Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, January 23, 1903, Image 6

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER, FRIDAY JANUARY 23. 1903. \ i: v' , e: „ iNEWS NOTES AT SMITHVILLE. (Happenings of Interest In Metropolis of Lee. SmithT)llr, Os. Jan. 16 —Mr. O. B Wilkerton is one of onr best farmers. For 12 years he has bad lard and meat to sell..He has recently killed a porker weighing net 478 pounds and has anoth er still larger. Hereoentlysold two fine males that he raised on bis splendid farm The vote on a dispensary will be held Feb. 5th. Bids ere being received for boring an artesian well. A recent marriage was that cf Miss Sarah Potter of this place to Mr. Mathews, a farmer residing near Daw son. Miss Daisy Johnson, of Atlanta, is visiting Mrs. B. I. McKinney. Messrs. Walter Cowart and Emmett Booker have been on the sick list bat now reported on the road to recovery. Bev. B. M. Allison has entered upon his second pastorate of the Methodist Chnrcb here. Miss Christy, of Dawson has return ed home after a pleasant visit here, W. W. Cowart basgono to Adams to acoept the! place made vacant by Dr. Brown. The new year promises an era of greatest prosperity for Smithville. Several new lenterprises, an artesian well and a supply business justify \ bright hopes. Morgan and Hale are opening a new stock of goods in the store formerly occupied by Mtt Lunsford. Dr, H. Smith has admitted to part nership in his general mercantile busi* nes his brother, B. 0, Smith who has already movfed here from Sumter. The Smithville Supply Oo. compos ed of C. A. Bbodes, B. I. McKinney and Walter Cowart is engaged in pat ting in on extensive . stock of general mwohandiae. The Jennings milliqory store has been moved to Parrott. 0. C. Ansley .fcJCo, have moved their stock to Dawson. Judge G. C. Edwards, Lee county’s ordinary for many years has moved in to town.; Will McDuffie from; Blakely is now with the large stJre of Mr. T. S. Bur ton here. Dr. O. T\ Brown from Adams station is how with Bass & Co. at this place. Mr. and Mrs, Fort MoAfee are now domiciled in their own home. Prof. Parks will soon complete his fourth year as principal of our school. He is popular and efficient. Miss Flora Market', from Snmier City is his assistant this year. Miss Neva Good row has returned to college at Outhbert. BUSY IS MEETING OF SOLONSLAST NIGHT. Body Convenes in Regular Session. THE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Read and Accepted—Much Important Work I, Completed at this Session— A Brief Resume of Last Night's Proceedings. Grove's Chronlo Chill Cpro. cures the chills that othe^ chill tonics don't cure.' Made of the following fluid extracts: Peruvian Bark, Blaok Boot, Poplar Bark, Prickly Ash Bark, Dog Wood Bark and Sarsaparilla. The best general tonio. Ho cure. Ho Pay. 60o, AFFAIRS TAKE ANOTHER TURN I - Bankruptcy Proceedings In the Case , of French & Co. ^Involuntary bankruptcy proceedings have been instituted in the ease of J. E. French & Oo. merchants, of The Plains, who failed recently. As stated in the Times-Beeorder several days ago, a proposition was made to pay 80 cents on the dollar. Many of the oreditora favored this proposition, bat as the acceptanoe of the terms offered was not general snob settlement could not be effected and involuntary bank- xaptoy proceedings will, therefore, be instituted. The liabilities of the firm are approximately 825,000, though the assets are^,considerable as well. Bev- oral Americus bouses are among the creditors, though the amounts are not very large. The city council met last right in regular section His Honor, Mayor E A". Hawkins, presiding. There was a full boat J present and not a few mat ters of importance were digenssed at length and disposed of, several of ^vhich bad been carried ovel from a previous meeting. Ho action was taken upon the matter of filling the vacanoy of oity engineer and superintendent waterworks. However, the Water committee was authorized to employ an accountant to keep the books and records of tbe office until tbe election of a oity en gineer, which will be at au early date. Chairman Poole of the Fire commit tee reported tbe need of a small wagon for tbe department, and tbe purobase of snob vebiele was authorized. Tbe awarding of tbe city printing for 1903 was then taken np. Sealed bids bad been asked for under the terms of letting the legal printing to the lowest bidder, end each of tbe three papers submitted a seeled bid. That of the Herald was to do the work at a fixed pnoe. The Times-Heeorder proposed to pnblish the minntes and marshal’s sales gratis. This paper had done as much before, and, as stated in its bid, was willing to aid tbe connoil in its work of retrench ment, more particularly as such mat ter as