Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, March 06, 1903, Image 2

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BY FALLING WALLS. FIREMEN ARE INJURED Big Blaze Occurs In City of New York'. 7 ; , AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER, FRIDAY J1ARCH 6 lp03. Mp3 '/ Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know it. LOSS OF $250,000. Five-Story Building on Broadway and One Hundred and Thirtieth Street How To Find Ont. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to re- t-—uJv pass It or pain In _ the back is also Destroyed by Fire—Hotel Adjoining /convincing proof that the kidneys and blad- Was Endangered. der are out of order. What to Do. •New York, Feb. 26.—Several firemen , There ls comfort in the knowledge were hurt, one perhaps fatally at a 2, , c ,u pre3sei !'J,j at Dr ' Kl i mers Swamp- Cre in anS-story building at .troadway £ish' }?*$*%%%£% ^fin^ and One Hundred and Thirtieth street ( back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part The property loss is es. j of Jhe urinary passage. It corrects Inability early today. tlmated at $250,000. Captain John Andreiso, of an engine company, while at work at the fire, fell through an open shaft, striking on his head. He u waa thought to be fatally injured, his during the night” *—'* I... H(J was takcn .. " to hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effectsWollowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times j_._, _ .t .. -]q, e mild and the extra- head being crushed. He was taken ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon to & hospital. I realized. It stands the highest for its won- A dozen firemen were at woni on the derful cures of the most distressing cases. Sixth floor when a part of tlnfflreproof ' you „ n “ da ™ edicine y°u should have the celling fell. Battalion Chief Gooder- I be Jj’®° d b y dru Egi3ts In50c. and$l. sizes, son was knocked h„ * I You hlve a “ m P le bottle of this Address Dr. Kilmer & none or Bronp-Boot Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but remember tho name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer': Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every bottle. , Hrlolr * . a wonderful discovery piece of brick and Fireman Foley’. and a book , hat te ,,' right leg was broken a/nd he was sent more about it, both sent j to a hospital. Firemen Joseph Minsch. absolutely free by mail, and Thomas Mix tell from a ladder and * ~ broke their legs and a piece of cornice crushed Fireman Joseph Klmmelh's foot. The three men were taken to a hospital. Sparks from the burning building were blown towards the Mar. ton house at Broadway and Fourteenth street, and the 200 gueets of that hotel .who had been aroused by the fire en gines all went down to the street for safety. It was found, however, that the hotel was not in danger at any time. The occupants of the building were Racket, Carhart & Co., men's furnish. ©?» ,*the Crown Suspender company, the Nonatuk Silk company, the Brain- ord & Armstrong Silk company and the Altman Neckwear company. The cause of the fire has not been ascer tained . GUILTY OF FIVE MURDER8. .ft! vi» Alfred Knapp, of fndianapolla, Con fesses to Many Crimes. Hamilton, O., Fob. 26.—Alfred Knapp, the Indianapolis man arrested yesterday, who confessed to the mur- tier of his third wife today made a full confession of five murders. Among them ls that of Ida Gebhart, the west Indianapolis girl, who was found mur dered and outraged in a stable July 8, 1885. Knapp’s confession, which was sworn to before Mayor Bosch, ls as follows: "On Jan. 21, 1894, I killed Bmraa Uttloman In a lumber yard In Great street, Cincinnati. On Aug. 1, 1894, I killed May Eckert in Walnut street," opposite the Young Men’s Christian Association, In Cincinnati. On Aug. 7, 1894, I killed my wife, Jennie Con- / Knapp, under the canal bridge In liberty street, Cincinnati, and threw her into the canal. - in' Indianapolis, In July, 1896, I. killed Ida Gebhard. On Dec. 22, 1902, t killed my wife, Annie Knapp, at 339 South Fourth street, in Hamilton, and threw her Into the river out by Undenwald. This Is the truth. (Signed) Albert Knapp. “I make this statement by my own free will, and not by the request of any officer or any one else (Signed) Albert Knapp. "Sworn to before mo this 26th day of February, 1903. (Signed) C. F. Bosch, Mayor.’’ PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleanest and beautifies the hair. * ‘ growth, Fails to Restore Gray Pi"«psy«ke.!.y.8 ribbon. Take no other. Refuse Dangerous Hubstltutiona and Imita tions. Ho j of jonr Druggist, or s«b4 4e. ia •‘•Mf 1*5 rt i cu l“ r *’.. Testimonial* and "Relief for Lad lee* 1 * in Uttar, b; re. tnrn HalL 10,000 Testimonials. Sold by a. .< - Drufrfsu. Chichester Chemical Co^ Mention this paper. .Station 1>, 1’lilla., I'a. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. KIDNEY CUBE II I FOLEY’S or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c and $1.00. BAYS SHIP WAS SACKED. Germans Left Reatsurador In Ruinous f Condition. ) New York, Feb. 27.