Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, March 13, 1903, Image 2

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— L . —mm.—nps— AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECCRDER. FRIDAY HARCH 13 1903. ■ BOXERS MAY GIVE MORE TROUBLE. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Collection Of Indemnity Said To Be Causing Distress. ARE BEING IMPORTED. I All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected i kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady Washington, March b. v\ line no ad- ^ j,eart [ eats, and makes one feel as though Vices have been received at the Chi- j they had heart trouble, because the heart is nese legation here regard the seri-1 over-working in pumping thick, kidney- Rebels In South China Also Very Ac tive—New Chinese Minister Expect ed to Bring Important Instructions from His Government. ous condition of affairs which is ap- poisoned blood through veins and arteries, preaching a crisis in the Interior of It used to be considered that only uri^ry t n „ i troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, China as a result of tlio renewed at-- ^ now modern science proves , hjt nea ' |y Uvity of the Boxers and oi pther reb-, a j j cons tUutlonal diseases have their begin- ols In various parts of the country, it n f n g in kidney trouble, is the understanding that the new min- j if you are sick you can make no mistake ister Sir Beang Chen Tung, who sail- j by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild ed from Hong Kong on Fell. 27, on the and the extraordinary effect of Dr. KilmeFs steamship Korea for Sail Francisco, will bring to Washington important In- St ructions hearing on the subject. In addition to the uprising of the rebels and the Increased Importation of arms the extortion practiced by the vice roys in the collection of indemnity, is said to have caused the most distress ing conditions in many provinces. European Advices that have reached Washington In the last few days- show no evidence of weakening on the part of the lowers in their demands for tho payment of the indemnity In gold. This problem will he the first which the new minister will grapple with Upon Ills arrival In Washington. He Is expected here early in April. Besides Sir Eeang there are CO mem. bers of his party, Including new charge, d'affaires and secretaries for the Chinese legations In Spain, Peru and Cuba, consuls general for San Francisco and New York, and a con sul and vice consul for Honolulu, also first secretary, Mr, Chen, to succeed Mr. Shell..who jvllLreturn tn Chino. MORE MONEY NEEDED. Increased Appropriations Necessary to Maintain Soldiers' Home. Atlanta, March 6.—It is expected that the trustees of the Soldiers’ home will ask the legislature at its com ing summer session to give the home an additional appropriation for main tenance for the ourrent year. The legislature at Its last session cut the appropriation down $2,500, giv ing only $12,500. This amount, It is stated, even with the most rigid economy, will he sufficient only to maintain those veterans now In the home. There are many applications on file with the trustees, but they do- not feel that they can admit any others unless they are assured of suf ficient funds to maintain them. BIG FIRE IN YORK STATE. Narrow Escape of Guests From Large Hotel. Watertown, N. Y., March 6.—Fire today destroyed’ the Otey house, one of the largest hotels iu this city and completely gutted the numerous stores in the block. The hotel was crowd ed with guests and many narrow es capes were reported. Peter W. VanBrunt, of this city, was confined to his bed on the fourth floor sick, and was let down by ropes. All the other guests were rescued by means of fire escapes and ladders. Had the fire occurred at night, a great loss of life would undoubtedly occurred. The flames partially de- etroyed the Fairbanks blocks, adjoin ing the hotel. Tho total loss Is esti mated at $200,000, and Is two-thirds covered by Insurance. WILL PLEAD INSANITY. Knapp's Relatives Declare Him Mem tally Unbalanced. Hamilton, O., March 6.—Alfred A. Knapp, the self-confessed murderer, was visited today by his attorneys from Cincinnati. They say they can. not get ready for the preliminary hear, lng this week. There Is no doubt whatever about the defense pleading insanity. His fourth wife, parents, brother, sisters and brothers-ln-law ■will all testify that Knapp has not been right mentally since he was kicked by a colt when he was five years old. Knapp Is as Indifferent In jail as ever, playing cards and reading and apparently the most cheerful of all the prisoners. Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sample bottle by mail iiom. of Bmmp.Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if y8u have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer 8c Co.. Binghamton, N. Y.' ■ •»' Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleartrcs and beautifies the hair. ‘ growth. itestore Gray i its Youthful Color. hair falling. Ml CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH P|NMYR0yflLP.r,LLS MuKsAFE. Allan reliable Ladle., atk bruMt# i ribbon. Take no other. Ilrfui \ Daaceroua Mobatilutlona und Imltia- r “ a. Buy of your Prosfiit, or pent 4e. la pa for Particular*. Testimonials •Keller for I.n.lSea,"»» <«*lar, by re. turn Mall. 10,000 Tsatimoniala. Sold by . _.l Druggist*. Cbleheatcr fhemlcal <’o.» Aleutiou this paper. .Station 1), l*lillu., l’o. