Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, September 04, 1903, Image 1

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MERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. rf.rli™ AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1903. NUMBER 18 East Lake, Ala., Dec. 8th, 1902. .A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. pear Sir:—This is-to certify that on Au- it 1st I went to Verbena, Ala., to hold a es of meetings. Was at that time, and been for six weeks prior, so feeble I was |y able to preach. Mr. F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, with whose family I was stop- g, kindly offered me three bottles of nson’s Chill and Fever Tonic, gratis. I pted, and began the use of the Tonic at i. Within three weeks 1 was was much tter. In three weeks I had taken the tree bottles of Tonic and was fully well. [Took no other medicine then nor since, and in better health and heavier than for past fifteen years. J. M. McCORD, Pastor Verbena Baptist Church. OF CRIME IN THE GOAL FIELDS I Holly McGuire Broth* rhood Still Strong. |WSTERI0US TRAGEDIES. Iron Police and Dcteetivei lined to Believe that Some ind Organization la Reepon- Crimes. ■Per rk. Srpt. 2— Continued crlm- the anthracite coal fields km Pennsylvania has not only 11 feeling tf Insecurity among (dents or the poorly protected 1 districts, but tha authorities Bln? very much puzzled over try surrounding the numer In* committed here accord- ecial dispatches from Tama- pt! and iron police and detec- psre that the spirit of Molly 1 Brotherhood la as strong In localities as during the early «h<-n crime was rampant lat the coal fields. 1 mystery surrounding sev- :o*ckc<l and bloody trundles . Columbia and Lackawanna t Is believed that some oath ftclntloa la rocponalble for The police of Colum- ' hive already arrested aev- JEALOUS, HE KILLS WOMANAND SELF Shocking Double Tragedy In New York City. HE PROPOSED AN .ELOPEMENT. Tl -E WITH BURGLAR8. I Sheri ft Kills One, Wounda An- 1 ''her. Captures Two. i UI. Sept 2.—Deputy Sher- J- Cook, early today shot enc burglar, probably fa- aded a second and captured '•■"'“'I them trying to break [|_ c,nt Imusc at Baldwin's park sr-d a desperate fight fol- ; Cock escaped Injury. 15 ar '' suppose! to have be- wog who hav * oen active M weeks In this section, and lb had been on uie watch for Ay man who was killed had Cook with a corn knife, but Maggie the deputy managed “ wrolver and fire, the ball man's side, killing him *-°o?'ng the second man’ ' c d by Charles Crowley, f ’ au: "'ey soon captured tha p* m.-n ins fro m Paullat Order, l’* Hept. 2.—Tha Rov. Put- w B phT - C- 8. p„ haa resigned . * uUl " erdar in this city, ti. ,rom the ohltga- York archdiocese toy t v“. ?! Kat *»er Deahon, aupe- stf** Order, and Arch- In London. Sept. 2.—Tuesday prer- he hottest days of the year "" a dispatch from that I. Iu 'ffd. only a few days r ' rat ur« fell to within an distance of tho freezing tho sudden change was "cpUonsl degree. . Many teitrauon ware reported. Henry F. Edson, Killa Mrs^Pullen in Presence of His Wife and Then Turns Weapon Upon Himself—Son ..of Former Mayor Franklin Edson. New York, Sept. 2.—iHenry F. Ed son, 30 years old, shot and killed Mrs. Fymny Pullen, 33 years of age, today and then shot and killed himself. The double tragedy occurred at Edson's residence. Tho murderer and suicide was Hen ry Townsend Edson, aged 39 years, a son of Former Mayor Franklin Ed son, and a brother of Dr. Cyrus Ed son. Edson Is said to have been In sanely jealous of the woman and want ed her to go away with him. The shooting occurred In tho pres ence of Dr. David O. Edson, tho sui cide's brother, his wife, Mrs. Henry T. Edson and s baggage mover named Thomas Wood. The Ed sons have liv ed’together for a number of months. Today Henry T. Bison was to vacate and leave the city for a short time. According to tha police and Woods, Edson had begged Jlrs. Pullen to elope with him. Dr. Edson told his brother that he should bo ashamed of himself to make such a proposal In the presence of his wife. Townsend Edson became wildly excited and kept entreating Sirs. Pullen to go to anther state with him. When Woods entered the house he says he saw Townsend point bis re volver toward Mrs. Pullen and heard him say to her: 'You must go with me. if you don't elope with mo I'll see that you go with me anyway.'