Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, February 27, 1903, Image 2

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AM ERIC US WEEKLY TIMES-RECCRDER, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27, 1903. NEGRO BANDIT HELD 8LUEC0ATS AT BAY Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Barricaded In Boardinghouse Defied the Law. SMOKED OUT AND THEN KILLED Almost a Repetition of the Charles Tragedies of Two Years Ago Occurs In New Orleans—City Was Thrown Into Great ExcitemenL New Orleans,. Feb. 20—After hold A posse of blue coats at bay for several hours during which scores of shots were exchanged. Lafayette Sims desperate negro, was killed by the police early this morning in a negro boarding house situated on South Ram part street. The room in which lie was besieged had to be set on fire and the fire department called out be fore Sims could be driven from his posL As he attempted to escaiie. •Oil carrying his gun, he was shot down. The body was taken to the morgue without any demonstration from the mob of several thousand ne groes, who crowded the vicinity of the tragedy. Intense excitement pre vailed while the siege lasted. Origin of the Trouble. The origin of the trouble was trivial ©mg occupied a room in the boarding Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin- —— - ales too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage. It is yet afflicted with bed-welling, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Hon., of a-amp-Root. A W. SMITH FURNITURE GO. ing all about It. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Sl Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember house in which there were seven beds, the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's On retiring last night ho locked the Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, door and when the landlord early this N. Y.. on every bottle. morning asked him to open It so that another lodger might be admitted. 61ms refused. Then the landlord sent for the police. Efforts to persuade KIDNEY DISEASES Blms to open the door failed, and a I . , . , , „ hole was smashed In It. Through are toe OIOS! tatal 01 all dlS- ‘ v ~ cases. FOLEY’S ™ EV GUSE11 a - — — Through the aperture Sims shot a pistol out | Cases, of one hand and n lantern out of the other of Officer Wiodstein, who tried to enter. Thereupon additional po lice were sent for and the house sup- rounded. I From that time until daylight a great or m oney refunded. Contains crowd hung around the besieged house remedies feCOBTliZed by eOli- •xpecting a repetition of the Charles nent nhvsicians as the best (nr tragedies of two years ago. Captain 5?.T P n y SI «anS astne PCSf tor Boyle, who was la charge of the police t ^ idne y and Bladder troubles. fimiAri JlAWAvoe j a_*_ _ I DOT^D frt. a aa With 1903 the business of A. W. Smith ceases and the A. W. Smin Furniture Co., composed of A. W. Smith, J. E. Gyles and E. Y. Andrew! begins and solicits the patronage of the friends of each, and the publi generally, assuring all that they can rely upon GOOD QUALI1 and FAIR PRICES and a COURTEOUS WELCOME at all times, whethe you come to buy or see. We promise to use our every endeavor to no only retain the liberal patronage accorded A. W. Smith but to deserve al the increase which may come to us. Our goods will be bought for cash direct from factory or importer, and we will thereby be able to keep u , our reputation for choice selections of elegant goods, and give our patron the benefit secured by purchasing from first hands for cash. In merging with the A. W. Smith Furniture Co. thereby uniting witi me the two young men who have so faithfully and efficiently performs their duty while in my employ, I return my thanks for the very libera patronage bestowed upon me and ask a continuance of same to the new firm, knowing that the public will find those in charge of the business as reliable to deal with as they proved faithful to me. Than that I canno say more. Respectfully, ^ yy 4 Sjyj['P[-j s-'j squad, however, disposed his men so that while they might be within a po- sRion to shoot they would be in no danger of being shot. Refused to Surrender. After the additional police had ar rived on the scene the negro landlord and on officer again went to the room t and pleaded with Sims to come out and surrender. "No, I won't” he replied with an oath. "I’ll shoot if you don’t go away I am not going to leave here. They’ll bum mo in oil. They’ll fry me!” It waa found that Sims piled some of the furniture In the room against the door and was prepared to fight for his life. As the landlord and the officers retreated the desperado fired at them, but his marksmanship was bad, his only weapon being a pistol. All efTorts to Induce the prisoner to •urrender having proved abortive, S11 perlntendent Houmee decided that there was nothing to bo done but to , *B°ke the negro out after making the necessary preparations to protect sur- rounding property from destruction liy lire. Accordingly an alarm was turn- «d In and a portion of the fire depart ment brought to the scene. Efforts to Smoke Him Out A quantity of cotton, oil and sulphur was lent for, the cotton rolled Into balls and saturated, a match applied PRICE 50c. and $1.00. