Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, July 10, 1903, Image 2

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— ■ - AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER, FRIDAY JULY 10, 1903. i i U' t.!? ! H PEOPLE HAVE CLOSE ESCAPE FROM FIRE Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. nt;' Twenty Eescued From Burn ing Building. MANY TOSSED INTO LIFE NETS. Incendiary Fire In New York Endan gers Many Lives—Several Persons Badly Burned and Taken to the Hos pital—Money Loss Small. Now York, July 3.—Twenty-one per sons were rescued by firemen from n blazing lour story frame building Id Newark avenue, Jersey City, at day break. The blaze was so hot that the fire- ment could not work fast enough with their ladders and several of the res cued were tossed safely Into -the life nets. Two of the vi^lms are In the hospital suffering front burns and the inhalation of fire. The fire, the police say, was of incendiary origin. It caused only a small money loss. ARDSLEY, N. Y., EXCITED. Another Sensation Closely Follows the Hefferman Murder Mystery. Ardaley-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., July 3.—-Following so closely the unravel ed Hefferman murder mystery, consid erable excitement lias been caused here by the attempted suicide of a well dressed firangor who jumped off the -private dock In front of the Ards- ley club Into the Hudson river, and who was rescued in an unconscious condition by employes of -the club. The stranger was seen walking in front of the club’s station, near the epot where John Hefferman, the coach man, was murdered on May 29. The man seemed excited and suddenly rushed across the railroad tracks to tho club's dock. A rope was thrown to tho man by club employes, but ho made no ef fort to seize it. Then one of them jumped In and held tho man's head above water until his companion could throw a rope to him. Ho was dragged to the dock, unconscious, and later re moved to the Dobbs Ferry hospital. No trace of the man’s identity has been discovered. At the club mys tery was thrown around -the affair. The shooting of Hefferman gave rise to many peculiar stories, some of which Involved well known persons. None of them ever was confirmed, however, and efforts to solve the case were practically abandoned some time ago. FLED TO ESCAPE EXILE. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin- _ ales too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- nome of swaoip-Root. ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. _Y., .be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every bottle. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. m KIDNEY CURE It ■ FOLEY’S or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best to Kidney and Bladder trouble PRICE 50c. and $1.00. Eldridge Drug Stores. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM, Cletnwi and beantiflei the hair. Promote# a luxuriant growth. Never Falla to Bestore Gray Hair to ita Youthful Color. Curt* walp disease* Sc hair falling. 50c, and 11.00 at Druggirta CH I CH ESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal, pills I jf’s. Original and Only Genuine. R/TNtlKlATE. Always rellabl*. I,n<ltc*. aik DrucrWt V if fTvNA . /'rtPirtk: vvniiun Finlander Comes to America to Avoid Russian Peptecutio.X San Francisco, July 3.—A. A. Kar- pallalnen, a native of Ju-nka, a county of about 9,000 population In the cen tral part of Finland, Is In San Francis, co. He had to fly from his home to avoid exile to Siberia by tho Russian government, who took exception to some advice he extended to his coun trymen not to volunteer for a medical examination at tho recruiting stations of the czar. Karpallalnen was In America some years ago and- took out full citizenship papers. He returned to Finland a few months ago Intending to take up his residence -there permanently. By the aid of his American passport, he managed to effect his escapo In time to prevent his arrest by Russian offi cers. For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va, Opens Sept. 21, 1903. ODe of the leading Schools for Young Ladles In the South. New buildings, pianos and equipment. Campus ten acr-s. Grand mountain scenery In \ al ley of Virginia, famed for health. European and American teachers. Full course. Con servatory adVant.ges In- Art, Music and Elocution Certificates Welieslev. Students from 31 States. For catalogue address MaITIE P. HARRIS, Prest. Roanoke, Va. Action to Set Aside Will. Seattle, Wash., July 3.