Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, April 03, 1903, Image 2

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2 AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECCRDER, FRIDAY APRIL 3 1903. - . -- n- fei* I '■m : •'iH I • i' ; LEVEES GIVE WAY TO AWFUL STRAIN Every Effort Being Made to Stop the Breaks. THOUSANDS OF ACRE® FLOODED Breaks Cause Heavy Damage, Bui Will Greatly Reduce Volume of Wa ter In River—Gradual Fall Reported at All Upper Points. Women as WelLas Men | Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. New Orleans, March 27.—With the ■water roaring through the break and spreading over a wide area of country, the ends of the crevasse near Lucy were reported this morning to bo Slowly crumbling. Lumber was scarce at the scene when the levee gave way, but a special train over the Texas and Pacific got away before daylight with a largo consignment of material and planters have hurried hands from all directions to the scene. Whether the effort to mend the break will be successful, it Is Impossible yet to say. The crevasse occurred in a bend of the river, and that will add to the dif ficulties of the work of repair. Sev eral square miles of territory have al. ready been overflowed; and large por tions of St. John, St. Charles and Jef ferson will doubtless go under water, though many of those plantations in the three parishes which He alo»g the river will probably only be affected by backwater. The flood will find Its way to the gulf through Lake Sal vador, Bayou Barataria, Little Lake and other streams. Sugar cane is being cultivated In the thrco parishes, and there is con siderable area devoted to truck farm ing. Oyster beds are likely to suf fer but there Is absolutely no danger of loss of life. Members of the LaFourehe levee board went early to the scene to as sist In the effort to hold tho ends, and if possible, to close the crevasse. As the Lucy break is on the oppo site side of the river from New Or leans, the efTort will be greatly to the advantage of the city and of the levees in the Pontchartraln district. There has not yet been time for the aew outlet to Influence tho high dtage of the water her, but toy nightfall a dcllno may reasonably be expected. The government gauge reglsterd 20.3 feet during the forenoon, showing no rise in .the past 12 hours. Local con ditions otherwise havo undergone no change. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dls- j courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys, If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or If. when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of | these important organs. This unpleasant I trouble is due to a diseased condition of the | kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis- | erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy, j The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realised. It is sold | by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar, sizes. You may have a| sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Homo or Swamp-Root, ing all about it, including many of the I thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's | Swamp-Root, and the address. Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. HOUSEKEEPERS. Spring cleaning is approaching, now is your time for refitting the home. Be= fore doing so inspect those beautiful and dainty decorated importations in China. Lovely models in dinner and tea sets. Single pieces, all in French and German China of the most unique patterns. A new lot of Refrigerators, assorted sizes, just received. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis-| eases. A. W. SMITH FURNITURE GO. FOLEY’S gaaiTHE ADVENT or money refunded. Contains ] remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best fo Kidney and Bladder trouble PRICE 50c. and $1.00. Eldridge Drug Stores. of Spring usually reverts to that old topic aud disturber of the family peace “house-cleaning,” during which so much is found that is a little the worse for wear. It may be a chair, a door, the walls and ceiling of the kitchen, the stoop, the fence or possibly the entire ex terior of the house or barn. The application ot 311 Lamar Street. D. PEARLMAN 311 Lan Strel PARKER’S I HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and bcatitific* the hair. I * - • - growth. MOORE’S PURE HOUSE COLORS, Falla to Beatore Gray I gOc,and #1.0) at Druggists Break, at Greenville, Mi8s. Memphis, Tenn., March 27.—A spe cial to The Scimitar from Greenville, Miss., Says; "With a tremendous crash the levee 4 four miles south of Greenville gave way at 11 o'clock today and great quantities of water is now pouring through a 300-foot crevasse, rapidly flooding the most fertile land in the great Yazoo delta. Major John M. Sears, in charge of the government engineers’ office here, has just an nounced that it is tho worst break ever experienced on the Mississippi side and he states the whole delta from Greenville to Vicksburg will toe flooded. The Mississippi river commission hoard’s steamer Mississippi 1 is near the scene of the break and the mem bers will make a thorough inspection there. This is the first break to be reported on the Mississippi side dur ing the present high water. Pennyroyal, pills I. Original and Only Genuine* CIII (JHKSTK lt*S *®feN G LI SH •n UED and Gold metallic boxes. sealed with blue ribbon. Take no other. Kcfuso Dangcrona Hubatltutiona and Imita tion*. Buy of your Druggist or send 4e. ia fof Particular*. Testimonial* v and ''Relief for Ladlc% n in Idiir, by turn S - -" **““-*^ " all Druggli a pure linseed oil paint for interior and exterior paintings will not only beautify, but preserve as well. There are paints and paints, but they do not all preserve or even beautify, yet are sold for just as good as Moore’s. Our representatives, • THE SHEFFIELD-HUNTINOTON CO,, AriERICUS, will be pleased to furnish color card and quote prices on any quantity. . WaMalU 10,000 Tt , Mention thlai^ptr!