Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, January 23, 1903, Image 3

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t} THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMI ORDER, FRIDAY JANUARY 23, 1903. t^Tanp not the times. A ,. r oiit deal of sympathy ieema to «usted on the twentieth century ( „llege-hred youth.', who ore pitied be- riinpe 1110 wor *^ ,oem ® to ** ttve n0 wor * c , r the well-educated. Sever was there harbored a more er- , , m , 0 n* view of anything. Aa a matter (fuel there can be recalled no time in | ll0 world’, hi.tory when there haa „ greater demand for trained la- 1, , r whether it bo mental or manual. ! mlocd, education ia now looked upon „ practical kind of investment in nhieli higher returns are assured than h.-e to be derived from stocks and bonds. The situation is briofly^and clearly demonstrated by Judge Robert V Douglas in this wise: Take a man earning $15 a month, an ,l,-upitalize him lilte^iny other ban- enterprise at say |ix per cent, and noiild be worth $3,000. Deducting ene-thinl this amount for tfie average rlumces of. death, he would still lie „..ith $2,00* to himself. His value to his family would lie further lessened n,o cost of his iiersonal supiiort. Take auother earning $150 month, n ,„l capitalize him in the same manner. • i, would represent .capital of$20,000, u . tl tunes that of theother. Thisisnot IU cre financial conceit. It is practi- rally the rulo of damage* followed by tli,. courts in eases of death by wrong ful act, taking into consideration the IK,, evpectanoy of the deceased. It should be the rulo to be substantially followed in the education of every, child. If » pnroqL carf educate a son from a $15 hand to a $150 band, ho has started him with u handsome capital securely invested. • The difficulty is that all too fre- iiuentfy the college man who takes hts degree is not really educated at all. He has spent four years storing bis mind with useless knowledge, without know ing how to apply what he has learned to some practical aim. But the matp who knows what he wants to do and is determined to do it, the man who puts all his energy and ambition into fitting himself to do some one thing a little heller than any other person can per form that particular task, wilhdisQover when lie demands the living winch it is said the world owes every man, that the living will be a fur more luxurious otic if he has been really educated than if ho brought to his life task a mind unfilled with what it is desirable to k now, a hand what it is de sired shall ho ilono. “It is alt nonsense to belittle u col lege education bocanke a few stupid men have failed to got out of n.collcgo training tlio host there is within it; for in this respect, as in all others, tho fault is with the man and not with these times so rich in glorious jios- sihilities for tho brave and deter mined.” This mouth witnesses the inaugura tion of a Democratic Governor in Kliodc Island and also in Nevada and Oregon. These are tlie only States outside of the South which have Dem ocratic Governors, except ’Montana, which elected a Democrat in 11)00 for a four-year term. The Democratic Gov ernors of Oregon and Rhode Island i may lie regarded as accident. Each of them is confronted by a Republics Legislature. The only Northern State having a Democratic Governor and a IViuocratie Legislature is Nevada. There is no Republican Governor in the South unless Delaware and West Vir ginia uce classed as Southern States. <>f the forty-five Governors, tjie Demo crats have eighteen and the Republi cans twenty-seven. Senator Mason, of Illinois, will be enrolled among the exes on March 4. Jt has been ovident for some time that the rotund'and genial William was out of the running, but he kept hope for his flatterer until, the Hopkins ma- •hino left him manfled beside tho track. k Now that the Northern and the Southern [Methodists are singing out "f tho same hymnal, it begins to look »s if tLe war were really over. When religions differences arc settled theye i* usually mighty little left to figlit a I Mint.—Louisville Times. And Weaker—Gun. James B.