Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, February 06, 1903, Image 2

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AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECCRDER, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6, 1903. SETTLEMENT OF THE VENEZUELANiCLAIMS French Foreign,Office la Con cerned at Allies’ Action. INTEREST OF OTHER COUNTRIES. Rejection by Allies of Proposal That France and Other Claimants Re ceive Equal Treatment In Venezue lan Settlement Causes Conceit. Paris, Jan. 30.—The foreign office here received today lengthy* official advices giving details of the rejection by the allies of the proposal that France and other countries receive equal treatment in the Venezuelan settlement. The French officials had not doubted that equal treatment would be recognized ami this unex pected turn of events has caimed much surprise and concern. For the present it does not appear to be the purpose of the French au thorities to assume a persistent posi tion, but they put forth that they regard the manifest equities of the French position with the view to Induce Ms further consideration and acceptance. After conferring with those chief in authority, the officials said that the French position is based on two essential principles. The first is that a pacific settlement between two sovereign nations Is en titled at least to equal treatment with a war settlement. If not, a precodent would* be established, the officials eay, which would be an Incentive to war as a method to enforce claims, as this would he recognized as su perior rights as a means of settlement. This view is strongly held hero that tie United States, France and Bel gium are In effect pacific allies, as they did not resort to force against Venezuela. It Is Insisted that the present attitude of the allies tends not only to prejudice the right of the pacific allies, but also establishes the dangerous principle that a resort to war le preferable to efforts to main tain peace. , Tie second principle of the French position Is that the Fnanco-Vcnezue- lan settlement Is In the form of a treaty which entitles It to internation al recognition. This was formally executed prior to the adoption of force toy the allies and while Venezuela retained full Independence in the ex ercise of her sovereign right to make a treaty. Therefore. It is maintain ed that this antedates rights arising from a resort to force. It Is not in sisted, however, that this prior treaty settlement entitles France to prior ity In Jhe division of the customs re ceipts, as the officials hold that all the powers having claims should re ceive equal treatment. It was at first supposed that Great Britain, Germany and Italy favored this view, and that the opposition came from the person al attitude of their representative. But the latest advices indicate the sym pathetic attitude of the British am bassador at Washington. Sir Michnol Herbert, the German charge d’affaires, Count Von Quadt, and the Italian am bassador, Signor Mayor des Blanches, who are restricted by their instruc tions. Full recognition Is given of the evident fairness of Minister Bow en. ALASKAN BOUNDARY TREATY. ARE YOU A OOM3NG MOTHER 7 ARE YOU EXPECTANT ? MiOTHER’S FS23ENB makes childbirth easy by preparing the system for parturition and thus shortening labor. The painful ordeaVis robbed of it! terrors, and the danger lessened to both mother and child; the time of confinement is shortened, the mother rested, and chile 1 fully developed, strong and healthy. _ Morning sickness, or nausea arising from pregnancy, is prevented by its use. As pregnancy advances, the breasts en large, become swollen and hard. Long before the child is born, they are prepar ing for the secretion of milk. It is import* ant that they receive early attention. Mother's Friend softens the skin and facilitates the secretion of Life Fluid. Undeveloped breasts, hard-caked shortly after delivery, are the result of non treatment, and likely to culminate in Mammary Abscess, from which so many suffer excruciating pain nud are left with these organs permanently impaired. Softness, pliability and expansion nre given tc : the muscles mid sinews, thus bringing comfort and causing un easy issue of the child. Try it. Of druggists $1,00. Our book “Motherhood*' free IHE BI1ADFIEL0 HE JULATOR CO.. ATLAUTA. CA KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis- cases# FOLEY’S 6uarante8d U Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $1.00. PARKER’S . . HAIR BALSAM I Clean*(’# and beautifies the hair. luxuriant growth. <5HteMt3T£H'3_eKSL10H SPILLS vriuiuui anti Only Genuine. to E CH?HHK8TEIt'K l *kNOl.T!?H in KE0 Until mmole Sole*. ...1.1 with h!a. ribtMn. Twite no other. Relh.ll nnoaeroa. Kuti.tUutlon. ond Imita tion.. Bur nt ,.,.r Imtils or ...' 4c. In •tempi for I’ortirnlnn* Teotlmoolot. ond •• Heller fn. I.odltw.* in til". I>r .»• tom Moll. 10.OIIO tmllmonl.l*. S.IdKf ■ , oil Drsictete. Chleho.ltrCheml«ol Co., Aleutian this roper. titiilluu I>, I'ltllu.. n. Senate Committee on Foreign Rela- tlons Authorizes Favorable Report Washington, Jan. 30.—The senate committee on fotelgn relations today authorized favorable reports on the Alaskan boundary treaty and the pro tocol for the extension of time for the ratification of the Cuban reciproc ; ity treaty, but failed, for lack of time, to reach a decision upon the Panama canal treaty. The Panama treaty was opposed by Senator Morgan, who offered a num ber of amendments, presented an ar gument lu opposition to the treaty as, It now stands. The committee will meet again tomorrow to hear the con clusion of Senator Morgan's objec tions. TO LOCATE BIG INDUSTRIES. English Company to Muster Various Enterprises at Chattanooga. Chattanooga, Tann., Jan. 31.