Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, April 17, 1903, Image 2

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.! 1 t'l i', ; i IJI ii :1 • i! f 1 • ! 1 i! ! ■m.f' )'ll,{. - SOLDIERS CLASH WITH FILIPINOS Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Many Insurgents Reported To Have Been Killed. THREE AMERICANS WOUNDED. Moros Interfere With Surveying Par- ty, and Provoke the Assault of the Troops—Town Was Captured and Destroyed. Manila, April 10.—Captain Per shing’s force captured Barolod, Island of Mindanao, Wednesday, killed 100 Moros and wounded many others. Three Americans were wounded. Pershing’s force consisted of Shaw's battalion of the Twenty-seventh infan. try, Kilpatrick’s of the Fifteenth cav alry and Chacuaels’ battery. Pershing was surveying the west shore lands when the Bacolodlans op posed his advance and provoked the fight. Pershing surrounded and at tacked the-lr stronghold, first shelling them and rushng hs troops forward, charging gallantry. After crossing the deep moat and entering tho fort the American* engaged tho Moros bay onets against krlsses. A hundred of tho defender* were killed, Including the datto of Panandungan, and many were wounded. Only three Americans •were wounded. After tho capture of the fort It was destroyed. The Baeolod leaders and a majority of the people of that district had been hostile to the Americans and encour aged attacks on American camps. They rejected the tenders of friendship. It Is expected that the defeat of the Bacolodlans will result in all tho Mo ros acknowledging American sov ereignty. Pershing’s column Is going to Ma- rahue, which Is also hostile. PENNELL INQUEST BEGINS. Court Will Investigate Tragic Death of Buffalo Man and Wife. Buffalo, April 10.—The Inquest Into the death of Arthur R. Pennell and his wife was begun today before Po lice Judge Murphy, who conducted the Burdick Inquest. Besides the witnesses from the neighborhood of the stone quarry who observed the movements of Pennell and his wife with their automobile on the afternoon of the tragedy and saw them take the fatal plunge, the fol lowing named persons have been sub poenaed: Thomas Penney counsel for Pennell; Wallace Thayer, Arthur Pennell’s for. mer friend and counsel, and Pennell's stenographer, Wallace G. Ompallus, who has the stenographic notes of a statement as It was dictated to him by Pennell Just before his death. So far as can bo learned at this time, J. Frederick Pennell, the dead man's brother, has not been served with a subpoenae, but one has been prepared for him. ELECTION OFFICIALS JAILED. Court Renders Decision In the Lorlmer. Dunborrow Election Case. Chicago, April 10.—The members of the board of election commissioners and Chief Clerk Rowell were today adjudged guilty by Judge Hanecy ol contempt of court in*, opening and counting the ballots cast for Lorlmer and Durborrow in the sixth congres sional district In violation of the In junction Issued to restrain such action and were fined $100 each. They refused tot pay tho fines and an order was entered for their commit ment to the county Jail. They will remain, technically, In the custody ol the sheriff until next week, when ha beas corpus proceedings will be begun In the supreme court. May Offer Big Stakes. San Francisco. April 10.—While no official announcement has been made, It Is an open secret says The Chroni cle, that the new California Jockey club will make a bid for prominent sta bles next season by offering Increased stakes. The matter has been thor oughly discussed by the directors ol the association. It Is not unlikely that there will be several $500 purses every day, and $000, $700 and $1,000 handicaps every week. Spreading Ralls Cause Wreck. Elizabeth, N. J., April 10—Owing to the spreading of rails a drill englns on the Central railroad of New Jer sey left the track and plunged down a 20-foot embankment In Jo a pond to day. The engineer and fireman and a brakeman were burled under the engine. The brakeman was taken out alive, but died soon after he had been taken to the hospital. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits by all druggists In fifty- eent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a _______ sample bottle by mail Home of Swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y./- Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. - PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleanse* and beautifies the hair. growth. Fails to .Restore Gray SOc, and f l.<» at Da flJB) CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH pEHHYROyJSL.PMS ENGLISH . 'I'llhe filed Dancerona Hutmtltutlo . Refuel a and Imlta- 9 tlona. Boy of your Drugging or send 4*. in nitia for Particular*, Testimonials 1 ‘‘Ilellef for Lodlea,* , in Utttr, by ro* turn Mall. 10,000 TMtiroooiaL. Sold by . _ I Druggists. Chichester Chemical C'o., Mention this (taper. Station 1>, l'lilla.. Pa* KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. Cm CV»Q KIDNEY CURE Is I rULkl O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best fo Kidney and Bladder trouble PRICE 50c. and $1.00. Eldridge Drug Stores. OUT The most resplendent lot of Elegant, Deep Cut, CUT GLAS ever seen in the city. Just received at A. W. SMITH FURNITURE GO. Corner Jackson and Forsyth Sts.; Americus, Qa, No True American is ever satisfied except with the best. The oldest is not always the best, and is seldom the strongest. In this case, however, the best is the oldest and strongest. Let fig ures speak: The Asserts of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York (organized 1843) ex ceed those of any other life insurance com pany in existence. They are over $382,000,000 It has paid Policy-holders over $627,000,000 A policy in The Old Mutual gives a man or a woman that sense of assurance which cannot be en joyed under private investments. Write to day for “Where Shall I Insure?” Tiif- Mutual Life Insurance Seins, Gill Nets, Hoop Nets, 1 Sein Twine, And All Kinds of Fishing Tackfe Guns, Ammunition, and Cutlery at Smithwick’s Gun Store, Americus, Qa. BAGLEY GROCERY CO. High Diver’s Great Feat. Jersey City, N. J., April 10.