Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, August 14, 1903, Image 1

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I JMIWS-WU* — EY, AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. SIX ’act er- re. its; ore in tr.nt TH VEAB, AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1903. NUMBER 15 East Lake, Ala., Dec. 8th, ig02. Mr. A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. Dear Sir:—This is-to certify that on Au gust 1st I went to Verbena, Ala., to hold a series of meetings. Was at that time, and had been for six weeks prior, so feeble I was scarcely able to preach. Mr. F. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, with whose family I was stop ping, kindly offered fine three bottles of Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic, gratis. I accepted, and began the use of the Tonic at once. Within three weeks I was was much better. In three weeks I had taken the three bottles of Tonic and was fully well. Took no other medicine then nor since, and am in better health and heavier than for the past fifteen years. J. M.jjMcCORD, Pastor Verbena Baptist.Church. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE WhatSelons Are Doing In • Atlanta. DAILY SESSIONS AS REPORTED. Proceedings of Both the House and Senate During the Week—Measures of Interest and Importance are trodueed QEOROIA LEGISLATURE. EEDY TRIALS SAYS I GOVERNOR TERRELL losovelt’s Letter to Dai bin Is Indorsed. RESIDENT ON THE RIGHT LINE”* S'a's Executive Gives Statement to nociated Press that Punishments hould Not Be Delayed by Teohni- alities—Recent Lynchinge In Nertt, Mlanta, August 10.—Governor Tor- t today Indorsed the contents of lesldont Roosevelt'S let or to Oov- ' Durbin, of Indiana, In regard to i recent action taken by Governor t>ln to prevont' mob law In that alneiientally with his Indorsement, |rercor Terrell stated that speedy should bo granted to all of- *r». and that the punishment >!d not bo delayed by technical! ioreraor Terrell gave the following |t«t statement to the Associated this morning: ■ think President Roosevelt Is oe line, and I am In hearty ac- 1 *1th the view ho expresses. Tbs "ty of the law ahould be upheld, : the same time there should be and speedy trial of the of- ‘ i In a case of that crime which t frequently excites the angers of 1 and loads to lynchlngs, and the plihment should not be delayed by “Olralltles. have so amended our criminal ! in Georgia as to have speedy trl- 1 hy authorizing our judges to or r ‘ special term of the court to try zlnals. P° hw, however strictly enforced, [' l!) «o!utoly stop lynchlngs for rape, speedy trials tend to lessen the “. ‘t and practically serve as a pro of lynching and for other of. It I, Interesting In thin connection ‘ that the numerous lynchlngs north and northwest of late ‘ brought forth suctf an expression . ‘ ,l “' president, while the number I tern In the south has been so few f? 16 l!l,J same period as to attract no attention.” FIERCE HURRICANE SWEEPS JAMAICA Damage To Plantations Will Amount To Millions. TAKE YEAR8 TO REPAIR DAMAGE Every Banana Plantation In the East ern Half of the Island Hat Been De vastated—Great Damage Done In Kingaton and Suburbs. Kingston, Jamaica, August 11.— (Delayed in transmission.)—The hur ricane, the fringe only of which struck the western end of Jamaica yesterday and which it was thought had passed Instead t>f proceeding to the northwert, veered to the south early this morn ing and struck Jamaica with Its full force, Inflicting damage which It will take years to repair. Cwlng to the Interruption of tele graphic communication. It la Impossi ble as yet to estimate tbo amount of the losses, but thoy must reach mil lions of dollar*. Every banana plantation In the east ern half of tbo Island has been devas tated. Tbe situation In the western half Is unknown. Considerable Injury was dene to property In Kingston and the suburbs. Tbe root of the electric light works was blown off and the ma chinery was disabled. Railroad traf fic was Interrupted and the street car* were stopped. Many houses wore damaged by fall Ing trees. No loss of life Is yet reported; MAY HAVE MET WITH FOUL PLA\ HI* Taxes Raised. 'll, August 12.—James J. Hill’s property assessment was ,*** ,r °™ $138,000 to $200,000 by the > r d of equalization. Mayor Smith ' u< ' 0l >ly one who did not care to • -astliy in railing the assessment H ut ,B treat shops and brought worktnp n In this dty, and ■ » t think we should discourage him n-iag on taxes,” said the mayor. pro,p 't was of no avail, and Mr. ■' cited In. _ Banqust to «ir Thomas Llpton. ‘tv York, Auguat 11—The dfree- * cf th « Maritime Exchange gave a option and banquet to Sir Thomas •in today at the exchange, Sir _ :eu * *»« greeted' enthusiastically ■'I he waa Introduced to the 1 Of President Percent «n President Parsons, to whoa* h* responded briefly. He n net th, members to haarty hand r* 18 * reception. Police Trying to Locate Missing Cash ier of an Ohio Bank. Cincinnati.. August 11.