—The Chattanooga company, limited, an Im mense company owned by Ehigllsh cap italists, and owning all Hill City and Walden ridge, has announced the ap pointment of W. O. M. Thomas, of this city, as manager and that the com pany will begin a campaign for new industries. The company Itself will begin the development of the Walden Ridge coal fields, and it is understood that they will build an electric railway to the top of Walden ltldge. The com pany will also probably build a water works for the accommodation of the 3,000 people who live In Hill City. An immense steel plant will also be locat ed there. Selected Meats can always be found here. We handle nothing but the best, j>nd invite compari son. Fish, Oy sters *rd chickens always on hand. SHERLOCK & CO, •PHONE No. 32. i Coal Scarcity Relieved. Now York, Jan. 31.—Retail coal dealers have decided to sell coal to consumers of $7-60 a ton, beginning Monday next. They say there is now planty of coal In the city and that about 00,000 tons is arriving at tide water every day. The Independents expected that New York tvould have severe weather In January andi had stored over 300,000 toss along the railroads In order to make coal scarce In the city. The mild weather has spoiled their plans and they now ore sine the coat A. W. SMITH FURNITURE GO With 1903 the business of A. W. Smith ceases and the A. W. Smith Furniture Co., composed o^ A. W. Smith, J. E. Gyles and E. \* Andiews begins and solicits the patronage of the friends of each, and the public generally, assuring all that they can rely upon GOOD QUALITY and FAIR PRICES and a COURTEOUS WELCOME at all times, whether you come to buy or see. We promise to use our every endeavor to not only retain the liberal patronage accorded A. W. Smith but to deserve all the increase which may come to us. Our goods will be bought for cash, direct from factory or importer, and we will thereby be able to keep up our reputation for choice selections of elegant goods, and give our patrons the benefit secured by purchasing from first hands for cash. In merging with the A. W. Smith Furniture Co. thereby uniting with me the two young men who have so faithfully and efficiently performed their duty while in my employ, I return my thanks for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon me and ask a continuance of same to the hew firm, knowing that the public will find those in charge of the business as reliable lo deal with as they proved faithful to me. Than that I cannot say more. Respectfully. A. \V. SMITH. Good Advice, Take It. Save Your Honey For This Sale. FIT FOR THE ANGELS. This description soumleJaliKle senti mental, but it was applied to one of onr E. P. Carpenter Organs by an en tbnsiastio admirer. \Ye know that these instruments are certainly fit for mortals. They are made by expert human hands operated by intelligent bnman minds to give pleasure to educated hnman ears. We offer organs in a variety of styles and sizes and at every price. A. L. DENT PIANO CO. Under Windsor Hotel. L.< j, COUNCIL. Cott OB 1 Fa Ct( !L DEALER IN. COAL # Fertilizers. Mv ooal is the oelebrated Blootoo Lump and Jellioo, conceded the finest domestio coal sold in this market. All orders for ooal promptly delivered. My prices as low axtbe lowest . I moke liberal caih advances on cotton in store at very low rate of interest. Telephone No. 38 *^*38 "25 .5 •‘‘3? •*25 • S' NEW CROP GARDEN SEED Now in stock, and we will be pleased to supply you from our complete assortment of LANDRETH’S CELEBRATED VARIETIES. .... ..GIVE US A CALL The Eldridge Drug Stores. Pearlman’s Annual Clothing Sale Is now on and will continue for 20 days. NO HATTER WHAT YOU MAY SELECT, YOU GET IT FOR It may be a SiS.oo suit Or a $12 00 suit Or a $10,00 suit Or an $8,00 suit $6.50. Children’s Clothing In Proportion. Men’s and Ladies’ Fine Shoes a Special Feature o This Sale. Come early for the best. TO OUR CUSTOMERS, We can Save you money in Clothing. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Jeans Pants, Dress G'tods, Overalls. Cottonade?, Drills, Jqans, Calicos, Percales, Ginghams. Fay’s Stocking’s a Specialty. E. D. SHEFFIELDCO. 113 Cotton Avo. i **»mw'*»'«***»d^*-*»**>*c**! i ®3*k a V| WHISKIES. WHISKIES, i Leave your orders for fine Wines and Liquors with us. We guarantee our “ goods to be a* represented, and our ” prices to be as low as any in the city. ~ A trial will convince you, - E. J. HcGEHEE. Bigley't Corner, Opposite Planters Bask Building D. PEARLMAN’S 311 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. WHEN YOU DRINK j Let it Be the Best. V • The Purest and Best Beer j " £ • on the Market TodayJBrewed by* • Acme Brewing Company. 1 For a Nervine, Drink Their Malt Tonic. J SHERLOCK & CO • » Agents.’ • ’Phone 32. • FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED. If you want money on your farm 1 have arrangements with New York parties through whom I can get it for you at Lowest Possible Cost. J. J. HANESLEY, Room No. 5 Barlow Block, - - Americus, Ga, SaSU JOHN W. SHIVER, ) B ^omm‘ rce 7 . /» , ft i SlovQh ana 7)rt»s*d Xumbtt Oho JLumbet Ifoalot Xatk; SkinyUt, Phone No.:’ Uptown omcelNo Jl*7. Warehotue* No. 11T. Bealdence,aNo.l«