— once the leader of the Populists, has become the president of an oil company. Aro there any of the old guard of thoca- lumityitA who are not now reclining contentedly in tho tentacles of the oc- topiffj Dr. Harry 0. White of Athens, pro fessor of chemistry uni president of Die College of Agricnltnro and Me chanics, has boen appointed a director <lf tho State Experiment ’Station by Gov. Terrell. STARVING PEOPLE EATINGPINE BARK GrimKamine Stalks Abroad in Northern Sweden. THIRTY THOUSAND AFFECTED. Situation Threatening a Repetition of the Terrible Famine of 1867, When ..Thoueande bled of Starvation and Faver—Pathetic Appeala Are Made. London, Jan. 15.—Telegrams from Stockholm conflrm the distressing ac counts of famine in northern Sweden as given In'these dtepatches. About 30,000 people are affected by this fam-. tne. which extends from the sixty-first to the sixty-seventh degree north lati tude, and from the Oulf of Bothnia and the Russian border fai* Into the Interior. • The starving people are eating pine bark, which ia dried, ground to pow der. mixed with stewed Iceland moss and made into a kind of famine bread. . Scarcity of Fish. Coincident’with tho failure of the crop Is the extreme scarcity of fish. The fishermen return from their expe. dltlons empty-lianded. Even ptar migan. usually found In great num bers in the stricken district have ah most completely disappeared. It Is estimated that the expenditure of about $6,300,000 will be necessary to save the population from decimln atlon. Thus far about $300,000 has been subscribed , of which sum over $13,500 was sent by Swedes In the United States. This amount does nor Include the money necessary to save the breed of cattle, which alone can live through an Arctic winter, or sup ply seed for the spring sowings. The peasants are making pathetic sarrifl' cos to avert the extermination of the hardy Northern cattle. In previous times scarcity of good fodder was ob tainable by tnfxlng reindeer moss and aspes bark. . Now this is available and finely chopped twigs of birch willow and ash are substituted. The mixture Is bolled.nnd fed to the cat tie warm, but it Is found that the milk of cattle thus fed leadsj to ty phoid fever. ' i Disease May Increase. This and other diseases are certain to spread unless relief Is hastened. The situation threatens a repetition of tho terrible famine of 1867, when thousands died of starvation and ty phold fever. A special commissioner of the Swedish government, who has Just returned from the Bceno of dlS' tress, emphasizes the necessity for the adoption ql Immediate plans to abato tho distress. His report has caused a most painful Impression and will, It Is hoped, enhance the national efforts to provide remedial measures. Up to the present. 1.300 carloads, val ued at over $100,006. represent the to tal quantity of provisions and fodder shipped to the famjpe-strlrkcn area. Will Meet In Indlanapoll 1,200 Delegates Expi Will Be Tried' For First Degree Mur der at Athens, Ala. Athens. Ala., Jan. 17.—Tho mldwln- Indianapolis, Jan. 17.—PrI ter term of the circuit conrt Is In qf*- Mltchell, of the United Miij g| on in this place. Judge O. Kyle pre siding. -Robert Howard, who Is charged with the murder of Oscar Bauer, ot Cullman, which case was brought to this court on a change of venue, from Decatur, Is to be tried; Howard was brought to this place last evening an# lodged In jail to await the trial. He Is a member of one of tb<^ leading families of this section and Is himself a prominent railroader. He Is charged with first degree mur der. and has been denied bail a num ber of times. It Is possible that h( will be tried next week. ts due to arrive In Indiana row afternoon at 3:20. Mr. met comndttee at Oreenfleld t< temoon, and will be escor city. A small dinner . given at one of the hoteh mornng Prelldent Mitch the miners' bonvqptlon-li hat). On request of the i uhton. the merchants In part of the city will de places with the national day. Monday night wll pnhllc demonstration. President Mitchell. Sami president of the Amerlcai of I-abor, and other Inte bor leaders will be presen The United Mines tVor national convention, whl< Monday, will be made up egatrs, representing 24 st During the first ten day ' business of tho miners' Pope Will Be Chief. Justice. Columbia, S. C., Jan. 17.