Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, February 20, 1903, Image 2

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' ■ -■ « •• j.: v . \ i HIGH WATERS ARE RAGING AT SELMA lowlands Will Probably Be Submerged. APPROACH TO BRIDGE CUT OFF. Many Homes In Eastern Part of City Have Been Abandoned by Their Oc cupants, Who Have Moved to High- •r Ground. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Selma, Ala., Feb. 13.—The river rose 11*4 inches at this point from 5 p. m. yesterday evening to 7 thi3 morn ing. The rise today is more rapid. It Is feared that lowlands along the river will ail be covered before the water begins to recede. The approach to the bridge across the river at thi place is cut off on the south side an many families have moved out, seek ing higher land. The water has backed up In the Gas and Electric Light company's plant and much damage may result, thou pumps are steadily kept at work. Many houses in the eastern part o! the city have been abandoned by their occupants. The water is 4 feet deep over the baseball park. The govern ment gauge registered 45*4 at 7 a. IN THE SENATE. Commander Booth Crowds Galleries of the Chamber. Washington, Feb. 13.—-The senate chamber was crowded today as it has not been since the opening day of the session. Nearly ail the senators were on the floor, many members of the house were present, while the sides of the chamber-were lined with employes. The galleries were filled, many visi tors standing In the aisles and corri dors. The attraction wa3 General William Booth, of the Salvation Army, who delivered the prayer at the open ing of the session. He made an ear nest prayer and quite extended for the senate, occupying six minutes. In the gallery was his chief assistant and son-in-law, Booth Tucker. Many other members of the Salvation'Army were present. Mr. Stewart reported the Indian appropriation bill. The resolution of Mr. Morgan calling for the correspondence of naval officers regarding the military occupation of the bays of Panama and Colon wa3 ■greed to. DEATH OF DR. CURRY. Prominent Southern Educator Crosses Over the River. Charlotte, N. C-, Feb. 13.—Dr. J. L. Curry, one of the most prominent ed ucators In the south, died in Asheville. N. C., at 11:20 o'clock last night of Bright's disease, at the residence of his brother-in-law. Colonel Connolly. Dr. Curry had been critically III for thepast two weeks. Mrs. Curry arrived from Philadel phia last week and was at the bed side of her husband when his death occurred. The funeral services will take place today. Hr. Landrum, of Atlanta, of ficiating. Kidney trouble preys upon she mind, dis courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor and cheerfulness socn disappear when the kid neys are cut of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. if the child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or if. when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of! the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first j step shoulB be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and net to a habit as most people suppose. V/smen as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realised, it is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sues. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, aiso pamphlet tell- Bone of swarap. Root ing ai! about it, including many of the A. W. SMITH FURNITURE GO. J thousands cf testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kiimei U Co.. Binghamton. N. Y., • be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every bottle. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM to Eestoro Gr»7 With 1903 the business of A. W. Smith ceases and the A. W. SmitJ Furniture Co., composed of A. W. Smith, J. E. Gyles and E. Y. Andrew begins and solicits the patronage of th.3 friends of each, and the publij generally, assuring all that they can rely upon GOOD QUALItJ and FAIR PRICES and a COURTEOUS WELCOME at all times, whethel you come to buy or see. We promise to use our every endeavor to no only retain the liberal patronage accorded A. W. Smith but to deserve the increase which may come to us. Our goods will be bought for casli direct from factory or importer, and we will thereby be able to keep m our reputation for choice selections of elegant goods, and give our patron] the benefit secured by purchasing from first hands for cash. In merging with the A. W. Smith Furniture Co. thereby uniting witll j' me the two young men who have so faithfully and efficiently performed J their duty while in my employ, I return my thanks for the very libeir patronage bestowed upon me and ask a continuance of same to the ne\ firm, knowing that the public will find those in charge of the business reliable to deal with as they proved faithful to me. Than that I cannol say more. Respectfully, ^ SMITH PlNNYROyALPILlS CIIICVIKSTKK’* KED »vi Gold ns<r» ith blue ribbftfi. ToLr • *iib*tituti' ' Vmnu 1 Mull* Station D, KNOLLS!! KefuM) error l.uil I [•«,'* ter Cbemlrul Co KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. FOLEY’S * IDNEYCUBE|SB ^^^2!