Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, July 24, 1903, Image 1

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AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. r.riFiH ' AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY. JULY 24, 1903. East Lake, Ala., Dec. 8th, ig02. jtlr. A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. Dear Sir:—This Is to certify that on Au gust 1st I went to Verbena, Ala., to hold a series of meetings. Was at that time, and had been for six weeks prior, so feeble I was scarcely able to preach. Mr. F. A. Gulledge, 0 f Verbena, with whose family I was stop ping, kindly offered me three bottles of Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic, gratis. I accepted, and began the use of the Tonic at once. Within three weeks I was was much better. In three weeks I had taken the three bottles of Tonic and was fully well. Took no other medicine then nor since, and am in better health and heavier than for the past fifteen years. J. M. McCORD, Pastor Verbena Baptist Church. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE WhntSolons Are Doing In Atlanta. DAILY SESSIONS AS REPORTED Proceedings of Both the House and Senate During the Week-Moa* of Interest and Importance are trodueed m M. CLAY IS T0_BE DYING sador to Hu3sia Under President Lincoln. TIONIST AND AUTHOR. Age of Minty-Three, Well «n Kentuckian, Who Has Fig- I In Many Sensational episode*, I Oeatn's Dccr. Ky . July 22.—A tele- metsage from Richmond, Ky., •i attending physician says that i Caisips M. Clay, ambassador s ’i under I.incotn, abolitionist ul-or, is dying at his home at “ ,il at the extreme age o 93. tfjs 1 'ian says he cannot live 2t II "' -t aud that he is gradu- I flakier. children sre all at his bedside at them have not been in their ft house or seen him In yean « of his peculiar hallucination ere in a vendetta sworn to C!av was one of the most figures in American poll », s * x< - e *. Hit home at T“ fcas hwn guarded by armed •' .otiied cannon alt* in his hall- [ttJ his room is 4 veritable ar . gathered f or the purpose ol attack of aa imaginary FOUR ARE DROWNED RY CAPSIZING SKIFF Pleasure Bide on Biver Be- sults In Death. ACCIDENT NEAR SPARTA, TENN |“-J [ Assault Laid to White Man. X- C.. July 23.—Rufus E * white man abont 10 yean » f*rp»nter by trade, la ch*rg> criminal assault on a WUl 11 T-ura old. So far Hold. eluded the officer*. 1IM I*:. ®°y Died of Lockjaw. r - a July 32 —Cordon Sto ®* 15-year-old »on of J. T. Sto nclcarm street, died Tneeday ol * iron, sticking a splinter In Mi Grandfather Take* Children Out on a Pleaauro Trip When Boat la Cap aired and Four Find Watery Graves River Dragged to Recover Bodies. Nashville, Tenn., July 22.—A special from Sparta to The Banner says four persons were drowned by the capslz !ng of a skiff on the Calfklller. They were: Joseph Ramsey, aged 65. HU 3-year-old granddaughter. Two other cniMren aged 7. The old man had the children out on a pleasure ride and as they did not return at dark, a searching party of 1C boarded a ttcamer and began dreJg ins the river with barbed wire. Tbr capsized skiff was found at daylight this morning and a short distance away the four bodies were found with in a few feet of each other. The old man was subject to faint ing spoils and It is supposed that dur ing one ol them he overturned the boat. Bill Passed to Abolish Days of Grace, Other Matters. Atlanta, July 16.—The house yeater* day passed four bills and one resolu tion. The bills were an amendment to the contract labor law, a bill pro- riding for the collection of specific Uzes by execution, a bill providing for a levy to raise the annual sinking fund, and a bill abolishing the three days’ grace on commercial paper. The res olution provided for uniformity tn the school teat/books bn* been disposed of. Not least In Interest waa the bill by Mr. Calvin, of Richmond, to abolish the days of grace on commercial paper referred to In section 3,680 of the code of 1895. There was rather an Interesting debate on thla measure, and at one time It looked ai If It would fall; but the bouse Anally patted It on the call of the roll