Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, January 23, 1903, Image 7

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECERDER, FRIDAY JANUARY 23, 1903. ■ . »» MOZ LEY’S LEHON ELIXIR, A Pleas*nt Lem ,-n Drink. SHIP ADRIFT. WITH BROKEN PROPELLER l)r a. Uo«1e>’“ Lemon El-xir is prepared from fre.ii juice t.f L-mous ^mniuei with other vrg.tsble liver tonic*, cstUsnic, aromatic stimulants |,„„J purifier*. Soil by draettist* ■ 43 l’.»r hiIica«n«*M *nd c »uittp*fion. F*>rjn<tfflection nod foal i'ointch. For ( ,f the heert i.k- L-ui<in Elixir. For •leepl.ssDeK* «tul ntnuiiooi. <>f eppstlte «t-iMIur. fever*. mslarU aod cntll*. t»k~ Lsm«n Lilies, for natural and thirough organic r»<nlaiion, takn Lemon |a<-ti° a |F >r 11' 1 Kltxtr. ■ 1 ,l "lcenta and $1.03 * b title stplrnggieie. AT The CAPITOL.* tlisve jn«t taken tbe la*t tan lioltle* of Dr. Mczl-y’s Lemon Kl x'r for L.rrniii headache, indigestion, with dlsesi.d liver and kdums The Elixir I',.,; • I fonnd it the greatest medicine I aver o**d 1 t „ „ T. M MENNICB, Attornev. r. Street, Washington, D. C. MOZLEY’S /LEMON HOT DROPS Cures Coughs, Cold*, Hoarseness, Sore Throat and Bronchitis. 25e at Drncxists * NEW YORK RACKET STORE Planters Bank Building. Near Court House, - - Amerlcus, Qa For Says Siggon was at Rea's Meroy. CREW AT .LAST .RESCUED. After Flying Diitreee Signals and Be' ing Passed by Five Steamers, Liner Pennsylvania Cornea to Aid of x Dis abled Vessel. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. 5 ooo yards new waist ginph-tms 15c value, Monday per yard loc. l,ouo yards Lonsdale and Fruit of loom Bleaching, short lengths. Monday 7j4cyard Victoria apron Ginghams all colors, best made, 5c yard. 3b pairs white lace cur tains, 5d inches wide loJ£ feet long, Monday at 98c pair. White curtain poles, w< od trimmings at 2oc. Men’s Clothing f8 00 $i3.00 snits, your choice for 16 5o. Boy’s Stti‘8 $2.7s to $500 your choice for $2 50.' Three cat-es Men’s f ample Hats all the latest shapes, fine go da, $2 00 to $£.50 value, your choice f. r $1 00. Eght Day Wood Frame Clocks 21 inches; high $S.OO gu a in teed, at $1 98. 11*4 white Blankets, weight, per pair 98c. heavy Misses heavy Ribbed hose, 6 to 10 good goods, per pair 1) cents. Best Union made overalls at 95c pair. . Large cheap. line Gloves 150 Rngs to close, value , will be sola' htre Monday never before seen m Ameri- cur. Come early and get first choice, New York, Jan. 17.—The steamship Pennsylvania, which arrived today from Hamburg, brought into port 13 distressed seamen who were taken'off the disabled Norwegian steamer Sig- gon. On Jan. IS, the same day on which •he came up with the St. Louis, the Pennsylvania fell In with the Siggon, lying helpless In the trough of the sea and flying distress signals. The cap tain of the, Siggon asked to be taken off, and with his crew on board- the Pennsylvania. The Siggon sailed from Sidney, C. B, on Jan. 7. On the 10th she tost her propeller and as the weather was very tempestuous, the craft became unmanageable. After drifting 160 miles off shore during a period of five days. In'which lime live amers were sighted and signalled without reply, the Pennsylvania hove In sight. As the Siggon was deeply laden and a dangerous menace and t!>ore appeared no possibility of tow ing her to port, the sea cocks were, opened and there was no doubt she went to tho bottom. INHUMAN'ACTS OF COLOMBIAN OFFICIALS Army Discipline Maintained by Bullet or Lash. PRISONERS’ EYES TAKEN OUT, Lieutenant Arthur H. Dutton Tells of Punishments Inflicted Upon Prison ers and Men, Rivalling the Horrors of the Spanish Inquisition. New Century Comtort. • Millions a-e dally find) n r a world of comfort In Buckleii’s A-ul ut Halve. 1 It kills pain from Burn*. Hcn'ri*. data, braises; oocqier* U'cer* and Fever Sores; cure* E-optl n». Salt Ithenm, Bol's and F'don ; en.ovea C >rna and Vart*. Bes* Pile •'lire on earth. Only 25c at E, J E ddiln' drug stores. It is againattb- rules to carry match eton a modern man-of-war. 