Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, April 10, 1903, Image 2

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:1 ., PRESIDENTIAL PARTY SPEEDING WEST Received Ovations At Every Stopping Point. 1 ■ • • - j ' AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECCRDER, FRIDAY APRIL 10, 1903. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know It. NOW ON MINNESTOTA SOIL. Will Be Banquetted Tonight at Nicol let Hotel, Minneapolis—Addressed Joint Session of Legislature Today Leaves Tonight for Sioux Falls. I ' : r' r : i .<!■+] f * 5 1; i 1 1 in 11 LaCrosse, Wis., April 4.—The presl dential train arrived at the Milwaukee depot on schedule time—8:30 o’clock —-this morning. The president was met at the train by the full commit tee in charge of the day’s arrange ments, headed by Congressman Esh, MayorBoschert, C. S. Van Auken and Joseph Clark. All approaches to the depot were roped off for a block In each direction. Four companies of the Wisconsin Na tional guard, consisting of the two LaCrosse companies and companies I-, of Sparta and K, of Tomah, were lined' upon either side of second street, leading to the depot where the carriages were In waiting for the presidential party and escort. The first three carriages were elab orately trimmed in red, white and blue and the horses were gaily dec orated with ribbons to match. The president and his party were driven to Market Square, where he made an address. The president ex tended a greeting to the people of La- Onossc, especially to the old veterans, a large number of whom were among bis hearers. He compared the war of 18G1-5 to that with Spain and said that whilo his comrades of the lesser war did' not have a big job to do they did It; the troublo was, there was not enough war to go around. Ho then discussed the virtues of good citizen ship, and referred to portions of his •peech delivered yesterday at Wauke sha regarding citizens of this country, speaking evil of other nations. At the conclusion of the speech, the vis itors wore driven about the city. When the president stepped from the train this morning he remarked on the beautiful day and said he had a good night’s rest and was feeling well. Senator Quarles came on from Mil waukee in the presidential train and was one of the speakers of the morn ing. In the carriage with the president were seated Congressman Esch, Sec retary Loeb and Mayor Boshert. The route of the parade extended over about 2 miles of gaily decorated streets, which were packed on each side with a solid mass of people. The police arrangements were of the best, and there was no delay In getting to the market square. A big stand ha-d been erected. On the stand, besides the president’s par ty, were representatives of all the of ficial city bodies, besides the commit tee which has had the program of the day In charge. Congressman Tawney, of Minnesota, mayors of several nearby cities and other notable men of this vicinity were also occupying the platform. There were 10,000 people gathered on the market square, and the president and Senator Quarels wero in good voice, so only those on the extreme edge of the crowd missed any portions of the speeches. Senator Quarles made a short speech, saying, among other things: "We love President Roosevelt be cause he Is the best type of American manhood.” Mayor Boshert welcomed the presi dent In behalf of the city of I.aCrosse, In a short address. The president's speech was frequently Interrupted uy applause. The crowds along the en- tire route back to the depot were the largest ever seen In LaCrosse. The presidential train then left for Winona and St. Paul at 10:30 a. m., amid cheering and waving of hand kerchief and hats from all who could gel within a block of the depot. How To Fled Oat. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If It stains your linen it Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists InSOc. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about It, both sent absolutely free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer & nomo of Smunp-Boot Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. KIDNEY DISEASES afe the most fatal of all dis eases. 