruu, of coarse. Council bis ordered sn election on Febrasry'4tb, snd the city exeentive committee will meet today to take into consideration the ordering of a while democratic primary to precede it. During the interim Mr. E. J. Me- Math, under the appointment of conn cil, is acting elerk, though he will be s candidate |before the people on Feb 4ib, at the election for that offico, Mr. McMsth's annonnoement appears else- here today, and he will be strongly supported. • It ia likewise understood that Mr. T. N. Hewkes is actively in the race for the city clerkship, hie annonnoement appearing tomorrow, end there may be several others still. Tbe salary of this office has been fixed at 3l,000,tiie elerk famishing bis own bond at a cost of lino. Mr. McMatb was dnly sworn in yea terday by Jostioe Graham, and had a busy day of it. Former Clerk MoGar- rab, who resigned the place Saturday to accept a more Inerative position with the Americas Oil. Co. was chocked oat all right yesterday morning. The race for the vacancy promises to be a spirited one. WERE MANY NARROW ESCAPES. Patients Compelled to Leave Building In Their Night Clothes and Six May Die as a Result of the Exposure—Or igin of the Fire. ACCEPTED A BETTER POSITION TO LOCATE NEAR BIRMINGHAM. Amoved to plantation home McArthur and Family Have Left the City. _ ' r '. O. McArthur and family are comfortably settled in their pret- -.i t ^ a ° lry home, the former Hndeon IB. fl . ,nr ml| e» east of tbe city and ,' J . , lU ® mo *‘ deairable m Samter Itt* r. i- i Mt ‘ J-B ' *«• • scared roe..? ?“*• °“ 0hn «h *t™et just by Mr. McArthur. ASSUMED DUTY AT POSTOFFICE. Assistant Mitohell Took Position There Yeaterday. Thoagb appointed assistant postmas ter ten day* ago, Mr. H. C. Mitohell did not aasnme tbe dntiea of hie new position nntil yesterday, when he was relieved es chief accountant of tbe Americas Oil Company here where he bee been employed for e year past. For more then a week Mr. Mitchell has been dosing np tbe work of bia former posi tion, bnt he ii now dnly installed in the bnainese department of the poatoffice where hia friends, the general public end especially tbe bnaineaa inbliols glad to aee bim. Amerieua Man Take* a Position Over There. Mr. John Monahan leaves today fer Rirmingbam to take a position as in perintendent of a railway contracting force engaged near that city The po eition pays well and Mr. Monahan’s many friends here ore pleased at bis success in getting it. Mr, Monahan was for several years chief of the Amer ica* fire department and is a most effi cient, careful and capable man at what ever basiness he may be engaged. Hia family will, for the present, remain here. Fa'al kidney and bladder troubles can always b* prevented by the nse of Fol ey’s Kldcey Care. John R. Hudson Healthy Sidney* Mean* Long Life- If you wont to restore your kidney to their former healthy itate toko Smith's Bare Kidney Cnro—50 cents at ' drnggixts. SUITS AGAINST THE SEABOARD. Several Are Returned to the City Court Hero. Five suits avainst the Seaboard Air line were filed in the clerk's office yes terday, bnt only in one case was e con siderable turn sued for. Thia waa the suit of Mrs. F. M, Champion, who a! lege* that her 13 years old eon, em ployed at a water boy for a construe tion gang, lost bin arm recently in jamping from a train whan it failed to atop at a designated piece. 8he asks damages in the earn of <10,000, Fort k Son represent the plaintiff. City Engineer J. B. Aneley le Going to Now Orleans Mr. John B. Ansley, for s number of years city engineer and aupermteu dent of waterworks, has accepted a lu crative and desirable position In New Orleans and will leave at once for tbe Crescent City to enter upon a dis charge of his Unties there. Many in Ameriens will regret to eeo Mr. Aisley leave. At the recent election of city em ployes the salary of eity engineer waa reduced very considerably, thoagb at subsequent meeting was restored to tbe extent of 8100. Mr. Ansley has since written friends in New Orleans regarding a position there, and yesterday waa offered tho place of chief engineer for e firm of Mobile, Ala., Jan. 14.—A special to The Register from Pensacola, Fla., says: Fire at 1 o'clock this morning total ly destroyed the large 3-story llryau infirmary, on the corner of llaylen and Carden streets. One of the patients, a man named Blockton, was burned to death In his room. The fire was not discovered until the entire building was In flames, and the 23 inmates in the building bad nar row escapes. Tbe building was a new one, and less than a year ago was refitted from top to bottom, and a costly X-ray ap paratus Installed. It was of frame structure and burned quickly. The fire is supposed to have been caused by sparks from tho grate fall lng on to a rug and setting fire to the room. It certainly started in thj room of Blockton. Ho was 