'One Hundred Dollars a Box la the value H. A. Tisdale, Hu’mmerton, S. 0-, places on DoWU.'h Witch Hud Halve. He says: ’•! had the piles for 20 years. 1 tried many doctors aod tred- loinas, but all failed exoept UbWItt’s Witch Hszel Salve. It cored me." It Iv a comb natlon of tho healing proper- ilea of Witeb Hszil with antiseptics and emotilents; roiie<e< and perma nently euree blind, bleeolng iichng and protruding piles, sore*, outs, brnlsea iczema, aalt rheum aod all akin dls- •eases W. Ai Hambrt. About 33 per oent of the olgsrs sold in London are not made of tobacco. yards P.jcaI bought for this sale, at 5c per yard i,oru best Blue and Red cal co, Monday i t 5 cent*'. T 2 bales Riverside cbetked homespua at 5c per yard. HAMILTON & CO., AMERICUS, PlantersoBank Building. GEORGIA. .Forsyth St. Old Santa JHas Gone v 1 But Sparks Is Here. «■ Tb e Peoples ItKOCER. SPARES The Peoples GROCER. My stock of Graperies is the talk of the town, everything that is good to eat, freeh and fine. I have Best Goods. Lowest Prices. Quick Delivery, Start the New Year right by baying yonr eatables from Sparks. We will please y ou. How’s This. We < ffer Onu Hundred Dollars lie- ward for nay one or Catarrh that can- u<>’ be cured by Hull’s Catarrh euro, F. J CHENEY & CO,. Props., To- ■•-d", O Wr, the not e,signed, have known F. J. Cheney for the lest 15 years, end brlleye him perfectly h .nor- abla tn ell business transactions and financially able to earr, ont any obliga tions m«d* by tbolr Arm. Wist & Tpuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O., Kixxax A mab- vik. Wholesale Druggists, i oledo O. Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken internally a-ting directly upon the blood and an- oous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. 8old by all Druggists. To- tim minis free. Hall's Family Pill* are the best San FrancIsco.'Jan. 13—Among the passengers of the steamer Newport frotn Panama and way-porta wore Lieutenant Arthur H. Dutton and J. J, Many, and four enlisted men of the American-manned Colombian cruiser Bogota, which aalled from thla port Oct. 7. They speak In anything but enthusiastic terms of their experi ences in Colombian waters. Lieu tenant Dutton, executive officer of the Bogota, In a signed statement, saya: 1 never heard of a couitmartlal while I was In Colombtfc. Punishments were carried out and sentence# Inflicted at the sweet wilt of those In power. The so-called, discipline of the armies was maintained by the bullet or the lash. “A trifling offense was at times pun ished by one hundred lushes on the bare back with a flexible cane. Men were shot for mere nothing. A few days after peace was de clared two Liberal officers, who had refused to acquiesce in the conditions but were captured, were taken to the Chiuqui fortress, Panama, and there lashed brutally until dead. “Some prisoners who had Seen tak en after a particularly stubborn re sistance, had their logs or arms cut off. or their eyes or ears removed, and were then released, to go maimed through life. Some died from lose of blood. ' “One of several schooners, loaded with refugees, which the Bogota was towing, sprang a leak In deep water at sea. The refugees were rescued and the captain and crew of live men were about to follow them when the Colombian officers In charge ordered them back on board the doomed schooner. ’Let them perish with her. 1 he exclaimed. The six unfortunetes, Innocent of any wrong-doing, were left to their fate on a sinking schoon er, with no Mils and no boat*.’’ M i ASK YOURSELF] WHY* consultation with your self and then an inspec tion of ourexcellentstock of 5hoes and Hats will convince the most skeptical that we have ft the best line In the city. I F you want a swell Shoe, we have it. If you want a working shoe we have it, and they don’t cost a fortune either. What could be more appropri ate as a Xmas gift than a nice pair of our Shoes. Rvlaflder Shoe Co. Scotch and Irish Whiskies Dislocated Her Shoulder. Mrs. Johanna Soderliolm, Fergus Falls, Mlun , fall sdh dislocated htr shoulder. She hi,ti a surgeon get It biok In plaoe aa um n sa porsible, Out it was quite ■oro sod pained her very m»ob. Her sou m totl iard mat he had seen Cham berlain's Pain Balm advertised for sprains and sort uses, sod she asked him >o buy her a b-ttle of It, whleffhe d d. Ir quickly relieved her and enable her to sleep whlc sleep whlohsbe bad not noon for several dajr. The son was ro 'much pleased with the relief It save hi* mother that he hs» since re oom mended It tooth*!