90 KIDNEY CURE It l Tenders hla professional service to the people of Americus and surroundlGg coun ties. Special attention given to general surgery, diseases of women and children. Office 406H Jackson street. Calls lett at Dr. Eldrldge's store will receive prompt atten tion. FOLEY’S K. Li. MAYNARD or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized bv emi nent physicians as the best fo Kidney and Bladder trouble PRICE 50c. and $1.00. W. T. LANE. LANE & MAYNARD, LAWYERS. AMERICUS, : GEORGIA. Offices Nos. 15 and 17 FlanteiB Bank Build Inx Eldridge Drug Stores. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM _ Cleanand beautifici the hair. ‘ it growth. Never Fails to Bestoro Gray — • * •- Color. ,lr falling. Hnir to ita Youthful Color. Cores scalp diffuses Office, Wheatley Building, over John R Hudson's drugstore, Rooms 8, 9 and 10. Phone No. 9. CHICHE8TER'3 ENGLISH PILLS 1 and Only AJenuLi Ladle*. Dru*i CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH In UKI> and Gold metallic boiee. seated with bloa ribbon. Take no nthei - -----— Dangerous Nubstltutlon* and Imita tion*. Buy - and ^Relief for Ladle#,'* turn Rail. 1 Ilcfusa * in Ita- 4e. In arm, Testimonial# Chichester 4 mleal Co., GROCERIES MUST GO Having purchased the Nix stock, wc shall run it off at greatly re reduced prices; for instance, Cat Frioe Old Price Duabnm’B Cucoanut So 10a Fatrbauk'fi f conring noap 3o So Excellent Table Peas ISoctn 25c Salad Dressing 23c bot. 30c Nutmegs So dox lOo Asparagu 1 -, b s’, 18o can 25o Extracts, So bot. 10c Malta Vita, 10o pk 15o Force, lOo pk 15c Sugar, 181b 81 101b. Entire stock at proportionately cut price. YOURS FOR THE CASH. St. Paul, Minn., April 4.—The presi dential train is due in this city on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, and at 10 o'clock it leaves Minneapolis over the Great Northern today for Sioux Falls, S. D., there being few rest spells. At the union depot citizens' com mittees from both cities will welcome the president who will be Immediate ly taken through the business section under escort of civil and Spanish war veterans, militia and the Twenty-first United States Infantry from Fort Spelling. Reaching the capltol at 3 o’clock he will meet the legislature and- state of ficials and deliver an address In Um house before a Joint session of the sen ate and the house. Following ..this slon and the house. Following this will come an address from a plat form on the east front of the capltol for the benefit of the thousands who cannot crowd Into that building. Af ter a brief drive, electric cars will be taken to Minneapolis, where a recep tion and banquet at the Nicolett hotel, a street parade and address at the ar mory will finislt,the day. Steamer Korea Sails. San Francisco, April 4.—The steam er Korea today for Honolulu and the orient. In her treasure room there is $1,000,000 In gold for Honolulu and $200,000 In silver for Japan. She will call at Manila. On her passenger list are Vice Governor Luke E. Wright, of the Phlllppinee, who la accompa nied by hla wife and aecretary. CALAWAY GROCERY. MONEY LOANED! Farm Inane negotiated »ny « ht’t- in Southwest G«orgia at 1 w fates and on easy te’in> ’'avc money by s»e ing me O R. ELLIS. Ameriius, Ga. (S d\ TheJ 1 A 1/1 2; "N O |a d 1 1 vv. c As the Seasons Change The human system needs renovating, toning and strengthening. The proper medicine for lazy feeling 50; 75: and $1,00 Rembert’s Drug Store. Next Postoffice PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W M. M. HARPER Attornev and Counselor at Law. Offle-s 35 and 37 Planters Bank Building. Telephone No. 233. Eye, Ear ami None Specialist. Special attention paid touting eyeglasses and spectacles. Rooms 37 and 38 Planters Dank building. D r. g. t. miller, PHYSICIAN AND SURGE IN. Special atten'ion given to diseases of wo men and children »nu to general surgery Office In Planters Bank Building, Amerl us, Ga. D. LOCKHART, specialty. Lock Box 4, Amerlcus, Ga Li' OBERT E. LEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Americus, Ga Offices 14 and 16 Planters Bank Building. JJOOPER & -DYKES, Attorneys at Law, Planters Bank Building Attorney at Law. Office in Wheatley Building. J ames tailor. Attorney at Law Office over Rembert’s drag store, Forsyth street.* R. Residence 310 Felder street. Telephone 96 Dr. S. H. McKee, ...DENTIST... C. !P. *Davis, ./Dentist... Office Residence Times-Recorder f.Bl’dg 218 Jackson Street. 'Phone 262. Phone 155. Old Reliable Saloon. 