—The legls- lature will have to fill a vacancy on the supreme ^hurt bench, and there is no lack of material willing to serve It seems to be generally accepted that Associate Justice Y. J. Pope will be made chief justice, the vacancy being created by the death of Mr. Mclver. I Many candidates are announcing ... --- , | themselves for the associate Justice. will come before the dele* , gh|p Tbere are quIte a number ol wage demands, to be mad-1 men men »tbned for this placA among erators In the bituminous) them be| j g former Dodson’s Pharmacy. "Meet Me at Dodson's." Jfow jfbout 2/our Spring, Sardon ? We.Tiavoall varieties of x Laundreth’s Celebrated Garden Seed and can sup ply you with any quantity in dated sealed packages, but tfish to call your es pecial attention to the fol io g ing of Landreth’s speci- alties: Extra Eaki.1 Peas, the earliest sort, 48 days (horn • sowing, none arp earlier, and none are better. This stran has been sooflen coun terfeited, that they are only sold under seal in red • card board packages. Price 15c pint, 25c quart. Select Very Eari.y Jersey Wakefield Cabiiaue, heading for market 70 to ^0 days Cropi sowing. Short steemed, head corn-shaped boad at liottom; with blunt peak. A reliable header,. and most Excellent fc all good qualities. Package 5c or fi for 25c. $ Lai xdketh’h Unsurpassed Cabbage Lettucp, leaves deep green, short stem and round, forming a well * closed head. An exceed- •’ ingly desirable sort, sure to prove satisfactory. Packages 5c. ' /• LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Application for Charter. STATE OF GEORGIA—ACUTE* CoraTV. - To the Superior Court' of said county:-- The petition of J . M. Hummenoid » ad B. C. Jones of and Statu and County M.pcctfaliy stows: u * That they dertfe for f b( mae've*. tbjlr as- ■nc’atea, successor* a fid assifnsto become Incorporated under the name ard Mule of '’LKSi.IL MKRCANTILE A SUPPLY OO.” . , • n. Petitioner* >sk to ho Incorrora’ed for n term o» twenty yean with the pill liege of rcoewal et the end of,sald time. - . MM IU. Tbecacltal stock he Foil share*i c reartng the capit'afstock train tlmeto time not escccdlng In the aggregate ten thooaand dollars. JV Tae whole of said capital stock ot four* thousand dollar a has beon actn ally paid la i ■V,.H The object of the proposed corner .Ju pecuniary prout and gain toil, .lock holders, KlUlouer* propose to. carry °n a generrt aa <tey nee mevcantlle and supPL _ wholesale or retail, or both, _ proper: buying and selling for cash or on credlLa’I inch things as nre usually embrac ed In laid business, or Durt*. r ed to do nil -the suuul necessary and prop r wblcn portals to, or may be tdani wttV tbereu VI, PetIUoneru pray that they may buy, sell lease, eent or Improve retail eaialenndper- sefvenanftbn buai mM*t?ev *sbafl'c Jug on ol said business not In conflict with The charter-sought, or the laws of the State; that they may sue and be sued plead and be Impleaded: bare and nse a corporate seal under said corporate name aa aforesaid. MS T vit The Stock-bolder* of said corporation sbail be liable tor tbo debts of tbe same lb the amount of stock for wblcb they bare sub scribed and tot paid in: that Is tosuy. then It to be no liability of tbe Individual stock-f holders beyond Me unpaid sulgicrlBtlon. VIIL Tho prlaclpal office and place of burtaeas of Me proposed corporation will be In Me town orLesll*. said Stale and County; but E etlllnnern ask toe privilege of establishing raocb olhee • of Me business at such other places wl'bin and without tho Mute aa toej may see lit: the right to appoint agents, and . to do all other aucb Mings as are necessary and Incident to carry on uald buslne s. rest Wherefore pgUUoners pray lobe madeTa bbdy corporale under Me name and atyte as aloreuatd; entitled to Mo riabu, trlvjloges and immunities and subject to tho uabtllues axed by law. TbUtbe labdas^of JamMl* , PoUttoaeis Attorney, U— UEORolA-gcnvgn copstv. 1 hereby certify that the above Is a Iran .ary of toe original, a pp lost on lor charter as taken from th* minute* of Hcmtrrllupe- t, r. oATKVooa ■ Deputy Clerk. copy an it rlor Court, {Proscriptions ' and' {Receipts. ' In our prcscripliou work wo use , , mom on„g aoreraor'shep. I tlic ^ quality of drugs and cliemi- dlstrlct. which la composd. I d f ftlgefleld; c. A. Wood, of Ma. cals.that W« can obtain, taking V.JInnn Dnnneflt'Ofilfl anl _ _ _ _ .. . - _ ... ^ ' MEXICO AND UNITED STATES. Gratifying State of Trade Reported Between the Two Countrlee. , City of Mexico, Jan. 15.