—The police after searching for two dars have been unable to locate John K. Brown, the cashier of the Union Bank at New Hol land. Pickaway county, Ohio. Brown boarded a train for Cincinnati last Saturday but he has not been aeen here. The hank was unable to open at New Holland yesterday as Brown had the eiyiliinatlon. and dispatches received here stale that there Is great excitement in New Holland today. It Is stated that the deposits at this time approximate $200,000, and it Is believed the money will all he found In the bank vaults when experts from this city arrive and open the safe. Cashier Brown stood very high, and the general Impression Is that he has met with foul play. Problem of Convlcta Hat Been Settled by the House. Atlanta. August 6.—-By a bare consti tutional majority the bouse succeeded yesterday In passing a convict bill a substitute for the Clements bill, which bore the names of Messrs. Howell, cf Meriwether, and Knight, of Berrien, and which went through by a vote of 88 to 77. The question was -decided with com parative!/ little debate, the greater part of the morning session being ednsumed In taking votes. The yea and nay vote was taken three times on practically the same proposition. The measure which tho house pass ed makes few changes of consequenco In the present lease system with the exception cl providing for an increas ed price for the convicts and prohibit ing subletting. There Is a provision relative ic letting short term convicts to counties for road work at $120 per year, but It is generally thought there will be few counties. It any, to take advantage of It. Tho principles of the bill arc- generally in. accord with those of the measure which bore the name of Mr. Sted, of Taylor, and ho assented t< this substitute and voted for Its rassage. The opponents of the loaso system died nard. They fought every Inch of ground yesterday. The Clements bill wa> the order of the day, and sev eral substitutes and amofnlments were offered as was expected. The Clem ents alii, which has passed the sen- ate, was simply a measure providing for the ie-enactment of the present system without change. Several measures of Importance and Interest were considered and acted on at yesterday’s session of the general judicial committee of the house. The committee recommended favor ably a bill by Mr. Little, of Hancock, to amend tbe general tax act so aa to put a tax of $23 for every 125 mllea traveled, In ono direction only, of ex cursions given by private parties. This does not apply to excursions of reli gions and benevolent societies. Another bill favorably recommended waa by Senator Duncan, of th* thirty- •Ixtb, and provides for an amendment to section 983 of the code so aa to change the amount of bonds given by state depositories. This- measure pro ▼Ides that bonds given by such de positories ahtll cover the amount de posited with them, and at no it I mo shall the deposit excess the amount of the -bond. Tho present bond re quired Is $30,000. One of the liveliest discussion* pro voked by k local bill at (fie present sea- lion of the general assembly, oame op in the house yesterday afternoon when the Rome dispensary blU was read s third time to be placed on Its pass sea This bill provides for submitting a vote of the people the question o1 repealing tbe law under which the present dispensary in Rome waa creat ed sad tbe barroom* abollabed. Hon, Seaborn Wright, of Floyd, was tha au thor of the bill under whclh the dis pensary was created and the light be fore, tbe fccuse temperance committee; In which he took n prominent part, will be recalled. Tbe committee re ported tae bill favorably, four *f It* members signing n minority report Governor Jelks Issues a proclaim; Ucn ordering that books selteted by uniform text-book commission be used Ir. public schools of Alabama. Tobacco prices la North Carolina have declined and plantar* attribute it to tho trust sod next year they will not plan: so much. Andrew Carnegie ha* given $2,600,- 000 to Dumberline, Scotland, where hi was born. Pope Plus X has decided that he will be drowned In SL Peters, which la a concession to the qtflrlnel. without furtner demy. ! w »•- The ayes and nays were called, ami court* fri ths result that the bUl was passed j wh!c n had passed by the large majority stated. The bouse yeeterday pasted aa ap propriation of $6,006 for the Wlnnl* Davis memorial at the state normal school at Athena, passed the state board of health bill, passed |the adju tant general Mil and tha anti-pistol bill, and transmitted all of these meas ures at cnee to the senate. The senate adjourned yesterday un til Monday at 10 o'clock, having com pleted tbe con at deration of alMmalneee on tbe secretary's desk, and after bar ing fixed th* eoarict blU as the apo dal order for Monday morning's ses sion. •uages t*.j£J HANDICAPPED. The man who started to run a race In chains and fetters STORM SIGNALS FLYING. •Tfce praia* I would 1 Medical Discovery • I c MQq of i jojh Mifmn'Street, 1 Vessels Off Florida Coast Warned of Approaching Hurricane. x Washington, Auguat II.