Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, January 16, 1903, Image 7

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECERDER, FRIDAY JANUARY 16, I90J. MOZ LEY’S LEnON ELIXIR, A Pleasant Lemon Drink. Hr IT. Moztej's Loraon Elixir is prepared from fresh juice of Lemon*. , i\v|tb other vctfsttublti liver tome.*, ruthartice, aromatic »tiwulautB ' u " j flare. H >M by druggists 43 ‘ i’,, r |,ilion**ut »'ii ht»(| cuBtipatiou. For indigestion and fool Mntuacb. For , ' | uer v.iriH headache and tb<* griit For pain*, pulp'tatiou and irregalar j t | l6 lu*art iIlk- Ij-uiod Eiix'r. For BleepleaHueaH und nervoQMtiePH. of ap|»;tit« and debihtv. For fovore, uiilaru and chills, take Lemon fiix r I-a for natural and th irongli orgauic re^uf K lS lJ; CcU t H and Si.OO a bottle at druggists. ELKS ARE GOING TO HAVE A BIG FEAST. Americus Lodge to Celebrate Occasion. TO ENTERTAIN STATE OFFICER. regulation, take Lemon AT THE CAPITOL. I imvc j not taken the lo«t two bottles of Ilr, Mosley’s Lemon Kltx>r for , bci.lactie, iudigretioo, with diseased liver and kidneys. The Elixir 1 found it the greatest medicine I ever used J M MENNICH, Attorney. 1\ Street, Washington, D. C. nery' 11 cured uie. MOZLEY’S lemon hot drops Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Horo Throat and lironchitls. Si5c at Drtigsuds. NEW YORK Planters Bank Building:. Near Court House, - - Americus, Qa. Among Other Honored Cueata at Anniversary Banquet—Local Lodge is Rapidly Growing In Strength and in Membership. IN A RESTAURANT Was Posing as a Wealthy Stock Man. ENTERTAINING PARTY AT LUNCH XMAS PRESENTS THAT ARE USEFUL. The Largest Quantity of Rugs. The Best Assortment of Patterns. ■ ^Quality the Boat. Pricos Cut in Half. Lbs—— ■■!■■■■ ii Large'Line of Beautiful Pictures. PRICES THE LOWEST. ..LACE CURTAINS... Quantity Enough for All. Kinds to Suit Everybody. Prteo in Reach of All. Dry Goods and Notions, Shoes, Hats and Clothing to Suit Everybody. ^n^Pric^t^Sul^Evorybody^^^^^^^m AmericuH Elks bare wellnigh com pleted tbe tlrat year of tboir stay in ver dant tielda hereabout, and the auui- YJr.ary of tbe organization of Ameri' one Lodge No. 753, B. P. O. E ia go. tug to be made an oooaaion of more than usual felicitation aud one long to be remembered. Already extensive preparations to that end are being porfeoted. This anniversary occasion falls on February 13th and will bo celebrated with a enmptnons banquet, at which royul entertainment will be provided the Elks and their friends. An honored gnest upon this occasion will he Prof. E L. Marti >, of .Macon, district deputy for Georgia of tbe U. P. O. K. and likewise president of tbe state association of Elks. He was pre siding ciflicer hero when tbo lodge was organized one year agj. Than Mr. Martin there is no more onthasiasiio Elk in the Couth, and American Lodge will extend to him a ! royul reception. The Americas Elks arc determined ! to muke this banquet one of tliu most' brilliant uud Fnj jyablu of it*, kiud ever witnessed her*'. Handsome invitations will its sent out in duo tun**, au<l many of Americua' most rbarmiug ladies will grace tbe festive occa.ioa. Mr. 0. A. Fricker, ex died rule,’and Messrs Oi W. Glover, I. A. Kalaion,H. E, Allen aud W. W. Dykes constitute the oommittee of arrangements. Americas Lodge of Elks is composed of many of the leading and substantial busmora men of the city, who are ever foremost in promoting the interests and material welfare of their town. It is both social and benevolent, and ever works for the pnblio weal. The oommittee of arrangements meet at the Hotel Windsor Tnesdty night for business. New Century Comfort. Millions are daily finding a world of oomfort In Buoklon’s Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, Hoilds, Cuts, bruises; oonquera Ulcers and Fever Sores; ourea Eruptions, Salt Ithenm, Bills and Felons; removes Corns and Warts. Best Pile eure on earth. Only 35o at E, J. E dridgo’e drug stores. Perhaps alter all babies do under stand the language women talk to them —and atay awake nights to get even. HAMILTON & CO., AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Planters Bank Building, - • Forsylh St. Croup The peculiar cough wide's Indicates croup, is usually well known to the mothers of oroupy children. Mo time should be lost in the treatment of It, and for this purpose no medicine has receiv ed more universal approval than Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. Do not waste valuable time In experimenting with un tried remedies, no matter bow highly they may be recommended, bat give this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croup will quickly disappear. For sale by all druggists. New lot camphor ice and cream to enre chaps at Rcmhert'sdrugstore. "'ItfKIKLD, rreal,lent FRANK 8IIKFFIKLU, Vlce-I’ K. U. HIIKFriEI D, Cashier. Hank of Commerce, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. I Uniting business transacted and all consistent courtesies Certificates of deposit issued bearing interest Wanted. Men to learn barber trade. Steady practice Inruisned by free work. In structions and lectures by experts. Wages and shop exporienceBstardays. Tools presented, board provided, cata logue mailed free. Moler Rtrber Col lege, New Orleans, Ls. For Rent, House on Elm avenue $7 50 per month. Apply to E. 0. Bpoer. Phone 48 city. 10 31 The Man Excited the Suspicion of an Officer Who Searched the Rogue's Gallery and Found Picture of Lane, Will Be Taken to Galesburg. Quincy, III., Jan. 0.