*. F -r sale by all druggist-. That have wdn a place for themselves in the tem ple of fame are to be found in this stock of WINES and LIQUORS. Those who can,appre£i- ate stock of fine flavor and high quality will thoroughly enjoy these Liquors. John Dewar & Sons., Special Old Highland Scotch $1.50 per bottle. John Dewar & Son., Extra Special Liqueur, Scotch, at $2-55 per bottle. King Wm. V. O. P. Scotch at $2.25 per bottle.. Garn-Kirk finest Scotch Malt at $1.50 per bottle, Burke’s Three Stqr Fine Old Irish Whiskey at $1.50 psr bottle. Telephone 27O and we will gladly quote you prices on anything In the liquor line. Amerlcus Whiskey Go. Phone 270 Cotton Ave. In Italy iba day ii counted from ann- riye 10 snotef, and from 1 o'clock to 24 One-fifteenth if the inhabitants of Spain are nobles. The prevention of consumption la en- tlrey • question cf oumnaaolng the proper treatment In time. Nothing Is so well adapted to ward off fatal long trouklrs as Foley's Hooey and Tar. John R. Hudson. There are more then 40,003 mod cabins in Ireland whiob contain only a ■ingle room. Croup. Tbeiecullar cough wblc't Indicates croup, Is usually well tnuwn to the mo'her* of eroopy children. No time should be tost In the treatment of it, and f.,r this purpose no tnediolne hat receiv ed more universal approval than Cham berlaln’e Ooogh Remedy. D j nr t waste valuable time In experlmeauog with un tried remedies, no matter how highly they may be reoommended. bat give title medicine ss dlreoied end all symptoms of croup will qnlekly disappear. For sale by all druggists. 1 There ere over fl,(00 known gusges and dialects. , lan- barlow Block, Phone 279. . For Sale... i I f a Lands, Stores, Dwellings. • Fire Insuraoce by M. CALLAWAY, Americus Ga. FintU Way to Live Long, Tu* startling annonneemant of a Di < - covery that will an*alr lengthen life la made by editor O. H. Downey, nt Ohn- rubnsec. Ind "I ei-h to .tsTe,” he writes, "that Dr. Kina's New Diseoesry for Consumption Is the moat ItVaUlhD remedy that I have ever knonrn for Coughs and Grip. Itis Invaluable to peo ple with weak longs. Having this won derful medicine no one need dread pneumonia or Consumption. Its relief ts instant and cure certain." E. J. El- drldjo guarantees evory 60s and $1,00 bottle, and give trial bottles free.' Perhaps after all babies do under stand the language women talk to them —and stay awake nights to get even. Fatal kidney and bladder troubles can always be prevented by the nse of Fol ey's Kidney Cara. John B. Hudson 1 he crowned beads of every d'.tloe. To-rich meo, poor m«-n and mi.are All ]<>ln In psylmr tribute to DsWltt's Little Eany Blsete. H. WlilLms, Bau Antonio, f z», writes: •'Lntle Early (User Pills a., the best I evur used In my family. I unhesitatingly reoomnesd them to every body." They ru<e Constipation, BUhonsncse, Sick Headache. Torpid Liver. Jaundice, malaria and o'her liver ■rouble. W. A Remboit Sung home for rent way at once. See M. Calls- Carte Blood, Skin Troublei, Ctaeer •Blood Pouan. Greatest Blood Fnrifior Free- If yonr blood •• impure, thin, dlsass- d. no or full rf humors. It you bare bitod poison, esneer, carbuncles, eating aoies, rcrotuia, eczema, Itehlng, risings and lamps, scabby pimply akin, bom pales, catarrh, rbenmatiam, fir an; blood or skin disease, take Botanii Blood Bala (B. B. B.) according to di sections. Boon all sore* heal, aehas and puna stop, and Urn blood is made pare and tleb, leaving Iba akin tree trim ovary eruption, and giving tberlOh glow of perfeo. health to the