* • Then Townsend fired two shots in quick succession. The first struck Mrs. Pullsn In tha right side of the forehead and the second bullet plough ed through the left check, tearing the flash. Mrs. Pullon then ran a few steps when she fell. Edson then turned the revolver on himself, firing two shots. The first shot went through bis head, the second entered the left breast near the heart. He dropped to the floor, his hesd railing across the woman's feet. Both died almost in stantly. TORCH APPLIED TO GHRISTIANJILLAGES Three Hundred Insurgents Hilled In Monastir. PEOPLE FLEEING FROM TOWN8. It Is n6t Known Whether Bulgarians ..or Albanians Are Perpetrators el tho Numerous Outrages—Port# Is sues Note. Constantinople. Sept 1.—Official re- ports say that 300 insurgents wore killed or wousded during the fighting which occurred last week in the vila yet of Monastir. The ports has sent a memorandum to the Austrian and Russian ambassa, dors here pointing out that at the re cent mass meeting od Macedonians in Sofia, Bulgaria, It was decided to send fresh bonds Into Macedonia and also celling attention to ths tact that ram* mttteos In Bulgaria were supplying the insurgonts with arms and ammuni tion by means of ships which land their cargoes on the coast In the vi cinity of Iniada. Consular dispatches from Prishtina, near the Servla frontier, confirms the reports that nearly all the Christian villages In tho districts of Dibra, G miles from Monastir, and Glcevo/have been pillaged and burned and that the Inhabitants have fled. It Is not stated whether Albanians or Bulgari ans were the perpetrators of the out rages. In spite of the gravity of the gen\ oral situation, optimism prevails In Turkish circles. In the course of the audiences which the Oerman ambas sador, Baron Hlrschal Von Bleher- stein, and ths Russian ambassador, M. Zinevleff, have had with the sultan, for the purpose of recommending more energetic action and entrusting to the Turkish commander In chief full di rection of the military operations, the aultan replied that he preferred to re tain control at Constantinople. UNCLE SAM TAKING ENERGETIC MEASURES FIRES OF REVOLT^ <IN ISTHMUS REVOLT ARLAZE ON ISTHMUS! "'FMS IMMINENT | / Turkey Cannot Trifle With Large Quantities Munitions Probable Result of the Canal Amerioan Interests. of War on Hove. SHE HAS SHOWN BAD FAITH. GENERAL HERERA IN COMMAND. It Is Believed that the American Na val Demonstration In tho Turkish Waters Will Cause Immediate Sot Moment of Rinding Disputes. Constantinople, Sept 1.—The ports has notified Minister Lelschman that five arrests bare been made at Beirut la connectlop with the shooting which led to the report that William O. Magelsseo, ths United States vies and deputy consul there had been assaesi- sd. The Turkish officials continue to Insist that no attempt was made on the vice consul's life, and they assert that the whole story originated In a feu-de-Jole fired on the occasion ef a natty marriage and In accordance VILLAGE ATTACKED. Turks Massacre Entire Population at Sterlovoi Sofia, Sept. 1—A strong force ol Turkish Infantry, cavalry and artil lery recently attacked the village ol Sterlovoi, northward of Malkoternovo, which had been occupied by Ineur- gents. The latter retired after which the Turks entered the place, massa cred the entire population and destroy ed the village. Prince Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, has arrived at Euxlnograde, Bulgaria, whero he has been joined by Premier Petroff. The prince Is expected to remain there for some time There la a Qenersl Mustering In the Mountain Villages Preparatory Joining Organized Revolt Cauted by Rejection of Canal Treaty, New York, Sept 1.—Travelers from Panama report the isthmus with fires of a new revolution, accord ing to a Time* dispatch from San Jots, Costs Rica. The Indians (have boen and ths lata followers of General Ben jamin Herara are mustering Into the mountain villages preparatory to Join ing an organised revolt cauied by ths rejection of the Panama canal treaty. Hundreds of stacks of arm confls* cated by the Colombian government at ths close of ths late revolution have reappeared from some mysterious source. With the arm goes ammu nition fresh from factories, showing ths movement Is not spasmodic, hut carefully planned. Travelers. from Panama to TUsnta Arenas ssy that In Panama It Is re ported that General Herera has disap peared from bis home near Bogota and he ie presumed to he on his way to ths Isthmus. If this Is true Korora probably will again assume command of the revolutionary forces and cut his tot with the Isthmian people, as^ was hit Intention had the late revo lution terminated in favor of the lib eral party. General Vlctorlnano Lorens, who Treaty Bejeotion. BY THE COLOMBIAN COWORE H Is Sa\d that Only Vigorous Aotlon on tho Part of the Government Can Prevent an Outbreak—Osneral Guar- tss May Have Influence. Hew York, August 31.