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM iClcame# «nd bwuitlfie* the h*Ir. | lTomotfc«_ a luxuriant growth. ......W, , luxuriant KIUWU1. Nover Falls to Beutoro Gray w-t. ita Youthful Color lulling «c,» CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PILLS ..--'ffElnaljfBd Only Genuine. liED and Gold nietaillo boxes, sealed -..h blue ribbon. Take no other. Rcfuao Ilangerpu* Nnbetltntlone and Imlta. your l>rnc*Ut or send 4e. in •““P* fo . r , Pnrtleulare, Teetlmonlals end *• Relief for Lad lee," in Uttar, by re- turn Mall. 10,w..» „. NBf w.Tuoi thi.'sur 8oht by 'iiilit * l‘ml L, G. COUNCIL, 1 J} (0 CIL, 1 Good Advice, Take It. Save Your Honey Fdr This 5ale. Cotton Factor. DEALER IN i COAL # Fertilizers. m 9\ Pearlman’s Annual Clothing Sale Is now on and will continue for 20 days. NO HATTER WHAT YOU MAY SELECT, YOU GET IT FOR Mv ooal is the oelebrated Blooton Lump and Jetlieo, oonoeded the finest domestio ooal sold in this market. All orders for ooal promptly delivered. My priees as low asthe lowest . I make liberal cash advances ou cotton !in store at very low rate of interest. Telephone No.J38 It may be a $15.00 suit Or a $12 00 suit Or a $10,00 suit Or an $8,00 suit $6.50 Children’s Clothing in Proportion. Men s and Ladies’ Fine Shoes a Special Feature 0 This Sale. Come early for the best. balls and saturated, a match applied c .„ rMV m T , u . and the blazing substance hurled Into d61DS, Ulll NClS, HOOD NetS. the room, avenues of escape being F ’ Sein Twine, guarded The furniture In the room caught quickly, filling the place with smoke and flame. Sims hung ou to And All Kinds of Fishing Tackle, his hiding place until he was nearly NEW CROP GARDEN SEED OEMUMITS 311 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. Now in stock, and we will beopleased to supply you from our complete assortment suffocated, and then made a break to escape. Aa he appeared at the door with a pistol Patrolman Fred Smith, who was armed with a winchester rifle, fired at him. Ills aim was true an$ the negro staggered, mortally wounded. Instantly other policemen fired on him. He had scarcely fallen to the floor when he was dead. Then the firemen ran a lead'of hose into the building and extinguished the flames, and the body was dragged out, •lifted into patrol wagon and driven through a ine of excited negroes to the police station. Guilty of Some Past Crime. It Is believed that the negro resist ed arrest because of some crime com mitted In de parishes, though land lord Oaln thinks he was mentally un balanced. He had acted queerly for tyto days. From the first attempt to enter the room Sims insisted that ths police wanted to murder him. While the fire was burning he was heard praying for deliverance. Just before be was smoked out he shouted that be would rather be killed than taken olive. An examination of the room following the tragedy showed' that Sims had gotten possession of Of fleer Winstein's revolver after shoot ing It from hts hands. The neighbor, hood In which the affalT occurred Is a rough one. It Is a barrel jjouse cen ter and trouble has frequently occur ed there. Slmg waa a tall, black, well built negro. He had been cm ployed In railroad work at Harrahan Guns, Ammunition, and Cutlery at ISmithwick’s Gun Store, Americus, Ga. Of LANDRETH’S CELEBRATED VARIETIES. GIVE US A CALL...... The Eldridge Drug Stores. £•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••##*# WHEN YOU DRINK Let it Be the Best. m j The Purest and Best Beer m Selected Meats can always be found here. We handle nothing but'the best, and invite compari son. Fish,’ Oysters and chickens always on hand. TO OUR CUSTOMERS, We can Save you money in Clothing. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Jeans Pants, Dress Goods, Overalls, Cottonades, Drills, Jeans, Calicos, Percales, Ginghams. Fay’s Stocking’s a Specialty. E. D. SHEFFIELD CO. 113 Cotton Ave. More Troops for Philippines. San Francisco, Feb. 20.—Tho trans port Kilpatrick will sail on Feb. 28 for Samar with the Fourteenth Infantry. The men are to take the place of the First Infantry. . The Logan satis on the last day of the month and will carry the first squadron of the Thin teenth cavalry. The Sheridan, next to arrive from the Philippines, will bs ■“"V on March 3. SHERLOCK & CO. ’PHONE No. 32. For Sale. PILES! PILES! PILES Dr. Williams Indian Pile Ointment Is pre pared to care Plies and DOES IT In short order. Easy to apply, every box guaranteed Me. and II on, Alfarcgglsts or by malL WILLIAMS M'F’om, Cleveland, c Sold by Eldridge drag stores. l,Chlo Lands. Stores, Dwellings. Fire Insurance by M. CALLAWAY, Ameritus Qa. on the Market Today Brewed by j Acme Brewing Company. m For a Nervine, Drink Their Malt Tonic. j SHERLOCK & CO.. Agents . ’Phone 32. FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED, a ? 1 moD , ey cn yonr farm 1 have arrangements with New York pardes through whom I can get it for yon at Lowest Possible Cost. J. J. HANESLEY, Room No. s Barlow Block, - - Americus, Ga, !SSU JOHN W. SHIVER, )-«“ ZtAo jCumbet IDealo/ &ovqh ana 5Dntud jCumbtt •CatMi, tSklnjiu, <j/i. Phone Nos;! 'Uptown OffleeJNsElW. Wartkosse’ No. 11T. Residence :No.l«