—Th* weath er bureau tMa morning furnished tha following to tk# Associated Press: “Tho hurricane that appeared east off the earbadoea Aag. 8 is approach - ~ Ing Cuba from tbe Caribbean sea end ! • - -- will probably recurve nortwart near the Florida peninsula. Vassals hers been warned of dangerous stoma In the gulf, south Atlantic and Cuban wnters during th* uext II hour*. Hun rtcane signals bar# been ordered for east gulf and Florida norta " would be visibly handicapped. No one would expect him to succeed. The man who runs the race of life when hi* digestive and nu tritive organs are diseased is equally handicapped. In the one case his strength is over weighted, in the other it is uuder- ined. Success demands above else a sound stomach. f Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. $3,000 FORFERIT will be paid by World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, Proprietors, Bnffalo, N. Y., if they cannot show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testi monial below, and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness. " like to give your ‘ Golden . — j, wseSsor •I wis taken' with what on phyakfunTWe said waa Indian!ton. I dociored with th* best around here aad fouwd no relief. 1 wrote to youand you aeat me a question biaaklodUouL House Does a Little Business of All Sorts. Atlanta, August 7.—Tile house of representatives did a little of nil sorts yesterd ly. Mr. Mills, of Cherokee, set the ball rolling lty a personal privilege speech, in which he resented the rtatement In an afternoon paper to the effect th * ho had disappeared on account ot the lobby investigation. Mr. Kidds, of Dooly, tried to secure the passage of a resolution excluding from the houso floor all outsiders not entitled to the privileges. Tho reso lution was not passed. fse Louse paeio! hy a big majority the Macon annexation bill. Matty ilsconitos were on the floor of the houso to hear the debate aud catch the result * The convict bill was ordered tra-ns- mittod »t once to the senate, where opponents c£ the present lease system will endeavor to have It amended. WlthouiTaa adverse vote the hous passed the bill of Mr. Morris, of Cobb, to provide for tho creation at a confed erate memorial board, which will cars for and Improvo the condition of ths of the confederate cemeteries of Gear, gla. The senate, by a vote of 34 to 4, yesterday passed tho house bill provid ing for state uniformity of text-books, The committee on education had re ported several minor .amendments soq?o of them suggested By the au thou of the boas* bill, and these were adopted. Thero Is but little difference between the senate and the house upon the measure os It stands, and thass will, In all likelihood, be cleared away either by the adoption of the amended bill by tho house or in conference. Senator MoMIchee! endeavored t« secure action upon his blits proridtai that solicitors general should be pul upon a salary. As opposition devel oped to these measures they were also tabled. ' Tho senate passed tho bill of Ben* tor Park to prohibit the sale of stocks ot goods In bulk without five days’ no tlce, tbe object of this being to protect credltoi a against fraud. A MU of Senator Hudson was alsc passed. This provided an amendment to section 4863 of volume 2 of th« code of 1895 so ea to provide for and author!?.' tbe Judges of the sufteriol court of this state to Issue writs ol mandamus against the several board! of commissioners of roads and rev* nues of the several counties of thli state whereby law jurisdiction and so pe|vistor of the public roads are vest ed in such boards of commissioner! In such counties. - <5,000 i unanimous vote, was amended house so aa to Increase the the governor from <3,000 to I then promptly defeated. The amendment Increasing the gov ernor's salary was adopted by a vote tf 69 to 53. The vote by which the blit a a* defeated waa 74 to 77 against While not providing tor a constitu tional amendment, tha measure was one which required under constitution al provision a two-thirds majority, or In th* house 117 vote*. It lacked 41 votes of passing that body. LOBBY INVESTIGATION. brine cured." , . trouble or I odiratioo sow. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, sent firtt on receipt of stamps to cover expense of mailing only. Twenty-one . one-ccnt stamps for the book in paper coven, or 31 stamps tor the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buflalo, N. Y. Beard of Health Bill Is Passed by th* House. Atlanta, August 8—The lio-.ue yes terday afternoon parse i by a vets o! 116 to 1! one of the moat impounnt measures o' tho session, providing for the ere tlcn of n state board of health to consist of seven members, to be rppointcl hy the governor, four of whom shall lie physlclada. One member :s to bo the secretary at eatery of $2,000 and his duties are to be practically these of n state health c nicer. This is a substitute bill prepared under the direction of a.committee of Georgia physician* and approved by Governor Terrell and Attorney Gen eral Han. Mr. Slaton, of Fulton, made a brief speech in favor of th* measure when it came up yesterday, calling atten tion to the great need for each a board, and the fact that only three states In th* nnloo—Georgiy Idaho aad Arisons—are now without state board* of health.' Dr.- Hardman, of Jackson, explained the features of the Mil end 1 that it contemplated very little dltnre with a great amount of benefit to the state. Dr. Whitley, of Douglas, antnor of the original measure pro posing a state board of health,, like wise spoke briefly In Its favor. Mr. Dunbar, of Richmond, nod Mr. Hall, ot Bibb, both made short spooches In behalf of tha MU. Mr. Hall stating that It was time Georgia was adopt ing some legislation on this line; it might take several years to perfect It. hg salJ*, but a start should be mail-t Remaining Day* of Session Will Ba Busy Ones. Atlanta, Angust 10.—The three re maining day* of the legislative session will, no doubt be hard worldng days, the main matters of Interest bring the settlement of the convict question and the repost of the lobby Investigation committee. The house has passed tho last bill originating In that -body that can go through the senate the present session and it has now only to deal with senate bills, measures from the upper hous* which have been piling up and to which, up to the present time, the bouse has given little attention. It Is usually tho way that action on een- ate bills is postponed until the last mlnuto, particularly If tho house baa a full calendar, and this year there have boon more Mils than bavo evof appeared before within the recollection of any one of those connocted with former legislatures Tho result is sonata bills havo had to wait, and there has boon no little complaint from member* of the upper house on this ground. But thoy will go through with a rush during the next three days, since thore I* nothing now to Inter fore with them. Among tho senato measures are sev eral Important - constitutional amend ments which, tf they are to be sub mitted to tho people at the next elec tion, must be passed at this session In order to bo advertised the requisite time. Ono of those is tho bill limit ing tho tax rato to 5 mills, whlcb will probably be considered as a apodal order today. Both bottle* originally passed a -bill of this kind by Mr. Tig- nor, of Muscogee, .but It was returned by tbe governor, for the correction ol what was considered an error. Mr.|A1 TIgner did not consider there was any « error In his bill, but. In tbe Interests of time, welcomed the passage of tha senato bill in order that legislation might be had on this subject at the present session. It la quite certain the house will amend the bill so aa to limit the tax rate to 6 mills for all purposes, including the sinking fund, wMch is not Included In that amount In the senate bill. Another Important constitutional amendment bill, which has passed th* senate, la that providing for a court of appeals constating or five judges. Another Interesting senato MU la that Increasing the aalariee ot Judge* of the supreme court to <4,000, and of judges of the superior court to <1,000 a year. This measure baa received a favorable report from the general Ju diciary committee of the house, and there le strong probability of Its pas* age. House Hears With Amusement Sum mary Bribery Charge*. Atlanta, Auguat 12.