—Consul General Bartow reports a steady In crease In the experts to the United Statei and a gratifying stnto of trade between tho two countrlee. A large amount of money baa been aubscrlbed here for the Mazatlaa «u* ferere and forwarded. ^ A Mexican dental college, deslgded to give education and clinical work to dentlita, go that students may not need to go abroad, haa been opened here under tbe direction of C. A. Young, with a faculty composed ot dontlrte and pbyalclana of high re- Showing fjw Some people begin / 1 /"M ST) to show age before vt C. • the meridian of life is reached, or they nve lived out half their days. They are rematurelv gray, haggard and sickly, nd seldom free from an ache or pam of ante description. . Cold feet, chilly sensations, stiffness in mscle* and joints, weak stomach and oor digestion, lack of energy, and drows- tesv, nervousness, etc., show that old age os been reached ahead of “ ime. Bad blood and weak irculation more often rod uce these miserable tcliuga and signs of de- ay than anything else, n inherited taint or oison of some dv-M-np- ionfantworkintheays- - - tm, causing stagnation and a general nhealthy condition of tbe bloo.1; and Ilia, and not the weight of year*. U dmg- »g you down to an untimely old age and laking life a protracted torture. < > For purifying the blood and toning un he circulation nothing is equal to b. 8. S. tremove* from theaystcnfaUtbewaste latter that haa been accumulating for po«ly >a rraion why old people thould not re- 0re ^ Tppy dUption and buoymit VVJ J— apirita of youth. If yonhaveacan- ceiuu* sole,Rheu matism, or any of _ the ailments com- ngc, write u* about it, and our will adviae you without charge, ood an>l Skin Diaeaae* free. Specific Co., Atlanta, 6a. . Aldrich, The wage conference «i newspapers May combine. , workers and tho wage cjr ! ( .Montgomery; Ala., Jan. 16— Barring n** 8 anil efficiency ID compounding tho competitive district* * 0 me fiemote contlngetcy In tbe- nr- 'a.,/,], m-Mcrintion * Indianapolis Jan. 30.- | | rangement. of the deUlla a detail w.a ® ttC " P rMcr, P non ' closed here by which General Rnfua Onr prescription department is GETS VERDICT FO< | N. Rhodes, ogvner of the Birmingham weU ermipped with modern facili- News, acquires n majority of the stock 1 " | . . of the Montgomery Journal, thd af-. tie* for doing tbe most thorough Texas Man Wins In Figh York Broki New York. Jan. 1' Thomas, or Dallas, Te: fight for $53,000 in the court, the amount of h!s| the difference between 13,900 bales of cotton c I* brokers sold Un out m >• day a month Hater whi id his New York boldine Ir. Thomas was bucking a *- ket on a dollar margin It ers advised him to a^ll ot want to do ao, and thi ve ternoim paper here. General Rhoden high qua i ity pre8C ription w«rk. In ha nroalrlont and ITnmro tl/wul I ® * ■ * 1 a In to be president and Horace Hood, present proprietor of The Journal, vice General the 200 Onr price for putting np pro- pr 1 e *' d *" t - « '» "ttderstood Uint Vriptlong and household receipts ml Rhodes pny» P* r for 101 of i 1 . . ■, will always be foundjost RRd fair. We invite yoif to bring all of yonr doctors prescriptions here, and let pays pnr $100 shares outstanding. Poisoned by Unknown Parties. Pecos. Tex.. Jan. JS.—T. U: Ray and two sisters living at Santo Luqla, | about 40 miles south of here, were ns take care of them for yon. poisoned by unknown parties putting I •• ‘ , arsenic In their food. One of the wo-1 ’ _ __ trqn i* dead and the other will die. 1 ( j/ffp {fCOOm Comforts. him S minutes to’ whfcp Mr, Ray haa n chance to recover $20,000 additional marg He replied that theted was not In hi* contracj an order to hold the cotta ifct to hold the brokers pei pn- ■Ible If they dlnobeyed. The brokers sold the In formed Mr. Thomne. hat he would not recognize Ion and when the market he ordered a tale. j Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes, Atomizer^ Thermomc- J te re,. Feeding Cups; stomach Tubes, and all the various appliances which add so much to the comforts Often DIaagreo With Us T #f the j|n(fenr and aid in his cure. we overeat of them. Indl-1 W6 make a specialty of aach Things We Like Best jrou cat. ’ . indigestion la KodoJ dlissta ..j without the stomach's aTd. Thus the 1Jand stomach rests while tbebody ia strength ened by wholesome food. Dieting ts un- . .necessary. Kodol digests any kind of an-1 good food. Strengthen* and invigorate*. i . n Rich Red oul: To odated the BvAone nicely, In spite of tlftber hindrance*.' When asked what chances of Shnnrroc: phoprenled that Col exceed tbe .new defefoved correct, Sir Thomne If the new defen Columbia, our chui Last Section Mempbli, Tenn., day'* session of th undl ot tbe African Me|cop*l