111 and was un able to move out of bed, so that by the time the fire was seen outside tho building he was burned to death. At this hour It Is not possible to learn hia first name or where hls home It As soon as the fire was discovered the work of rescuing tho inmates be gan, the rltliens aiding the firemen In the work. Many narrow escapes were made, and all the patients were compelled to leave the building In their night clothes. As a result of the exposure and ex citement It la thought that probably ■lx will lose their lives. All patients were removed to St. Anthony's hospital, where they were given prompt attention. Nothing was saved from the build ing. and the loss will be total. The building waa owned by Dr. R. I* Bry- ans, and waa used by him aa a sani tarium. REDATE OF DOTIES ON FOREIGN COAL General Interest in House Bill Providing for Same. GALLERIES WERE CROWDED. Bill Is Designed For the Relief of Ex isting Distress and Provides For R*. bite of Duties on Foreign Coal for Period of One Year. Mobile. Ala., Jon. 14.—Philip Brack en, the young man who lost hi* Ufa In the Pensacola infirmary fire this morn, lug. was a resident of St Andrews, Fla., and hod been in the Infirmary only a few days. Hls remains wore charred almost beyond’ recognition. Captain Hudson, another Inmate, had a narrow escapo from death, but was rescued by firemen. Tho ownor of the Infirmary says ho cannot estimate the exact loss sus tained, but It will amount to many thousands of dollars. Washington. Jan. 14.—The atten- donee iu the house galleries today was in evidence of the general Inter act of the proceedings which wer« to take place oa tbe bill providing for th« rebate of the duties on foreign cool for a period of one year. An unusual ly largo number of members were oa the floor and the leader* ot both sides ware In their places. At tar tbe transaction of gome prelimi nary buslnaaa Mr. Orosvenor, ot OhkA from the committee on rules, present ed a resolution supplemntal to that adopted yeaterday, directing the com mittee on merchant marine and fisher ies l« Investigate the coal situation. The resolution authorized subcommit tees of the committee to take testimo ny. It was adopted. Mr. Dalzell, of Pennsylvania from the committee oa rules, then present ed the special rule for the considera tion of tb* bill, with provision for one hour's debate at the end of which time the previous question should bo considered sa ordered without Inter, vening motion. Twenty minutes on a aide were allowed upon the rule. Mr. Dalsell, after reviewing the hia- tory of the present duty on coal, sold the pending bill needed no defenae. ft waa declined to rellava tbe existing distress. Nevertheless, he said, he did not believe it would aocompUsh ita purpose. He dd not believe It would Increase the Importation of a single pound or coal. "1 do not bolleve “ said he, “that anything now can stop the greed and avarice of the cormo rants who or* taking advantage of the already oppressed people, but U will satisfy a public sentiment and show the disposition of congress to do everything In Its power to relieva tbe situation." O’CONNELL'S APPOINTMENT. It Is Considered a Revolution In Vatl. can World. Now York. Jan. 14.—In the vatl can world, says the Rome correspon dent of The Tribune, the appointment of Mgr. O'Connell to the rectorship of tbe Washington Catholic unlveralty considered n revolution. Mgr. O’Con. nell was the trusted and autborltatvo lieutenant of Archbishop Ireland, at Rome. Loyalty to his leader and bis support of so-called Americanism, secured for him a persecution led especially by Cardinals Ledochowsky and Claaco. both or whom are dead. Mgr. O'Con nell was dismissed from th* reitor MAFIAS MUTILATE MAN. _ _ ahlp of the American college her# and sewerage Mm st~ Vt 82,400. He will go at once to accept tbie advantageous offer. Supt Ansley is a very efficient and capable civil engineer, having assisted in the building of the weter and sew erage systems in thia city and having custody thereof for yoara sines, snd It is a matter of regret that he is to leave even fora better field. It ia not yet known who will be elected in bia stead as anperintendeLl of waterworks. The water works and eewtrsge sys tems here ooxt the eity about 8130,000. Besides, every consumer is interested personally to the extent of several hundred dollars in tbe way of connec tions in houses. It requires a thor oughly competent man to look after this department. As there is not a competent engine* r in Americna to fill tbie position one from elsewhere mail be secured end the cost, in the end, will probably be very considerable. out an appointment. The two Amerl can factions, which are recognised aa chief* In the United States. Archblsh ops Ireland and Corrigan, have now as corresponding leader* In Rom* Car dinals S&tolll and Martlnelll. Archbishop Ireland got ahead