—The spirit of revolution Is gaining In fores on the Isthmus os the result of tho rojootion of the canal treaty by tbe Colombian congress at Bogota, say* a Times die- Only vigorous action on the part of the government can prevent an out* break, tbe correspondent assarts, end It Is doubtful whether such aotlon U possible. Oenoral Ouartas, commandant at Fort OblriquI and vtrtua.'y ths oomr mender of all the government foross. In and around Panama, Is' at this time the only officer to whoa the goven. meat may look with any hope of check* ing any revolutionary spirit. Bren he Is a warm sympathizer with tbs canal project As for ths naval force, It la practi cally controlled by Americans or pro* American Englishmen. They form the gunning; navigating and engineering forces. COOL 8UMMER IN OOTHAM. * Alleged Outlaw in the Tolls. Havre, Mont., August 31.—Frank Baker, a cowboy, has been arrested on a Great Northern passenger train at Malts, on suspclon of bolng connected with the cun-y gang of outlaws, who It Is alleged had planned to hold up the westbound flyer at Wtagner Sunday afternoon. Two man, said to be Bs- kor’s companions, became frightened at the large number of armed officers entering tbe express car and made their escape. Inspector Hall, who made the arrest, is said to have se cured strong evidence against Baker. FofO WHO OAMMOT BE OUREO. Colima Volcano Active. Mexico City, Sept. 2.—Colima voles no continues Intermittently active. Monday there was a terrific report and the people of Tuxpan rushed out of doors In a panic. Scientists believe tbe mountain will radically change its shape. New Steamship Company Formed. Hew York, Sept. 2.—A new steam- »Alp company has been organized to engage In cosst-wlso business between this country end 'Panama under the Peruvian flag, says a dispatch to Ths Herald from Lima, Per* Plague Cases Decreasing, Hew York, Sept. 2.—The bubonic plague which has been ragtag In Iqni- qus Is now steadily declining, ^cord ing to a Herald dispatch from Valps. rtaso do Chi'* . of remarkable and uniform cures, such aa no other remedy Mr the diseases and a-eakncaaru peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription now fleet fully warranted in offering to pay tfao in legal money of the United States, for any case of Lencorrbea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair ana reasonable trial of their means of cure. They have the most remarkable record of cures made by this world-famed remedy ever placed to the credit of any prepara tion especially designed for tbe cure of woman > peculiar ailments. A beautiful Georgia lady. Vice-President of the l-a-t Knd palmetto Club, of Karannah, and prominent socially there, relates the following esnerience: * You certainly hare produced the finest medicine for Buffering women that is to be had in the country. I want to recommend it especially t9 mothers. I was seventeen years old when my darling boy was born. Pelt very exhausted and weak for a long time, and it mined I could not get my strength hack. My sinter iii-taw bought me a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Pnvorile Prescription (after I had tried srvcrmt of the other remedies which are so much ail- ecrlined, and found no relief). I had Utile faith in the medicine at the time and was so weak and nick that I felt discouraged, but within a week alter I had commenced taking jroar * Pre- script!,-* -1 was like a different woman. 7-lew life an.reitaiity nee riled to come with each suc ceeding dav. until, in a few weeks, I wan in fine health, an-1 a happy, hearty aromas. My boy is now two years old, and, thanks to your splen did medicine, I am enloying perfect health. If at any time I feel tired or in need of a tonic, a few doses of your ’ Paeoeile fyevcrtption ’ re- Mr*, fiesta Williams. To Dr. R. V. Pierce. Duffalo, t». V.' Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There it nothing Must aa good " for dtseanen of tbe stomach, bicod and lungs. Tbe Common Settle Medical Adviser, looS large pages in paper covers, is sent ftte on receipt of at onc-cent stamps to R y expense of mailing only. Address . R. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a ladles’ laxative. No other medicine equals them far gentleness and thoroughness. WILLIAM a MAGELSSCV. to customs. Mr. iLelzchmao, how ever, refuses to accept such an expla nation wtbout conclusive proof that tbs Judicial Investigation continues. Burning of Amerioan Collage. . The attempt to bum tho Amsrlcsn college at Kharput occurred five weeks ago and apparently was the work of an individual' who considered he had a grievance against the college author Ities. When Mr. Lelschman was in formed of the attempt he demanded that (he porta protect the American Institution, and as a consequence of hit representations. Instructions were sent to the authorities at Kharput to try in the regular courts tho charges against 50 Armenians accused of traf ficking In arms and engaging In other seditious acts. Among the accused Is Professor TonckedJIan of the Amer lean college, whose treatment in prls- on ponding his trial, was so ordered to be Improved. Mr. Lelschman is pressing for a definite settlement of a number of matters on which agree ments were reached with the Turkish authorities last year but which, In spite of frequent promises on the part of tbe ports have never been execut ed. For Instance, a naturalized Amer lean Ie still In prison at Tripoli, Syria, although the ports has frequently In formed Mr. Lelschman that ths author ities at Beirut who have Jurisdiction ever Tripoli had -been ordorad to lib- ante him. Yesterday Mr. Lelschman received a telegram from Rear Admir al Cotton, dated from Genoa, Italy, Sunday evening, announcing that the United'States warships Brooklyn and San Frandaeo would arrive off Beirut at ths end of this week. PRESIDENT TO MAKE TRIP. Passes In History aa Coldest Recorded by Weather Bureau. Hew York. August 31.—With the was banished to Cocoa after the Ltb* j last day of tbe month, the summer of qrri toifces last December haa off- 1903 In New York paasee into hlitory caped and presumed to be in the u the coldest recorded by tho weath- marshes making his way back to the ar bureau. Isthmus. Lorenso had 7,000 Indians Jnne reached the record of 1881. July In his following, and It is believed Vas Juat a little bit off normal, but not he will have little dffflcuKy In rallying' enough to keep Its fellow months the old .forces If he succeds In making of th0 mnmiw . from taking the aver* hU way -back to San Carlos or to any age temperature a fraction below the contiguous point. From Chorrers flgur8 Tetc hed In 1897. comes the report that he is In the lo- j The average temperature during, callty mustering the Indian* |At! June> ymy *n 4 August, flg- Boujouka Colonel Arcouca Is in com- nr!ng the laat day of th , praaent mend of well mobilized forces. momh , t th0 normal, was 89 degrees In 1897, the average temperature was rocordod at three-quarters of a degree higher. The average temperature dur- Will Visit Syracuse to Attend Opening | ng August has been 69.5 degroes, near- New York Ststo Fair j 1y two degrees lower than the lowaet Oyster Bay. Sopt. l.-^rrangements tke "*" ntk ® ver r *» chcd - *■ practically have been completed for 1897 »" d the president's trip to Syracuse to at- Jr8 * r the temperature average for Au- teiid on Monday, Sopt. 7, Labor Day. * U8t waj r€Cordwl •* 71 d *EW*s- the opening of tie New SUUWr“S,' „ Mariner, of the old-fashioned school will be accompanied by s small party.. htT ® Iook . ed President Rooaevelt will leave Oya- ~»duct of the element, during the la* ter- Bay on the night of tho sixth, ar-, tbir « r <*•*■ *> ut the Inhabitant, of ten- riving at Syracuse Monday morning. have enjoyed the coolness At 10 o'clock hi will review a groaf wh,ck tor ?'l« ht w0 ® »• numerous sum- Labor Day parade. Shortly bofore Ber t’ 01 ® 1 ke ® perg ' noon ha will be escorted to the stats' RgFUQEES ARRIVE AT URUMKA. fair grounds, where he formally will j open the fair and deHver his Labor Fl(d From M „ lkol i rnov , , B fac , of Day address Returning to the city T(jrk|ih p|rl taler In the afternoon th. president) ^ st.-o^ntroa nt . will review the parade of toe '^tter from ualtkotlrnov! and zurround- carriers. In tbs evening Frank 8.1 v__. «, it..,.