by a vote of 9S to 36. The house took up as a special or der the senate resolution by Senator Park, of tho thirty-seventh, provldng tor the extension of the present achool book contracts, pending the action on the question of adopting a uniform sys tem of text books, and passed It by substitute, the substitute having been offered by Messrs. Mitchell, of Thom as, and Holder, of Jackson. The resolution as It came from the senate provided not only for the exten sion of existing school book contracts until 1905, but provided for a school book commission with Chancellor HID of the state university as chairman, to j NUMBER 12 iPOPk '0 Xlil HAS ENk'ED BEYOND Reman Pontiff After Struggle Last ing for Many Long Day*. Bolens Take Up Discussion of Convict » niter the reading of tne Jour Lease Question. The important question before tho Atlanta. July 17.—Discussion of the I bouse today is the substitute for tho “evict question waa opened up la the I Felder bill by Messrs. Hardeman and house yesterday, on the Mil by Mr. Holder, of Jackson, and Shackelford, ol ___ Felder, of Bibb, providing for any of Clarke, the provisions of which ago] r,., .. the counties of the atato that desire I familiar. It provide* each coogj .Long Mattie Pontiff Haa to do ao. to work their convicta 00 ly shall have the right to work a num. Suooumbed to Death the public roads. There waa con- her of felony convict* on the pqblii Duouiunoeato UeatiL slderable dlacnaoton. roads In proportion to population, ci SURROUNDED BY HI8 CARDINALS. Many amendments were offered to I may have Its pro rat* of the proceeds tho bill, among them being on* eon- from the lens* of convict* for tho Grim Reaper at Last Claims 8oul of aidored of much Importance, providing I ochool fond, as It may desire, that the revenue derived from snob The bill of Mr. Carrington, of Madll convicts as ar* leased shall be dlatrtb-1 son, providing for the extension of tbo nted to those counties which do not Western and Atlantic road to the se» ro-. work their own convict*. Thla waa board was not reported back to th* * - *'■ ... 1 "f* , n by Mr. Womble, of Upron. bense yesterday, ££**•-* “ After a debate whlcn contained prac- of the adjournment. Tbo special com tlcnll, .11 of yestard.y’a seoslon the mlitee will make no recommendntlo. thfoL^rLdlr t^ho^lt^ .senate passed the MU of Benitor Da- on the measure one way or the other. apnJ^^h^Dhi.foS^oh^dZS! vis providing that corporations com Immediately after convening the sen onI _ B lag under the operations of tho fran- ato adjourted out of respect to tho * * dled ^cefullr hi. .to. chise tax law. sh.11. In making ths memory of Justice Lumpkin. Aftei ££ u w£ttrf in .«£» payments required by tbe stole law, the formality of the reading and ap L b „ *“ wreathod la ,mU “ be given credit for such some as they proval of tbe Journal, a message from T el..r.m . m .n are, under existing arrangements or the governor was received. Then lot LI. * f t T! world sgreemento. now paying each yew to Irwed an executive ms.ton of aboal EftuU«» being rend at the mnnldpaUtles within which they two minutes' duration to admit of Uf x 0 thelBit hll holta# _ 0Ferate ' »ytog before tbe ..mate of tbe cover the nbrdd.n lLid ^ ^™^.^ WhUe this bill only effects Atlanta nor's nominations. As soon as th< I and perhapi two or three other cities executive session concluded Seastoi “tonsf.hewtehed tomeetdwthSS! In the state It I. general In It. terms Coma. , u recogntoed. Ho prroenb The object aimed at as explained by ed a resolution expressing the d*e| I' “ 01 “** crerr the promoters of ths measure, la to sorrow of the eenate at the death el _ _ Rome, July 20^-4*20 p id *~/Tb0 provide for equality of franchise toxa- the distinguished Jurist and moving 1» pope ddl eetortlv after' 4 o'clock this lion and to prevent tbe double taxing mediate adjournment aa a tribute to afternoon. His last moments were which would result unless some sucil his memory. This was unanlmonalj I comparatively peaceful and Dateless bU ‘“ tb )V wer * and "• deelarsO 4,4 were preceded by n pertoTot In- The following seaato bill* were pass- adjdbrned nnUl today. sensibility Around the b*HM* at tho *d by the senate: By Senator COmaa—To authorize I House Still Dltcusalng Convict Quo* I relatives and the the issue of bonds by the county ol tlon—The Felder BIIL I'w* Fierce for ochool purpooee. I Atlanta. July 1*.