—In the house of representative* Jnst before th* ad journment ot the afternoon session yesterday was read the report of the special Joint committee appointed to Investigate th* chargee ot lobbying In the general assembly. Oreat Interest was manifested in the report, and when Chairman John M. Platon, of the committee oh the part ot the house, presented It as “the report of a privileged committee" the conversation that had been general on the floor during the passage of senate bill* ceased and- every member IlFteued Intently to the reading of th (paper by Clerk John T. BolfeuUlet. Special interest-was manifested In that portion of th* report whlob dealt with the testimony of Representativ* W. D. Mill*, ot Cherokee, relative to the offer ot <500 for his influence against the child labor bill, and an other, time what amounted to aa of fer of <100 If he would change his vote for speaker. This was the only evi dence as to criminal lobbying which the committee found, and- owing to tbe fact that none of the guilty parties could be Identified by Mr. Mills or others, the committee made no recom mendation regarding It. Some amuse- . ment was manifested on the part of th-> members during the reading ot this portion of the report, and there waa at times considerable Indulgence in laughter. At the conclusion of the reading of tho report Representative E. R. one, of Dougherty, moved that an agpro- print Ion of 90 cents be made from the treasury to pay the oxpensos ot discovering tho party who had attempt ed bribery of one of tbe membors, and who, he was sure, from statements made, was nono other than Brown Hen, the man connected with the ,'HT Myerr-murder case, who waa never discovered. Get Tobacco Rebate Money. Bltmlnghani. Ala., Auguat 12.—About bo distributed to tobacco dealers itrAlabima title week, and ot this amount about <28,000 will go to dealer*' ln3effer*on county. Collec tor of Internal Revenue Joseph O. Thompson yesterday afternoon receiv ed warrant* from tbe commissioner of Internal revenue In Wtashlngton for the rebate tobacco claim* for Alabama peracn*. This la the refunded tax on tchacco, .the war revenue tax having been abolished n yaer ago. A number of large wholesale firms In the state will receive over 1120,000. The war rant* are being mailed by the collector to the different firm*. Bill Limiting Tax Rat* Is Passed by the House. _ 1 h0UM of amok* sought the exit at Lea Char- ' ’ ~ fary K0B<1 1 onnes station. But the tunnel makes Terrible Mrrr of Bodies. Further on the n—t ten stumbled np- on a terrible mas. ot bodies. These were the passongera of tb* burned train. They bad leaped from tSe coaches when tho fire broke out and groping through the suffocating clouds representatives did day’s business yesterday in spite of the fact that considerable time was spent In quibbling. Tbe house passed on many matter* yeeterday. b passed th* bill to limit the tax rote to 5 mills, defeats! the bill to Increase the salaries of judges of the superme and superior courts, parsed the bill to prevent the fraudu lent cnie of stocks of goods in bulk, anj the amendment to the franchise tax law. passed the hilt permitting certain railroads to straighten out their kinks, an! acted favorably or unfa vorably ca quite a number of other sen- «* measure* of lrsicr Importance. The house parsed the I’crry or the senate bill by substitute, the differ ence being that the subetltute limits the tax rate to 5 mill* for all pnrposcs. Including the linking fund, while the bill pasted by the senate did not In clude the sinking fund, but permitted aa extra levy for tbe purpose of rais ing tbe annual 8100,000 to pay off bonds. The house put .Its foot down bard yesterday on the proposition to In crease th* salaries of Judge* of tbe supremo and superior courts and ot the governor. The Mil by Senator Cbmaa, propos ing to Increase the aalariee of Jus tices ot tha auoreme court from .<8,000 a sharp turn near the scene of th* dis aster, and at tha angle the entire mass of humanity apparently became tight ly wedged. The panic which took place at this point wtthln this dark subterranean passage must have been terrible. Tbo corpses from this death angle soon swelled the list until at 8:* o’clock this morning Prefact Lapina placed a number of victims at 48 al ready recovered, while the steady 1 of firemen brlnglag Op bodies contin ued. Prefect Leplne summoned force of doctor* and municipal dais, who superintended th* remov al of the bodies. The number of eorpaea brought up from the where the mast waa wadged, was t largo that tour and eight bodies we: placed in each ambulance. Maay 1 tbe victim* bad handkerchiefs ed la their mouth*, having tried to keep' out th* tsphyxlatlni Some women held their < iron tightly In their ansa. Receipts and Disbursements. Washington, August 11.—Nation* bank notes received today for rede tioq, $712,558; government ff«fl Into fail rovonuo, <168,487; tomj, $9SO,500; tnMbejlaenoua, $36,758, expenditures, <V8l0,b00. angle • chll- The color of seventy year? in your | VjrrClVi h air ? Perhaps you are seventy, and «7 „y°u like your gray hair! If not, use Ayers Hair Vigor. In less than a month ycur gr„y hair will be rich ar.d dark. Il iiJiImH