—Edna Wal lace Hopper arrived hare last night with her attorney, Judge E. P. Coyne, of New York. They are on their way to Victoria, B. C., where Miss Hopper's suit against James Duns mulr, cx-premler of British Columbia, Is to be heard next Tuesday. She la bringing action to have tho will ol her- stepfather, Alexander Dunsmulr, set aside on tho grounds of undue In fluence and Incompetency. He left a fortune of- $3,000,000 to his brother James Dunsmulr. and died shortly af terwards of alcoholic demenlta. The will cut off Mrs. Dunsmulr, Miss Hop per’s mother, without a dollar. Shock Deprived Him of Reason. •New York, July 3.—Shock from the third rail of a Brooklyn elevated line has deprived Conductor Satchel of his reason. When he stepped on the rail, he was thrown Into the air. Hall a dozen fellow-workers rushed to the rescue. Satchel scrambled <to Ms feet and attacked them. He was re strained with some difficulty and it was found necessary to give him ether before be could be taken to the hos pltal. The surgeons could not find a single burn or mark on Satchel’! body, although he received the full power from the rail. They think he will recover his reason in a few days. Actor's Mysterious Death New York, July 3.—Without harini regained consciousness from the dawn Of last Tuesday when he was found lying unconscious on tho street, bleed faig from ugly wounds In his head, “Teddy" Peiper, who has held nearly every position in the theatrical pro fetelon from chorus pan to manager, Is dead. So far the authorities have been unable to make anything of the case. It Is believed by his relative; that he was held up and robbed. When found, Peiper was only half a block from his home. After the war with Spain, Peiper became manager of p theater In Havana. The venture was not a success and he recently return vaudeville. kFE. Alaarawllabla. Ladle*, uk Druggist for CHICHESTEK’8 ENGLISH is USD as! Geld metallic b»x«*. aealed with bin* ribbon. Take no other. Refune Dangerous Kabatltutlon* and Imita tion*. Buj of your Druggist. <or send 4e. In stamp* for Particular*. Testimonial* and “Relief for Ladle**** tn lit tar, by re. Mall. 10.000 T« —- all Druggists. Chlchcater Chemical Co., 8444 Mftdlaoa Saoarc, Pill LA.. PA. VIRGINIA COLLEGE. Eugene Field’s Views on Ambition and Dys pepsia. "Dyspepsia,” wrote Eugene Field, "often incapacitates a man for ondeavoi and sometimes extinguishes the fire of ambition.” Though groat despite his complaint Field suffered from Indiges tion all his life. A weak, tired atomaob can’t digest your food. It needs resL You can only rest It by the uss of a preparation like Kodol, which re lieves It of work by digesting your food. Rest soon restores It to Its normal ton* 8tr.n*Uionta^j Envigoratlng. Prepared only by E. O. DsWitt * Co., Chicago TmSL bovMo contains Sid times tho Me. SlM For Sale. Finn Nice building lot on street. A Bargain—Fine Grist Mill in perfect order and fine pitronage. Location, College street and S. A. L. track. Capacity 300 bushels per day H. T. DAVENPORT, Real Estate Agent Silberman Bros. Largest Fur House In America. Branches All Over Europe. Highest cash price paid for nil kinds of raw furs. Hold your shipment util you get oar price_ fist. it to-Jar. We mail it free. i S1LBERMAN BROS., 122to 12s Michigan St.. Chicago,III. FINE BULL. Registered Jersey Bull for service at Willett place, Americas, Gs. Finest strain; terms reasonable. T „_ r> j0k J. M. OLIVER. The Wedding Present House, The Book Case House. The Lamp House The Courteous House. Are some of the deserved and accurate terms applied by its customers A. W. SMITH FURNITURE CO. 9 See them for Lemonade Sets, Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Berry Sets, Cream Sets, Refrigerators. NOT SUIGIDE AND MAY BE MURDER Inquest Increased Mystery of Johnson’s Strange Death. MYSTERIOUS BALTIMORE AFFAIR. Remarkable Verdict of Jury—Father's Relations with Mrs. Suter Caused Bitter Quarrels With Son—Sister Names Woman, but Has No Proof. Baltimore, July 4.—'After an all-day session the coroner’s jury investigat ing the mysterious death of J. Mor timer Johnson, the young man who was found dead in his room In the house of his father, ex-Councilman Johnson, brought in a most remarkable verdict which deepens the mystery ol one of the strangest affairs that Bal timore has known. The most Important feature of the verdict is the practical rejection ol the suicide explanation which was given out at the house when the young man s death was made public. This Is tne verdict; That said J. Mortimer Johnson came to his death from two pistol shots fired Into his head from pistols of different caliber, by the hands ol some person or persons unknown to the Jury, which took place on June 23, between the hours of 8 o’clock p. m. and 8 o’clock a. m„ on June 24, 1903, at No. 1403 Hollins street. We further believe that the