published was of interest to its readers. The bid of the Press was to do the printing for nothing. In addition to this offer the publishers enclosed with their bid a one dollar bill, offered as a bid for teenring the eontract. The dollar did the workjand secured tbe printing contract. The editor of the Timee-Keoorder protested against this sale of the print ing and mado an offer of 850, for tbe printing if it was to be let thnaly. This proposition was not discussed. The Times-Kecorder took the posi tion that its bid was the lowest. If the highest bid was to get the printing it was prepared to bid on a cash basis. But the matter was thus disposed of and tbe offioial printing for the cur rent year goes to the Press at its cash bid of one dollar. Alderman Sherlock took the high ground that the eity oouucil of Ameri cas w0b not a charitable organization and should be willing to pay for its printing, but the sentiment of council was against him upon that higlf moral proposition. This is tbe first time in tbe bistory of Amerions that the printing was ever bartered lor a money consideration. Eleotion of City Attorney. The eleotion of a oity attorney was disonssed at length and the salary of the office fixed at 8300 a year, the in cumbent to receive no additional com pensation for doing the work. Connoil then proceeded with the eleotion, Ool. J. H. Lumpkin reoeivlng five of the seven votes oast. Ool. Lumpkin was, therefore, di ctated dnly eleoted oity attorney. J, J. Simmons,colored,filed his peti- tltion for a bar license at 107 Cotton Avenue. A eonnter petition wee also filed by several merohants, bat tbe li cense was granted without a dissent ing vote android license will be issued Bimmone today upon payment of t'be usual price—$1,000. Numerous bills were approved and paid, after which connoil adjourned. JChmsuy friends of G. H. Hansao, Engineer L. E. & W. B. B , at present living in Lima, O., will be pleasedent know of bla recovery frjm threatened kidney disease. He wiltee: "I was cured bv using Foley's Kidney Cure, wbloh I recommend to all, especially tr Inmeu who are usually similarly afflicted.” John H. Hudson. Teachers and Veteran* to Recelvo Their Money. State School Commissioner Merritt is now preparing to send out the bal ance of the school money for 1902. The warrants on the state treasury are being gotten in shape, and they will probably be signed np today or tomor row. By Saturday tbe state treasurer will have made out checks ami they *11)1 be mailed at once. Checks cannot be sent, however, to those counties which have sent in no itemized statements, and they will, of conrse, have to wait. Each county wiil receive in its check this time school money for tha last two months of 1902. and the total to be paid out is about $6CO,<;00. , As soon as tbe treasurer gets through with this work the payment of peu- aions will begin. Pension Commis sioner Lindsey has been engaged for some days in preparing tbe pension vouebere, and he will be ready to dis tribute them in a lew days to tbe or dinary- of the 137 comities of Georgia who will in turn distribute the checks among the old soIdierA and widows. It is not known yet just when tbe checks for tbe pensioners m Americas and Sumter will be sent, though it will be very soon. Tutt’s Pills After eating, persons of a bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking one of these pills. If you have been DRINKING TOO MUCH, they will promptly relieve the nausea, SICK HEADACHE —: and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy feel ings. ‘Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Estimable Lady Passes Away After Long Illness. Miea H. Beat Smith, one of tbe b, at known and most beloved women in Americas, psss ed away Saturday after a long illness extending over a period of more than two months. The an nouncement of the olose of this pure and beautiful life, while it brings grief and sorrow to many hearts here will not be unexpected as her eondition for e week past baa prepared those near and dear to her for the dread summons. Miss Smith has resided In Americas for a long period of years, making her home with her brother, Mr, A, W. Smith. A woman of highest cnitnrr, edneation and refinement her friend ship, worth and esteem were appre ciated in the select circle m which she moved; yet, gvithrfl, her life was one of contentment and happiness, fall of golden-deeds of kindness and devrted to the sweet duty of carrying rays of snushme into the hearts of others. A true, noble, Christian woman, her sphere io file here will be diffioolt to fill and she will indeed be sincerely mourned. CLERKS RACE DRAWING CLOSE. BOUGHT BIG PLANTATION HERE Valuable Farm Near Americus Sold Yesterday. Mr. T, R. Slappey, iormerly of Amer icas but for