*' NUultm "l», r BENJAMIN MOORE & CO., Special River Bulletin, Washington, March 27.—The weath- er bureau today issued tho following special river bulletin: The Mississip pi continues to rise below Helena. The stages this morning are; Memphis, 38.5 feet, a fall of .3 foot Vicksburg, 61.8 feet, a rise of .2 foot New Orleans, 20.3 feet, a rise of .1 foot. , MANUFACTURERS, Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, III. STILL AT THE CORNER. | And There’s More to Drink at the Well ThanEver Before. T. Q. BASS is at The Front With a complete line of fine and medinm priced Whiskies, bought in bond, sold at his Bar and also to the jag and bottle trade. Commencing Monday we say without fear of contrail tion, we will show the prettiest line of Embroideries; Laces that ever reached Americus and the remarkable! prices they will be offered at Is bound to fill our store! limit of its capacity. Wash Dress Goods We have the luost complete line of white and colored wash dress goods that ever reached this city. Our prices are the lowest. A Great Shoe Sale. A great triumphant bargain march will he played in our store air this week. Every note will be a melody of values, so join the pro cession and keep step to the music of our low prices on shoes. Continued Clothing Sa It is your good fortune that | are going to continue our mai down clothing sale oue week lorn This week only your choice St] House Furnishings. I We have received many newl ditionsin this department the f week and it will be quite vi your time to investigate pif before purchasing your hoi furnislushing. Buy where you can choose from the largest assortme ad bast values, take the above advice and you will go to} D. PEARLMAN 311 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. Steel Magnates In Session. Pittsburg, March 27.—A largely at tended special meeting -of tho direc tors of the Crucible Steel company of America Is being held today. The Tumor is persistent that It was called to consider a proposition to sell the control of the Claiton Steel company to the United States Steel corporation, but those interested refused to give out any information at this time. Seins, Gill Nets, Hoop Nets, | Upper Ten Sein Twine, And All Kinds of Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, and Cutlery at _ Smithwick’s Gun Store, Americus, Qa. Three Feathers. Lewis’ Sixty-Six, Montreal Malt and Other Brands. Sole agent for Spring Hill Oorn Whiskey. Also carry and Alf,*' a floe tonio drink for ladies end much esteemed. Besides liquors we carry a full stock of • .. FAMILY GROCERIES.. I will deal squarely with you, and I want your trade. Duffy’s Malt Old English All T. Q. BASS. Old Reliable Saloon. FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED 215 Cotton Avenue. TWO MEN DEAD. Found Struggling In River, and Neith er Lives to Tell the Tale. New Haven, Conn., March 28.—Jas. Murphy, a tugboat captaU. was dis covered struggling with an unknown man In the East river yesterday. He was taken on board a passing tug and died before becoming conscious. The other man, whose Identity is unknown, was drowned. It Wa3 learn ed that both men belonged on board the tug William A. Kane, which had sunk. 1 Brewery Workers on Strike. Mahoney City, Pa,., March 28.—Rc fusing to submit their grievances to arbitration as proposed by the 12 breweries controlled by tho anthra cite Brewers’ association, the United Brewery Workers, to the number of about 1,000, went on a strike today. The chief demand of the union is for an increase in wages. Paul Jones and Duffey’s Malt I , ^ y° u wan * money on your farm I have arrangements for medicinal purposes, Stone with New York parties through whom I can get it for yon Mountain Corn and all the lead T —r>— ing brands of Fine Whiskies. All orders with the Cash Given Prompt Attention. at Lowest Possible Cosr. J. J. HANEbLEY, Room No. 5 Barlow Block, - - Americus, Ga, H. F. SCARBOROUGH,! Proprietor. MONEY LOANED! ....FINE WHISKIES.... Farm loans negotiated any where ia Southwest Georgia at low rates and on easy Save money by’see German Princess Resting Well. Berlin, March 28.—The following buletin was Issued; After a night, which was mostly quiot, the empress’ condition is satisfactory. The frac ture, which is In a blindage, gives her no pain. terms mg me. Whiskies. Special attention given jug and bottle trade. Leading brands of ease goods and bottled beer. G. R. ELLIS. Americus. Ga. R. D. GRANTHAM, Opposite Allen House, LUMBER. We can fill promptly all or ders for Lumber from our mill near Americus. Lowest prices given on application. Orders left at Lockett stables will, receive onr attention. Call on { or address us at Americus. U. S. LOCKETT & SON. AMERICUS, GA. J. W. SHEFFIELD,sl'reildeut FRANK SHEFFIELD, Vlce-Presld.nt E. O. jSIlKFFIKl IJ, Cashier, Bank of Commerce, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. A general banking business transacted and all consistent courtesies extended to patrons. Certificates of deposit issued bearing interest Gar Load of Buggies W E have just received a car load of the celebrat ed “ROCK HILL” BUQQIES. The buggy that is equaled by few and sui passed by noue. Has the famous .“Long-Winded” axle. If you don’t want to be worried to death by oiling your buggy every few days, why get a “Rock Hill.” It don’t cost a cent more in the long run to get a good than does a cheap one. The “Long-Winded” axles have been known to run 2,035 miles with one oiling. All “Rock Hill Buggies are fitted with these axles, in fact we say to you that for durability, easy riding aud neatness the “Rock Hill” is by far the best buggy on the market. ‘A Little Higher in Price But- Sheffield=Huntington Co. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Golden and White Dent Corn, Rice Pop- Corn, Early Amber Cane, German Millet and Cat-tail Millet, Just Received at The Eldridge Drug Stores. _