church was called op Arnett, ot Ohio, church In foreign fl and dlecuiaed. Th* visitors will leers fee to night - / the who ettU beet lest BUh- the m np other GOLDEN ACE ^ PURE OLD LINCOLN CO. WHISKEY WS,TBB DISTILLER*. taguanntM Ihaearaod* to be K ondljraraold. Nope * at any prtea. We will ship la plain bore* to Eifil» dl*- | lllUr'* prices: f Full Bottles,SS.4B TO Full Bottles, 6.SB 12 Full Bottles, 7.00 I S Full Bottles, 0.70 *Yonf mpney t>ack If not *■ rcprfr-i’aK*.i. A aanipM 1 « i>:m by oTTrc-a ircpaiO, for ^0c to htioii a. ,, DidtiHerp, Memaphle. Te-»- AMERICAN SUPPLY CO ««* Malm Wra You can telephone, or have. the doctor do ao for you, and pe will wnd right ont! whatever yon peed. Th aid ' rration follow*. But then's a w*y to I , ,. , 1f :. they had ahwady sold. 1 3m* w&po such consequences. A dose of a good« and carry au exceptiouall^ as came to New York nit f^^J***^ 1 rt^rnwh u'rtm^y toS \ complete line for you to select from. SHAMROCf I weak to digest wtmt you mt. ' That'i all indigestion ia hodol dlmeta the food I ——,■ s a aL« «*atueanktfl- >1.1 v| Challenger Cempletel Half Pla Durmarton, Scotl 7. Shamrock Ill Is now ed and more than hal Sir Thomas Litton > to Inspect the challengfleto the arrangements for n representative Press he amid: VI am very much progress mode. Cromo ‘Dentifrice. This is pleasant to use, imparts delightfully dfean taste to the mouth, is a thorough cleanser and whitens the teeth, healing and hardening the gums and helping to purify and sweeten the breath. It aids in retarding and preventing decay and contains nothing what ever which is not good for the tcctli. Ton. will find this ono of the nicest and most economical tooth preparation you ever used, Price 25c. Dodson’' "Me O BORO I A*-$Vi*Txn Codstt. Whereas, Mrs. Mar* C Reid havlnfc made .jpllcatlon tor twelve month* auppmtoutof the estate of J P. |t*Ut and appralx r* duly appointed IO Ml apart the same having Hied thrlr returns. - . Ihenare therefvrr toclte and (dimmish , all perrons concerned, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause on or be tore the February term ot the court of ord'nary to be held on the Ural Mmdar In February, IMS, why said petition ahoalrt Ant be granted . a* prayed lor. Wlinc* my hW.rt arm ofllMal signature, this the lath day nl December, KM. , THOh. M AI.LKN, Ordinary. - A PI11 LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. OKOROIA-Sl-imtUCoOXTT, ' , W’ereaa. W. UThomas. Davl gin proper form applied to me for permaoeut ettern of administration «u tae eat te of Ablaba LaaaUtr. late of aild county deceased Theau are therefore to cite and admonish all persoqa concerned whether kindred or creditor*, to nbow cause on nr before MV February term of the Court of Oidlnary to tc held oo the drat Monday la February, •Iguature, Ihln jM.arart^ GEORGIA--hlMTSH CoCXTT.' Whereas. Chetleu A. Ch* mb”**, clerk nf t'e • upenor court, will he appointed ad ministrator PD Me estate of James a. Baa*. U Tbroe*arat?eieIore toelteandadmooW* all pereop* concerned, whether kindred or ct editors, to show rasa* on or belore Mu Kebruaiy term of the Court of OnUoaiy to be held os-the n «t Monday te hbr I80S, Why said petition shonld not be gr ■sprayed I or. _wi:n- as myaand anu c alt nature, u,la January, SM. I* *■ ‘ i!. iiioa M. ALLBN. ordinary. Ing real esute lying acu being In sal* Coun ty of bumter. to-wu: one hundred and any (UP) acres of land more or less, ooe hnadrea t uui acre* of wblcn I* toe south half of lot of (and Number ooe nunered and ninety ON) ud Me otnsr nfty (0; acras being Ms southwent comer ofloi Numhnr jwohun- dred and nineteen (M») In MeO.d Hxteent* dl.trlct of said counts of vumtnr, and all of said land being honnded aa ioilowa: Onthe norm l y land- belorglng lo Mra, Marshall and land* of tbe c»lat« of Mrs. Jane L llrady.un the east by lands bcloarlng to the (Stale ol Mr* Jane L Hrady (aald •astern boundary land* being nnw orated from land to bn sold by public road) oo the aoutn by I. nda belonglog'to T. H Hooka aw* on the wert by laaon belong ing to T. a Hook*. »*til property wUl be oflered lor tale In bulk aud the terms of •aid «ate are ca-a baldlmd retd aa ten irsM w po.« of paying • Executor ot Mr*. Jana t Brady, WEBSTER COUNTY. AFPUBAWffJkvE MONTHS SUPPORT, GBOReU-WRMMB OPCBTV. , Whereas. B. P surer*, havlag madc ap- SSS5« to thew cine on or before Uie , ^ the Court of Ordinary to T.J. THARP. Ordinary- Administrator’s Sale.