—The bouse of rep By Senator Comas—To establish a resentatives ia still In the depths of the system of pnbllc schools in Plefcol discussion of the convict question. So county. I f lr the end Is not In slghL but an ef- By Senator Sweat—To create a new f 0rt will be made when the mattef charter for Nichols, Coffee connty. I come* np again today, to put By Senator Skelton—To prohibit time limit on the debate, the manufacture of distilled spirits Is The greater part of tbe cession ye* Hart county. I terday was spent In debating tbe que* The house bill of Mr. Welch, of Oil-1 tlon with the Felder bill as tbe ape mer. to Incorporate tbo town of But I clal order. Many of the speeches were Blijay, was passed by the senate. I addressed to tbe Holder-Sbackelford The committee on education report-1 substitute and several more substl- ei adversely the bill of Messrs. Steed I tnea were offered, the mstn point la final moment were the cardinals, the nbers of the pap NATIONAL CONVENTION OF ELKS Jifev ciys ago. [TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. , ' ravalry •* now In foil J f: 0 at Savannah. The first ’ MrM « »as held In Savannah • a . T *fionjoon. Compresa I * ! a paper with the Inter o .I ?”"” ^mmlastoo caking J /-^aiination in rate* be at round bale. i l nj , nt r ° Ioncl Quinn, rnite# In.. ?. r at Savannah, nnnoa» «ik l . wl11 b# another hear I Augusta draw bridge °^vt :, e. Jefferson lioi' i*. , *u yesterd*f or ky Judge Kimsey at Oalaea- 1 If.,. roi 'l Is to be offend fof 1 at * whole ana then ia se» :, to waj awept by 4 wind tad yesterday, fifast ««itroy«d and several [ **xra hrer Is ,4*4 ^ |> 0 Qto* cbltJ lAc Big Farad* In Baltimor* Is Witnesssc by Thousands. Baltimore, July 22.—About 7,00( Eks, In national convention here, pa raded today. It is estimated that 300,000 persons witnessed tbe parade The marchers were cheered. At tbe city hall the procession pus ed in review before Major McLane and city officials. The member* of number of lodges appeared In cos tume* on a novel and grotesque chartc ter Among these sere the famout "cotton p|ckers" of Greenville, Miss. The Cincinnati lodge marched is golf costnm*. The Alliance. O.. lodge was attired In German costumes and waa headed by It* falhons "Little German Band." The members of the Annapolis lodge appeared In United States naval uni forms. Strike V Nsw York Tailor*. New York, July 32.—More strike* Of But Bldo tailor* *r* being arrang ed for to go Into effect within the nest ten days. Several thousand worker* already bar* quit. The Brotherhood of Tailors, composed of about ma» tillorii It dow miking for aa agreement and next week will order strikes sgslnst Individual em- nlovers who refuse to olga It- uw* s P X romltto. of the Jo* brajdto. makers bu had a b*rd U«« lag out worksrs In They reported haring Un «•» wit n ihflfif of AM IfGM bOfltd IfOB shop Window! sod war# eompsUsd to ^Ughlnte^D^sfig^^yi'* 1 "*' Lexington. Ky-, July 13^^® head aodarm of the stotno of ths Orool commoner Hrary Clay, la Leslngtoo cemetery, wore knocked off by llgfib jg,t t.ight an 1 tho manning was Investigate the question of state school book uniformity and report at tbe next session of the legislature. Attention waa called to the fact that the senate had already passed the uni form text book bill at the session ol yesterday, and Mr. Mitchell stated there would probably be no necessity for the proposed commission. Ho said the substitute contained every provision necessary in that Is provides for an extension of the present school book contracts In all counties for a period of two years, by which time tbo necessary school boclk legislation can be gotten In shape.