—1,. £ ,cock aTh'I? 1 ™ ( Ss**™*V5J2TS™* the president President Roosevelt s ^ (arr |son fired upon the Bulgarian Bsv^arrlvlna*^ere on'th^mornfo'v nf Plln °f MeMcotlmrv! with tbe object Bay; arriving here on tho morning of creat | ng BB | lr - : : ion that a rov- ° 1>l ' “' . I olution waa In progress. • Strict Tonsorlal Laws. I The P rof ® ct - A “B- 21 . zummoned thd Hew York. Sept. l.-The Flow taw Bulgarian notables^ MaltkoUrnov. regulating barber shops has become * Bd mdctvored to force them to sign operative and beginning today any ton-, * atatement that ths insurgent* wars sorts! artist in New York state c.vugbt ***• W®** 0 *,. The notables refused shaving a customer without washing to do ®°* * nd ,h ® flr,t ,n * ,l who v® - his hands In warm water and soap, or, flwed WM han * od following day. using a powder puff, or a towel on RIO DE JANERIO WRECK. Judge DeHaven Fixes Awards Vo Be Glvea Claimants. San Francisco, Sept. 2.—Judge Da Haven, of the United States district court has fixed ths swards to bo giv- en the claimants to receive damages against the Pacific Steamship compa ny on account of ths lots of the steam er Rio de Janeiro.. The ship went down on the morning ef February 22, 1901, after striking a rock just outside of Golden Gats. She waa a tout Iota and nearly tail tbs geo. pis on board were frowned. Bach claimant will receive shout 83 per cent of the amount xnsd for. Murderer Knapp Refused New Trial. Hamilton, O., Sept t—Judge Belden today refnxsd a new trial for Alfred A. Knapp, the eelf-confexxed murderer of two of bis wives end three'other vtctlmx. The court fixed Sec. 13 for ths execution. Knapp took ths deci sion with Indifference and mads no ktatement He wlU bs taken to Co lumbus for electrocution. more than one person without Its hav* Ing been washed, will be subjected to Imprisonment and lino. No slum or other astringent may be used In stick form to stop the flow of blood. Ths use of spongoj Is strictly forbidden. Ex-Congressman Drigg’s Csss. Hew York, Sept. 2.—Counsel for ex- Congressman Edmund H. Driggs, who under Indictment In connection with the postoffice frauds, has filed In tho United States circuit court, Brooklyn, brief as ts the constitutionality co der which the Indictments were found. Tho contention ts that Driggs did not qualify .as member of congress until Dec. 4, 1399, while ths money or check from tbe cash register company men tioned In ths csss was given In May ‘ that year. uraln Merchants Join Interests. Baltimore, August Sl.^PEllsdelpbla grain exporters have Joined with tbe Baltimore merchants In the movement to prevent the further divisions of tbe western grain trade to Montreal and other Canadian porta and a con ference win bs held In Philadelphia next Tuesday and Wednesday to do- ▼tse a plan of action. New York and Boston merchants are expected also to be represented. Motive for Murder Dlecovorsd. Ban Francisco, August 81.—Patrick Leary haa confessed to relations of in timacy with Mrs. Martha Powers, and the police are confidflent that they bavo at last dlacovored a motive for the death of Martin Bowers. It Is bs- Usved, however, that Leary has by no means disclosed all be knows. Th* landlady where Leary lived was ques tions! as to Leary's movements dun Ing ths early part of last week, and said that h* had not been horns sine* Tuesday. Tho prisoner than admit ted, after some reluctance, that ha was at tha Bowers house In company with Mts. Bowerz. Mrs. Bowers when confronted with tbe statement of Leary ary taken completely aback for the mVtaent, but finally admitted It was true. _______ Probably Lost at 8ea. New York, Sept. 1.—Marshal Sad- done and Charles Hendricks, two . young clrit engineers who went os sn excursion In a 20-foot naptha launch from the Brooklyn Yacht club Sunday expecting to return the same evening, are believed to hava lost their lives In the sough.ska of that day. Seddoas (a the only son ef Marshal L. Sod dons, ones a prominent turfman of Clncln- aatl, who now resides tn Hew York. . Shot at Crew; Killed Daughter. Oat (go, Mich., Sopt. 2.—Duncan Swan, a farmer, had been troubled with crows In his corn. Yesterday he saw ths corn moving and think- Ing crows were in the patch, .Un charged his shotgun at tho moving com and killed his daughter Mary. 7 T 1.1 Pure and rich blood carries new life to ii eaiUl evef y P att Of the body.. You are invig orated, strengthened, refreshed. That's what Ayer’s Sarsaparilla will do for you. Take Ayer’s Pills for constipation or biliousness. It*