• ST-5 • ^ •*•*■•* Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $1.00. *■*■1 liiliei. 8USPECTED OF ASSASSINATION. Man Arre.ted Charged with the Bow man Murder. Punta Gorda, Fla., Fob. 13.—I. E. Cooper has been arrested by Sheriff Fielder, suspected with being the as sassin of the late Marshal Bowman of this place, and has been placed In the county jail at Arcadia. Cooper ha3 resided here several months, having come here from Fort Ogden. He Is about 35 years old. ACTIVITY IN FERTILIZERS. Farmers Are Preparing For Big Cot- , ton Crop. Charleston, S. C-. Feb. 13.—The movement of fertilizers from the fac lories of Charleston, which has al ready begun, promises to be the heav iest on record. According to the estimates made by the railroads, on figures furnished by the miii3, the out put will amount to ipore than 400,000 ‘tons. This will require at least 23,- 000 cars. With the present car short age and the general congestion the freight agents are worried about the conditions, as the business Is such that It has to be handled without de lay. Thus far, however, the railroads have been giving the best service pos sible. They are unable to provide cars as rapidly as last season. It Is simply a question of cars, and the buy. ors are appreciating this fact. The fertilizer dealers think that from the heavy demand the farmers are prepar ing for a larger cotton acreago than for many years. w \i/ \4> *4/ \»/ it/ \4> \t/ m W vW 15 L, G, COUNCIL, Cotton Factor, DEALER IN ‘ COAL # Fertilizers. Mv coal is the celebrated Blocton Lump and Jellico, conceded the finest domestic coal sold in this market. All orders for coal promptly delivered, Jly prices as low atths lowest . I make liberal enth advances on cotton .in store at very low rate of interest. Telephone No. 38 J s • j*- ^ 3^/ «v '0 '0 m (i> '0 m '0 m w m Good Advice, Take It. Save Your Honey For This Sale. Pearlman’s Annual Clothing Sale Is now on and will continue for 20 days. NO HATTER WHAT YOU MAY SELECT, It may be a $15.00 suit [[ YOU GET IT FOR Or a $12 00 suit Or a $10,00 suit Or an $8,00 suit 1 ou UEI 11 rUK $6.50 Children’s Clothing In Proportion. Men’s and Ladies’ This Sale. NEW CROP Seins, Gill Nets, Hoop Nets, Sein Twine, And All Kinds of Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, and Cutlery at Smithwick’s Gun Store Americus, Ga. GARDEN SEED 311 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«! Selected Meats ■ UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. test Brazilian Demands. Bolivia Agreea to Accept Under Pro- Lapaz, Bolivia, Feb. 13.—The Bolivi an government yesterday afternoon de livered its reply to tho ultimatum pre sented by the Brazilian minister, Sen- or Santos Lisboa.’ Bolivia accepts un conditionally, but under protest, ail the Brazilian demands. Tho Bolivian expedition, commanded by General Pando, the president, will not cross lat itude 10 degrees, 20 minutes, the south ern boundary of the contested terri tory. Therefore it is most Improba ble that any collision between the Bra. tilian and Bolivian forces will occur. It Is generally supposed here that the Acre revolutionists will surrender their anna to the Brazilian troops Immedi ately. can always, be foued here. We handle nothing butthe best, and invite compari son. Fish, Oysters and chickens always on hand. SHERLOCK & CO. ’PHONE No. 32. John F. Pittman Dialer in Fresh Water Fish Each as Bream, Perch, Shad and Pompano. Also sells Motton, Kid and Pork. Now in stock, and we will be pleased to supply you from our complete assortment of WHEN YOU DRINK LANDRETH’S CELEBRATED VARIETIES. GIVE US A CALL The Eldridge Drug Stores. Let it Be the Best. The Purest andiBest Beer on the Market Today Brewed by TB BUR CBSTOMERS. We*can Save you money in Clothing. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Jeans Pants, Dress Goods, Overalls, Cottonades Drills, Jeans, Calicos, Percales, Ginghams. Fay’s Stocking’s a Specialty. E. D. SHEFFIELD CO. 113 Cotton Ave. Acme Brewing Company. | For a Nervine, Disnk Their Malt Tonic. I SHERLOCK & CO„ Agents. *1 ’Phone 32. FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED. For Sale. Lands. Stores, Dwellings, Fire Insurance by M. CALLAWAY, Americus Ga. If you want money on your farm I have arrangements I with New \ork parties through whem I can gtt it for you| at Lowest Possible Cost. 1 J. J. HANEsLEY, Room No. s Barlow Block, - - Americus, Ga, Fine Shoes a Special Feature o| Come early for the best. |n-l! id i WL SSL} JOHN W. SHIVER, X)he Xumiet Soaloi if ‘‘ jsvuivt jCatAi, Shiny***, 6it. Uptown Office; So 127. Warehouse' No.-117. Residence F«.W| Ill Pant Till i mm