—After stopping since last Saturday at one of the lead, ing hotels, posing as a wealthy stock, man aud lavishly spending money, W. L. I-ane, alias Doc Butler, alleged member of the Abingdon bank robber gang, was captured* at 1 o'clock this morning in an all-night restaurant. At the time of his arrest Lane was giv ing an after-theater lunch to a small party with whom ho bad become ac quainted by sumo of the well known people of tho city, nil believing him to ho a rich Texan. Tho man excited the suspicion of Officer I c ahy while telephoning tho Western Union relative to a telegram sent to a Chicago address and which concerned a shipment made by Iatno of $2,000. Izeahy searched tho rogue's gallery after his suspicions were aroused and found I-ane's picture and & lengthy record. Detectives and officers wero at once detniled to go In search of tho suspect. Lane was found, attending the play "Tracy, the Outlaw," with a party of four, and was kept under close watch until the arrest was made at the res taurant. Six revolvers, held by as many men, were thrust into his face and the di ners were overwhelmed with conster nation. I-ane was unarmed. A re volver exactly like the one carried by the ether men In the Abingdon affair already under arrest was found In his valise at the Tremont hotel. I-ane will be taken to Galesburg for preliminary trial this evenng. consultation with your self and then an inspec tion of our excellent stock of Shoes and tfats will convince the most skeptical that we have the best line in the city. ■ F you want a swell Shoe, we have it. if you want B a working shoe we have it. and they don’t cost * a fortune either. What could be more appropri ate as a Xmas gift than a nice pair of our Shoes. Rvlamler Shoe Go. Going To RELEASE A lot of ease goods at really remarkable price*. „ These are mostly California and Rhine Wines, Bottled espeeislly for the Holidays. Finds Way to Liva long, Tne startling aononnoement of a Dis covery that will surelv lengthen life ia made by editor O. H. Downey, ot Gbu rubusco. ind. "I wish to state,” be writes, “that Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption la tbe most Infallible remedy that I have ever knows for Goughs and Grip, Itia Invaluable topeo pte with weak lungs. Having this won derful modioine no one neon dread pneumonia or Consumption Its relief is instant and enre oertaie.” E. J. El drldge guarantee* every 80s and $1,00 bottle, and give trial bottles free. REQUEST IS MADE OF PUBLIC. By Banks Hero Relativoto Closing Hours. We, the undersigned Banka of this eity, respectfully request onr custo mers to observe onr bnsiness hoars, from 9 to 3. Oar .closing boar is la ter than that nsnally observed in other cities, out it ia ncoessary for na to have some time when wo are free from inter ruption to coant cash, balanco onr books and prepare for the following day's business. We feel enre that it onr friends knew tbe incoo venienoe and trouble liable to oocnr from waiting on customers afior hoars they would not ask it except on extremely argent oc casions, which dojnot occur often. Re spectfully, Bank op Hoi tiiwestkhn Ga. Bank ok Cohubbcb, Planters Bank. Carts Blood, Skin Tronblet, Cancer Blood Potion. Greatest Blood Pntifler Free. The floods ninst now give to the palate the pleasure that the 1J M tie and Labels have given to the eye. The fol- liwing are a few of the Special Low Prices. Best California Sherry Wine, Port Wine, Rhine Wine, Claret and Blackberry Brandy at 65c a bottle Americus Whiskey Go. Phone 270 Cotton Ave.^J James Fricker & Bro., JEWELERS and OPTICIANS. If your eyes need glasses call on us and bo properly fitted. No charge for examination. Wo sell “Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pens,” tho best in the world, nnd other less expensive ones. We take Old Gold in Exchange for New Goods, allowing United States Mint price for same Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. 