several years traveling salesman for a'Savanuah bouse, pur chased yesterday l cm the M. E. 81sp- pey estate the Slappey plantation of six hundred acres, eight miles north of Americas. The purobase was made as an investment, and Mr. Slappey will bencnforli operate the farm on his own account It is one of the best places in Southwestern Georgia and splendidly adapted to fruit growing as well as to corn and cotton. Mr. Slappey’s friends here oongratnlute him npon hissnocuss in business and npon this judicious in vestment of his surplus fuud«. : i Contest Will Como to a Close On Monday Next. The candidates for the 81,000 office of oity clerk and treasurer are making a spirited raee, and while all three, | Messrs. MaMstb, Hawkes and.Scar-j borough, are confident of eleotion they will, nevertheless, put in a lot of good i work with the voter during the week intervening. Tbe date of the primary,! Monday 26tb. is just one week off, and many voters will be pledged to them within that time. Thjre are about 300- white., voters registered, 'and which ever of the candidates plucks 110, of these stands a good chance of getting the job, as all of tbe gentlemen will poll a good vote. The nominee gets the place for nearly two years, only one month of the present torm expir ing prior to the time when the new official will be installed. It has been supposed that Mr. E. A. Lockitt would also be candidate for the office of city clerk, but be announces that be will not be in the race. A Life at. Stake. If you but know the splendid merit of Foley’s Honey and Tar you would never be without It. A dose or two will pre vent an attack of pneumonia or la grippe. It may save your life. John B. Hudson. Over a quarter millien satisfied customers A Q^TEiP^rMn^ON rosioa&° 1 TwS^MumvBuaUy sratun£"iK2« D?mSfak'SSi. an enormous business «™ia be^up. sustained anflcontlnuaU, Increased, U out goods did not novo exceptional value and meritt , ,, think we could bold tb^tradeofoverauuartertt a million people. If oor repu- an^wSg yoi?the bat profits ot the dealers. Your money back If you're not satisfi|d. Direct from our distiller^ to YOU Saves Dealers’ Profit* I Provont* Adulteration I “““ HAYNER WHISKEY - PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE 4 FULL $0-20 EXPRESS QUARTS O PREPAID We will send you FOOT FULL QUART BOTTLES oflHAYKER’SSEVEN- vp AR-f>T..D RYE for 83.20, and we wiil pay the express charges. When yon tbiwStakey?tor IIand If you don’t find It all ^tandas^M^ ever drank or can buy from anybody else at any our expense and your 83.20 will be returned to you by lint h2l5i that Offer over. How could it be fairer? If you ar ® J52?^2K?i SmJr?a you are not out a cent. Shipment made in a plain sealed case, with no marks or brands of any kind to indicate contents. Orders for Arlz..Cal.Col.Idaho,Mont.Nev..N. M».Ore.,UtgVWaSh. or Wyo. must be on the basis of 4 Quarts for by isxpre«» Prepaid or /SO Quarts for 816.00 by i rciglit I repaid* Write our nearest office and do lt NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY ATUNTAi GA. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, HO. ST. PAUL HINN. 154 Distillery, Trot, O. Establishid 1866- , In Bed Four Weeks With.La Grippe. Webavo received the following letter from Mr. Bey Keo.p, of Angola, Ind. •‘I was In bed four weeksiwltu la grippe ana I tried mapy remedies and spent considerable lor treatment wltn physi cians, but, I received no relief until 1 took Foley's Honey and Tar. TwosmaUboi- Moh of this medicine oured mo and now I uso It exclusively in my family.” Take no substitutes. John K. Hudson. Children Poisoned, - Many children are poisoned and made n*r»ona sad weak, it not killed outright, by mothers giving them cough syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar Is a safe and certain remedy for coughs, eroup and lung trouble, and la the only prominent ecugb medicine that •contains no opiates or other poisons. John B. Hudson, When first known to the Homans silk was so dear that it sold weight for weight with gold. Healthy Kidneys Means Long Life. If yon want to reetore yonr kidney- to their former healthy state lake Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure—50 cents at druggists. HUNDREDS OF MULES SELLING. Americus Market is Supplying Large Territory. The long earned cotton maker, a reeent arrival from Kentucky ^ir the West, will go oat of Amerions today in numbers to the plantations in this aeotion of Georgia. The mule trade here for a month past has been folly np to the maximum and hnndredB of flneantmals have been eold. Prices are a bit higher than in recent years, the value ranging from 8150 pp to 8300 for good males, and those are the only kind in demand. Hot only are tho farmers of Sumter buying the sleek animals bnt