—The Venezue- ‘ lan authorities at Puerto Cabello, says ’ the Caracas correspondent of The Her ald, after receiving the warship Res- taurador, which had been seized by . tho blockading powers, hare made an official report regarding the condition ’i! of the vessel. This report reads In •;l P*^: i, “The Germans before delivering the i ( Itcstaurador had sacked her In a ruin. , ous manner. They carried off stiver- ware, covers, curtains, electric light globes, kitchen utensils and even cop per clasps from the ship’s sides, f "The machinery was purposely left j out of order. It was necessary to em- j ploy mechanical engineers for 24 - hoars In order to place the Restaura- I dor In a condition fit to go to sea. , The pillage of the ship was soanda- , lous. i "German officers declare that the { charge of the Venezuelan authorities , is telse. They say Germany has j spent $12,000 In repairing the Reetau- . rador and left 150 tons of coal on ■ board, of her without asking a cent.” General Gordon Able to Travel. Jackson, Miss., Feb. 26.—General John. B. Gordon, commandor-in-chlei of the United Confederate Veterans, who was stricken by a sudden attack of indigestion onrout to this city on Thursday night, left for Texas this afternoon. It was announced here to dry that after General Gordon had fills* this season’* lecture engage meats he would retire from the plat form. Seins, Gill Nets, Hoop Nets, Seln Twine, And All Kinds of Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, and Cutlery at Smithwick’s Gun Store, Americus, Qa. •' PROTECT your BOOKS f They're too valuable to be strewn about the room or SSuSETYr? du K a 1 d damagcI 0f co ™c y°“ can t help it, if your book-case is full and of the old nr 2 i d , cons,ruc !ip n - Better get rid of such a case, s ' arl a ,[’ ew , Ihal will always accommodate your books without being either too large or too small—one that grows with your library and always fits iL The SlobciV^rijickc • "Elastic” BooR=Case anri^k SjfcM °, nly u P-<o-date sectional book-case ^ b V 1 he largest manufacturers of such goods in the world. It’s furnished in a variety of grades sizes variety of grades, sizes and prices, adapted to any and all require ments. M's a system of units, each unit fitted with the perfection dust- proof roller - bearing door. But we'll be glad lo show (hem if you call, or will send illustrated catalogue on request. We have just ceived a large ship ment of Baby Carri ages and Go-Carts, and feel safe in 'say ing that they] are some of the prettiest ever shown in the city. Ranging in price from $5.00 to $25.00. A close inspection willjconvince you as to their merits. FURNITURE GO. NEW CROP CARDEN SEED Good Advice, Take It. Now in stock, and we will be pleased to supply you from our complete assortment of LANDRETH’S CELEBRATED VARIETIES. GIVE US A CALL * The Eldridge Drug Stores. L. G. COUNCIL, — % m Save Your; Honey For This Sale. Pearlman’s Annual Clothing Sale Is now on and will continue for 20 days. NO HATTER WHAT YOU MAY SELECT, It may be a S1S.00 suit Or a $12 00 suit Or a $10,00 suit Or an $8,00 suit YOU GET IT FOR $6.50. Children’s Clothing in Proportion. Men’s and Ladies’ This Sale. Fine Shoes a Special Feature o Come early for the best. Factor, IN COAL # Fertilizers. .DEALER IN. Selected Heats can always be found here. We handle nothing butthe best, and invite compari son. Fish, Oysttrj and chickens always on hand. Mv coal is the oelebrated Blooton Lamp and Jellioo, conceded the finest domestio coal sold in this market. All orders for ooal promptly delivered. My prices as low asthe lowest, I make liberal cash advances on cotton in store at very low rate of interest. Telephone No.*38. D. PEARLMAN’S 311 Lamar Street, Americus, Qa. WHEN YOU DRINK Let it Be the Best. | The Purest and Best Beer SHERLOCK & CO, ’PHONE No. 32. E. D. SHEFFIELD CO. Headquarters tor Edward E. Strauss $ Co. Clothing. Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Shoes in the Latest Shapes. HATS A SPECIALTY. Novelties in Dress Goods and Notions. We are the leading Tailoring Merchants. Special attention is paid to out of town buyers as well as the city trade. See our Clothing before you buy. E. D. SHEFFIELD CO. 113 Cotton Ave. on the MarketJToday Brewed by (Acme Brewing Company. • For a Nervine, Drink Their Halt Tonir. j SHERLOCK & CO. •« Agents. ’Phone 32. FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED. If you want money on your farm I have arrangements with New York parties through whom I can get it for you at Lowest Possible Cost. Morgan's Costly Mansion. New York, Feb. 28.—Many work men are completing the foundatioi for J. Plorpont Morgan’s new llbrarj building at the rear of Ms home at Madison avenue end East Thirty-sixtt street It is to coot $300,000. The Plane ere for a twoetoiy structure o! Knoxville marble, of a pinkish grey. With a frontage of MS* on Thirty ■faith street sad lawn apace In front 1 MONEY LOANED! J. W 8HKFFIKK.D President Farm loans negotiated any where ia Southwest Georgia at low rates and on easy Save money by see- terms, ing me. G. R. ELLIS. Americus, Ga. FKAMCjgUEFFIKLD, Vlce-Presld.nt E.-D. SHEFFIELD, Cashier* Bank of Commerce, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. A general bankingjbnsincss transacted and all consistent courtesies extended to patrons. Certificates of deposit issued bearing interest, J. J. HANESLEY, Room No. 5 Barlow Block, Americus, Ga, Storage Lumber Warenouse S, A. L By. A Church St JOHN W. SHIVER, Zthe jCumhsi 2)eaiet [ Office IB Bank of Commerce -Uptown OmcelNoflin. Slotrgh ana jCumbtr <£atkr, Skingltt, <?/#, Warehotue* No. m. Residence iNo.IT . . V II -JJ -