evidence is not sufficient to say suicide, and it may he murder.” The most important evidence was that given by Mrs. Lady Durette, ol Fairmont, W. Va., a sister of the dead man, who Is a physician and a woman of unusual keeness. She has been doing better detective work on the case than the policemen assigned’ to It When she was asked if he had any theory as to who had killed her broth er, tho replied that if It were not for tear of a damage suit lu which she would not be able to substantiate her statements by evidence, she would name a woman as responsible for his death. She told the jury she had found scratches and finger marks on her brother’s face, which was sonslderably scarred. It transpired that young Johnson was engaged to be married and that he whs ashamed to bring his fiancee to his father’s house because of the latter's association with a woman who vlsted the house frequently and who was much at home there. This situation resulted in bitter quarrels between the father and son. A man servant employed In the Johnson house has ben closely questioned by the police, but the sweating process has brought nothing of importance from him. Dui;ng tho inquest Miss Viola Stambaugh, a relative of the Johnsons, and w ho kept house for the ex-Councll man until a short time ago, when she went to live with Mrs. Durette, told of lively times in the Johnson house She said that Mrs. Suter was a con etant visitor and that she and the elder Johnson spent much of their time together drinking. At times they quarreled bitterly and *]>e had seen Mr. Johnson throw articles at Mrs Suter cn one occasion. The verdict of the Jury has prac tically disposed of the suicide expla nation, which was at first generally accepted until certain suspicious facts developed. It was explainer! that while the whole jury believed that young Johnson was murdered, some objectea to so declare in the verdict because of a lack of direct evidence, which accounts for the compromise is the last sentence. Two Secrets "of Success The success of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York is due: First—To its selection of risks: It writes no insurance in unhealthful regions or on vicious or sub-standard lives. Second—To the investment of its funds: Send for “Banker’s Will,” which tells how the greatest accumulation of trust funds in the world is invested, Good health and good invest ments will go a long way toward making anyone rich. This Company ranks First—In Assets. First—In Amount-Paid Policy-holders First—In Age, The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, Rlcfiara A. McCurdy, President E. F. Shedden, Manager, Atlanta. AETHUK & EVEBETT, Eesident Agents, Americus, - • Georgia. INCORPORATED 1801. L, O. Council, It J. Perry, President. Ylce-Prcsident. C. M. Connell, Cashier. The Planters Bank. OF AMERICUS, Accounts with firms, corpora tions and the general public so licited. Interest bearing eertifi cates issued. The Best Conks Approve Barney Ball’s Bread. It has all the gooduess'of the best home-made bread, and it’s always uniformly excellent. Never heavy, never sour, never stale. barney ball. Fleiehman’s^Yeast. ANNUAL CLOSING SALE -OF- D. PEARLMAN 311 Lamar Street. Americus, Ga. FOR 15 DAYS We have determined to the people of America surrounding country i: portumty In secure the best Clothing and the cheapest Clothing that c can boy. We have in stock some very fine Suits worth 'Che Suits for the next Fifteen Dtp go for the pittance of $IO, $12, $15. $6.00 Per Suit. You mav come into our establishment today or any day withiu the nt days, and take your choice of any Sait for only From past exper with us the people will know that we mean business and will do just win advertise. Large stock of Men’s Odd Pants. A great many of them worth 82.50, and 85.00, vou may have yonr choice for 82.25. Sweeping reductions in other goods during this sale. REMEMBER! i5 DAYS ONLY. 311 Lamar Street. D. PEARLMAN Lan Stre EVERY GALLON OF Longman & Matinez’ Pure Prepared Pai is sold under guarantee. If you contemplate having an; painting done don’t fail to Investi gate the merits of this paint befor buying. A full line carried at The Eldridge Drug Stores BAGLEl’ GROCERY CO. SOLE AGENTS Henry Clay Flour Ripe Peach Tobacco Jones’ Lever Binders, Mowers and Rakes. OpDoslte Coart^one PILES! PILES ! PILES! Selected Meats can alway ee foun-i h:re. Wt handle nothin i but the best • and mvi e comP ar ‘ son. Fisa, Oysters and chickens always on hand . SHERLOCK & CD •PHONE No. 32. Summer Law Sell Sold by Eldridge drugstores. UNIVERSITY OF In Vtrctnt* mountain*. *4th Jgpfc can® UtnUf l, 190*. Meant for U-mU r Meant for the bar. and for jwtitlonerevho -----