- Mr. Miller, of Muscogee, opposed ths substitute. The house adopted the resolution by substitute by a vote of 87 to 13. It sim ply means that each county shall ex tend Its present school book contracts until the uniformity question Is finally determined. Tho house refused to reconsider tl action In defeating tho bill by Mr. Grice of Pnlaahl, to amend tho const!' tntlon so as to divide tho state ochool fund between the whites and negro** la proportion to the amount Of taxos paid by each race. The measure will not be heard from again during ths present general assemble. Wanted to be \HeardFrom! If there ia an invalid woman, suffering from female weakness, prolapsus, or falling of womb, or from leucorrheai Iwho has used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre- srri-ition without complete success, the urder-igned proprietors and makers of tb it wurid-Umctt medicine would like to hear from »ueh person—and it will be to her advantage to write them aa they offer, in perfect good faith, a reward of Jem fur any cate of tbe above maladies winch thev can not cure. $3,000 FORFEIT will al» be paid if [thev cannot show the original signatnre of the individual volunteering the teeti- mouinl l*-low, and also of the writer* of every testimonial among the thousands which they at* constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness World's Dispk.nsary Medical Aa- SOCIATION, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. V. A MaMacheartta woman, Mn Carrie P. Ban of No. 69 Hale Stmt. Bmrly. Maaa f who la well known aodatfy there, twine Trees- ervr of Ike Order of the Eastern Star, wrote her SSSSS3S0S® err*rat Sifcrewt whirlT-aiii irtliil mamSm. amt found that thry dkf am eo pwlnhatwtr. oat •tax a friawd rmltaS. who lal Mail ae I asSSS-SiKSSS k>W"* B grnarmI health wia much b« and at length had com* unt.' "Favorite Prescription" The Common Sense Medical 1008 large pages in paper covers, . fret on receipt of si one-ccnt stamp* to & y ^e£ B Bu i M , Y it is still pending In th* bouse. Tbe principal work of the legists. passage of which have gone through both bod- and Hixon to provide for the election i view being the working of the convict* of county school commissioners by | on the public roads, tbe people. At the conclnslon of the debate yes> Senator Middlobrook* moved to die I terday an effort was made to gel agree to the adverse report of th* through a resolution to limit speeches committee, and asked that the bill I on the convict question to five minute*, be made th* special order for next I but consideration of It wts ruled out Tuesday. I on points of order. There I* no doubt This was. agreed >0 I however, that the house Is anxious t* _ _ I conclude the discussion as early as Twenty-Fifth Day ef Session Has B««" I pculhle and there I* aomo I!keHbood| Reached. I or a vote being reached on the Feb Atlanta, July 20-Saturday was the ^ bl " #nd substitute, today or to -twenty-fifth day of tbe session, and n ' orrow ’ tho °J_**** Jutt half of it had expired at midnight wnole roportoi yesterday provhlos that night. Notwithstanding this lit ™ n '» de to J a continuation of tbs Ue business of Importance bas been *»«•«»£» tod*y. and consideration ol a j court. Before lapsing Into completed. ’ No Important general bill tfce ™ d * r bl " win bo res»med Immo Mlousues. the dying pontiff feebly bas yet gone to the governor. T*ire d;at * ,r after tb ® "A* 110 * of the J«tn»al B0Te d tl* lip*, bis laat articulate was one such bill, tbe measure limit- th L* mor ? lnr , . . . . * ord > telnv those urad In bestowing lug the tax rate to * mills, which reach- , S * Ter> ' tlon. were Introduced , brntcdletlcn ed the governor'a band, but It had to ,ook,n * to hoIdlB « ntternoon sessions | Gradually the shadow of death be aent Uck for correction. Then It ,be n< ". mir'^MTrUi rr"' 1 ° T "' ^ ‘"“J 1 *' h “ waa found It had to be naaied wl'h 1L tbo comBltte ® H 11 ”- waIfa B *'I ties became cote, bis feature* assumed waa round it had to be passed wi.h it, | , d , oorninentj 4 nd ubled them for l!;e rIfIdlt7 o( d(lth Dg. Lappenl the present. I acted hie laat lutteriag heart beats, fore np to the present time has been! The nW * wniniUtee. however^, r» tUo |, gradually became slower and the P.