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. KIDNEY CURE III FOLEY’S or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $1.00. Selected Meats can always be found here. We handle nothing but'the best, and invite compari son. Fish, Oysters and chickens always on hand. SHERLOCK & CO. ’PHONE|No.;32. SHOT WHILE RESISTING ARREST. Outlaw Wanted For Murder In Geor* gla Killed In Alabama. Andulusla, Ala., March 6.—Charley Jeffcoats, alias Charley Johnson, who was wanted in Swainsboro, G-a., for the murder of J. C. Flanders, deputy sheriff of Emanuel county, was shot to death Thursday near Watkins bridge, on Yellow river, by Deputy Sheriffs Prestwood and Dunson, who were attempting to arrest him. Jeffcoats was also wanted In South Carolina for murder. There Is a re ward of $1,000 for his capture from Georgia. Deputy Dunson was shot In tho leg by. Jeffcoats. ... The Nevada In Commission. Portsmouth, N. H., March 6.—The ■w United States monitor Nevada is been placed In commission at the ivy yard here. Commander T. B. oward took charge of tho new ehtp. bo Nevada wilt remain at this port r about three weeks, when she will scome attached to the coast defense [vision of the North Atlantic squad Old Reliable Saloon. 2i5 Cotton Avenue. Paul Jones and Duffey’s Malt for medicinal purposes, Stone Mountain Corn and all the lead ing brands of Fine Whiskies. All orders with the Cash Given Prompt Attention. H. F. SCARBOROUGH, Proprietor. Plymouth Rock Eggs. Eggs from exhibition stock, Barred Plymouth Bock chickens. Setting of 15 eggs §1.50. Purest strain. Leave orders at Turpin's Stables, 4-6 lm. How to Make Money. We offer jou an Investment guaranteed by two Trust Companies. It may make vou rich. This ts no scheme for fake. Send lido for Investment Certificate. If you are not sat'Bfieil Upon investigation, we give you your money back. IVALTN’ER & DUNN. Fiscal Agents, 09 Broadway, New York PROTECT your BOOKS f They re loo valuable fo be strewn about the room or house exposed to dusf and damage! Of course you can’t help if, if your book-case is full and of the old style solid construction. Belter get rid of such a case, or start a new one that will always accommodate your books without being either too large or loo small—one that grows with your library and always fits iL The S lo b cr t) iclvC ’Elastic" Book-Case is tile original and only up-to-date sectional book-case and is made by (he largest manufacturers of such goods in the world. It’s furnished in a variety of grades, sizes ————— and prices, adapted to any and all require ments. It's a system of units, each unit fitted w ilh the perfection dust- proof roller - bearing door. But wo’ll be glad lo show (hem if $ou call, or will send illustrated catalogue on request. We have just re ceived a large ship ment of Baby Carri ages and Go-Carts, and feel safe in [say ing that they are some of the prettiest ever shown in ] the city. Ranging in price from $5.00 to $25.00. A close inspection will convince you]as to their merits. A. W. SMITH FURNITURE GO. Golden and White Dent Corn, Rice Pop- Corn, Early Amber Cane, German Millet and Cat-tail Millet, Just Received at The Eldridge Drug Stores. Gar Load of Buggies W E have just received a car load of the celebrat ed “ROCK HILL” BUddlES. The buggy that is equaled by few and auipassed by none. Has the famous ‘‘Long-Winded” axle. If you don’t want to be worried to death by oiling your buggy every few days, why get a “Rock Hill.” It dou t cost a cent more iu the loug run to get a good than does a cheap one. The “Loug-Wiuded” axles have been known to run 2,035 miles with one oiling. All “Rock Hill Buggies are fitted with these axles, in fact we say to you that for durability, easy riding aud neatness the “Rock Hill” is by far the best buggy on the market. | ■•A LittleJHigher in’Price But- Sheffield-Huntington Co. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. L. G. COUNCIL, j | Good Advice, Take It. Save Your Honey For This Sale. Pearlman’s Annual Clothing Sale Is now on and will continue for 20 days. NO HATTER WHAT YOU MAY SELECT, It may be a $i5.oo suit Or a $12 00 suit Or a $10,00 suit Or an $8,00 suit YOU GET IT FOR $6.50 Children’s Clothing in Proportion Men’s and Ladies’ Fine Shoes a Special Feature This Sale. Come early for the best. 311 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. WHEN YOU DRINK Let it Be the Best. i The Purest and Best Beer on the Market'Today Brewed by w j Acme Brewing Company. For a Nervine, Drink Their Malt Tonic. SHERLOCK & CO., Agents. ’Phone 32. DEALER IN. CDAL # Fertilizers. Mvcoal is the celebrated Blooton Lump and Jellioo, conceded the finest domestic cool sold in, this market. All orders for coal promptly delivered. My prices as low asthe lowest.. I make liberal cash advances on ootton.Linj store! at very low rate ol interest. .Telephone No.£38.... i E. D. SHEFFIELD GO. Headquarters for Edward E. Strauss & Co. Clothing* Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Shoes in the Latest Shapes. HATS A SPECIALTY. * Novelties in Dress Goods and Notions. We are the leading Tailoring Merchants. Special attention | is paid to out of town buyers as well as the city trade. See our Clothing before you buy. E. D. SHEFFIELD CO.