215 Cotton Avenue. Paul Jones and Duffey’s Malt for medicinal purposes, Stone Mountain Corn and all the lead ing brands of Fine Whiskies. AU orders with the Cash Given Prompt Attention. H. F. SCARBOROUGH, Proprietor. For Sale. 210 and 212 Prince street, also 326 Forsyth street, and ott er citv homes for one-fifth ca^h, balance in 100 monthly payments. Nice building lot on Finn street. A Bargain—Fine Grist Mill in pertect order and fine patronage. Location, College street and S. A. L. track. Capacity 300 bushels per day. H. T. DAVENPORT, Real Estate Agent Selected Meats can always be found here. We handle nothing butthe best, and invite compari son. Fish, Oysters and chickens always on hand. SHERLOCK & CO, ’PHONEJNo. 32. No True American is ever satisfied except with the best. The oldest is not always the best, and is seldom the strongest In this case, however, the best is the oldest and strongest. Let fig ures speak: The Asserts of Tne Mu'uai Life Insurance Company of New York (organized 1843) ex ceed those of »oy other life Insurance com pany in existence. They are over $382,000,000 It has paid Policy-holders over $627,000,000 which is more than any other life in'urancc company In the world ha' disbursed A policy in The Old Mutual gives a matt or a woman that sense of assurance which cannot be en joyed under private investments. Write to-day for “Where Shall I Insure':’ The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, Richard A. McCurdy, President R. F. Shedden, Manager, Atlanta, ARTHUR & EVERETT, Resident Agents, Americus, - • Georgia INCORPOBATED 1801. L, O. Council, President. C. M. Council, Cashier. The Planters Bank OF AMERICUS, Accounts with firms, corpora tions and the general public so licited. Interest bearing certifi cates issued. 8AGLEY GROCERY CO. SOLE AGENTS Henry Clay Flour Ripe Peach Tobacco Jones’ Lever Binders, Mowers and Rakes. Bagler Block Onnoslte Courthouse Seins, Gill Nets, Hoop Nets, Sein Twine, And All Kinds of Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, ' and Cutlery at Smithwick’s Gun Store, Americus, Ga. JOHNSON & HARR0LD, NEW YORK RACKET STOR Planters Bank Building. MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS IN.... HEAVY GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS Plantation Supplies Furnished on Reasonable Terrms. Cash advanced on cotton in store at lowes current rates 01 Interest. Near Court House, - Americus, Q a l TWENTY=FIVE CENTS. 10 rolls Japan matting every yard is inter woven and double dyed, showing the great ingenuity of the Jap lor deftly placing the pretty colors designs here and there over the face, the same as a matchless carpet weave. 35c and 40c grade 25c. Lower grades of matting 12jzc and 15c. 2 000 yards of loc and 15c figured lawn and dimities on bargain counter at per yard Scents. Best yard wide sea island worth 6 c yard at 5c. 50 dozen white Bleached silk tape neck under vests at 8 l-3c. 144 Boys suits 3 to 161 $1.00, $i,25. i.50, to $<) snl Large size ready ma| sheets 81x90 at 49;. dren’s Slippers 50c to $1. Closing out all rugs atcoj Take a look at them. HAMILTON & CO. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Planters Bank Building. - - Forsyth Our Entire Line Are Leaders.. .IN.. Clothing, Shoes. Hatsand Caps. Up-to- date patterns of neckwear, Domestics Dress Goods, Dressand Negligee Shirts, Overalls, Suitings for men and women Spring line of Percales, Linens, Cham- brey’s. Calicoes, White Goods, anything you might want, We can, and will sell you: come and se us, at E. D. SHEFFIELD CO. The Unique Tailoring Merchants. 113 Cotton Avenue SPECIAL SALE OF MATTINGS I SATURDAY and MONDAY Boys straw hats at 10c I 35c to 5oc. ■< t 3 Cases Men’s Sample H* 1 ’" worth from 2.00 to $2 5O $1.00. 10 pieces 40*inch W1 Lawn Saturday and Monap e f 0 at only 9c per yard. Specials in Misses and Clj 1 case alt over lace ht| worth 20c for 10c. FARM LOANS NE60TIATEI If you want money on your farm I have arrange®^ with New York parties through whom I can get it for ri at Lowest Possible Cost. , J. J. HANESLEY, Room No. 5 Barlow Block, - - Americus, lil,o J. YY SHEFFIELD^ President FRANK SHEFFIELD, Vlce-r EJD. SHEFFIELD, Cashier, Bank of Commerce AMERICUS, GEORGIA. A general banking business transacted and all consistent co« extended to patrons. Certificates of deposit issued bearing