skin. At «bo same time, B. B. B Improves ttn In' digestion, onresdvepepsla, s'rrngtnens weak kidney*. Just the medieme for old people, ss It tives them new,(vigor ous blood. Druggists, 81 p-r large not tie, with directions forborne erne. Sam ple free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co. Atlanta. Ge. Describe tr»nbU and speelal tree medical advice a sent In sealed letter. B. B. B Is repselalty adeteed for eh'onle, deep-seated o»*es Of lapnre blood a d akin, disease, and caret after ail else falls. James Flicker & Bro., JEWELERS and OPTICIANS. If your eyes need glasses call on us and be properly fitted. No charge for examination. We sell ‘Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Fens,’’ the best in the world, and other less expensive ones. We take Old Gold in Exchange for New Goods, allowing United States Mint price lor same %. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. i .. 409 Jackson St., ’Phone 280. Americas, 6a. j 3>ine Silverware.. * .at SULLIVAN’S. The number of Chinese in Ben Fran cisco is about 20,0u0 including women. A Good Becommendation- "1 no 1 iced that the sale of Cham berlain's Slomtoh and Liver Tablete Is almost Invariably to Ihoed who have once need them," says Mr. J. H, Weber, a prominent druggist of Caeonda, Iowa, What better reeommendaUon could any medicine have than for people to oajl for it when again In need of sneha remedy? Try them whan yon feel dull after eat ing, when yon have a had isete In yonr month, feet billions bar* oo appetite or when troubled with constipation, and yon are certain to 'oe delighted with tbs prompt relief which 'they afford. For sale by sll drugilsts. p My line of Sterling Silver Novejties are far superior to what I have handled heretofore, and my list of Cut-Glass, Bric-a-Brac and Imported China Is a gem of Art. In fact, .1 have g|fts that will be appropriate for any one from the ( . infant to the veteran. S G. T. SULLIVAN. Jeweler. NeXt WlndiorHoteL taC * • A man talk* knowingly of the inoon- staney of women rod then prooeeda to get mad if one of them prove* be U right. A '" Uncomoions From Croup. Daring m sadden and terrible altaok of croup oar little girl was unconrctous from strangulation, says A L.- Bpsfford, poa'ma>tar, Uhestor, Mtrb..»nda dose of • »ne Mmute Donah Care waa admin- l-tarod and repeated often. It teduoed ibe swelling and 3afl tarnation, eat the muons and shortly the child was rest- leg easy and speedily reeovend Itc t ’ouch Golds. LsOrtppe, sod all Th end Lung troubles. Oue Mlebte Ci Threat Lung troubles. Ous Mlebte Cough Uorv lingers In the throat and cheat sad noables the longs to emtribnte par*, heal th-gfvt ag oxygen to th* btoed. tV. A. Rem ben. If You Suffer From Kidney Troublei Uee Smith’s ware Kidney Core. Noth ing like it for disesred kidneys.50c. Wanted. Laborer. A white man with good recommenda tion at to character and ability can find employment at good wages jiy apply* ing in person to William Wilson, Prison Park, Audcrsouville, Ga. IS St A man likes to hear s woman ssy she hss never been kissed, even if.he.don'l ■ •» /( It Kispt the Vest Warm and Dry, . Ask today for Allen's Foot-Ewe, a powder, ft ontee Chilblains, Swollen, Sweating, Sore, Aching, Damp feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. New lot camphor ipo and oream to enre chaps at Itcmbert'adrngetore. Worth $1 DO to yon to care child 3PJ.VU» of jnoontinenoe of or adult water doting sleep "Anti-Dioretie” etopf it immediately. SL Sold by E. stops it immediately. : J. Eldriilge, draggist. An epitaph cos msn’etoombeton* never indicates that be>as a bore. Bhenm&tism Cored in a Day. "MYSTIO CURB" for RHEUMA TISM and Neuralgia radically rurrs In 1 to 3 days. Its action ui>on the Hystem Jb remarkable and mysterious. .1 It removes at onco the causa and th* f J dlneaBe Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 onnts. Sold by E. J. Eldridge- druggist Amerlcus. Ga. , 3 A House For Rent. Five room dwelling, with kitchen. Apuly (o Charles L. Ansley. 1-16 ti.