*«ie of local mmtorm. mZj «“My The bin by Mr. Steed, of Taylor, relerl xn. Bewi C f the pope’s death the* tire to the disposition of th* convicts, ( pm d rapidly thrmghout Rome, tad canned a mere pr. - nneed sensation. Th* whole city '« ' jvouralng. CHARGE OF MURDER FOUND. Byron Trammell Indicted by Montgom ery County Grand Jury. Montgomery. Ato, July 30.—Th* grand Jury of Montgomery county has returned a true bill agalast Byroe T.-aaamoIl, chief clerk la th* office ol Vailed States Marshal Bryan, for murder la the first degree. Trammell is charged with killieg C E. Taylor, formerly of Roanoke, la this state, in front of th* Bar Image hotel, la that city, and at a preliminary hear lag of the case, before th* evldeaeg was coaclndeJ, the attorneys repre seating th* state agreed, rather thaa go on with the case, to permit th* da fendant to make ball in tb* sum of $7,000. It I* understood th* ease ft— Trammell will be vigorously proeecu* - ed by the state, kelative* of th* da ceased have employed able connaeL. JUOge W wmm, Atlanta, July 31—Judge William K, Ragsdale, ordinary of DeKalb county and on* of the moot prominent ami Influential citizen* of that 1 action, dial yesterday afternoon at 12:M afdock tbe special order for eonalderatlon im either the senate or the bowe but sol ^ th , re!der NI1 u 4* both. Much of th* Urn* of th* hotusl * of .» xh* bourn will act ou this has been devoted to th* discussion of one or two large queitions/ sueh as th* child labor MU and th* convicts, and it look* as If much more of it Is to be consumed In th* same way. II L* not inrprialng therefore, that th* resolution by Mr. MUla. of Cherokee, proposing to limit the session to 25 days, which went to th* committee on rules, has never been heard from. Tbe house ia confronted by a mors complicated problem in the questloc resolution this morning. SOUTH QEORGIA MAY GET PLACE Vacant Judgeship To Ge to that Boo tlon. Atlanta, Jnly 2«).—The vacancy upon th* supreme court bench created by the death of Justice Samuel Lump kin, wlU, In all probability, go to soms sooth Georgia man. . , . .... Gcyernor Terrell declines to meks ot the deposition of the state's felony .t.tement concerning his probable convicts tnan the members ever action, but from those dose to him thought cf. and the proepects ere that ramn the Information that th* p several more days will be. devoted U it before any conclusion la reachel. The calendar of tbe present honss of representatives. It la stated by As sistant Clerk D. T. McClatcbey. Jr, ia the largest known during the laat seven years. Within that time he says there has never been a bUl numbered aa high as 700. Saturday boos* blU No. 7uO waa read a second time, In the house, and the number of th* laat MU introduced was 77$. There are others, many others, yet to come. Hereto tore 500 to 600 bills has been a big calendar. House Helds Short Session Out of Re spect to Judge Lumpkin. Atlanta. July 2L—Tho house held « yesterday, adjourning la ter tho reading ot the Journal, out ot respect <0 the memory ef Justice Samuel Lumpkin of the supreme court A motion to adjourn was adpptod by aa tbs r Mor ris declar rot Indications point to tender of Ik* place to either lion. Pope Ban Judge of tbe rnperior court at Savan nah. or Hon. Henry G. Turner, ol Brooks county, former member of com greas. That this vacancy will be filled by the appointment of a south Georgian U regarded certain. Th* reason* which prompt tbe governor tn confining his consideration of possibilities to I section of the state are fond la V>« present make np of tb* court South ern Georgia Is th* only section not now represented. Ac- TU two days tt.-r Im To Discus* Financial Legislation. New York, July TT " scnsmei Joseph O. Cannon, of Dlteeta, probable speaker of tb* aext hoot* of repre sentatives, has arrived hero from th* dtp of Washington. It to understood that he to her* tea discuss with Hew Yorker* financial legislation to be of- /■.rad at the syjra aezslon of congress Ragsdale to said to have been doe to down, superinduced by over work. Hi wag at once confined to his bed. H!i T\ . 1 TT * We mean all that rich, dark color uamriair your hair used to have. If it’s T7 gray now, no matter; for Ayer’s Hair Vigor always restores color to gray hair. And often it makes the hair grow very heavy..