those of a half dozen other counties u-o buying stock here as well A PYRAMID OF COUNTRY HAMS. Solid Wagon Load Meat Bought By Buchanan Bros A Solid two Horse wagon load of beautiful aoantry hams, juicy, fat and fine, were brought in yesterday by Mr. Henry Williams, a prosperous Snmter county farmer and bought by Buch anan Bros, for their trade. - It is the finest meat brought to Amerions in a long while, tbe lot weighing 2,000 pounds, and bath Mr. Williams and Bnchanan Bros, are ta be oongratula- ted, the one as a prodneer and the oth er as buyer of enoh meat. The Formula tells the story: Grove’s Chronic Chill Cure Not a potent medicine: • thin spirituous liquid, of a pleasant bitter taste, made of Fluid Extract PERUVIAN BARK Fluid Extract POM^AR R/UUt Fluid Extract BLACK’ROOT Fluid Extract JWCKLY ASH BARK Fluid Extract DOG WOOD BARK Fluid Extract SARSAPARILLA It Cures the Chills that other Chill Tonics Don’t Cure. The Best General Tonic. No Cure, No Pay. Price. 50c. . ..FINE WHISKIES.... HOA IMTH A'M is read y to your order! l I l/\xYl giving the best good fori the l^t moi.ty. Beginning r.ext Monday, 22nd. I willl cut prices on my line of WHISKIES through the holiday| seasoD. or until Jav. 1st. I have on hand Seventeen Hundred Gallons of Liquors, including all the popular brands. This 1 am going to sell CHEAPER THAN ANYBODY Curing my cut Pricel Holiday Sale. Call on me opposite the Allen House, oil send mtr >our oioers for Lqiuor. Jug t race's Specialty. Best goods seived at my bar. - SECURED A DESIRABLE HOUSE. Neat Dwelling On Furlow Street Is Leased. Mr, J. L. Sparks, the.popular gro- oer, has leased from Mr. T. M. Fnrlow his pretty new residence on 1 he Lawn and will occupy it as a home at once. Mr. and Mrs. Furlow are going to make their home with Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Walters os before, Mr, Furlow being npon the road the greater portion of the time. . Stop It. A neglected cough cr cold may lead toserlons bronchial or lung troubles. Don’t take obaoces when Foley’s Honey and Tar affords perfeot security from Bertons effects of a cold. John R. Hud son. A woman seldom believes anything her husband says about [hor, bnt she believes every word be says about oth er women. The Only Guaranteed Kidney 'Care is Smith’s Bare Kidney Care. Your druggist will refund yonr money if after taking one bottle yon are not satisfied with results, 56 cents. The Chinese have a complicated cal ender. Their cycles have 60 years, each year, month and day having its own name. Pneumonia and La Grippe, Cougha cured quiokly by Foley’s Hon ey and Tar. Refuse substitutes. John R. Hudson, The price of medicine in Prussia is regulated by the state, a new prioe list being published every year. - Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure will produce both, Try a bottle and be convinced, Yonr.druggist sells it or 50 cents; Store For Rent Formerly ooenpied by G V W. Brnner Will put in first-class shape. Apply to J, W. Hightower or W, H. O. Dudloy - MONEY LOANED! Farm loans negotiated any where ia Southwest Georgia at low rates and on easy terms.* Save money by see ing me. Q. R. ELLIS. Americus, Ga. R. D. GRANTHAM, AMERICUS, GEORGIA! Choose Wisely when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. You’ll rind all sort, and kinds at corresponding prices. But if you want a reputable ser.’iceablc Machine, then take WHITE-. - 85year*rrreriescr 't s;uu-l i * "■ '; fcfb- out i H WDTOhJZ • • sv^rxv:,„.-l '-‘.-..i DCT. frri v '-I- y eur.„.v..a « r- 7 ' f iCsIt-.V 5l** (. lt.2L .V .. .. i A* ** c-jj /’. 'i . I ‘ l. •- c ' - tint ter-si-i at L l . this is t:ot u\ y .,r/c b?ve ? .it r . r - * to careful buyers. — Ortr Elegant SI. T. Ca...[ognc give fait particulars, free. White Sewing Machine Co., , c jbwjp” p ; For Sale By F. G. OLVER, Americus, Ga, ...Pure Delight Rye... Guaranteed 8 Tears Old. Rich and Mellow 4 Full Quarts, 8 Full Quarts, .12 Full Quarts, Direct from Liitillnj - $3-25 - $6.oo - $8.50 shipped In r lain staled boxes, with no parks to >»61eate conlents. Same Wbt«| sell® in stores l» cm 14 to (B.ftOrer irallot*. YV * ■ ba ^#Y5niJ e i>Mrhaiid Coenac Bratl per gallon. Corn Whlukev a specialty. Also a line line of Apple, Peacn sua uogna ■ imported and Domestic Wines. * ■ G. A. SCOTT & CO., ; 3 IS Lamar St. ; : : • Americus, J. W BHKFF1KLD; FRANK SHEFFIELD, V!c.-Pr..W« E. D.iSUEtFIELD, Cashier, Bank of Commerce AMERICUS, GEORGIA. JS. uouwl ui>nking business transacted and ail consistent court® extended to patrons. Certificates of deposit issued bearing inter* Two hundred youug men and lad to qualify for paying positions, you are interested, write us for ( handsome illustrated catalouge., BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, WANTED THE LANIER SOUTHERN