—Arthui C. Holden, claimed to be the champion high diver of the world, yesterday Jumped backward from the top of a pile driver D2 feet high Into the Hud son river turning a somcsault In the descent. He did it without breaking his neck, and then took a swim to freshen himself after his exertions. Will Take an Appeal. St. Paul, Minn., April 11.—Judge Toung, attorney here for the North ern Securities company, stated today that the notice of appeal in the gov ernment of the injunction would not he filed until Monday. It was expect cd that the appeal would be filed to day, hut the delay is said to mean noth log of Importance, as the filing is merely perfunctory. SOLE agents Henry Clay Floury Ripe Peach Tobacco Jones’ Lever Binders, Mowers and;Rakes. Bagiev Block- Opposite Courthouse MONEY LOANED! Farm loans negotiated any where ia Southwest Georgia at low rates and on easy terms. Save money by see ing me. G. R. ELLIS. Americus, Ga. Company of Hew York, Iticharu h. McCurdy, PreskUnt It. F. Siiedden, Manager, Atlanta. ARTIICIt & EVERETT, Resident Agents, Americus, - • Georgia. INCORPORATED 1X01. C. M. Council, Cashier. The Planters Bank. OF AMERICUS, Accounts with firms, corpora tions and the general public so licited. Interest bearing certifi cates issued. For Sale. 210 and 212 Prince street, also 326 Forsyth street, and other city homes for one-fifth cash, balance In 100 monthly payments. Nice building lpt on Finn street. A Bargain.—Fine Grist Mill in perfect order and fine patronage. Location, College street and S. A. L. track. Capacity 300 bushels per day. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W M. M. HARPER Attorney and Counselor at Law. Offices 35 and 37 Planters Bank Building, Telephone No. 233. Eye, Ear and Nose: Specialist. Special attention paid to;, fitting eyeglasses and spectacles. Rooms 37 and 39 Planters Bank building. D r. g. t. miller, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases of wo- and children *nd to general surgery Office in Planters Bank Building, Ameri cus, Ga. D. LOCKHART, Dealer in PIANOS and ORGANS. Tuning and repairing pianos and organs a specialty. Lock Box 4, Americus, Ga. >OBLRT E. LEE, R ( ATTORNEY AT LAW. Americus, Ga Offices 14 and 16 Planters Bank Building. JJOOPER & DYKES* Attorneys at Law, Planters Bank Building g A. HA! Office in Wheatley building. I AMES TAYLOK. 0 ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Remberfs drug store, Forsyth R. E, CATO, SI, D. PHYSCLAN AND SURGEON. Residence 316 Fslder street. Telephone 96 Tenders his professional service to the people of Americus and surrounding coun ties. Special attention given to general surgery, diseases of women and children. Office 406ft Jackson street. Galls lett at Dr. Bldrldge’s store will receive prompt atten tlOZL W. T. Lamb. u. l. maynaiid LANE & MAYNARD, LAWYERS. AMERICUS, I GEORGIA. Offlccs Nos. IS and 17 Planters Bank Build In* Dr. S. H. McKee, ...DENTIST... , 8 and 10. Phone C. ZP. 'Davis, ..Dentist... PEOPLE’S SALOON. 215 Cotton Avenue.. Leading brands of fine Whiskies: “Old Joe,” “Lewis’ ’66,” 1 “Paul Jones,” Stone Mountain Corn.” All orders with the Cash given prompt attention. H. F. SCARBOROUGH, l Proprietor. H. T. DAVENPORT, Real Estate Agent THE. Windsor Hotel. AMERICUS* GEORGIA. HKNBX H. Mo U5SKY, Proprietor — --- HHi 311 Lamar Street. D. PEARLMAN Commencing Monday we say without fear of conti tion, we will show the prettiest line of Embroideries Laces that ever reached Americus and the remarkabl prices they will be offered at is bound to fill our ston limit of its capacity. Wash Dress Goods. We have the most complete line of white and colored wash dress goods that ever reached this city. Our prices are the lowest. A Great Shoe Sale. A great triumphant bargain march will be played in our store all this week. Every note will be a melody of values, so join the pro cession and keep step to the music of our low prices on shoes. Continued Clothing It is your good fortune are going to continue our down clothing sale one week This week only your choice House Furnishing! We have received many ditions in this department week and it will be quite your time to investigate before purchasing your lurnishighing. Buy where you can choose from the largest assort nd best values, take the above advice and you will D. PEARLMAN 311 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. SPARKS IS THE PLAC Ameiicus people depend upon him for the best the market affords, and are never disappointed ' in any way. For Groceries, Fruits, Canned Good Heats, Fresh Vegetables. SPARE’S STORE Is headquarters. Everything new, fresh and deliciot Come see our goods and get prices. We have the and want to add your name to our list of pleased patrons, Phone 279. 413 Jackson St. Barlow Block- Our Entire Line Are Leaders. IN. Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps. (Jp-to- date patterns of neckwear, Domestics Dress Goods, Dress and Negligee Shirts, Overalls, Suitings fof men and;.women. Spring line of Percales, Linens, Cham- brey’s. Calicoes, White Goods, anything you might want, We can, and will sell you: come and se^us/at E. D. SHEFFIELD CO The Unique Tailoring Merchants. IW Cotton A . . . ... - v.'.i i’ a ■.-■SgCg' -