by Governor Taft's coming to Rome to negotiate the Philippine question and Cardinal Martlnelll tried to get even through the Influence of the Intrigues of Mgr. Chappell* during hia ilx weeks' stay lately In Rome. The present appointment of Mgr. O’Connell shows decidedly which ilde the pope favors. Old residents at the Vatican say that the real Inwardness of tbe appoint ment of Mgr. O'Connell la that Arch bishop Ireland will soon eater the sa cred college. THIS VISITOR A PRETTY BRIDE Th* Only Guaranteed Kidney Core 1* Smith’s Sore Kidney Cure. Your druggist wilt refund yonr monev if after taking one bottle yon are '.cot atisfled with remits, 80 cents. Marriage Last Night a Rather Romant ic One. At the home of Mr. and Mr*. Charles Lingo, 224 Brannon Avenue, a t g o'clock last evening, Mis* Nettie Dix became the bride of Ur. Allan Metb* ews, quite an assemblage of friends witnessing the rites performed by Bey. B. L. Bivins, pastor of Farlow Laws Baptist Church- Sties Dix earns from Fitzgerald quit* recently npon n visit, bat as tbe pretty and bapgy bride of Mr. Mathewa will remain bore per- mtly. Mr. Mathews is a sterling end popnlar young business man whoss many friends congratulate him npon bia good fortune. Would Relieve Fuel Famine. St. Paul. Minn., Jan. 14.—Prealdent James J. Hill, or the Great Northern Railway company, when naked by the Associated Preaa representatives for an opinion as to the prospect of relief from tbe fuel famine by the importa tion of Canadian cool. If the proposed bill panes congress, said: "With fiu tics on Canadian coal abolished, a large amount of Nova 8cotla and Cape Breton coal will reach New England and will relieve tho pressure on Penn, •ylvanla and West Virginia mines. There Is no Canadian coal nearer St. Paul and Minneapolis than 1,004 or 1,200 miles, which la quite as far aa the West Virginia mines." Colquitt’s First Legal Hanging. Moultrie, Go., Jen. 12.—Ike supreme court has handed down a decision af firming the coo* of John Henry Bryant varans th* state, who waa at the Mat term of court convicted of murder and sentenced to hong. This will bo the first legal execution that haa ever been In Colquitt county. He wax convicted of killing another negro in thia county the first of Mat rear. Dead Body of Italian Found In a Chi cago Park. Chicago, Jan. 14.—The dead body of a man. apparently an Italian, wow found last night In Jackson park sad the police believe that they have an other Mafia case to deal with. The man had been stabbed to death with knives, there being 17 cut* la the body. One of the hand* was clench ed and badly cut ae though the man had attempted to grasp the knife used against him, and It had been drawn through hi* hand. Beneath tbe body waa found a revolver fully loaded, bnl bearing no evldenca of having been recently discharged. There were no papera or distinguish, log marks by which th* Identity of tho man could be learned. No attempt had been mode at robbery, oa a email sum of money In th* pockets had been left undisturbed. The man was well dressed and won not a laborer. SIXTH ANNUAL CONVENTION. Meeting of Live Stock Association at Kansas City. Kansas City, Jon. 12.—The sixth annual convention of the National Live Stock association began a four days' session at the Century theater here today. Tbe attendance M great er then et any previous gathering ot th* association, and tha work achiev ed probably will stood forth as impor tant as any that has resulted from a Uko convention la this country. Many of tho delegates from distant point* had not arrived for tho first session- hut all ora expected before tomorrow. Governor A. M. Dockary was to havw extended a welcome on behalf of thw ■tote, but waa 111 sad unable to bo present. Mayor James A. Reed took hls place, and in on eloquent address welcomed tho delegates, speaking for tho city and state, no response oa behalf of th* asaocMtlon woe mode by Peter Jansen, of Nebraska, who spokw In glowing forms of tho work before the convention, and the future Impor tance of tho National Lira Stock ar •oclatlon. ’ Then John W. Springer, of Denver, president of the association, delivered hia address. It was a forcible paper and dealt with tha legislative, pending and future, necessary for the p rot co tton of tho live stock Industry. EUCHRE PLAYERS GALORE. Over 7,000 Play tha Oam* at Ona Sit ting. New York. Jaa. 14.—The lorgeel crowd of euchre players ever loseow bled at one sitting was gathered last night In the Fourteenth regiment at* mory, Brooklyn, wbert 7,500 persona played the game. There were 1,175 tables. These wore arranged In sections, so that there were 40 playere la each section. A hand waa assigned to ersry 20 sec tions. Th* doxen bands played In nnison under direction of one lead-.-. The party woe given by the atu- dents of St FYancIs college. Ten thousoud dollars. It U estimated, i nixed.