409 Jackson St., ’Phone 280. Americus, Ga. Old Santa Has Gone Tito Peoplos (tKOCER. But Sparks Is Here. SPARES GROCER- A man talks knowingly of tbe incon- atanoy of women end then proceeds to get mad if one of them proves he is right. Worth ftlOO to yon to core child r adult of incontinence of »ep iiy. jisl water daring sleep "Anti-Diaretie' stops it immediately. $1. Bold by E. J. Eldridge, druggist. An epitaph on * man's toomhstone never indicates that be was a bore. patrons. Trochct’s Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation or disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Be sure and get the genuine. « ii liass nru. co., ci.tvxL.txa onto, m* rns» Sold by the Eidrldfe Drag Stores, AmirlcuvUa, DR. ALEXANDER'S CHILL TONIC A positive, permanent, nnd wfecure for Malaria, Chilli and Feter. Contain* no poUon. The best Tonic, Aril-Periodic, Appetizer, ami Strength- cncr for pale, sickly female* and children known, llrlng* the glow to faded check*; make* weak children fat and hearty. Tablet form; UaIcIcm ; easy to take. Price SO cte. Dr. ATrxsn.trr's liver Regulator cans unions, ecu. Torpid Liver. Constipatioo. Sick Pries U Costs. For sals hy Sent by mtiloa receipt ot price, by & j UdJldge. sole-steal} Americas, Os. If your blood Is Impure, thin, ed. no or full of humors. If you have blcod poison, caDi-er, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, Itching, risings and lumps, scabby pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanlo Blood Balm (B. B. B.) according to di rections. Soon all sores beat, aches and ptlns stop, and the blood ia made pore and rlob, leaving tbe skin free from every eruption, and giving tbe rich glow ot perfect health to tbe akin. At the tame time, B. B B. Improves the In digestion, cures dvspepsla, strengtnons weak kidney*. Just the medicine for old people, as It givaa them new.lvlgor- ous blood. Druggists, $1 per large bot tle, with directions forborne cure. Sam ple free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co. Atlanta, Ga Describe trouble and special free medical advice a - In sealed letter. R. B. B. la advised for cbronlt, deep-seated cases of impure blood and akin diaeaae, aid cures after all else fella. My stock of Groceries is the talk of the town. I have everything that is good to eat, fresh and fine. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. Quick Delivery, Start the New Year right by buying your eatables front Sparks. We will please you. Barlow Block, Phone 279. For Sale or Rent. The plantation in Webster eonnly, known as J. D. Sheppard's piece, near Preston. With the place can be bought stock end implement* on place. Eight-homo farm. Poiaeasion given after Deo. let Apply to Bank ot Southwestern Georgia. One-flfteenth of tbe inhabitant* of Spain are noble*. Unconscious Frcm Croup. During a sudden aud terrible attack of croup onr little girl was uooonsclooa from strangulation, saysA L. Spafford, postmaster, Chaster, Aflch.,*Dda dose of One M'nute Cough Care was admin- I-tv red and repeated often. It ieduced tbe swelling and *infl imitation, cut the mucous and shortly the cblld was rest ing easy and speedily recovered It care* Healthv Kidneys Meant Long Life.' Cough Colds. LxGrlppe, and all Throat T , . . . nnd Lung troubles.-Ooe Minute Cough If you want to rectors your kidnty- 0uni , 0 lb „ throat and ohest nod *' enables the lungs to cmtribnto pure, health-giving oxygen to the blood. \V, A women seldom believes anything her hnsband says about ther, bat she believes every word be ear* about oth er women. to their former healthy state take Smith's Sure Kidney Care—50 cents at druggists. The Chinese have a complicated cat ender. Their eyelet have CO years, eaeb year, month and day having its Trial Size, 25 ct*. ownn ‘ B,e ' The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure is Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. You druggist will refund your money if after taking one bottle yon ere not at is del with r can't*, SO oenta. A. Kemberl Abont 1,500,000 persons are employ, ed in the eoal mine* of tbe world. The many friends of O. U. Hansen, Engineer L E. t W. B. B , at pretest living In Lima, O., will be plaassd to know of ois recovery from threatened kidney dleesee. He writes: "I was cured bv u«ag Folay's Kidney Cure, wblohl recommend to ell, especially tr Inman who are usually similarly afflicted.” John R. Hudson. Salesmen Wanted. Wanted, reliable traveling salesmen to carry oars as a side line. Liberal commission to right parties, Colum bus Show Case Co. Colnmbne. Qa. The crowned heads of every nation, The rich man, poor men and miser* i All join In paying tribnte to DaWtn’s Little Early Riser*. H. Williams, San Antonio. Texas, writs*: "Little Early Riser Pill* are the beet I ever used In my family. I unhesitatingly reoommood them to everybody." They oara Constipation, Bllllonsnaaa, Sick Headache. Torpid Liver. Janndics, malaria and other liver trouble. W. A. RemberL Tbe pries of medicine la Prussia is regulated by the state, a new pries list being published every year. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollar* Ri- warJ for auy cue ot Catarrh that ran- not b« cure.) by Hall's Catarrh our*. F. J CHENEY A CO,. Prop*,, To ledo, O Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, aud believe him perfectly honor able in all business transactions and Unanctally able to carry oat any obliga tion* tnsde by tbelr firm. We-.t .t Tul'ax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Waldixo, Kims Jk mab- visr, Wnoleael# Druggists, Toledo O. .' Halt’s Catarrh Care Is taken iut<--n»i|y acting directly upon the blood and mu- coas snrfaoesof the system. Trice 75o. per bottle. Sold by all Drnggb*^ timuDlals free. Hall’s Family Pills are tho beat,